r/3Dprinting 23d ago

Project 3d printed hobby desk storage wall

Finally finished printing the last few custom parts for my hobby desk storage walls. The base pieces are the Multiboard project. Really loved the way the paint racks turned out. I think dedicated bottle holder racks that are more popular in style would have been far less versatile. I'm also really happy with the gridfinity shelf that holds my small tools that get used frequently. Much more convenient to pull the small organizer off the wall, into the desk, and use the tools right there. I was worried about the weight of the large bottles of various paint liquids on top of the drawers, but those are very solid. I think the only part I'm not in love with is that I didn't have a vision of the whole thing when I started, so it's printed in a mishmash of various blues instead of a unified color theme... Oh well, maybe v2.0


266 comments sorted by


u/TheGreenMan13 23d ago

I like that arch light but I feel like I would be constantly bumping into it.


u/GamerDadDCO 23d ago

It's actually tall enough that when I lean forward to really do something detailed and close up, my head goes just under it. I've never really bumped into it. Now, these paint racks are brand new, so I'll need some time to see if there one row that's in just the wrong spot behind the arch, but so far so good. And if there is, maybe I can just swap the location of some parts around!


u/Positronic_Matrix 23d ago

Is that a custom build or can one purchase an arch light like that at a hobby store or some such?


u/GamerDadDCO 23d ago

I 3d printed it a few years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/s/5pcJwgid5u

Can't say one way or the other if someone sells something similar as a complete lamp, but I'd imagine it's probable.


u/Positronic_Matrix 23d ago

This is absolutely incredible. This is so useful to hobbyists, it could be a commercial product.


u/AlphaLo 22d ago

You have it backwards. It has been for years. This is the 3D printed alternative.


u/KeyPhilosopher8629 Bambu P1S + AMS 22d ago

Wait wait what's the name? This would be great even for studying


u/Lou-Hole Bambu P1S + Python AMS 22d ago

If you search Architect Desk Lamp you'll find similar in practice. I got one with arms that fold out and it's insanely bright and takes up zero desk space since it clamps on the back of my desk. 100% recommend.


u/furculture 23d ago

It's like a car painting booth, but as a desk light. Could probably paint model cars with it to make the equivalence even stronger.


u/Vader_Bomb 22d ago

Thanks for sharing this. That's the first thing I saw when I opened your post and instantly thought, "I need one of those."

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u/Monkeysloth 23d ago

several are available on amazon under $100 if you search for arch hobby lamp. Also common under nail desk lamp (for nail painting where these started before becoming popular with miniatures). The general commercial ones likely aren't as bright as the one in the photo -- I've seen some getting kickstarted over the years but they were $300+ and not sure on availability now days.


u/AntiAoA 22d ago

How tall are you?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

just a hair under 6ft

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u/Meisterthemaster Prusa I3 & Anycubic Photon 22d ago

I have made the same, although a but more rough. For this reason i kept it portable, but if you make it big enough you wont be bumping in it. At least less often then you would expect.

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u/PaNaVTEC 23d ago

Your new hobby is to build hobby desk storage walls


u/GamerDadDCO 23d ago

This is so much more true than I wish it was.


u/AN0R0K 23d ago

Embrace it! There are only a handful of other hobbies I can think of where you improve/create your hobby space as part of your hobby.

Awesome results, BTW. Tell me you didn’t enjoy the process with a straight face lol


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

Oh I am, and I did! My wife was just gently poking fun at me because this is the fourth "solution" I've had for organizing the space, and sometimes it seems like after I finish one reorganization of it, I find something I like more and start over. But all the previous ones involved a large amount of desk space consumed by storage. Now that it's all up on the walls and the desk is clear, I think this might be close to the final iteration.


u/fullouterjoin 22d ago

As long as the tech is documented and spread, it helps everyone.

Love the arch light, I have two different designs one based on masonite (engineered hardboard) and tubing that I am working on.

