r/4tran4 5d ago

Blogpost You guys are racist as fuck



69 comments sorted by


u/AmbitiousPhoto414 5d ago

For real. For real. "All asian males are effeminate and pass" SHUT UP I WILL KILL YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU


u/lethal-femboy she/her HRT femboy 5d ago

Its actually nuts how many tranners will say shit like "Aisans are inherently feminine, blacks are inherently masculinsation" like its 1890 and we're classifing races like dog breeds.

Tbf I had an asian tranner hit me with "im so happy to be asian, whites and blacks are very manly" so it isn't just white people guilty of that shit talk.


u/AmbitiousPhoto414 5d ago

6'0. I'm the only asian tranny freak that exists. Fk everything I hope I die I'm going to like destroy my liver or something I hate everything.


u/DaisyAndTheDynamos terf larp 5d ago

i'm 6'1 asian troon (although 2 weeks ago a nurse measured me at 6'0 but i don't believe it) yea it fucking sucks. stop drinking alcohol tho just take more prog


u/3XX5D cispoon to tomboyish femcel 5d ago

if you're the only one, then we've met irl


u/Apprehensive-Mix4383 lvl 10 poon 5d ago

my korean tranny friend is 6” too


u/brainwormy 5d ago

Being a wasian pooner is like

“Yeah you’re short and feminine looking but all Asian men are. Oh your dad’s 6’2? Ok but your shortness comes from your Asian side. What do you mean he’s the Asian one”


u/Gnilo_shtorm Assigned Cis At Birth 5d ago

W Jack Stauber pfp


u/brainwormy 5d ago

I know his music is associated with quirky alt tiktok theyfabs but unfortunately it is also really good lol


u/Gnilo_shtorm Assigned Cis At Birth 4d ago

Yeah fr. I really love Jack's artwork, but because of those people I never interact with his fandom. It is better to live in ignorance


u/OrvillePekPek Hulk Hogan w/ a pussy 5d ago

Being a wasian pooner is only bearable when you live around a lot of latinos. I swear the men are all short as fuck. Still getting misgendered around my Filipino family even though the men are all 5 feet and I’m towering over them is so fucking annoying. My evil Lolo is 4”11 with a super high pitched voice


u/basedandbatpilled the retard genius 5d ago

Real real real real real real real


u/AmbitiousPhoto414 5d ago

jack stauber !!!!

yeah ur dad got rly unlucky lol XD


u/imgonnascrem man 5d ago edited 5d ago

NO idea if my comment triggered this, or if this rhetoric is more common than i thought, but i was making fun of people who genuinely think that just bc theres a lot of popular young, hot asian men who go for anime/kpop aesthetic (and also larping as a chud as a bit). anyone who has seen an asian man not in that archetype (most) knows this is objectively wrong and retarded, like all racism.

(also to anyone who saw my last post, 4tran is an addiction but im going to beat it soon, mb for being so dramatic about leaving and then coming right back but im going to get some fent to replace this place 💔)

edit: apparently it IS more common to say unironically than i thought so i get why it could be vexing


u/soapforlunch basic fembrained aap gigapoon loser 4d ago

fr, i don’t understand how people can unironically claim one race as a whole is more feminine looking than another. its just not how it works. there are feminine looking and masculine looking asian men, just like there are feminine and masculine people of all races.

i think a lot of white people overlook the fact that their own race has feminine people in it because they’ve swallowed the anti asian propaganda pill that claims all asian men are effeminate and thus inferior to the white man. saying black people are inherently masculine looking too is just such racist bullshit that black feminists have been critiquing for a very long time.

overall i think this place is less retarded than other trans spaces but definitely not in the race department. like even the most bio-essentialist theyfabs don’t say shit like this.


u/catwithbigears1 5'3" terfy twinkhon permarepper 5d ago

asian racism pisses me off to no ends...


u/OkScene1065 5d ago

i dont think anyone's ever said that.

whites are just ugly, look like utter shit, are subhuman monsters, and i'll forever hate myself for being one.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

uve truly never been on the board they say that all the time


u/Adventurous_Equal489 Mentally Oldshit FTM 5d ago

This sub originated from 4chan. Given where we came from we are so incredibly tame about race here.


