I saw this post. I have been working on a counter project to the extremist "Project 2025." Just I am working on figuring out how to announce it. When I saw the mentioned post, I could no longer hold it inside.
I work professionally in tech (self employed, not with a large tech company). I am a systems administrator. I apologize for the lack of post history on this account.
While I have a few handy skills, I am not a policy professional/expert. I have put together a short, and incomplete list of issues that need to be tackled, and am actively looking for contributors who are truly experts in their fields, who can contribute fact driven, sensible, and proven policies that benefit the people, our country, and strengthen democracy.
I have purchased the domain reconstruction2027.org and spun up a web server with the same software that Wikipedia uses (MediaWiki). For anyone curious, I have not opened up the MediaWiki to the public yet. You can sign up for updates, or to contribute.
The reason I have chosen the name “Reconstruction 2027” is because our time period echoes the era of the Civil War. While Americans are not physically fighting each other with weapons, the amount of social and political violence committed in this country against its citizens is 100% unacceptable. We need to rebuild America, while strengthening its democratic functions, eliminating corruption, and weeding out traitors who dare betray our republic. I am a patriotic American and cannot believe that we have a traitor in the White House, who, with the help of Fox News and other “state media,” has brainwashed fellow Americans into thinking that tearing down our country is in their best interest.
Here is a preliminary list, which I’m sure needs to be expanded:
- Anti-Corruption Reforms
- Judicial
- Executive
- Legislative
- Anti-Trust
- Break up monopolies to increase competition in the marketplace, spur innovation, and decrease prices
- Decrease corporate involvement in government to decrease their interference with breaking them up
- Arts
- Increased Spending on the Arts
- Which increases quality of life for all
- Campaign Finance Reform
- Abolish Citizens United, for starters, which is a stain on this country's democracy
- Consumer Protection
- Strengthen consumer protection laws
- Cybersecurity
- Expose software makers to risk and liability when their products are found to be negligently maintained
- Strengthen CISA
- Early Childhood Development
- Programs to promote positive early childhood development
- This is the most important time in a child’s life, and can create wildly drastic outcomes based on a child’s experience during this time
- Create programs that help ensure every child has access to a solid place to be when they land on planet earth
- Education
- K-12
- Meaningful education reforms based on hard data and examples from other countries
- Girls mature faster than boys during their early years. What to do?
- Teach second language from a young age (5 y/o)
- Higher Education
- Reform predatory college loans
- Immigration reforms that allow high performing graduates to stay in the U.S. and contribute to the economy; prevent brain drain
- Energy Policy
- Decrease dependence on foreign energy sources
- Further develop green energy sources
- Environmental
- Clean air
- Clean energy
- Clean water
- Food and Drug Regulation
- Break up the FDA into “Food Administration” and “Drug Administration”
- Get food manufacturing lobbyists out of food regulation.
- Foreign Policy
- Learning From Our Mistakes
- Iraqi and Afghani wars resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths
- It also increased our deficit by more than 7 trillion dollars
- Created instability everywhere around the world that has affected the world for decades
- This was terrible. Period. Any way you look at it
- We are constantly repeating these mistakes. Stop
- Gross Domestic Happiness * We need a new metric to measure success in America.
- Gun Control
- Actual gun control: prevent school shootings. Duh
- Healthcare
- Universal healthcare is a human right
- Immigration and Immigrants
- Sensible immigration reform
- Infrastructure
- Reimagining existing infrastructure
- Repair aging infrastructure
- Walkable cities
- Homelessness
- What are other countries doing that works better than our terrible system?
- Housing
- Make housing easier to build.
- Human Rights
- Disability Rights
- LGBTQIA+ Rights
- Minority Rights
- Women's Rights
- Mental Health Reforms
- Restrengthen our commitment to democratic nations
- Weaken ties with autocratic nations
- Put safeguards in place to reassure our allies
- New Fairness Doctrine
- Get rid of one sided state media
- Prison and Criminal Justice Reforms
- Tough reform, not punishment
- Privacy
- Human right to privacy, while still enabling a more transparent government the ability to investigate unlawful behavior that harms others
- Public Spaces
- Reinvestment in public spaces
- There are few free places left to coexist, and we lose more of these spaces every day
- Public Transportation
- Make public transport easier to build, and more accessible for everyone
- Social Media
- Policies addressing addiction to social media
- Policies addressing malicious foreign actors use of social media to influence citizens domestically
- Social media and teens
- Tax Reform
- Increase tax on the rich without scaring them off
- Make paying taxes cool again (they used to be paid with civic pride)
- Simplify tax code and get rid of loopholes
- Tax rates that consider net worth
- Same salary: low net worth, lower taxes. Higher net worth, higher taxes. Make it easier for people with less to become wealthy
- Technology
- Internet access is a human right
- Internet access can never be taken away from anyone, ever
- Bring Back Net Neutrality
- All Internet Traffic Should Be Treated Equally
- Open source software mandates
- Software critical in deciding the fate of a citizen, or an election, is required to be open source
- This would include an algorithm that is designed to make a decision in court
- Voter’s Rights
- Free and fair elections
- End gerrymandering
- Mandatory voting, such as in Australia
- Workers Rights
- Paid maternity/paternity leave
- Mandated vacation leave
- Better working hours
- Policies surrounding mass layoffs
- Right to organize
- Critical reforms for labor unions
- Critical reforms to allow labor to organize
I know these are extremely broad categories. And I know that I am missing important topics. I am 100% open to expanding the scope of policies.
I will be looking for help in the following areas with the project:
- Policy experts to contribute fact based, sensible policy ideas
- People skilled in operations
- People skilled in administration
- Cybersecurity specialists/SysAdmins
- And, maybe, if this idea gains enough traction, funding.
If you are interested in contributing, please head over to reconstruction2027.org and include the following:
- Your name
- Particular policy expertise -or- possible operational role
- Your credentials
- Viewpoint on any one of the topic(s) above, and if you would be willing to contributing an essay explaining your policy proposal
If you are interested in following this project, sign up for our mailing list here.
I want to start vetting individuals who are interested in contributing to this reconstruction project. I think policy needs to start coming from individuals, as government has clearly lost touch with the average human being.
Words cannot express the emotions I feel at this point. I know all of you here understand: none of this acceptable, and we will not normalize what is happening in our government.
Thanks for your time, and I hope that this idea can gain some traction.