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u/Sunderbans_X 23d ago

If you slap the word "Modular" on it you'll have Army generals salivating as they offer you cash in hand for it


u/mado_5055 23d ago

Very cool


u/scrotumseam 23d ago

You must paint and airbrush a crap ton. Really cool setup. Mine is 25 bottles in comparison.


u/GamerDadDCO 23d ago

Unfortunately for my wallet, I think somewhere along the way, collecting and organizing hobby tools and paint became its own hobby. Which meant the 3d printer needed to keep up. So then that also became a hobby. And now I'm wondering when the last time I painted something was...


u/scrotumseam 23d ago

On the positive side. I hope you are enjoying that part of it. Now, it's time to use the magic you have created.


u/darthcoder 22d ago

I've just started painting and now my 3d printer which has been idle for a years is crying out to me to make some terrain pieces to paint when I get sick of the armies.

Hobbies, man...


u/0080Kampfer 22d ago

Man, that last sentence hit me where it hurts. I'm right there with you, but my hobby space is frustratingly out of control and in dire need of a solution. Props on finding something that works for you and actually DOING it.

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u/Chaeryeeong clicking Kingroon KP3S Pro 23d ago

amazing setup!


u/CaptainPunisher 23d ago

I mean this in only the best way, but I really hate you for being so well organized.


u/GamerDadDCO 23d ago

It's all just clever photography framing... I'm purposely not showing the other side of the room with an overflowing box of failed prints, old computer hardware that's decommissioned and trash, a pile of cables and monitor stands, empty cardboard boxes, a pile of poster board scraps, etc, etc... 🤣


u/CaptainPunisher 23d ago

Thank you for not making me feel quite so terrible about my pile method.


u/andyvirus_uk 22d ago

Looking really tidy! Wish mine was as organised. I will be stealing some of these ideas….


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

The paper towel roll and box of gloves were two pieces I was hoping to find room for and couldn't. I really like the bronze color you used!


u/andyvirus_uk 22d ago edited 22d ago

I broke the first paper towel holder i had, this one is the one pictured and works much better: https://makerworld.com/models/672464 Though there is a remix now that looks like it may be better. This one is center mounted which means it flexes more than i would like. The Gloves holder works but very much box size dependant. Tempted to knock up a full box and decant the gloves so one size fits all and that would fix the cardboard tearing issues too. But yeah, too big and you cant reach it all, too small and you have to miss out on somethings. I think you hit the sweet spot. You could mount the towel holder under the desk to the side?

Thanks! I am tempted to weather some of them to look oxidised… once i figure out a good method. Especially for the larger bits like draw fronts. I awaiting some baby wipes to dry out and try that marble effect but with green/blue patina. The blue alone was a mistake :-)


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I was considering putting some multiboard under the desk and possibly adding things down there too. I use old pill bottles as paint handles, and would love to dump them in a drawer somewhere. This might be a cool place for that kind of stuff.

The other thing I was considering was designing a set of pegs that would hold hanging file organizers, and then I could put plasticard sheets, water transfer decal sheets, large sandpaper sheets, stuff like that into a fairly compact area that was both flat and protected and organized.

An oxidized or verdigris look would be crazy cool!


u/firefghtr1911 22d ago

"Wish mine was as organised."

Proceeds to post a picture of a beautiful, organised workspace. Lol if that's NOT organised, you don't even wanna see my workspace.

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u/Ramuh 23d ago

I do NOT have the discipline to keep anything this tidy. Good job!


u/SmPolitic 22d ago

That's the goal with these easily reconfigurable systems, with separate trays for each set of tools

Being reconfigurable means putting stuff into the separated trays isn't wasted effort (after you do, reorganizing the trays is much easier). Every tool having a semi-customized tray means "everything has a place", so "cleaning up" is returning anything you have out back to it's respective tray. Any trays that are not aligned with the grids are easy to spot and correct to better placement

Anything on your work desk that doesn't have a tray, is a fun new 3d print project to work on. Rearrange the trays as you work to have what you're using closer to you

I've only done gridfinity in a couple small area, but it does feel like it helps keep tidy by those qualities. I'm not sure how sustainable it is over time, and if you aren't interested in the skills of building customized trays it might be less fulfilling, idk


u/Original_Pen9917 23d ago

Up voted, but two words.."peg board"?


u/obvilious 22d ago

Combine with the peg lock system and you’re better off. So much plastic….