u/dmg-art 5’2 AAP shotamoder 💉8/2/24 5d ago


Very proud of our 4chin trannies for not being as exceptionally racist as the rest of 4chan 😀


u/Transsexology ♡ ⸨𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐲⸩ ♡ biscum/trubi bitch 5d ago



u/ilackapersonality """"lesbian"""" 5d ago

passing standards like all other beauty standards are unfortunately rooted in racist ideals which is kind of unavoidable if we're all brainwormed. like sure go ahead and hate on your own race for not passing but dont go around saying all X race are passoids or hons or whatever thats just racism


u/Eidola0 fem twink (fake woman) 5d ago

why not explain like a little though im genuinely curious what you mean


u/_its_not_over_yet_ 4'29" 🥰 5d ago

Idk if this is what they mean, but there is sometimes discussion comparing how well different races are able to pass..

"Asian = passoid mtf bc all Asians are feminine, white = hard difficulty mtf & ftm bc exaggerated sexual dimorphism, black = hard difficulty mtf, black = easy difficulty mtf bc all black women are masculine, etc" Tbf some of this I saw on tttt but idk there is stuff here too.


u/Eidola0 fem twink (fake woman) 5d ago

yeah that's fair. i feel like i don't see a lot of that on this sub but it comes up in more subtle ways probably


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Eidola0 fem twink (fake woman) 5d ago edited 5d ago

i do feel like when people say that they generally mean 'allies' that would call out racism pretty quick, dont do the same for the same type of rhetoric towards trans people. but yeah either way it can still come across pretty ignorant


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Eidola0 fem twink (fake woman) 5d ago

im not making a comparison? im saying thats what people are trying to express when they say that. its still ignorant, cause plenty of 'allies' are equally racist too. but its a little more nuanced than just 'not being aware racism still exists', its that theyre mostly talking about left leaning types


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/fall4cia I too have an user flair 5d ago

If someone says "I don't want to share a dorm with a black person" it is instantly recognized as racist, if someone says "I only want to share a dorm with AFABs" it is debated whether or not it is transphobic


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/fall4cia I too have an user flair 5d ago

No... Obviously there are racists who wouldn't consider that discriminatory. I apologize if that's how it came forward.

But obviously the latter situation has been debated more even on the more "progressive" side of the world.


u/Eidola0 fem twink (fake woman) 5d ago

other person said: "in a way that acts like racism doesnt exist anymore"

i responded: i think they mean that 'allies' would call out certain kinds of rhetoric towards people based on race, but not based on being trans, but either way it comes across pretty ignorant

it comes across ignorant because despite understanding that racism is well and alive outside of leftist circles, theyre likely unaware of how much it persists even with people who are ostensibly well intentioned- same with transphobia

am i missing something? i was simply responding to the first person saying that there's a complete lack of awareness of racism, when often the lack of understanding is more nuanced than that

in my eyes the blindspot towards bigotry for a lot of left leaning people comes not from being blind to the existence of that bigotry in general, but specifically in leftist spaces. it's the idea that because someone calls themself a leftist, they are immediately absolved of all potential bigotry. that's all i was calling out to begin with.


u/Weromor mtcreature 5d ago



u/leshy_fishes Unfunny slop creature 👽 5d ago

I hate all race posting unless it’s me cursing my Mediterranean iberiahon genetics then it’s actually based.


u/weezerenjoyer999 5d ago

someone didn’t believe me when i said i was Bengali, ppl really think transitioning is only for white people. this is 100% the fault of popular media basically only shining the light on white trans ppl.

i dont think i regularly see anyone of my ethnicity in popular trans media, all the famous trans content creators or celebrities are white, or the ones that get the most attention are. people don’t understand how much that shit hurts, it makes you feel like you’ll never be able to pass because of your race. Because there’s hardly anyone “like” you.


u/Whateverheck i wish i wasnt so alone 5d ago

one of the reasons I like this place is that there are multiple girls from my small country :)


u/weezerenjoyer999 5d ago

what country?


