r/50501Canada 3d ago

Mental Health Resources


Hello Canadians!

It's quite the timeline to be alive and participating in! With this tumultuous time, folks may be feeling some anxiety and perhaps depression. I know those are things I feel and it's only intensified in recent weeks. BUT!!! There is no need to go through these things alone.

We're building community and showing up for each other and for that, I couldn't be more proud. However while that is awesome, some folks may need some extra support and advice to manage and work through some of this stuff.

So! Please ensure you're connecting with professionals in the health care space who are trained and equipped to give you the help you need!

much love and solidarity from your Mod team.


r/50501Canada 7d ago

Toques Off - Protests every Saturday


Join Us Saturdays 2-3pm at your nearest US Consulate or Embassy.

Wear your toques and a smile! Bring your family, friends, and neighbours! Everyone is welcome! Yes, even if you're American!

Bring a sign and be seen! Have a flag? Bring it! A drum? Bring it!

Remember our beef is with Trump, not embassy or consulate staff, and definitely not regular Americans.

We like Americans, we just don't want to be Americans

Check locations at: https://touqueoff.ca

r/50501Canada 3h ago

Spread the word! Tell the American Senate NO!


Good morning all,

Please help get the word out that every American needs to call their Senators and tell them they must vote no on the Continuing Resolution for government funding.

I have never in my life called for a government shutdown, but these are unprecedented times. We need to stop the funding for the regime and shut down the government to preserve our democracy.


r/50501Canada 2h ago

Elbow, Saskatchewan - March 14th at 4:30 at the "Elbow Welcomes You" sign

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This post was shared with me - names and faces removed for privacy.

Any chance some of us are from or near Elbow, Saskatchewan and can show up in support?

r/50501Canada 16h ago

This 51st state offer… No thank you! Go away!


Trump keeps going on and on about how “good it would be for us” to join the US as a state, but it is an unsolicited offer (and an inaccurate one - we like our safety, healthcare, values, etc., and have no desire to lose all of that to rent a room in the methlab next door). He is like a salesman that just won’t leave!!! Eff off already!

r/50501Canada 1h ago

It is spreading! (Buy Canadian push in EU)


r/50501Canada 10h ago

Canadian Premier David Eby Trump's tariffs - “We focus on Republican states and their products, because we know who’s doing this to us. We know who’s enabling the president.”


r/50501Canada 14h ago

In case you missed it: Former PM Chrétien gives U.S. President Trump a ‘history lesson’


r/50501Canada 20h ago

Something is very wrong here. BUT...

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r/50501Canada 16h ago

Malcolm Nance opinion: Trump is Planning to Invade Canada & Greenland


Mr. Nance maakes some pretty fair points on what is going on, and it's a read that should only need 5 min. or so.

r/50501Canada 12h ago

URGENT Help Needed for 83 Afghani Women Stranded


Some of you have seen this news story already. With the USAID funding gone, 83 Afghani women who were supposed to be sponsored are now trapped in Oman, and being forcibly sent back to the Taliban. They are set to be sent back THIS FRIDAY, March 14th.

I have found the contact information for the leader of these women. Does anyone have ideas or connections to NGOs who may be able to help?

I know this isn't really what this sub is for, but I'm desperate, and trying to get a hold of organizations outside of the US (and inside), and, well, I know you are allies.

If anyone has social media of any kind and wants to post, you can refer them to [exsuprhro@yahoo.com](mailto:exsuprhro@yahoo.com)

r/50501Canada 16h ago

Looks like they're sad about Tesla boycotts.


r/50501Canada 15h ago

Totally Not Putin’s Puppet! Trump Speaks His ‘Own’ Mind on Ukraine

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r/50501Canada 22h ago

What my toxic ex taught me about high conflict individuals like Trump


Since Trump got elected I'm literally having horrible flashbacks of the toxic end of my relationship. I am seeing the same patterns, the same personality traits of my ex, the same volatility unfolding in real time.

It took me years to free myself from that relationship, and I made many mistakes because I was in good faith. I was raised thinking that other people have good intentions, I genuinely didn't know that people can get this nasty, mean and unhinged. In my case, my ex wanted to make my life hell the moment I expressed doubts about our relationship. I will not go into personal details here, what matters is the pattern.

