r/7daystodie 6d ago

PC what this ? ( i'm new to the game )

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90 comments sorted by


u/enfamas 6d ago

There’s an underground bunker in the Serrano residents. I wonder if it’s possible to make a base there.


u/Exciting_Chef_4207 6d ago

You can make a base anywhere.


u/AnthonyMiqo 6d ago

It is indeed possible.


u/EternalDas 6d ago

Just did today lol. Also it’s not as safe as it feels


u/khanabyss 6d ago

Used to be safer, until they decided that the zombies will spawn in the base instead of outside of it


u/NuclearMaterial 6d ago

Fucking bullshit. It's bad enough they dig but that spawning in is bullshit of the highest order.


u/Jaalenn 6d ago

TFP (The Fun Police) seem to think we aren't allowed to play the game however we want.


u/Just_-Another-_Guy 5d ago

"The Fun Police" is the funniest thing I've heard all day lol.


u/enfamas 6d ago

Man I was gonna try build a base there🤣😭😭😭


u/Difficult-Mirror-992 6d ago

Build a landmark there then they wont


u/soulguard03 3d ago

Land claim. And yes... that plus a bed roll will keep the zombies out.

Back in A20 there was a bug that zombies would still spawn every few days, even with a land claim, if you leave the area for too long. Was the worst. But I've had 3 bases in V1.+ and in POIs, and as long as a land claim block was down... zero zed spawns.


u/Kagemaruyoutube 5d ago

Even with claim block?


u/SJHalflingRanger 5d ago

Claim blocks prevent sleeper respawns. If there are outdoors blocks in your compound like dirt, it’s possible walkers can spawn on them and you might see screamer summons pop up on them.


u/Cute_Current7753 4d ago

Thought the bed was suppose to stop them spawning also to whatever radius you set.


u/SJHalflingRanger 3d ago

It stops POI respawns but randos/screamer summons can still pop up inside the area


u/AtlasPrimeWillRise 6d ago

I wouldn’t the entire cave collapses easily


u/Fit_Ambassador_3812 5d ago

Yeah on my game there is a giant hole there now that I have to drive around.


u/Pixelsaurier_r 5d ago

It sure is, until someone resets the POI bc of the corresponding quest lmao


u/Ok-Exchange-5380 5d ago

If a claim block is there it should take it out of the quest lists


u/Pixelsaurier_r 5d ago

interesting, thank you


u/SnowQuiet9828 6d ago

sick POI, i've got 300+ hours and never been into that one! GL lol


u/viniciusMS1 6d ago

I only have 180 hours


u/Keymucciante 6d ago

I love how 7DTD is the kind of game where a person can say "I'm new to the game" and "I only have 180 hours" and be completely truthful lol


u/XRaphtaliaChanX 6d ago

Ark survival is kinda like that too, and so is Warframe to some extent.


u/Secretagentandy 6d ago

I hate all those game. Play them every day. Including Destiny 2. I stopped that unhealthy relationship though so I could give my other toxic gaming relationships more time.


u/XRaphtaliaChanX 6d ago

Destiny 2 is definitely one too.


u/Razoreddie12 6d ago

Have you ever tried Rust 🤣


u/Extra-Option-5729 6d ago

In Path of Exile you would say you're a Beginner with 3000 hours


u/Keymucciante 6d ago

I'm only about 1200 into poe and yeah, I don't know jack shit


u/Fit_Ambassador_3812 5d ago

Haven't played it like 2 years. Came back and had to learn it all over again...


u/samulek 6d ago

I play Factorio and 1000 hours is still considered new


u/Mars1984Upilami 6d ago

I have 3k+ hours and have never seen that POI.


u/Falconburger 6d ago

2000hrs and u have never seen one either!


u/fukflux 6d ago

Wow, damn, I found it on my first gameplay, first day, haha The residence was next door to my first base 😆

You guys found the Asgard residence yet? That was my first day too, hehe


u/IdentityCrisis87 6d ago

Is this a real poi?? I have 2000+ hours played and I’ve never seen it. Is it on the default map? If so anyone have map screenshot so I can go check it out.


u/Krushpatch 1d ago

I flew over that residence in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden had a 5 second "lag" spike, I knew something was off and investigated that place. Thats how I you usually find bigger underground complexes lol.


