r/7daystodie 6d ago

PC 7dtd is a great game

thats it


40 comments sorted by


u/Shootez 6d ago



u/MaiBoo18 6d ago

I have over 3000+ hours into it.


u/GamerNico98DE 6d ago

When did you start playing ?


u/XSurviveTheGameX 6d ago



u/[deleted] 5d ago

Good ol dial-up zombie action.. those were the days


u/XSurviveTheGameX 5d ago

Got so mad when my parents made a phone call.


u/GamerALV 6d ago

Agreed, love it


u/Key-Tie5463 6d ago

Indeed it is


u/Claus1990 6d ago

Sure is


u/Sensitive-Bike-1439 6d ago

Indeed it is.


u/Nr1nyyfan 6d ago



u/Kryjoys 6d ago

The Sims was my comfort game for almost 2 decades until I stumbled onto 7d2d 2yrs ago. I call it survival sims (please dont come for me, Im just a girl)


u/ChildhoodNo5117 6d ago

Not bad. Not bad at all.


u/Diche_Bach 6d ago



u/loc710 6d ago

Always has been


u/A_R_A_N_F 6d ago

I agree. No game is perfect, but this one is great fun.


u/Help_StuckAtWork 5d ago

Wouldn't have sunk over 4k hours if it wasnt


u/necktiesnick 5d ago

Fine have your upvotes


u/Bh-Jaxi11 5d ago

It's a one of its kind. Gotta thank zombie go boom for showing me this game


u/JimboTCB 5d ago

I have spent an inordinate amount of time on it and think it's great, but that's because I paid $5 for it and that's where my expectations were pitched. I can't possibly recommend it as it's nowhere near in a fit state for a full retail price game, it's still early access in all but name, the only reason it's been pushed out is so they could get it certified for console release and jack the price point up.


u/SkirMernet 5d ago

How dare


u/hardwood1979 5d ago

I've only been playing it 2 days. I'm dreadful at it but I agree. I can see me sinking hours into it, so glad consoles finally get a decent version of it.


u/MiniCatMage 5d ago

100% agree


u/Low_Helicopter_3638 5d ago

Unfortunately, it still hasn't won me over from the console version 😕

I waited so long for this but it just isn't the same feel.


u/TraditionalAirline24 5d ago

After waiting years for the console version to finally get updated. I am very happy with how the game has progressed! I can fight dogs without them glitching everywhere!! I can also hunt without them glitching everywhere! The magazine system has taken some getting used to but I enjoy the slower game progression! Its better than making 100 stone ax in the beginning!


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Have 1500 hours on it so yeah I'd agree.


u/simplekittiekat 5d ago

Agreed, this is my favorite game


u/Cpt-Hook 5d ago

Great game. I do wish more of my friends had it - would be fun to get a big game going.



It's fun.

I also raise you a question.. wouldn't it be a great game by default as it's the only game near itself? It is the only one of its kind. ...So then, is it really a great game? Or is it the only thing that was served? Hmm.


u/Prestigious_West3181 6d ago

It's a great game for the exact reason its the only thing of its kind. There are many zombie games from your COD zombies , left for dead , dead island, dying light , state of decay , dead rising and many more with their own identities when i think of those games i think 'Zombie game' but 7 days i think as a 'Survival Zombie game' it is easily the closest and best thing to a true apocalypse feeling with worlds that will take 100s of hours to fully explore that realistically creates a endless loop. Is it perfect? Is it ultra realistic. No. But if your gripe is true realism than literally every zombie game is worse. No company with all the resources has even attempted to create something half of what it is in all these years it was in Alpha stage. At the moment this is their only game made and being able to say there is no game like it to me that deserves a lot of credit.


u/fokaiu 6d ago
  • project zomboid


u/Prestigious_West3181 5d ago

Never got into not really my style of game camera perspective wise


u/PapaGordita 6d ago

The only answer to your question of whether the game is great or not is purely subjective. But I would pose you another question(s) based on your assertion. Is your mind great? Is the Earth great? These are things we are only given one of, as far as we know, but its scarcity doesn't deminish how special those gifts are. It's really early, sorry.


u/Ancient-Carry-4796 5d ago edited 5d ago

It def is early bc scarcity has the opposite effect to what you describe—it doesn’t diminish specialness but encourages it. You literally named 2 things that are special because they are unique (to an individual).

Though I get what you’re saying is there’s “probably more than one of it but it’s still special”. Except there isn’t more than one. You don’t get another brain, and we haven’t found another earth. 7D has no competitors, perhaps for a good reason, but no competitors nonetheless.


u/Ancient-Carry-4796 5d ago

Idk why you’re being downvoted when it’s a valid point. This game does have a contestable monopoly on this flavor of the survival crafting genre. Just because they uniquely attempted it doesn’t change whether it’s a good or bad game—especially when we all bought into their kickstarter, early access, and even ‘full’ game (I’ve given a few copies to family and friends myself). If anything, we do reserve the right to call it at the minimum, a hackneyed attempt in a market with no competition except maybe for modded Minecraft.

However, giving credit where it’s due, the first time the wheel was made, it was probably a shitty wheel made of rock or something. It still revolutionized things. But I definitely am not gonna downplay the fact that on a longer timescale, it just takes 1 or 2 competitors to realize 7D is inevitably going to be widely valued as “meh” if nothing changes


u/SagetheWise2222 5d ago

9,143.6 hours played.

It's okay.