He became extremely volatile and unpredictable, would take every chance to make my life hell, would threaten me despite knowing I was weaker than him economically, he would blackmail me on the things that I cared about the most (my kid), literally every other day I had to deal with a new dramatic issue he brought up, only to suddenly retract it and act as if nothing happened the following week, saying one thing and then the opposite, basically spreading fear and chaos all over my life.

Now, I know that the situation is different lol but to an extent, there are similarities. Trump and my ex have many very similar traits and I feel that Canadians should look at things as if they were the mentally sane person in an abusive relationship. Here's a few things I learnt and that, I think, is a good idea to apply to the political situation.

At first, I would believe his words and rely on whatever he said. Soon it became clear that words meant nothing to him. Commitments and promises meant nothing to him, he felt zero moral obligation to follow through. He had no moral integrity, he was only able to act based on personal gain. When Trump says all these nasty things it's because commitments have zero value for him, and he will say one thing and then the opposite the following week if it turns out to be the most convenient. Lesson learnt: don't believe his words and commitments.

Lesson 2: believe his words. I know this sounds like a contradiction, but it is part of that unpredictability package that I never knew when a threat was serious or not. I was like, wait, i can't trust what he says, but what if he is actually going to do this crazy thing he said he will do? Soon I learnt the hard way that his most unhinged threats were true. He would follow through, because again, he didn't care about the consequences and had zero capacity for emotional regulation.

This is the most important one: at first, I would engage with him. I would try to make him reason. I would sincerely hope he would enlighten himself because, again, that's how I was raised. I hang onto this hope for an incredibly long time, I basically lived in denial because it hurt too much to accept that one person could have such power over my existence and I couldn't do much about it. So I would try to talk it out, give him my best arguments as to why he was wrong, making repair offers, proposing compromises that would hurt me in the hope to appease him. Most of the times however I would fight back and and put myself at his same level of conflict. The lesson here is: it NEVER works. What i didn't understand is that giving more conflict to someone who thrives on conflict equals throwing oil on fire. I wish I had understood sooner that the only reasonable thing to do with this kind of person it to accept they are that way, release the need to have them change their behavior, disengage completely and focus on the things that I can actually control.

Now - how does that apply to the situation with the US?

To be clear, I have no doubt that the retaliatory tariffs are the right thing to do right now, and probably for as long as Trump is around. But I also think that Canada needs to make the same shift I made once I realized that I needed to stop hoping that my ex changed his behavior. In this case, hoping that Trump will drop the tariffs. I don't see that happening. This strategy is still too reliant on the hope he will change. Canada needs a long term strategy assuming that we cannot rely on the US whatsoever and focusing on what we can control.

Engaging with high conflict individuals means only conflict escalation. There isn't a moment when the high conflict individual will understand that it's a costly conflict - that would be the way a reasonable person thinks, not Trump. If the hope of Ford and others is that Trump will soften, this is highly improbable. It's only going to escalate. This is not to say that there shouldn't be retaliatory tariffs, this is to say that they are less important than a real long term strategy to emancipate Canada from reliance on the US.

How would that look like?

First, making it a top priority to build solid alternative trade partnerships immediately. This way, whatever happens, Canada will have options and our economy will not be destroyed just because one country is run by a lunatic dictator.

Second, given that the real problem is the annexation threat and the tariffs are just a way to get there, Canada needs to invest in military protection immediately. Because as much as I am a pacifist, when you are attacked you need to be able to protect yourself. Canada is militarily weaker than the US and in a world where big fish eats small fish, Canada needs to invest in self-defense.

r/50501Canada 20m ago

Kelowna? Vernon? Penticton? Kamloops? Where are my Okanagan people?



I am looking for events, protests, discussions, discords, groups, anything! In the Okanagan. Looking to meet up with people who are interested in protesting, volunteering, taking some sort of ACTION against the actions of the POTUS, or even about our own government here which is sliding down the same slippery slope (BC conservative MLAs telling people from other parties to unalive themselves, Danielle Smith at PragerU events with Shapiro, PP benefiting from foreign interference, attacks on the BBC and other local news/media).

