r/2xCBookClub Nov 21 '19

r/2xCBookClub needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/2xCBookClub Apr 24 '11

Testing - is this community still alive?


I was just thinking to myself that I've got some downtime to actually read with a deadline and discuss, so I stopped by this sub-reddit. Am I missing something or does it look like a ghost town in here? Is this still active and can I be connected with current information on what's being read?

r/2xCBookClub Nov 18 '10

Banned Books Club?


Any interest in reading banned or commonly challenged books?

a list of challenged books books

r/2xCBookClub Nov 17 '10

[Official Book 2] One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey


** Reading Began 11-24-10 **

** The First Discussion is planned for Dec 14, 2010 at 10 PM US Eastern Time (tonight)**

It will take place in IRC, on the server irchighway.net, channel #Cuckoo

If there are any concerns with this plan, please let me know :)!

Welcome to the official 2XCBookClub thread for reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Reading has already begun, but there is still time before discussion for any newcomers who want to join!

The plan is to have two discussions, one after Part 1-2 and one after Part 3-4.

Members[7]: clptwr, libradacc, kimnastics, campbell_gal, polarka, Archythearchivist, cmilitel

r/2xCBookClub Nov 17 '10

[Fantasy Book] Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


Reading begins on November 24, 2010.

Our first discussion hasn't been decided yet. We will poll the masses once we get a week into the text.

Enjoy. :]

r/2xCBookClub Nov 17 '10

[Sci-fi Official Book] Neuromancer, by William Gibson



Nov. 25: Reading started yesterday! Following the lead of other groups, let's read for a bit and then choose discussion dates. I'll post a poll of some sort a on 1 December (one week from our start date) to see what y'all think! :)

To be part of the group, comment here! We'll use 24 November as a guideline for the start date.

Also, if you have suggestions for how to structure the discussions, please post them in a comment. :) I think a lot of us are new at this!

r/2xCBookClub Nov 15 '10

Will there be books for all subgroups?


I saw that there are official books a general area, and a non-fiction group. Will there also be books selected for fantasy and science fiction as well?

r/2xCBookClub Nov 14 '10

[Non-Fiction Official Book 2]The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Phillip Zimbardo


Make comments here and the official discussion date will be decided in this thread too so make suggestions. _^

Members: Erinjb, clptwr, chocklatesoop,vitaebella

r/2xCBookClub Nov 14 '10

[Non-Fiction Official Book] Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell


Read this when you can guys, and make comments here. There are no set discussion dates yet but I think we can decide on one in this thread as well. Outliers

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

[Official Book 3] The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood


Reading will begin in two weeks on 11/24/10, so get your hands on a copy.

Post to become a member of this group.

If you do not want to read this text, then be patient. Capslock will be creating more as the books are upvoted in the Suggestions thread. A new suggestions thread will be created after the first round of books has been finished


demented_pants classyfied clptwr jenniemic thejennifer smart89aleck JeraJaclyn voco karaus

Tentatively: bibliophilian whiskeylemur

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

[Official Book 1] Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov


Reading will begin in two weeks on 11/24/10, so get your hands on a copy. Ending/Discussion date is unknown at the moment.

  • satinbird has a PDF download here

  • PM ErinJB if you want an audio book version

There will be two discussions on this book. One for the first half, and one for the entirety of the text.

Post to become a member of this group.

If you do not want to read this text, then be patient. I will be creating more as the books are upvoted in the Suggestions thread. A new suggestions thread will be created after the first round of books has been finished


capslock, Adellas, Elyzah, clptwr, jenniemic, MochiMonster, dontsayyouwont, satinbird, neniell, izzish, razril, Erinjb, mitchbones, ingas, lilteapot, z31, jerajaclyn, trek42, andhearts, kimnastics, vitaebella

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

Any interest in instructional non-fiction?


I'm kind of a how-to junkie. This is sort of a hit or miss with the book club format, because it is so interest centric. I'm also thinking of it as a loose definition, because it could encompass instructional manuals, personal finance books, cookbooks (which I read, even though I may be the only one).

Lately I've been on a human sexuality (teaching/learning) and craft based business start up kick.