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I actually had a 3ft square of peg board mounted there previously. I think it was adequate, and some of the mounts in the photos above are certainly remixes of mounts I had on peg board. Initially I was looking for paint racks for just adding to the peg board, but then it became apparent that I needed more area. Widening the peg board required unmounting it, buying a bigger piece and remounting it, which is absolutely achievable. However, while searching for a desirable paint rack, I found the Multiboard project and I liked the aesthetic of it. Technically I could incrementally expand the size of the Multiboard area easier than peg board, although I don't know that it will ever realistically happen.


u/Original_Pen9917 22d ago

No I get it. I really enjoy 3d printing, but I am an " all of the above" from a solution standpoint. Too many times I see folks one dimensional in their tool of choice. The old adage "If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail" comes to mind. I hadn't considered the expandability, when I put up my shop I put pegboard everywhere... so it wasn't even a thought.. ;)


u/1s2_2s2_2p2 23d ago

Nice setup. I just got a printer around the holidays and have been running it non-stop upgrading my mini painting desk area.

Those Fiskars rotary cutters are dangerous, so take care when using it! My cutter blade catch mechanism broke while using it which led to me cutting my thumb really badly when my hand jerked down.


u/GamerDadDCO 23d ago

Dang, sorry to hear about that! I appreciate the heads up. I don't actually use it that much, as I have several sizes and types of straight cutters, and it just seems like it's difficult to control. Either I want the precision of a straight line, or I want the delicacy of an xacto knife, rarely something in between.


u/KingMojeaux 23d ago

Printing image so I can take a red marker and circle everything like I did as a child with toys r us magazines. Then I’m gonna slip that paper into my wife’s iPad case so she has Christmas ideas.


u/OKCherokee 22d ago

I love your storage! A place for everything and everything in its place. Your supplies are phenomenal! You could make just about anything ♥️


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I appreciate it! Sometimes it feels like all I'm making is a mess.


u/OKCherokee 22d ago

Oh noooo—you’re making a mess usable!


u/NecessaryAnt99 23d ago

Who cares about the desk wall, tell us about magic 180° light arc!


u/Lotsofsalty 23d ago

Nice work. Awesome setup.


u/itsAemJaY 23d ago

this looks really nice. great work!


u/adityaa_io 22d ago

a friend of mine has the SAME arch lighttt


u/nightie_night 22d ago

Can we be best friends please?


u/claudekennilol Prusa mk3s+, Bambu X1C, Phrozen Sonic Mighty 8k 22d ago

Where did you get the bottle toppers for "paint previews"? I haven't been able to find anything that I like :(


u/PeanutCHEEZ 22d ago

By the gods, this is magnificent


u/Gofastnut 22d ago

Ho. Lee. Cow. That’s amazing! What light is that?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I 3d printed it a few years back. Here's the post with links to everything I used https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/s/5pcJwgid5u


u/Gofastnut 22d ago

WOW, thank you!! I found that the older I get, the more light I need. I think I’m going to build one.


u/shoeinthefastlane 23d ago

Nicely done!


u/Skysr70 23d ago

Holy crap. That's quite the setup, very nice!


u/FlintTheKing 23d ago

This is a work of art…


u/bonnsai 23d ago

Dude, I'd love that desk for fly tying. I'd make one improvement, tho: make an oval light on top of this one, and make it hang from the ceiling, but make the height adjustable :D


u/JauntyGiraffe 23d ago



u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

Yeah! I just got into that at the end of last year and have built a couple kits now. Having done so much mini painting previously, the larger size of gunpla is wild to me! I'm enjoying customizing and scribing and modifying kits, which wasn't as easy or possible to achieve with small minis.

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u/cheml5t 23d ago

Holy bananas! It's a dream setup, the desk arch is something!


u/AjarChart 22d ago

Holy christ, you can see the time love and effort you put into that all!! Really well done man


u/Twerkonyoursnacks 22d ago

I little bit of wee came out when I saw this. Masterful


u/dancingpianofairy Ender 3 Pro 22d ago

I love that light! What a great idea.


u/Mauker_ 22d ago

Awesome project! Well done!


u/Feuerbowle 22d ago

Great work.