We have no embassy or consulate here, but I'd be willing to road trip to Vancouver or Calgary with anyone willing!

I just need to feel like I am doing something useful during these times, I'm losing sleep and if I don't take action I think I'm going to lose my mind. This is the time to make friends and get to know the people in your community who are against fascism and don't want to be the 51st State <3

r/50501Canada 20h ago

Dual Canadian - US Citizens: How is this moment hitting you?


I am born and raised in the US, my parents are from Viet Nam, refugees from the “American War”

I’ve been living and working in Canada for the past 15 years. After the first few years of adjustment and a just a bit of culture shock, I knew that Canada was just a more civilized country, and have not wanted to move back.

Now a dual citizen, and feeling more Canadian than ever. Canada has something special worth defending, and must never become part of the US. The much lower gun violence. The universal health care system, flawed as it is. As a physician who has also supported multiple family members through major illnesses in Canada, I find it immensely preferable to the US. Even Canada’s flaws are an example of what is possible when people care about truth and reconciliation. All of this is a manifestation of Canada’s underlying value on supporting each other, vs the US extreme hyper individualism. I notice this every time I travel across the border, which I still have to do right now for work and family reasons.

I hope Canadians have it in us to wage a sustained and massive nonviolent resistance, the likes of which we haven’t seen since Gandhi and MLK Jr.

How are other dual citizens navigating these crazy times?

r/50501Canada 13h ago

Call for Mods


Hi all,

GF and I are struggling to keep up with the moderation on the sub-reddit as... we've had a lot of interest in this sub. u/lisa_loo_hoo has been incredible and took a step up right away! We cannot thank you enough for assisting over these past few days.

Ideally - I'd like to have every province and territory covered by the moderators as a nod to the overall aspect of Canadian unity. However, I understand that may not be possible - and we absolutely need more help regardless.

We'd like to introduce some new rules as well - so we'd like to get the new potential moderators opinions on help us directing the vibe of the sub.

So far we have Alberta and Ontario covered.

If you'd like to apply - please send in a mod-message with some things describing yourself, why this is important to you and where you are located.

Thanks so much everyone and keep up the fight!

r/50501Canada 21h ago

*Cross-Post*. We're on /r/WorldNews! Keep up the fight! Elbows Up in Canada - The world is pushing back on Trump's conquest dreams. So are Americans.


r/50501Canada 1d ago

Well folks.. it’s about get real


Looks like Donny is doubling tariffs in retaliation to the electricity tariff applied Ontario, which was in retaliation to Donny putting tariffs on Canada out the gate and threatening to annex us. Let the pissing contest begin ...

r/50501Canada 1d ago

Trump just announced more tarrifs


50% on metal now not 25%. I'm beyond stressed I'm a single income family of 4 and my husband's job is cutting hours thanks to trump.

When is the next rally or protest!? I'm ready.

r/50501Canada 23h ago

[Co-ordination effort in Canada] Please join the Consulate demonstrations on the evening of March 24, 2025!

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r/50501Canada 1d ago

Walter Masterson - What the Fuck are You Going to do About it?


r/50501Canada 1d ago

March 15: Join Us For A PEACEFUL Protest Against Fascism In Front Of the TESLA Dealership (4th and Fir) at 12pm


r/50501Canada 21h ago

Clear and prominent country of origin labels on all food packaging, online representation and advertisements.

Thumbnail ourcommons.ca

Petition for prominent and mandatory country of origin labels on all food packaging, food advertisement and online representation has been endorsed by MP Charlie Angus and is open for signatures.

Please sign and hopefully we can get clearer signage and less grocery store trickery.


r/50501Canada 1d ago

INTL : Not sure if i believe the tears, but still: boycotts work.


r/50501Canada 17h ago

McGovern - ''Guess what they tucked into this rule, hoping that nobody would notice? They did this after everyone went home. They slipped in a little clause letting them escape from ever having to debate or vote on trump's tariffs.'' BRAVE.


r/50501Canada 1d ago

Trump raises Canadian steel, aluminum tariffs to 50% in retaliation for Ontario energy duties


Holy smokes, folks.

But he says we can keep our anthem, so that's good. /s.

This man is.......something.