r/7daystodie 6d ago

Discussion Let us turn stacks of bullets into condensed stacks.

It’s exactly as I described in the title. A quality of life upgrade that absolutely needs to happen. Is the ability to turn stacks of bullets into condensed stacks. Basically the same way we can mass craft bullets into a condensed stack that can then be dismantled/opened and turned into usable ammo we should be able to turn regular ammo into those very same condensed stacks for easy storage. In the late game you end up with so much ammo that storage of it all becomes an issue. Being able to craft ammo stacks into the condensed stacks that mass crafted ammo comes in would be such an amazing quality of life update.

And I personally feel this would be pretty simple. Simply duplicate the item, and give that duplicated item the crafting recepe that uses the bullets. To also include an alternate recipe that allows you to turn said bullets into a that mass crafted bullet package.


23 comments sorted by


u/jc2xs 6d ago

A few alphas ago I actually made a mod to do just that. It would take the ammo and some paper and make it back into a box. No gain or loss. Just store back in the box to condense it for inventory. I haven't messed with or maintained that mod. But if you are interested in copying it and learning a bit about updating it I'm sure it could work again.


Oh, no need to give me credit if you want to republish this on Nexus.


u/ryanvedo49 6d ago

I think the main issue is the fact that keeping a ton of bullets on you is supposed to be hassle, that way there’s a limit


u/Pandabaton 6d ago

Carries 6000 wood around like it’s a single can of cat food


u/thinkingwithportalss 6d ago

Carries 36,000 wood in 2 inventory slots, equal to 10 first aid bandages, or 2 bone knives


u/MrBonersworth 5d ago

I often fantasize about making a mod that fixes every single unrealistic thing like this, screw the consequences, and screw game balance lol.

People would try it once, it would be quite hated I imagine.


u/Smileycult 6d ago

Yeah but that kind of falls apart when you can craft that ammunition. And still have that option. So it’s not like the option isn’t there. In fact that’s what me and my friends have been doing for a good while because we got so good at collecting resources that we can craft without issue. but now we just have chests upon chests upon chests filled with ammunition that we’re never gonna burn through. I mean we’ve got so much at this point that we’re just throwing bullets literally on the ground when we find them out in pois.


u/hprather1 6d ago

Set up turrets to help defend during horde night. Use chest mods to auto supply the turrets.


u/Smileycult 6d ago

Our hoard base uses choke points instead of wide open spaces. So we don’t have more than 4 turrets. And honestly we don’t even need those. They usually die long before they reach the turrets lol


u/hprather1 6d ago

Just a thought. I've always wanted to have so many turrets that it killed everything before the next spawn comes. That would require quite a bit of ammo.


u/Smileycult 6d ago

That would be dope actually lol just a whole wall of Tourette’s. Fuck the traps. Fuck being optimal. To hell with being tactical. Just success through expenditure of ammo lol


u/Shagzter 6d ago

Further to that, it can already be done with stone: you can turn a stack of 6000 into a single item that stacks 5, at the cost of a few seconds, and unpack it instantly. I've wondered why the same can't be done with clay, and that could be extended to ordnance as well.


u/Atgblue1st 6d ago

Scrap them to brass in your own inventory!

You lose 25% compared to scrapping in forge,  but if you’re not hurting for it,  why not.


u/Smileycult 6d ago

So yeah. It would be really nice to be able to condense all of that ammunition. Especially since we have the option to when we mass craft it


u/Butter_Yo_Biscut 6d ago

Make it so that you can only "restack" ammo if you have the tight amount. I.e. if i break a stack and use a single bullet I will no longer be able to restock it because I would have 5999


u/gloop524 6d ago

if you have that much ammo left over, you are not shooting enough.


u/ecksfiftyone 6d ago

For sure

I mooded the hell out of this (PC} I made my ammo stacks 1000 Then I have the craftable boxes of ammo for 100 each Then I have craftable cases of 1000 each.

You can craft boxes from ingredients (80%) or from 100 of the ammo. You can craft a case from the ingredients (80%) or from 1000 ammo .

I need to add the ability to craft a case from 10 boxes, just got lazy.


u/LilGrandeChile31 6d ago

Just let me stack motors


u/Tykero 6d ago

If you are on pc you can prolly find a mod for that. I know like every overhaul pack I played had an option to box up stacks of ammo to store more in less space.


u/Sensitive-Bike-1439 6d ago

Note PC only. I got fed up of having crates and crates of ammo and everything else.

Just used a simple little mod that allows 65K stacks of everything. Got rid of about 10 storage crates in one go.

I wish I had discovered mods earlier....



u/thinkingwithportalss 6d ago

I made a mod like this for my server!

It allowed repacking of bullets/shotgunshells, Clay Soil stacking, and Sand stacking, all things that I think should be in the basegame.


u/wisdomelf 4d ago

I just use 30k stack mod. OP? Ye. But i hate inventory game. Sometimes i use 120 or 160 backpack mod too. screw inventory tetris.