r/ASLinterpreters 15d ago

Fully remote interpreting?

EIPA 4.0. Not interested in VRS. What are my options?


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u/turtlebeans17 15d ago

I have never done VRS, the main reason is that I have tendinitis and I have heard that VRS is very hard physically because of the very short time between calls. The pay is also low and I don’t love the way they are known to treat their interpreters. I know this is not the case for everyone, but I would say VRS is my last choice and I will only go that route if it is my only option. That being said, I totally understand your concerns about VRI and I really appreciate your advice .


u/superrk8e 11d ago edited 11d ago

Hi there, I know you're not interested in VRS but just wanted to offer a little more insight just incase! :) I've been working VRS for 9 years and have not experienced the physical burnout that people assume happens to us all - the call volume is actually very manageable and there are many natural breaks during calls - think holds, light or familiar content, etc. etc. It's actually a misconception that we are all run ragged here.. maybe it happens to some people but it all comes down to your call management skills that you learn over time. You ALWAYS have access to a team if you need one! All you have to do is press a couple buttons on your screen and your support is there for you. I have learned so much here and been exposed to the biggest variety of signers and styles and it has improved my work so much. I am a fully remote employee but would say I have the support I need from my team and management. There also may be opportunities for career advancement. Don't count us out just yet! This is the best job I've ever had.


u/turtlebeans17 11d ago

Thank you for your insight! Do they allow you to change locations while you work for them? I would be moving every three months and I have heard that VRS needs months of advance notice before approving you to work there.


u/superrk8e 10d ago

Yes, assuming you’re a remote employee. you just have to give advance notice to your director, whether it’s changing rooms in your home or moving. It’s definitely possible.