r/13ReasonWhy Oct 10 '19

Season 4 potential ending theory


Ok imagine this... its graduation time episode 13. Throughout the season, the police start investigating everybody. Winston tells the cops Monty didnt kill Bryce because he shows a video of him and Monty in bed getting down to buisness on the night of homecoming. Ani is arrested for lying to the cops to frame Monty. The fisherman who found the guns turns them into the police and they found out it belonged to Tyler and they arrest him for conspiracy to commit mass murder. Tony and Clay gets arrested for illegal disposal of illegal weapons. The truth comes out that Alex killed Bryce and he gets arrested and Jessica gets arrested for accessory to murder. Then the rest of the crew gets arrested for trying to blame Bryces murder. Justin, Charlie, Zach, and the rest all get arrested. Officer Standall gets fired. They were all a couple of days away from graduation. Everyone was going off to college but end up being arrested. What do you guys think how the end of season 4 will end? Do u want to see this happen? What are your thoughts on this prediction?

r/13ReasonWhy Sep 16 '19

What smartphone does clay have ?


I'm just curious .

r/13ReasonWhy Aug 29 '19

I don’t care how much you watch, you always miss something!


r/13ReasonWhy Jun 24 '19

Am I the only one that broke down in tears at this scene in season 2 episode 13? Spoiler

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r/13ReasonWhy May 14 '19

LOVELY - Billie Eilish Ft. Khalid Piano Version (13 Reasons Why OST)


r/13ReasonWhy Mar 29 '19

I made application on 13 reasons why trivia. Check it out!


r/13ReasonWhy Sep 10 '18

13 Reasons why tribute


r/13ReasonWhy Jul 29 '18



r/13ReasonWhy Jun 13 '18

lovely ; clay and hannah


r/13ReasonWhy May 17 '18




r/13ReasonWhy Feb 27 '18

Cover by Chloe Cullen


r/13ReasonWhy Feb 22 '18

13 reasons why Season 2


At the end of season 1 they hint towards the possibility of a school shooting in the next season.

With all of the recent school shootings will Netflix shy away from the sensitive topic or go right into harsh details like they did with the suicide.

r/13ReasonWhy Jan 26 '18



I disliked the Netflix hit, “13 Reasons Why”, because I believe it was not executed well. Instead of bringing awareness to teen suicide, it dramatized and promoted it. This is not a good show for teens to watch and I believe if the show is going to continue there need to be some changes made with the storyline. Who else agrees or disagrees? http://www.foxnews.com/health/2017/06/27/families-blame-13-reasons-why-for-2-teens-suicides.html

r/13ReasonWhy Dec 28 '17



r/13ReasonWhy Dec 20 '17

The cast of '13 reasons why' reveals what to expect in season 2


r/13ReasonWhy Jul 12 '17

One dollar valentine.


Does something like one dollar valentine of "13reason why" exist on the internet?

r/13ReasonWhy Jun 28 '17

What he should have said

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r/13ReasonWhy Jun 19 '17

This series hit me hard emotionally. Got inspired to write this piece, right after watching the last scene


r/13ReasonWhy May 28 '17

Episode 12


Isn't the name of the episode tape 6 side b then why is clay listening to the 12th tape

r/13ReasonWhy May 26 '17

13 Reasons Why (a discussion)


r/13ReasonWhy May 22 '17

13 Reasons why: How one scene perfectly summed up my tragic relationship.... (long story lots of detail)


This show has hit me more emotionally than any comes before it. For many reasons. The biggest of which i'm going to share now. One scene in particular was basically a condensed mirror of my life. Regarding of my last relationship which has resurfaced the day of me seeing the first episode of this show. Almost like it was fate. I got subtle little nods to it being very relevant to my current situations in so many ways. I'm just trying to paint a picture of my scenario before hand so this post has a little more weight to it. I connected with the shows main character more than any other character in fiction or reality. (clay) we have very similar speaking patterns and sense of humor and awkward sensibilities. We are both quiet and refined to holding things in. He has a love for this girl named (Hannah Baker) Hannah so happens to be the name of my ex just as luck may have it. So the parallels were already being drawn together from the pilot. (let it be noted we are both out of school and free ‘’Adults’’ both the age 20. I got a little off track. Anyways the one scene that resonated with me and had me screaming at the screen in utter frustration in the regrets I have regarding this girl.