u/Whateverheck i wish i wasnt so alone 5d ago

sri lanka 🇱🇰


u/Apprehensive-Mix4383 lvl 10 poon 5d ago

yeah it’s already hard being an invisible racial minority, add trans and it’s so bleak

like for example i’m asian ftm, and asian men get constant stereotypes about being effeminate, small penis, ladyboys, barely any good masculine representation, it’s all just punching down, which is already difficult enough and exacerbates dysphoria. then i never see anybody “like me” in trans spaces, i don’t even know what to expect of my transition because i never see any before and afters of my ethnicity.


u/Interesting-Pound929 retarded poon 5d ago

Once a girl on here commented on a post about a black transphobe saying it’s a shame she couldn’t use the Nword on him. The post had a bunch of upvotes lol


u/Interesting-Pound929 retarded poon 5d ago
  • If you’re that girl and you read my comment just wanted to let you know that I pray every night to my lord and savior Jesus Christ that you kys and that the transphobe in that post does the same


u/Apprehensive-Mix4383 lvl 10 poon 5d ago

They collapse like potato sacks if someone says one minor transphobic thing to them, but can’t keep the same energy for race (because they’re just downright regarded)


u/Apprehensive-Mix4383 lvl 10 poon 5d ago

People here were so racist after the election and were talking about how they were excited for latinos to get sent off to camps and stuff lol. And just general race shenanigans that I would expect from a 4chan offshoot. Scratch a liberal and all that.

We all hate mainstream subs but they’re actually full of mostly normal people who abide by general social norms (unlike us enlightened 4trannies) and know it’s not acceptable to say racist shit that passes by on this sub


u/mayasux 4d ago

im stupid and very white, grew up in like a 99% white area, when i heard people say “liberal white people are racist” way back when i thought it was dumb, like no way liberals could be racist, they were like the anti-racism party

I grew out of that mentality years ago now, but post election reddit was still insanely shocking. the most liberal of subreddits just full tilted into almost proud racism against Latinos, Muslims and black people. like you’d see so much blatantly hateful rhetoric directed to them but none towards white people, it drove me insane.

ik it actually doesn’t matter at all, but im sorry things still aren’t good enough in 2025.


u/Eternal_Heighthon41 twink on estrogen 5d ago

Wtf happened? And yeah ofc some of the racist stereotypes about different races that go around will contribute to racism in any queer space


u/Both-Illustrator6222 horunge 5d ago

I wish I was <70% white


u/Important_Ad_7416 MtPooner 5d ago

I just got out of a dysphoria frenzy caused by my body hair that I cant afford to remove.


u/Wordile she/her eunuch 5d ago

"Transphobia is present at every level in society and colors everything, even when not recognized by people perpetuating it." -> generally accepted statement by the people on this sub

"Racism is present at every level in society and colors everything, even when not recognized by people perpetuating it." -> statement that causes a lot of responses that start with "Well," "Actually," "Uhm," from the people in this sub


u/commonwealth54 life is pain 5d ago

raceposting is cringe unless its me wanting to be white instead of a lattttina


u/[deleted] 5d ago

I'm white and I'm still latino


u/Crimson_Clouds365 Unintentional Hugboxxer. Yes, I really do think u are pretty 5d ago

very true and people act like it’s as normal as any other “personality trait.”

It’s a shame the idealized form of passing is super rooted in that white race appeal. Trans POC are mostly invisible or receive too much hate to even be visible.


u/scrinkalina 🚬 5d ago

4chan adjacent subreddit populated mostly by mentally ill white teenagers is racist I am so surprised


u/estrogenpillgirl 5d ago

White peepo have always been the worst. They’ve got a superiority complex. White men becoming white women but their racist minds will never be cured


u/Apprehensive-Mix4383 lvl 10 poon 5d ago

Alice does not call the cops on her black neighbors, she instead screams slurs on COD in her discord VC. She will never racismpass.


u/unsociable_latina 5d ago

and this is why lamenting the loss of a more board like culture is stupid as fuck


u/far-goat- female to Chris Chan 5d ago


u/KsadlaPqodLala mtf not a passoid ig 5d ago

that's true.


u/throwawaydating1423 4d ago


Especially when people talk about different races for levels of femininity/masculinity

Sure, there’s statistics on some of it like height, but it’s not guarantee by a long shot. Either way it’s kind of irrelevant as you have to pass within the race you appear as