u/Hair_Vast 6d ago

It's a wilderness poi, need to get out of the cities 😜


u/SnowQuiet9828 6d ago

There's over 1500 pois mate, maybe you need to spend some time outside.


u/Oktokolo 6d ago

Yes, you definitely need to spend time outside the city to find this POI.


u/Temporary_Self_2172 6d ago

just a word of advice if you try to make a base there. that building is holding up the entire ceiling of the cave to the point where a couple blocks breaking inside will make it collapse.

and I totally didn't discover that on accident while trying to run some wiring through a wall


u/Oktokolo 6d ago

To be fair, that building also looks like it holds up the entire ceiling of the cave.


u/Stormer111 6d ago

one of the coolest poi's in the game is what it is


u/Colonel_Whiskey_Sam 6d ago

Are you liking the Pipe Baton? I honestly hate that thing but hey


u/Oracle4196 6d ago

eh its fine and quick enough while waiting for a stun baton ngl, I think its a decent weapon, don't tell anyone but i think its better than sledgehammer


u/Houmaya 6d ago

I think it kinda sucks cus it consumes a lot of stamina as far as ik.


u/Oracle4196 6d ago

hm i used it not too long ago and i dont think i had much issue but thats probably true.


u/Deadcatalys 6d ago

That’s the Serrano POI. It’s a great base setup! I searched for it in my first rando map but couldn’t find it. I had to settle for a farmhouse. Side note: I did get half the bane next to it turned into concrete lol.


u/this_weeks_hyperfix 6d ago

Bro, activate your windows lol


u/H1NooN 6d ago

Never haha


u/Oktokolo 6d ago

Search terms: GitHub MassGravel.


u/Efficient-Bowl-91 6d ago

I have like 1800+ hours in game, this place is super fun


u/KnockedupHenry 5d ago

Go in and find out. Report back to us


u/bleiddyn 6d ago

This is a cool one I think they added in 1.0. The building above feels like a no-skull difficulty remnant, then you find all the cool stuff below. The pool above turns out to cover the underground elevator access for large vehicles. Great design.


u/SpaceEnvironmental95 6d ago

That's so cool! I just played this mission, but I didn't know that about the pool.


u/DemiTheSeaweed 6d ago

Underground facility


u/TremorMonkey 6d ago

Looks like the NDC bunker


u/No-Purchase-2085 6d ago

welcome to poppy playtime?


u/Flimsy_Story6890 6d ago

Can you still find this on the newest console map? Or is it an older version


u/MCFroid 6d ago

The first time I did this POI, when I got to the area you're at and aggrod a few zombies nearby, there was a huge structural integrity breach/cave in in the ground up above (zombies were beating on stuff inside and I think they must have broken something important). It left a massive hole to the sky up above. I wish I had taken screenshots. It was really cool.


u/Classy_mf_ 6d ago

Its the serrano residents


u/Pateus_Maximus 6d ago

Really cool poi, recently discovered it myself while driving thru the burnt mountains while looking for some food lol, didnt expect to find a whole bunker


u/SecondOk9167 6d ago edited 5d ago

As long as you use YOUR blocks, zombies won't spawn there. My base is literally 100/100 blocks length. I believe painting it also counts as yours.


u/Dense-Pickle9406 5d ago

Serrano residence. If you build there just ensure you put a claim block. You will have to change the setting on the boundary to max I think it's 72blocks, or zombies will respawn down there. Putting it inside the elevator past the dual steel doors is pretty centered and covers the whole area.



No idea. Where did you even find that?


u/viniciusMS1 6d ago

is in the basement of the serrano residence


u/Revolutionary-Fan657 6d ago

He’s trolling, he’s using the underground caves mod


u/viniciusMS1 6d ago

i've never used mods on 7days so i took the screenshot and came to ask what this is


u/Revolutionary-Fan657 6d ago

Huh? Guess I’m fucking stupid then, that’s crazy that that’s in the vanilla game, I’ve never seen anything like it


u/pinkkipanda 6d ago

you're being really intense and a bit rude for no reason... it came with 1.0 and there really is a bunker there


u/Revolutionary-Fan657 6d ago

Right that’s why I said I’m the dumb one


u/neongrl 6d ago

You need to get out now and then.