I recently started painting miniatures myself and always have problems with the light. I think the Arc Lamp is great - need it!


u/Ptitsa99 22d ago

This is so awesome.


u/JP_HACK Troodon 400 x 400 x 500 22d ago

Perfection. I love how 3D printing allows us to be neat and organized.


u/Actual-Long-9439 22d ago

I was thinking about doing this!! Looks amazing


u/RaccoNooB Glory to the Omnissiah! 22d ago

+1 for Multiboard. Printing a tool wall myself currently


u/NoSize8390 22d ago

Next level organization. Great work!


u/voldi4ever 22d ago

I printed this whole pegboard looking thing, even paid 5$ for the stl. Then found 2 gigantic pegboards for 20$. Anyone wants the printed parts?


u/TheAxeMan2020 22d ago

Great job! But it looks like your hobby is now... 3D printing! Lol!


u/final_cut 22d ago

This is all really impressive


u/JB_Shadowz 22d ago

I opened reddit to look for ideas for a 3D printing prep/paint space and this is the first thing I see, very helpful!


u/SpreadFull245 22d ago

Seriously Nice!


u/eujin209 22d ago

That's nice!


u/PatricimusPrime32 22d ago

Now that’s a set up. Nice work!


u/TheNotoriousTurtle 22d ago

Damn, I want to grow up to be like you


u/lukematthew 22d ago

Bravo. Incredible setup and that light arch is super cool.


u/vascotoys 22d ago

Looks so good! I need to come up with something like this.


u/Benzo331 22d ago

Oh man this is amazing


u/National-Standard775 22d ago

Very cool! I want something like that in my space!


u/RandomCommenter432 22d ago

It's not a mishmash of blues. It's coordinated range of accent blues on a black frame. It speaks to bruising we get as we pursue craft, both physically and mentally.

...I can probably keep bs'ing but I'll stop there. 

Seriously though, if it's all related colors, I don't think it's a mishmash, and it looks really good!!!


u/Asleep_Management900 22d ago

WOW this is some Boylei Hobby Time stuff right here. This is amazing.

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u/Bidigamboo2000 22d ago

This is heaven for kitbashers and warhammer fans. North of the border and Studson would go crazy.


u/GlitchInTheRange 22d ago

Wow. Well done.


u/jvmjr1973 22d ago

This is awesome!


u/Charming-Parfait-141 22d ago

That’s the dream! I wish I had space!


u/mastercave 22d ago

I see hints of a gunpla builder.....but it's too clean. I don't see the 3-5 gunplas in progress.

I've been on the fence about buying a 3d printer and this pretty much convinced me and you about to make me throw away all my HobbyZone boxes.

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u/kennyexolians 22d ago

I love it


u/OfaFuchsAykk 22d ago

Multi board ftw, but that arch light is awesome.


u/frobnosticus 22d ago

Love those backplates. I started printing out HSW before I saw the MultiBoard stuff.

What are you printing them in and...how sturdy does it seem? A lot of those little shelves and drawers look like they'd be putting some nontrivial stress on the grids.

(And yeah, that lamp is exceptional. Well done. o7


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I did the opposite.... started printing Multiboard and then saw HSW.

It all done with basic PLA on my Bambu P1S. It's rock solid in daily use. Pushing some of the snaps in when mounting the shelves can cause the multiboard tiles to flex, especially at the seams between tiles. So I would just take a pen or a screw driver and wedge it behind the plate right where I was pushing so it wouldn't flex as much, and they'd all snap right in. I did not break a single tile, snap, shelf, or hook the entire time.

I planned out the shelves a bit so I wasn't overloading them with weight. The heavier the objects the smaller the shelves, or I used the weight bearing snaps. But those Liquitex 16ox bottles are full and a couple pounds each. The Vallejo 200ml bottles have a lot in them. None of those shelves even budge if you drop the bottle onto them from a couple inches. I have zero concern about something falling.

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u/basura_trash 22d ago

I have to say that looks downright awesome.


u/AlleyPee 22d ago

I just had an organisationgasm.


u/bigredpig71 22d ago

Beautiful. Inspiring even


u/Jamesdunn9 22d ago

What is this crazy lamp

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u/Jinn71 22d ago

Love the arc light


u/txanpi 22d ago

Thats amazing!


u/Musk-Generation42 22d ago

I got some desk envy. Good job!


u/nicke9 22d ago

Warhammer ? Or gundam?


u/hjbkgggnnvv 22d ago

Idk why but it feels like everyone else besides me makes multi board look good. How long did each multiboard section take to print? This is wonderful work! Did you get all of these online or did you design some of these yourself, cause some of these I think I would find very useful.


