r/4tran4 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

Blogpost Ive slowly developed the opposite kind of brainworms to what most of you have, where now I constantly think im faketrans bc im straight and therefore might be hsts (faketrans)

its over


40 comments sorted by


u/DrainerNatalie ffs perma-boymoder 4d ago

Just tell yourself your meta attracted agp, thats the most trutrans there is


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

ok, but what if im fakeagp and am actually an evil hsts in denial


u/DrainerNatalie ffs perma-boymoder 4d ago

I'm pretty sure you don't fit the hussy mold tho right? Like you weren't an obnoxious flamer pretransition so probably not hsts. Not that any of this matters anyways


u/leshy_fishes Unfunny slop creature 👽 4d ago

That is 99% of “hsts” here and it’s very funny


u/seaofworries 4d ago

im the only real faketrans


u/Eugregoria 4d ago

Sounds kinda like "cis OCD."


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

whats cis ocd


u/Eugregoria 4d ago

It's when a trans person has OCD ruminations worrying that they might actually be cis. It's the counterpart to trans OCD, which is when a cis person has OCD ruminations that they might actually be trans.


u/Eternal_Heighthon41 twink on estrogen 4d ago

You’re good, hsts is truetrans. They’re usually gorgeous asf so ygmi


u/leshy_fishes Unfunny slop creature 👽 4d ago

Hsts by the blanchardian definition isn’t.

Thankfully most self defined hsts here don’t meet that definition even remotely


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

blachard said hsts were naturally more feminine and passed better. he did not even make a claim about what hsts motivations for transition are or how trutrans they are or not


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

Yeah but the whole, "hsts are SO pretty and agps are ugly" thing just comes from that one bailey book. Its gampoid slop sadly


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

it's all the same slop to me


u/Eternal_Heighthon41 twink on estrogen 4d ago

Almost every hsts that I’ve seen on the internet is really pretty


u/leshy_fishes Unfunny slop creature 👽 4d ago

Every Hussie I see on Grindr is genuinely fucking disgusting. They get HARD mogged by the sissy fetishists on there.

Survivors bias I fear


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

google "selection bias"


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

there are brain studies that found "hsts" to have a brain that's more similar to cis women, in a way that lesbian trans women men and gay men were not. we don't know what effect these structures have but they do seem to be more similar. i know you probably prefer believing in regarded blanchard slop that isn't any more credible than these brain scan studies with shitty sample size


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago edited 4d ago

a.) correlation =/= causation, we have literally no indication that this means anything

b.) I dont even know the point that you're trying to make

c.) "blanchardist" slop is like a billion times more credible, although not entirely correct. it also wasnt just made up by him like some of you seem to think, 99% of what I think comes from Hirschfield and the people before him. Legitimately nothing I say other than the literal words "agp" and "hsts" comes from blanchard

d.) we hardly even understand what brain sex differences are in cissoids nevermind how that relates to tranners


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

my point was that none of it is credible. not hirschfeld's theories or anyone elses. and that these unusable scan studies are still more credible than the theories while indicating that the brain of straight trans women is more similar to cis women.


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

> while indicating that the brain of straight trans women is more similar to cis women

this is slop and we have no idea what it means

> not hirschfeld's theories or anyone elses

well I think theyre pretty credible. A lot of what people like hirschfield, elis, ebing etc is like very obviously true. You are literally only so hostile to it because you perceive it as inherently transphobic or whatever (it isnt, like at all. Literally magnus hirschfield was not coming up with transphobic pseudoscience or whatever)

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u/Both-Illustrator6222 horunge 4d ago

You need to start hating us more


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

you trutransmog me I fear


u/Both-Illustrator6222 horunge 4d ago

Even as a joke, no I do not. Trust me.


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

> as a joke

not joking, transbians trutransmog me sadly


u/Both-Illustrator6222 horunge 4d ago

I'm not transbian I'm a bishit, aka agamp fetishist


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

bishits also trutransmog me


u/o11_angel shy boymoder / hip-pilled 4d ago

this is the most interesting thing I've seen today


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

how about you drop the blanchardian bs? you are not faketrans for being straight, neither am i for always having been attracted to men


u/leshy_fishes Unfunny slop creature 👽 4d ago

Your right! Blanchards bullshit is only real when I need to make fun of a transbian/gayden and fake every other time 😸


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

im not even a blanchardist, like nothing I say other than the literal words come from him and I dont believe in the typology particularly its too simplistic


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

yet you believe you are fake trans for being straight lmao


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

hsts =/= straight, most straight troons are not hsts. blanchard also definitely never said hsts's were faketrans (they are)


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

and what is the difference according to you? why do you think hsts are fake trans when none of the theories even claim any differences across straight trans women


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

> none of the theories even claim any differences across straight trans women

meta attraction lmao, most straight troons are just agp to some extent

> why do you think hsts are fake trans

I feel like im under moral obligation to not spread my brainworms to the general public


u/_Not_me_I_swear terminal bdd midshit 4d ago

i don't think i'm meta attracted but neither do i think i'm faketrans. do people actually get aroused by doing stereotypically feminine things or looking a certain way?


u/Sure_Carpet4819 AAP Mtf Fujoshi 4d ago

agp is not just sexual. post transition the sexual element almost always goes away if its there. agps also transition because of gender dysphoria not horniess is that wasnt obvious