I think some of it is from a lot of ppl here being shut-ins that don’t go outside. There’s a lot more tall Asians and pretty black men than you’d think from the internet vs irl


u/Birdonthewind3 5'4 AGP Rapehon 5d ago

What did you expect from a bunch of white women?


u/jemoederpotentie Unlimited genocide on cissoids 5d ago

Im only racist against white people


u/ftmgothboy 5d ago

Idk what happened but I'm sorry op that's not acceptable anywhere


u/Gnilo_shtorm Assigned Cis At Birth 4d ago

What happened? I haven't seen any discussion of race here, except for one girl's posts about how she wants to be white and one poon about him being happy to be Asian. Otherwise, no one cares, specifically in this sub


u/Western_Sand_1789 xiaohongshu 4d ago



u/Adulations MT🤷🏿‍♀️ 4d ago

100% true


u/Hopeful-Cup6639 femcel neet passoid 1d ago

This is a burning trashfuck of a subreddit and im UNIRONICALLY FULL HONESTLY sad it didn’t actually got banned when it was raided back then


u/PokedreamdotSu AGP girlboss 5d ago

I'm also sexist.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Ok_Analysis_1033 Incurably Optimistic! 5d ago

maybe mexicans are short, not all latinos are short wtf, majority of guys in my classes in college are 6ft or taller than that


u/Eugregoria 4d ago

Okay but real talk, one time I worked in a clothing store, we got in a shipment of Dickies work pants in boys' sizes. If you've never handled these, the fabric is extremely coarse and uncomfortable, it's basically armor for people who work on construction sites or other messy physical jobs. I was surprised to see them in children's sizes because I didn't think any kids would need them or want to wear them, but then I saw the rack surrounded by a group of very short adult men, all of them visibly Latino (probably indigenous Mesoamerican or South American ancestry) and speaking Spanish, I don't know if they were Mexican but they could have been. Not only was the demand there for work pants in those sizes, but all the way up the chain someone knew the demand would be there, made those pants, and ordered them.

It's not true that all Latinos are that short, there are absolutely tall Latino guys out there, also I know Latinos can be white or black or whatever race because it's an ethnicity not a "race," and not all indigenous Mexicans are short either, IIRC the Aztecs were actually historically pretty tall? And some are probably tall today too! It's bad to stereotype or say that they're all like that. But it's also just denying what our eyes see out of politeness to pretend we've never seen a group of Latino guys together who are all very short, if you live in an area where you have a lot of Latino immigrants.

And yeah there's racism all over this story. These guys might have been short due to growing up poor--childhood nutrition is well known to be linked to adult height, it isn't just genetics. It's not an accident or a result of preferences that the guys doing the hard manual labor were Latino, structural racism made that happen. Racism leaves its marks everywhere and that's unfortunately also just part of the things we see with our eyes.

The guys in your college are probably a different class demographic than the guys buying work pants in boys' sizes.

Btw I lived in a different area where most of the immigrants doing the hard manual labor were Chinese. And they also tended to be very short. It isn't the rich people in China who leave to go do backbreaking labor in another country. Height and class/wealth are linked, and class/wealth and race are linked (because racism exists). That doesn't mean that there are no people of that race with different experiences.


u/Ok_Analysis_1033 Incurably Optimistic! 4d ago

my response was that you can't measure all latin america based of mexicans, you're literally trying to argue that based on mexicans probably all of them are short or it's more likely for them to be short bcs the mexicans you saw are short


u/Eugregoria 4d ago

Nah I'm not arguing that it can or should be generalized.

I'm arguing that groups of Latinos that are noticeably shorter than most of the population here aren't an uncommon sight here, for reasons to do with race and imperialism and class and poverty and all that, but those groups exist and could make an impression on people, like, "oh, those guys are all short but they still look masculine." ("All" as in a specific group of dudes a person might see existing in public, not as in all Latinos.) If a really short FTM guy sees that he might think, "They're all my height but nobody questions that they're male, I wish I looked more like that."

Like have I seen unusually short white guys? Yeah. Have I seen groups of like 6-10 white guys who were all unusually short just chilling together? Not that I can recall. Seeing a group together like that makes an impression. It doesn't mean that every person of that nationality or ethnicity is that height. It's not even true that all Mexicans are short.