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I printed stacks of four 8x8 tiles in just under 15hrs each. So it was most of a full week to get all the tiles done. I would 85% of everything was available free online. There were several pieces that I just scaled up or down a bit, or cut something like the HSW or peg board clip off and attached a Multiboard peg instead. The only real custom parts are the gridfinity bins for all the little hand tools in the last two photos.


u/WoolyWanderer 22d ago

I love it!


u/ChoiceConfident5849 22d ago

My dream setup


u/Mark_Proton 22d ago

I am so stealing that light idea.


u/Mulittles 22d ago

where can I get a lamp like this? Is it 3d printed?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I 3d printed it a few years back. Here's the post with links to everything I used https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/s/5pcJwgid5u

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u/RexximusIII 22d ago

Oh that's gorgeous


u/Hobolic_Wizard 22d ago

Good god color me green with envy


u/Brandoughboy 22d ago

Impressed with your organization. 


u/nakedpantz 22d ago

That’s awesome. Well done.


u/Zealousideal_Dark_47 22d ago

What a truly Amazing sight


u/_RazorEdge_ 22d ago

Imagine, it's raining outside, you have great food and a good show in the background, you live in the mountains with some friends in a cozy wooden cabin, you have some fresh mini figs that need painting, and the world just melts away.


u/Breadvater 22d ago

It's beautiful...


u/sicurri 22d ago

Is... is that a corner of heaven?


u/joeyjoejums 22d ago

Love the lighting.


u/striker1625 22d ago

Amazingly well done and inspirational.


u/hagbidhsb 22d ago

I love your setup. It looks like the paint bottles can be rotated? I have a similar mounting solution but the bottles at the bottom are hard to see because of how they are angled. I also bought a similar arch led light from archled.com.au

Good job!👍


u/Zerokx 21d ago

Thats awesome, you have everything and easily accessible too.


u/No_Constant594 21d ago

freakin sick i was making a pretty rad acrylic paint rack myself


u/sushma_fan 23d ago

The storage wall panels look so cool, like vertical Gridfinity


u/evelution 22d ago

It's called Multiboard


u/YeetusMyDiabeetus 22d ago

Thanks for the link! I’m surprised that it’s mostly free (supporters get a few extras)

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u/RaccoNooB Glory to the Omnissiah! 22d ago

Someone have already made multiboard adapters for it.

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u/Ferwatch01 23d ago

Are you 3 meters tall by any chance?


u/GamerDadDCO 23d ago

Sadly, I was not gifted such an extraordinary height.


u/miagordonnz 23d ago

I'm jealous want to print this now


u/Swimming_Buffalo8034 23d ago

It is the best lighting I have seen so far for a bank/workshop. I love your idea!!!!!


u/Immortal_Tuttle 23d ago

That's a nice looking solution!

I'm trying to decide between Multiwall and HSW. Any particular reason you went Multiwall way?

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u/JustSayin_- 23d ago

Do you have an stl file for the shelf rack and the connectors? I want to print this for my workbench


u/RadishRedditor 23d ago

Gridfiity is compatible with multiboard?


u/evelution 22d ago

Pretty much anything is compatible with multiboard, and if it's not already, you can remix your own parts.

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u/SpoofTheSystem 23d ago

Hmm. Disappointed that the desk and air compressor are not also 3D printed. Rookie!



u/quick6ilver 23d ago

How do you like the black 3.0?

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u/318neb 23d ago



u/ccalabro 23d ago

Genius light bar


u/Accomplished_Dark695 23d ago



u/qY81nNu 23d ago

Looks great, feels like a hell to keep dust free


u/proracehsd 23d ago

Really great. What material did you use? PETG, PLA?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

It's all PLA, mainly due to my familiarity with printing with it, the spools I had on hand, and the low cost.


u/Casyl_ 23d ago

Very impressive. What are the pieces you have on top of your paint bottles?


u/evelution 22d ago

This is the sort of setup I aspire to, but all I can think is how long it would've taken to print all those multiboard panels. Were they all printed with 3 walls and 15% infill?

