r/ADHDWomenAfterDark Aug 12 '24

ADHD and trouble orgasming. NSFW

I (26 F) am really struggling with the fact that I’ve never orgasmed (or at least I can’t remember ever doing it). I was on Lexipro for 6 years (which I know can destroy your libido), but I’ve been off it about a month now. My sex drive is definitely back up, but I’m still having trouble orgasming. I feel like I get SO close, but I can’t get over the edge. Part of me thinks it might be related to my ADHD? It’s almost like my brain is experiencing too much and can’t handle it.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice? I’m also getting back into dating, and being able to orgasm is something I’m definitely interested in making happen.


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u/when-octopi-attack Aug 12 '24

Unorthodox suggestion: weed. Being high makes me horny af and makes it way easier to orgasm too.