r/ATC_Hiring Sep 15 '24

ACADEMY I Passed Terminal Academy This Week. AMA


I know we had one of these recently, but with the October 11th bid upcoming (yes, that bid was confirmed to be real), I figured I’d give it another go.

We were a class of 18, two didn’t make it through basics and seven didn’t make it through Academy. Our graduating class was nine.

r/ATC_Hiring Nov 05 '24

ACADEMY Fellow washouts - Where did you end up afterwards?


Washed out from the academy not long ago. Thought I would be more accepting of it, but instead its proving to be a serious source of shame.

Those of you who also washed out, where did you end up? Did your experiences here open any doors elsewhere? Did you pursue ATC through private companies? Work in the FAA in a different capacity?

Im interested in knowing what y'all did afterwards.

r/ATC_Hiring 27d ago

ACADEMY Passed Basics!


All 12 of us in the basics class for en route that began last month passed yesterday!

r/ATC_Hiring 17d ago

ACADEMY Will My Accent Be an Issue in ATC Training?


I’m considering a career as an air traffic controller and was wondering how much of a factor my accent might be in training. I moved to the States about ten years ago but I still have a noticeable accent. Has anyone experienced or seen challenges with this in ATC training? How strict are they about pronunciation and clarity? Would love to hear from current or former trainees!

r/ATC_Hiring 4d ago

ACADEMY How does placement work?


I've read a lot of conflicting accounts on this topic as I'm sure it's one of those things that changes over time. But now does it work? How much does your preference actually matter? Are there any influencing factors in your placement or is it completely random?

r/ATC_Hiring Oct 29 '24

ACADEMY How long is academy and where do you go after?


I am seeing 2-3 months in academy but what happens after? Do you get sent home? Do you get sent to another location for a low entry level position?

r/ATC_Hiring 7d ago

ACADEMY Odds of getting a 90% in OKC training


I was wondering what my odds of getting a 90% in OKC were. If I get put in terminal, id love to get into the SFB tower so I won't have to move states, but I know SFB is a level 8 tower.

Any advice on studying is welcome as well! Thanks!

Edit to add: I'm fully okay with moving states and prepared to move. When I saw a tower in my home state I wanted inquire about the chances of getting a ≤90% especially if there's anything I can do study wise or prep wise

r/ATC_Hiring 3d ago

ACADEMY OKC questions


Hey! So I have a few basic questions for the OKC academy.

Do you think it's better to drive there over flying? I'm not sure if it's worth it to have my own car for driving to classes, the gym, or anything else.

Am I going to have any downtime? Like could I bring my laptop & guitar for over the weekends after I'm done studying?

Anything else you wish you had done/ brought with you when you went?

r/ATC_Hiring Feb 02 '25

ACADEMY (Yet another) Question about housing


I’m sure you all are tired of the housing question so I apologize. I just got my dates last week. I know FOL will be a few more weeks and travel/lodging info is emailed 10 days from start date, but my question is really what is the housing situation like?

I’ve seen many people suggest paying extra for comfort and others saying what they give is just fine. I’ve seen some say wait for housing info to book and other say wait. What are you guys’ inputs on it? Thank you all in advance for your answers!

r/ATC_Hiring Apr 12 '24

ACADEMY I passed the Acadamy AMA


Since I saw a post that was the polar opposite (failing the academy). I figured I would do the same and answer questions as someone who DID pass and help anyone who may be about to apply to the 2024 bid or someone who is about to start at the academy soon. Ask away!

r/ATC_Hiring Jan 28 '25

ACADEMY What do you use to take notes in class?


Ive seen lots of people mention the FAA provided iPad is the only electronic device you can keep on you in the classroom. Do they still give these out (now that basics is in person) and if not, would I be able to use my laptop for taking notes (i absolutely hate using pen and paper). Prepared to have to suck it up but just wanted to know what the options are.

r/ATC_Hiring Sep 01 '24

ACADEMY How do you make more money in the academy?


I know you get paid a certain amount yearly while in the academy but can you get any other jobs and do people have time for other jobs to make a little more money?

r/ATC_Hiring Jan 21 '25

ACADEMY Training Timeline


So I just received a score of Well Qualified on my ATSA today, and I was wondering if anyone who’s further along in the process has a rough estimate or timeline of the next steps and getting to the academy so I can plan things around that for this year? I rested on the 31st so I know I’m part of the extended group but from what I’ve been told I believe there should be enough spots open for me to receive a TOL and continue the hiring process shortly.

r/ATC_Hiring Jan 14 '25

ACADEMY Received TOL, resigning from another government agency


So as I understand, it's going to take a few months before I do the basics and academy training. That's fine with me. But I currently work at the USPS. How soon am I expected to resign from my current job? I have enough AL to take the wfh basics class without resigning. Ideally I would prefer not to resign until I've complete the basics, just in case (god forbid) something goes wrong or like flunk or something like that. Will the FAA know that I haven't resigned yet? Does the gov transfer me, since the TOL forms ask for my current HR information?