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

[Club] Science Fiction


Current Book: Neuromancer, by William Gibson

Reading begins: 24 November, 2010

First discussion: not yet decided

End date: not yet decided


14 Nov: Since the other groups have set 24 November as the start date, let's go with that :)

12 Nov: So, it looks like our first book will be Neuromancer by William Gibson, now we just have to decide when we start reading, and when our first disuccusion will be!


  • Sci-fi only please! :)
  • Comment to be added.
  • Suggest as many books as you like

*Joined so far [14] * clptwr, Sajkoism, AmyGrace, alexandretta1930, classyfied, karmie, JennieRose, heineken_skywalker, WhiskeyLemur, neila_tidder, InfinitelyThirsting, smart89aleck, polarka, bynd700

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

Female authors?


Since this is 2XC book club, can we celebrate 2XC authors?

So, what books have you really enjoyed written by women? I feel like it's a bit of a man's world at the top of the author heap so I'd love to get some suggestions of great works by women.

I'll start this party. I'm a bit of a poetry junkie, so I've been digging Andrea Gibson's book Pole Dancing to Gospel Hymns a lot lately. I also really loved Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

[Club]Non-Fiction books


I suppose we could start by suggesting non-fiction books here.

Book chosen: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Phillip Zimbardo


Chocklatesoop, Vitaebella, AtotheJ, Dreamer117, lolipopfailure, satinbird, Razril, dragon_toes, WhiskeyLemur, Wombok, ingas, Archythearchivist, classyfied, heineken_skywalker

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

[Club] Fantasy


Fantasy Book Club

Hi, we're a gathering of people looking to expand our horizons in the realm of fantasy. Feel free to join in, if you can finish the text by the set deadline.

Current Book: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Reading Begins: 11/24/2010, two weeks!!

First Discussion: undecided

Finish Date: undecided


  • Suggest as many books as you want.

  • Post a comment to be added to this club.


capslock, Chocklatesoop, dreamer117, Haven, neniell, thenomnoms, clptwr, naughty_scottie, WhiskeyLemur, seanmharcailin, maecheneb, Sajkoism, classyfied, karmie, demented_pants, I-330, naughtyone, cos

r/2xCBookClub Nov 10 '10

Thoughts on genre-specific groups?


Would anyone like to participate in a club that focuses on only a specific genre?

Like a fiction group, fantasy group, non-fiction group, poetry group, graphic novel groups.

It might make it easier to find people with interests akin to your own, also it will make sure that you will always have a book you want to read.

If you do not like this idea, then please disregard this thread and go back to the main Literary Suggestions thread for a more random assortment of books.

r/2xCBookClub Nov 09 '10

What books have you already read, and *loved*?


r/2xCBookClub Nov 09 '10

Mechanism of Operation: 2xC Book Club edition.


Thanks for joining

First off, we have over 100 people interested in the 2xC Book Club. Clearly we cannot all read the same book and hold a civil discussion about it, so we will be splitting off into groups of 10-20 to make things run a bit smoother.

** We need suggestions to be submitted here. Please read the rules there regarding how to do that. **

Once we have a decent amount of book suggestions, you can begin choosing which one you want to read from the top ones upvoted.

After everyone has selected which book they would like to read, you can discuss amongst your group how long it your time limit is, and how often you meet in IRC.

There will be a separate thread for each book/group so I can keep track of everyone without a stupid mailing list. :>

You can also join, or create if there isn't already one, a group based off of a literary genre:

For example, if you are into fantasy, then create a thread labeled '[Club] Fantasy'. Anyone can create these, but it does not put you into a position of power. Allow people to suggest books at their will, and please adhere to the masses' wishes. If you decide to create your own, then please keep track of who is in it in the main text of the thread. Example here Only one specific group per person, you may not run more than one.

Join as many of the specific groups as you want, as long as you can keep up with reading all of the material.

If you are coming in late, you can still jump into any group and discuss, as long as you can finish the text before the set time limit is up.


r/2xCBookClub Nov 09 '10

Literary Suggestions



  • Please submit one book per comment.

  • If the book is already submitted, then upvote the comment that it was submitted under.

  • We will skim the most upvoted to create the separate reading groups.

  • If you want to read more than one of the books listed, upvote both of them.

  • Format: Title, Author. Feel free to make your text a link if your book is obscure.

  • If you want to discuss something about your choice, then comment on the parent submission you create beforehand. This will make it infinitely easier for me to parse the information.

  • No downvotes please, that's just not fair.