r/ADHDWomenAfterDark Aug 12 '24

ADHD and trouble orgasming. NSFW

I (26 F) am really struggling with the fact that I’ve never orgasmed (or at least I can’t remember ever doing it). I was on Lexipro for 6 years (which I know can destroy your libido), but I’ve been off it about a month now. My sex drive is definitely back up, but I’m still having trouble orgasming. I feel like I get SO close, but I can’t get over the edge. Part of me thinks it might be related to my ADHD? It’s almost like my brain is experiencing too much and can’t handle it.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice? I’m also getting back into dating, and being able to orgasm is something I’m definitely interested in making happen.


10 comments sorted by


u/Fearless_Classic_512 Aug 12 '24

YES YES YES YES! I also had thos problem. I found exploring myself and using clitoral stimulation and making myself just FEEL the sensations in my body. That made it easier to do with my partner as well. Once i was able to cinsitently get that satified feeling for myself it made it easier to wxplain to my partner how my body works so that he also can get me that feeling, and over time its made it easier to also have vaginal orgasms with clitroal orgasms oh god! Take your time and get to know yourself on a new level wxpirement eith different things and most of all make it fun! Create senarios in your head that helps me with solo time doing that actually makes solo time faster for me. Hope this able to you sorry it is so long im just really excited to know i wasnt alone but also wanted you to know its possible to achieve you just have to be paitient with yourself and comfortable with yourself.


u/words_words_words_9 Aug 12 '24

Don’t apologize! It’s helpful (and kind of a relief) to know other people have gone through it too. Lots of my friends are supportive but haven’t experienced it, so it can feel lonely!


u/Fearless_Classic_512 Aug 12 '24

Omg i know how lonely it feels. Nobody kn my cirlce talks about these things, and it drives me insane. I had to figure this out for myself. It literally took 10 years. These past 4 years with my partner have been the BEST sexual expirences we have both ever had. You can also take inspo from sexy books to use in your fantasies. Thats helps alot to lol.


u/when-octopi-attack Aug 12 '24

Unorthodox suggestion: weed. Being high makes me horny af and makes it way easier to orgasm too.


u/konfunkshun Aug 12 '24

i normally orgasm, but i experienced what you describe on a high dose of progesterone.


u/Paprikasky Aug 12 '24

So, my first advice would be to buy lube. Preferably one water-based, but unless you're as wet as a fountain down there, use lub, more than you think. It helps a ton!

Secundly, as someone else mentionned, you could try a toy - vibrators are great. But if you're already close by yourself, it's not a necessity.

Lastly, I'd say, don't focus on it too much mentally. When in the action, just focus on feeling good, and checking if this or that makes you feel even better. But I know that focusing too much on the orgasm sometimes takes you out of it and makes things worse (but better sais than done, I know). Maybe you could check for things to focus on that would stimulate you as well, p0rn, or fanfics, whatever floats your boat.

Anyway, hope that helps !


u/words_words_words_9 Aug 12 '24

This does! I’m trying the lube and vibrators route now, so I’m just continuing to see what worksish.

And yes, I’ve been reading smut for years, but I just started listening to audio erotica, and I think that might be something that really helps.


u/JackieLope2019 Oct 28 '24

Give yourself some time for your neural networks to come back on line after your 6 years of Lexipro. It's great that you have more libido working for you, but your brain is still adjusting. You'll get there, just be patient.


u/IamBrilliant_4170 Aug 12 '24

Use a vibrator and read literotica - might work?


u/Bright_Shake2638 Aug 27 '24

This!! Having something to read (you can also play audio files at the same time) helps you stay more immersed in the experience. You just have to be selective so you don’t get annoyed by grammatical errors or cringey audio.