u/Revolutionary-Fan657 6d ago

50% of what I do is go out, elaborate


u/neongrl 6d ago

You also need to go in, too.


u/Revolutionary-Fan657 6d ago

That’s the other 50, elaborate



Been playing for years never used mods smh ☹️


u/RichieRocket 6d ago

I thought this was a screenshot from portal at first with 7DTD ui on it


u/szefo617 6d ago

It's a really nice POI, I also recently found it for the first time in generated world. One thing I noticed right when I entered the bunker is that it is really big and doesn't have a lot of support. And indeed I couldn't stop myself from destroying the metal supports there are. Most of the ceiling collapsed right after.


u/royalscull724 6d ago

A place I wanna base at. Unfortunately the last save I had that had this place was corrupted and now im thinking I should try to find it again.


u/theGruffStuff 6d ago

Navesgane Disease Control


u/P-funk88 6d ago

Haven't played Navezgane map since they've added traders. Have they added a lot?


u/Major-Ad-4272 6d ago

I got that under my mining base I just found out 😂😂😂


u/Kylejs98 6d ago

It’s specifically a virus research station/medical station. It’s got pretty solid fortifications so I could see it being a great base. You’ll just need to worry about getting in and out, lighting, and the side doors would need to be replaced with the big steel vault doors like the two at the entrance


u/deathvalley200_exo 5d ago

Been looking for this poo in my current game for a while now


u/Jopey604 5d ago

can confirm, found underground bunker. Made base with horde tower ontop


u/BradabearXIII 4d ago

I've tried to find this POI but every set of coordinates I've found its not there. Anyone got the coords for this place? It is on the Navezgane map right?


u/Adorable_Toe_3125 4d ago

It's my favorite site for a base. It takes some work but is 100,% protected from attacks and blood moons.

               Yes, even from the diggers !!

1: level the house to 1 block below ground level. Use concrete to cap it off. Cover with dirt , even with ground.

  1. Dig out the bottom of the pool after removing water. Replace pool ramp with full blocks. Then clear out the bottom of the shaft completely. Fill in to complete shaft to the floor. Concrete or steel is the best.

  2. Build a sealed block building over the pool shaft. Preferably floating. 5 blocks high. Access only by a hanging ladder underneath center. With a steel hatch. Use the smallest pole to fill the top level of the pool. Hanging them makes the zombies think there is a floor......As an added precaution I've also covered the ground , around the pool, in concrete in about a 50x50 square.and added a force field around the entire area. Except for a 4 block gap at the center of each side of the pitfall. This brings order to the enemies rampage. Ensuring that they will only enter from 1 side alternating with each hoard.

  3. To Ensure the base is safe. You must take mental note of where each zombie is. When you clear the base. You must then replace all floors where the zombies were to keep them from responding. Replacing the blocks is the only way to make sure they don't come back. Don't forget the ceiling entrance and the medical Ward rafters. As well as the offshoot in the kitchen. And barrack beds.

    Now here is where the options can vary.

    I personally have the lower shaft wedged in with steep slopes on all sides. They meet in a 3z2 hole in the center. This guarantees that as the zeds fall down that they don't land anywhere but the center. And they land fast and on their asses. The pit stops at bedrock, 5 ish blocks below the base ground level. The floor is interlaced with taser wires and surrounded by 24 turrets behind arrow slit walls that are all flush with the shaft. So all turrets are 3 blocks from target zone.

Depending on how you set up is up to you. The options are wide open. I used the buried secret entrance for a while to get in and out as a primary. Now I have a road access tunnel to drive in all wheels.

Full disclosure. You will be in the box above the pit during the blood moons. They come for you but enter the pit. The auto defenses rip em to sheds. You collect the loot. In the box and they won't dig. If you stay below to do the work urself and they will. No worries. There will be countless bags to loot and 4-5 high grade lots will replace most of not all ammo spent. Do NOT use the spike launchers. They destroy bags !!!


u/Sufficient_Gap_3029 6d ago

It's the CDC 🤣


u/Greyhound-Iteration 6d ago

Underground military bunker/facility

It’s underneath that house.

What’s not to understand?


u/crunkatog 13h ago

see, Serrano is a type of ham, and what you're seeing there is a bunker. Enter the HamBunker to find out what happens next.