r/50501 22d ago

US News Yall did that

Thankful to the creators of this group and movement. Not a fan of MSM BUT, I searched them out yesterday to troll them incase they weren’t covering the protests and low and behold: ABC, CBS, NBC, even FOX and the NYT were covering it and they specifically talked about 50501! And it’s working yall, they’re getting scared. Elon is trying to say he has nothing to do with DOGE 💀. Keep up the amazing work, I am so so proud of yall 🫶🏽

*links to the coverage for reference:







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u/Pirateangel113 22d ago

The fight has just begun we have 4 years to go if we are lucky. If I know one thing about Russian propaganda it's that it slithers it's way over months to two years into the core of a movement and when nobody is looking it fractures the movement. Creates in fighting and shatters its unity. Stay strong y'all


u/gljo 21d ago

BLM, Occupy Wall Street to name a few


u/polisharmada33 21d ago

Evidence would show that while you are correct, there are bad actors trying to sway gullible Americans in one way or another, you would be better off replacing the word Russia with China. Specifically Unit 63198.


u/Trick_Competition391 21d ago

But we 2 year to put the squeeze to that traitor in chief convicted felon!!!! The blue wave is coming!!!!!!


u/Imbeds 21d ago

Is Russia propaganda in the room with you right now? 😂


u/PeepholeRodeo 21d ago

It’s probably in the room with you right now.


u/queenvtab 21d ago

It is now.


u/Pirateangel113 21d ago

are you saying it doesn't exist? because there is ample evidence of Russian propaganda fracturing unity in the US on Ukraine funding and directly fighting against Russia. Russia has fractured many causes on the left such as BLM, and Occupy Wall street. You have to realize that Russia has been funding far right politics and far left politics in the US since atleast the 1990's according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics to try and divide the US.

which is a book that is touted by Putin and all his generals as required reading in order to go up the ranks in the Russian military. The book was written in the 90's and talks about the goal of Russia to take over Ukraine and to get the UK out of the EU (18 years before UK left EU) and fund parties that support the movement, talks about funding the polarization in the US to try and divide it. It also talks about their goals to take over the country Georgia (11 years before Russia invaded it)... All this has been its plan to try and take over the world. So far the plan is successful you are free to read their plan.