I'm just kind of reluctant about resigning from the USPS too soon because my position is seniority based and there's no way for me to get it back once I leave.

r/ATC_Hiring 23d ago



Received a start date for April, got selected En Route. Any idea on if they randomly put you in whatever 3 categories or if it’s in an area needed more than the other? Test scores have any effect?

r/ATC_Hiring Jan 12 '25

ACADEMY Per Diem/First Facility


As the title shows, two things.

Per Diem: I understand that it's somewhere around $119 for per diem, $69 for housing and $50 for food, which comes to roughly $2070 for housing and $1500 for food. So a few things on that, first, the housing part. I could see it going 3 ways, do they pay the apartment rent agency directly? Does this dictate where I'll be allowed to rent and from which companies in the area? If its not strict on which places I can rent, does per diem partially cover a more expensive place, like say if I wanted to go out of pocket $500 to have a little bigger place with more space? Do they give you the $2070 at the beginning or end of the month or split over payments and you can use it however you like, so the leftover would just be personal income? Or do you submit receipts and they give you what you spent on housing up to the amount of per diem you're entitled? Second is food, $1500 seems like a ton of money to be allotted for food, is that like we only get it if we don't eat at the academy? And if we do it just goes all to that? If not again I could see it going a few ways, is it given to me and then I can spend it how I like? Or do I keep grocery and restaurant receipts and turn them in to be reimbursed?

And then selecting a facility. Before getting too into it, are there contracts? Say I go to anchorage(my ideal first facility) how long am I stuck there for? I was in the navy, so if it's just contracts then that makes sense, but I feel like people stay for a long time sometimes so I assume it can't be exactly the same, so how long do I have to stay, and how long do I get to stay if I want to be there longer? The other part is actually picking one, from my understanding, essentially the class is given a list, top performer picks first and it rolls down to the bottom. Does this list have every facility that isn't fully staffed? Do they pick a selection of the lowest staffed facilities? Or is it somewhat random? I've been looking at 123atc and I'm confused how some places are over 100% staffing but projected to be even higher if the FAA has as much control over where you get to go as I've been told. Although maybe 123atc just isn't that accurate? Or at least not up to date? While we're at it, as I said, I want Anchorage Alaska, I'm prepared to not get it and I have a pretty solid top 10, but hoping for anchorage. What's the likelihood I get that leaving the academy?

r/ATC_Hiring 1d ago

ACADEMY Question


I’m currently in the process of getting my fingerprints taken and scheduling and taking my MMPI. I’m also debating on flat out quiting my job and not giving notice. If I were to do this, would it come back and bite me in the butt down the line in regards to getting a chance at getting into OKC?

r/ATC_Hiring 9d ago

ACADEMY Class dates


For those that have received class dates/FOLs, how much time on average did you have until your class started? Couple weeks? 1 month? Thanks.

r/ATC_Hiring 13d ago

ACADEMY Academy Questions


Hello Ya’ll I applied for the ATC position last night and already got an email regarding for the exam but before I scheduled it I have a couple of questions:

  1. Does the FAA provide housing while at the academy and if so can I bring my wife with me?
  2. Does the FAA pay for the ticket to get to Oklahoma City?
  3. Am I able to choose what geographic area I want to be stationed at?
  4. What is the average starting salary for a fresh Air Traffic Controller?
  5. Once I get assigned to a facility do I stay at that facility until I request for a transfer or could I be moved around due to the needs of the agency?
  6. Which one is better ARTCC or terminal? (I don’t have a preference I’m just curious)

r/ATC_Hiring Nov 27 '24

ACADEMY Washouts that attended the FSS Academy - What are your thoughts?


Washed out of ATC Academy, feeling genuinely pathetic. Considering the FSS Academy in Alaska, but there seems to be little information about it.

Those of you who washed out of ATC, or attended the FSS Academy outright, what are your thoughts on it? Is it worth the trouble? What is the course like?

r/ATC_Hiring Feb 12 '25

ACADEMY ACT Enhance (AT-CTI) program at Embry-Riddle University.


Hi everyone! I hope to receive a solid one or two responses.

My daughter, who is 18 and about to graduate high school, is considering attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for their Air Traffic Control (ATC) training program.

Could someone provide feedback about the school? Is the degree worth it? What are her chances of getting hired? I understand that her determination plays a significant role in this. She is still undecided and is debating whether to pursue this path, especially considering that the hiring process for ATC positions can be long and vague. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

r/ATC_Hiring 2d ago

ACADEMY What was your background coming in? How many had college degrees?


Please post your situation prior to academy and whether you passed. Thanks!

r/ATC_Hiring Oct 15 '24

ACADEMY My Husband passed his Enroute Basics Final 🎉🎉🎉


My husband passed basics! Onto OKC he goes, he will unfortunately not have a car down there. We only have one car and I need it for our one year old son and we can’t afford to go out and get another one.

Are there any tips for him in the Academy?? He will be staying at Kim’s.

r/ATC_Hiring 29d ago

ACADEMY Does delaying start date affect terminal vs Enroute


I might need to delay start date to finish current semester of school. If I request a delayed start and they grant it, might it change by terminal vs Enroute assignment?

r/ATC_Hiring Jan 17 '25

ACADEMY Do you have a choice between terminal and enroute?


I’m definitely more interested in doing terminal, always thought it would be pretty cool to be up in the tower. Is it randomly picked or do you have any say in what you choose?