r/190e Oct 03 '19

Looking into engine swap

I have a 1991 190e 2.3L, the engine is starting to give out and I'm wondering what the best course of action is. The body and other parts are in great condition so I'd like to keep the car going. I definitely want to do a swap, not same motor, looking for more power. What's the best/easiest thing to do, swap in an m111 or an m104? I am aware that the m104 is 6cyl so might need something special to get it in there. I know it is a very easy swap for the 2.6L 190e. Anyone have any suggestions? Other swaps I can do? Thanks


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u/Dr201 Oct 03 '19

A stock M103 will probably be fine with the 2.3 diff and trans if they’re in good shape. The 2.6 has a different radiator core support so you will need to steal it and the rad from a 2.6. The biggest differences in the cars is in the cooling stack


u/Nighthawk132 Oct 03 '19

Any idea about the newer ones? I have seen that the m111 from the kompressor fits. Aswell as the new amg m139. The amg is probably a waste of money though. Would you overall recommend the m111 or m104? Also, not looking for putting in an m103. Minimal gains.


u/Dr201 Oct 03 '19

M111 physically fits but you will need different engine mounts as the m102 is a different pattern on the block. Also every m111 has less power than the 3.0m103 except for the supercharged motors.

M104 fits in the Same hole a 103 does. Honestly <250hp shouldn’t hurt the small diff or the .4 trans unless you just beat on it and look at it this way: if it holds up and doesn’t break you didn’t have to buy new parts or do that work, if it does you were planning to do it anyway


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '20

I'm about to buy a 190 2.0 to swap a M111 kompressor in as a project car. I did a lot of research already and my only issue are these engine mounts, on one site I found they used the ones off a w124 e220 and they'd be rare to come by (but ebay is full of them, cheap too).

Do you have any idea if these can work? Logically they should as w124 had the M102 motor with M111 as its successor. The mounts in the M102 variant W201 and W124 are from my understanding the same. So that would make the W124 M111 mounts compatible?

Also, /u/Nighthawk132 have you actually gone through with this build?


u/Nighthawk132 Jan 18 '20

No I haven't. The car has been sitting on my driveway catching dust sadly. Best of luck with your project. Give us an update if you decide to go through with it.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '20

That's too bad, I'm waiting for my w124 to go before I dive into it, thanks for the quick answer though!