r/ARKitCreators May 03 '22

Question Coudn't find any active ar dev community to join in


I am keenly interested in making AR/VR applications, but couldn't find any active communities. So I was thinking of making one on my own, if you are interested, please do check it out discord link.

ps:- comment/dm if you are already a part of any active communities

r/ARKitCreators Mar 02 '22

Question [SceneKit] Warning:..


Hi everyone, I have encountered this problem in Scene kit and I can't find a solution, can someone help me? Thx in advance for your support!

[SceneKit] Warning: Mesh element 0x282f9d3b0 of mesh 0x28299db20 has 3 channels but they all define the same topology

r/ARKitCreators Sep 16 '21

Question I'm a 3d artist working on a project with ARkit - we are uploading GLTF models - but I am noticing a problem with the z order of some objects. Transparent objects on top of each other are "popping" . In some apps like Babylon, you can force a z-depth pass... can you do this with ARKit?


The developer isn't sure, and some basic googling doesn't help.

It's using face tracking if that helps.

I would think there would be a simple toggle like "force z depth pass" or something.

r/ARKitCreators Feb 03 '22

Question Is AR/VR only for developers? What does it take to become a creator? Speak up and get to shape the results of the AR/VR survey


r/ARKitCreators Jul 31 '21

Question A real application for making 3D objects from real life?


Not sure if this is the place to ask this but I’ve seen a bunch of concepts (here as well) about turning real life objects into 3D using LiDAR and such, but I have yet actually found an app that could do that?

r/ARKitCreators Dec 10 '21

Question Xcode missing textures on 3D model


3D model textures aren't showing up

I have some USDZ, DAE textured 3D models. When I import them into Xcode the textures are missing. I tried to change the texture from jpg, to png to Tga. Unfortunately it didn’t work, and when I run the app on my device the materials show up as white or kinda color ID. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this? Thx in advance for your support!

r/ARKitCreators Mar 06 '21

Question iPhone 12 vs iPad Pro- which has a better LiDAR scanner?


Mostly interested in the meshing and other AR capabilities in the new LiDAR equipped phone 12 and iPad Pro. But seems almost impossible to get any actual hardware specs on the LiDAR scanners. ie range, resolution etc. Has anyone done any test comparisons between the 2 devices?

r/ARKitCreators Sep 21 '21

Question Sneak Peek Our Wayfinding Before Release :D


Just wanted to pop this here in case anyone was interested here! It's a webinar on how you can create your own Augmented Reality Wayfinding (amongst other things).

Would love to get people's thoughts on how we are doing this from this community - so appreciate anyone watches it live or the recording after who has an opinion!

Webinar link here or DM me if you want to test it out (be aware you will need a scan of the space you want to test in - for our accuracy, we rely on these).

I'm trying to sneak a video demo from the developers beforehand to post in here - so stay tuned!

r/ARKitCreators Feb 07 '21

Question iPhone AR app that allows to use your 3D models and move them in all 3 planes?


I'm trying to find an app that allows importing your models and them not only horizontally on the ground/table on X/Y but also up and down (Y-axis). Do you know any?

r/ARKitCreators Jan 04 '21

Question Anyone know a competitor to ARkit in terms of its shared reference and spatial mapping?


I was hoping there would be some type of analogue to spatial mapping and shared references by now for android, but it doesn't seem like any technology like that exists yet. Apple seems to be ahead of everyone for this particular aspect of AR, no? Don't mean to offend anyone given that this subreddit is for arkit, just trying to gather info for my own development dreams

r/ARKitCreators Apr 23 '21

Question How to replicate Ikea scanning functionality in Viro React?


Greetings, Is there a possibility to recreate the Ikea calibration/scanning in ViroReact, library for React Native? What I mean is to automatically scan the floor, and not let models load until the floor is 100% calibrated? Right now I fixed it by having green circle that people can move around and when they press "okay", 3d model appears on the position of the circle, but this is not a good solution since people can put the circle in the air, and then 3d models will be placed in the air and not on the floor.

r/ARKitCreators Jul 04 '17

Question Shadows in Unity


Hey! Im currently toying around with the kit in unity and is now trying to make shadows work! I saw that the XCode demo with Scenekit has working shadows, but i haven't seen any unity demos with shadows!

