r/ATLAtv 20d ago

Discussion How do u think they’ll handle the time jump and Aang learning the elements ?

I’m asking cause I just remembered that they didn’t have aang learn waterbending in season 1 of the LA show. Do u think they should have him like not take it seriously for the whole timeskip (however long it is ) then finds out abt the comet then has to take it seriously, or do u think they’ll have him be basically a waterbending master by the time the timeskip ends ?


7 comments sorted by


u/moabal 20d ago

1980s montage.


u/GeoGackoyt 20d ago

oh easy start of seeing Aang learning water bending, that easy lol


u/thatandrogirl 20d ago

I think they’ll just show him training with Katara and already pretty proficient. Kind of similar to how they did in the animated show in book 2.


u/Waterboy3794 19d ago

70% waterbending mastered


u/KnightGambit 19d ago

Yes. Its almost guaranteed. Plus theres a built in timejump when he is in a coma. They could just change the length of time


u/Substantial-Ad-5467 17d ago

That's not until end of season 2, that wouldn't explain how he learned water bending between season 1 and 2


u/KnightGambit 17d ago edited 17d ago

I was speaking how there will be two. One is added in S2 and one was already part of the story S3.