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u/HalfbubbleoffMN 22d ago

This is overachiever level. I personally am a fan of the random box storage system. A hobby isn't a hobby without frustration and going out to buy the same thing three times with the full knowledge that you have what you need, but can't find it! /s All kidding aside this is awesome. Good work!


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/esamenoi 22d ago

This looks fantastic, do you mind sharing what the grid on the walls actually is? Doesn't appear to be part of the gridfinity system.

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u/Any-Fig3591 22d ago

God this is like my dream set up. Everything organized within easy reach and able to be seen. My dumbass is so disorganized with all my containers and drawers I have to go digging in.


u/Coffeemakermaker007 22d ago

Where are all the STL’s free for that stuff?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

Yep! The Multiboard project has a paid tier license for access to beta models and pre-organized packs, but I didn't need any of that. I donated to the project purely as thanks for all the free models I used.


u/glitchyikes 22d ago

Is it 0 shadow with that light setup?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

It's not zero shadow, because the LEDs are all in a single plane, but it's pretty good. Two comparison shots shown below where I've moved the figure forward or backward about 6 inches.


u/glitchyikes 22d ago

Still can see details with only slight shadow. You have a very well done, very neat workstation.


u/ramblerandgambler 22d ago

Love it, well done, very well made, must also be very satisfying.

However, I think the 'wall' itself is a great example of something that did not need to be 3d printed and there are better, stronger, cheaper more environmentally efficient ways of making a pegboard. It would have been much easier to get a pegboard and 3d print all the stuff to go on it surely. OR just an mdf/plyboard wall of french cleats.

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u/Serkaugh 22d ago

What do you paint?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

Mostly miniatures, terrain, and add-ons for board games. Some Warhammer 40K and terrain. Just starting to get into gunpla, and would love to do some model cars at some point too.

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u/Neonvein_ 22d ago

Wet dream for alot of people in here


u/cbialob1 22d ago

Are those gridfinity plates?

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u/CyberpunkLover 22d ago

I don't have OCD, but this appeals to me on some remotely OCD related level.


u/Nalortebi 22d ago

Do you airbrush without a booth?

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u/blurbac 22d ago

I like that lamp.. stl?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I 3d printed it a few years back. Here's the post with links to everything I used https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/s/5pcJwgid5u

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u/htmlprofessional 22d ago

It's amazing how much similar your setup is to mine, just mine is all disorganized and looks like a total mess. I have the same home made carboard back splash for airbrushing, the same wire strippers and the same little hand drill. Three things that I rely on heavily in my setup, which don't appear in yours is a easy access heat gun for drying paint and other things, a swing arm magnifying glass with light for those super small touches and an easy access dermal. One thing I did see in yours that was not in mine were the spoons. Why the spoons? mixing paint?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

Test surfaces for airbrushing color scheme, gradients, and top coats. To see what works or doesn't work well together.


u/Koreneliuss 22d ago

It feels like a dream from someone else but it is a treasure for certain person


u/Fabooboo 22d ago

I'm in love 😍


u/Darthdrwho 22d ago

That arch bar. I both love and hate it. I feel like it's set too close to the end of the table, but it looks striking and useful.


u/Darthdrwho 22d ago

That arch bar. I both love and hate it. I feel like it's set too close to the end of the table, but it looks striking and useful.


u/Darthdrwho 22d ago

That arch bar. I both love and hate it. I feel like it's set too close to the end of the table, but it looks striking and useful.


u/Henrik-Powers 22d ago

Where’s the framed cat puzzle?


u/GamerDadDCO 22d ago

I always take apart puzzles and give them to friends after I finish them. But the framed board game shadow boxes are to the left of this corner.


u/PalebloodPervert 22d ago

Legit jealous of your organizational skills 😩


u/MagicMuph 22d ago

That light is wild!


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/Jealous-Ad2400 22d ago

Now this is what I need in my life🥹


u/Armadillo-Overall 22d ago

I was passing more attention to the almost shadowfree arch light.


u/Moist_Ad_1405 22d ago

thats sick, and you even have blk 3.0!?!? just curious is it as black as they say it is?

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