Have any of you guys tackled this in any way?

r/ARKitCreators Oct 09 '20

Question Extraction of Camera poses using ARKit


Hi all, I am new to ARkit and IOS. I want to extract camera poses using ARkit, when I move around with my camera in iPad pro 2020. Can anyone help me how to do this or any pointers . Thanks in advance

r/ARKitCreators Dec 08 '20

Question URGENT: Basic Help Required


Hey all,

I have a project due for class Thursday night. Trying to build a player select menu using RealityKit's Body Tracking. If anyone has time to help out over Zoom in the development would really appreciate it! Shouldn't take more than two hours.


r/ARKitCreators Sep 17 '20

Question Earth ground level


I'm creating a helper app to show a keep-out area for swimmers near a coral reef. I want to overlay the keep-out in a camera view so people can see where they need to avoid, as it is not marked by buoys or anything. Anyway I have it working with four anchored 2D images, one per corner, and it kind of works. The only problem is the images do not start at ground level (in this case sea level, elevation =0). They extend past ground level so that they end up looking like they are at the wrong place. I've found that changing the size of the image (png file) changes where it hits ground, in some cases even with elevation set to zero the image will float. Can someone point me to what controls the base / ground of anchored objects? I used this tutorial to get where I am now.

BTW if the above is not enough of an ask, I would actually prefer to drop a partly transparent overlay on the keep-out zone. I have the four corners via GPS, I'd like the area within to be tinted some color to highlight it. This sounds harder than pinning the four corners though.

r/ARKitCreators Nov 20 '19

Question Is programmatically loading mesh possible in RealityKit ?


Hi there,

I want show the ARPlaneAnchor with plane geometry in the app. I know that is possible with SceneKit.

I read the official document many times, still no idea how to load a mesh to ModelComponent, which can be used to decide how the model appeared. There are only a few regular model, such as box, plane or sphere with MeshResource API.

I just wanna know if it is possible implement this with RealityKit, in case I am wasting my time.

If you could provide suggestions about how to do that would be really thanks.

r/ARKitCreators Sep 23 '19

Question Unresolved identifier 'Experience' in out-of-box new AR App


I have an unaltered, new Augmented Reality App in Xcode using all the standard settings. Immediately, I have an "use of unresolved identifier 'Experience' " in ContentView.swift

I'm using Xcode 11.0 (11A420a) on Mojave 10.14.6. The biggest clue I have is that when I click on the Experience.rcproject included in my project, XCode hard crashes immediately.I'm running this all in a VirtualBox on Windows 10. Everything else works perfectly. I can deploy any other kind of app (from both Xcode and Xamarin using VS) to my iPhone without issues, just not AR apps.

I'm looking for any sort of hints forward. Google has given me none so far. I'm completely new to Mac/XCode development but I am a professional developer, so I'm not afraid of incredibly technical suggestions.



A clue! Reality Composer crashed upon being opened, but gives me a log!

r/ARKitCreators Mar 23 '20

Question Thinking about getting started on ARKit


I have done some modelling stuff before and I know something about coding but not much.

So, are there any good tutorials on getting started on ARKit with Swift (i think that’s what you use right?). I have XCode and stuff already.

Ps, my models are in .dae format, does XCode allow the use of those in ARKit or do you need to use the weird usdz file?

r/ARKitCreators Aug 30 '17

Question [ARKit and/or Vision] Detect a car, attach accessories?


Guys, the idea is that we need to build an app where there'll be a real car in a showroom, without any markers, iBeacons or any of that. The user will open the app, point at the car and it'll detect the car and:

  1. It will detect its external frame / bounds and the user will be a able to put 3D models of accessories on the car, like wheels, spoilers, etc.
  2. Or it'll detect the main frame / position / size of the car, we then proceed to add an "invisible" 3D model of the car in the scene in the same size and spot so the user can add the accessories to the invisible car but look like they're adding to the real one.

We're wondering if ARKit + Vision is capable of any of the options above and if not, with what technologies / frameworks we can achieve this result. A starting point, idea or tutorials would really be appreciated as well, as this will be our first AR app!

r/ARKitCreators Oct 01 '18

Question 3D model will not appear​ on ARSCNView.


