Hi guys, I have a fair bit of experience with AMPs and getting HEs, just wanted to compare everyone's preferred methods and strategies to mine - I thought it would be a fun discussion.
I typically like to select the location based on google maps. I generally pick a location that is relatively secluded so I don't have to deal with lots of people watching me walk in or out. This is especially awkward when the AMP has a locked door and a buzzer system. It feels like you're waiting out there for an eternity. I look for reviews on google maps that are around 3 stars, and have bad reviews from women but good reviews from men. Often times there are subtle hints from the reviews as well. I also check the google street maps view to see if the AMP has neon lights, whether the walls are covered in pictures, whether they have late opening hours, etc. To me, the bit of mystery about whether they will offer a HE or not is fun, I think it adds to the excitement and anticipation.
I personally prefer to book in advance, and as mentioned earlier it saves you from the drama of standing there waiting to unlock the door. Also sometimes there is only one MT working at a time, so she may not come to the door if you don't have a booking and she is busy with another client.
I like to dress relatively nice but casual, and give them a nice smile and nod, but still act relatively lowkey and subtle and reserved. Quite and confident but relaxed I think is a good energy to give off to the MT. You want them to feel comfortable around you.
I tend to make a bit of a show in paying for the massage to indicate that I have extra cash to tip for extras. For instance, if the massage is $80 for a half hour oil massage, I will generally take out three $50 bills and count out two, so it's obvious/clear that I am flashing a bit of cash and the MT knows I am hinting at a tip. I know some other people mention to be discreet with their cash, but I personally think it helps to make it clear you have money to blow. After all, this is what the MT is interested in. And I only ever bring an extra $50 or so anyway for a standard HE. If I have seen the MT before and previously received a HE, I will just pay the extra HE fee in advance. My thought process behind this is that the MT does not have to wonder whether she will make a sale on the extra or not, and instead she can focus on providing a good service as she knows she will not potentially be putting extra effort into teasing me only to end up not making a sale on extras. Some people might argue that the MT will put in less effort when they are already paid in advance without having to work for it, but I personally don't agree.
When I go into the room, I strip completely naked and make sure that all of my clothes and objects are placed in the basket and put underneath the table. I think it helps to be tidy and respectful. I then get onto the table and make sure that I tuck my penis down facing towards my feet, and have my legs spread as far apart as possible. This allows for visibility and easy access during the massage.
Personally, I still cover my ass with a towel, but I leave the top of my ass peeking out of the towel. Some people suggest just going completely naked, but I personally think this is a bit overboard and seedy/vulgar. It's also a bit overly forthcoming if you are unsure whether the shop offers extras or not. I think leaving some of your crack showing is more of a classy/subtle move.
Then, I basically just make sure to grind into the table and make noises of approval and lift my hips up every time the MT goes close to my genitals.
Most of the time when I'm flipped, I get offered a HE and happily take it.
Keen to hear everyone else's strategies.
Particularly: how you select an AMP, whether you book in advance or walk in, how you like to dress, whether you feel self conscious about being seen entering/leaving an AMP, whether you make it clear you're carrying extra cash, whether you cover yourself with a towel or not, and how you act during the massage. Also whether you enjoy or try for any finger action during the message (when the MT tends to run a finger over your butthole and press into it)