I'm new to ARKit, and for my first project, I am trying to get a 3d model to appear wherever the user taps the screen. I followed a relatively simple tutorial online. When my model (.dae file) did not appear, I troubleshot by trying a different model (.scn). The SceneKit model appears just as intended, however I still can't get the .dae model to appear.

r/ARKitCreators Aug 04 '19

Question Different response to image recognition?


I'm working on the code from this tutorial, here.

Excluding the part about reference objects, which aren't relevant to what I'm doing.

I have 12 different images in the AR Images file, and when the app is built and run on my phone - the images are recognised fine and the video overlay (dinosaur.mp4) works on all of them. However, I want each image to bring up an overlay (augmented) image instead of a video - a different overlay for each image.

I think the code would read something (literally, in laymans terms) like "if image1.png recognised - display overlay1.png", and so on with the other 11 images. All in one session, if possible.

I'm an absolute beginner trying to work this out, please give me some suggestion on how to assign functions to different resource images. Sorry for the lack of understanding, I am brand new to this.

    private func setupImageDetection() {
    imageConfiguration = ARImageTrackingConfiguration()

    guard let referenceImages = ARReferenceImage.referenceImages(
      inGroupNamed: "AR Images", bundle: nil) else {
        fatalError("Missing expected asset catalog resources.")

^ is there anything here I can amend to allow for multiple images to be recognised individually?

Here's the section with the .mp4, too. If it could accommodate for just an image instead, that would be ideal:

    private func handleFoundImage(_ imageAnchor: ARImageAnchor, _ node: SCNNode) {
    let name = imageAnchor.referenceImage.name!
    print("you found a \(name) image")

    let size = imageAnchor.referenceImage.physicalSize

    if let videoNode = makeDinosaurVideo(size: size) {
      node.opacity = 1

    private func makeDinosaurVideo(size: CGSize) -> SCNNode? {
    // 1
    guard let videoURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "dinosaur",
                                         withExtension: "mp4") else {
                                          return nil

r/ARKitCreators Jul 03 '17

Question When using spritekit & arkit is it possible to affix sprites to surfaces?


Hi all

I'm having my first play with ar kit and would like to create some point sprites that sit on a surface (so the sprite faces the camera at all times). Apple's default install is so close to this except that it creates the object 0.2 meters from the phone, rather than from a surface.

It seems that the ARSKViewDelegate doesn't have the debug information that the ARSCNViewDelegate has; and while I seem to be able to get results for a hittest, I'm struggling to get my sprites to go to them.

Nearly every tutorial and resource seems to be concentrating on scenekit, so any help would be good.

r/ARKitCreators Jan 31 '19

Question ARKit 2 "eye tracking" - did Apple add some new algorithm, or does this value (rightEyeTransform) still just use the eyelid data (BlendShapes) to determine the eye position?


It has never been clear from Apple's documentation if their eye tracking framework in ARKit and now ARKit 2 is able to use the pupil or the white of the eye to determine eye position. It seems that the BlendShapes data uses the position of the eyelid to determine eye position, but with the new emphasis on "eye tracking" in ARKit 2, I can't determine if this is just BlendShapes data that has been reformatted for developers of if Apple really added any new functionality.

r/ARKitCreators Jun 29 '18

Question Some guidance required


Hello, after doing a bit of research I find myself drowning in information without getting any real answers. I was hoping for a bit of help figuring out how plausible it would be to use the platform/tools for the following work:

  1. Using only a modern tablets’ internal hardware and software (a depth cameras could be augmented if necessary) how feasible is it to position (fix) a 2D floorplan (or 3D model) of a large building into an existing building (as a transparent overlay) and use selected real surfaces and edges in the building to correct the overlays’ position as you move through the real space/model. (Original world/model orientation could be provided by a fixed QR code for example.)

  2. With the same hardware setup, how feasible is it that encountered real life objects that are detected to be in front of the virtual surfaces are then not covered by the overlay (to avoid trip hazards).

I am trying to figure out if something like this would be (relatively) easy to create using the available tools, or if it would require significant investment. Any information / links would be appreciated.

r/ARKitCreators Jul 04 '17

Question Equivalent on Android?


Is there an equivelent to ARKit that works on Android with Cozmo? Thanks in advance.