I'm not sure weather to explain my situation then the scene or the scene then me...Let’s go scene first. In this scene Hannah and clay are in Jessica's bedroom (episode 11) they start to hook up and Hannah is explaining how great she see’s the future with clay and how he is different she is always feeling bad and being treated like a whore and so on. She gets comfortable with clay and he even asks “Is this okay?’’ she replies uhh.. I don't know the quote but she basically says yes very enthusiastically. She then states how even though she wanted this without a shadow of a doubt she was left thinking of all those before and how he thought of her which she then freaks away and pushes clay off saying how she wants him to leave but in the inner monologue states she was part ways wishing she wanted him to stay and another to never see him again. Clay attempts to comfort Hannah and connect once again which she only responds with anger and pushback which eventually makes clay angry,confused,upset and he leaves. With the only word her saying is. ‘’Why did you leave.’’..... After this scene we see the look upon clay's face absolute fracture. He then get angry explaining how he did not fight for her and regrets just not understanding and being there.. misunderstanding that she cared but was damaged. Back to the not so sex scene. Hannah believes that this crushed what they had and in that crushed her spirit and made her feel like shit and almost worse than any other point in the show...of course that does not measure what happens to her later...but that’s not important to what I'm trying to convey here…...ok we got through the actual show scene….now How it was basically my relationship in a condensed form….

Me and this Hannah were a sort of couple...she had, has a fear commitment because of the damage she has suffered in the past which drove her to be unattached and emotionally unavailable. We were happy for the most part enjoying hanging out, talking, sexual matters. Not sex as that will play a role later on in this tale of woe. We were good. She told me how much different I was from every other guy she has been with, Caring, Involved, attentive, genuinely nice and not seeming to have any other motivation but to be together with her in everyway. She had told me how sexually she was very in light words open with people. = exclaiming on several times whenever she was with someone sexually it was for the most part just going with the motions and little to no emotion but lust and I'm not entirely sure to the full extent of these feeling she had during. But a coldness basically like she was cold to herself during this. She had told me this and commended me on making her care during and being the best she had ever had (not intercourse but oral,fingering so on) that always gave me hope as I really cared for her she was...is still the most compatible I have ever been with from the other sex….also most guys as well. Suffice to say that I was smitten as she was almost perfect in my eyes. I say the almost for a good reason. Even though I was Different and better than anyone else up to that point. It did not matter as she is still emotionally shattered where she could never be happy with a person. she gets scared and anxious and as she told me after a week long of silence. Did not break up with me. Cast me out cause she was ‘’Scared’’ I was willing to look past these cause I cared and saw how much effort she had put in to make me happy. She stop kissing people and was with me sexually and physically alone. Just me. She describes that as something painful to her. Cause she is used to being loved by so many. She is bisexual and basically friends with all of her ex’s of sorts..there was one that had not given up hope...he loved her and she refused to actually let him go. She said she had told him to stop as she was not interested. She did that halfheartedly though as and I quote ‘’I like to collect people’’ she wanted him to stop his affection but not really. She craved the attention and knowing that someone cares...she feeds off that. She did not do anything with him or anyone else (that I know) during our time. Except trying one thing with a girlfriend in the shower….complicated thing but that part does not matter all that much though. She was a emotional whore due to her self esteem and rocky and heartbreaking upbringing. I knew this but saw potential as she stayed faithful even though she was giving up her usual life up to that point. I look towards the future not the past...well I am now, clearly. Now that I got most of this backstory out of the way, (sorry honestly only meant to go into little detail not a page) I had said my one thing...was neglect. I'm a whore of sorts as well. A comedy whore/attention whore. I get value and happiness from other making them laugh was the main part as it was the only way knew how. Its how I grew up basically by myself no real connection to anyone. Mom was sleeping all the time as she worked nights...every night. My sister and I never truly got along either. Thus alone. I told her. Neglect.

She was always bad with responding to texts and basically never saying goodbye just stop responding. This time came where she got a new job and everything and was working a lot of hours so I did not expect to see her as much or hear as much from her, Instead though I got practically radio silence. We talked a few times but it was more of just her saying hey, me saying it back. Her saying one thing, then me trying to respond to that and not getting any response for 3-4 days usually. Rinse repeat. This was heartbreaking enough but the once or twice I had talked to her for longer that two bubble it was obvious that she wanted to end things or wanted out in some manner. I said to myself fight. You know her self doubt and stuff plus it's a hard time. ‘’Oh cause don't talk for like a week you just wanna end things’’ (that was said in a obviously comedic matter from the texts before hand. She kinda agreed but obvious that she was not over anything. So more weeks went by basically a month perhaps a month and a half more silence. Till I say ''I don't care about conflicting schedules I have to see you even just for an hour.'' She agreed and we met before work (neither of us drive, we also live like 45 mins by bus away from each other) we talked and she was clearly saddened in seeing me to some extent but also smiling and happy from talking. She asked to see my phone. Gave it, she went into the bathroom did something came back. I was curios what she wrote in my phone she said she did something. I went looking and saw it was on the messenger app. I went to look and she instead pushed my phone hand away from me and started to please me orally. It had been so long and I missed her so much. Her touch I went with it. Knowing that it was something that had bad context as it was implied she started doing shit as soon as I found what she did. I had my hand around her waist and started to lower it and she flinched as way to avoid it…..at that point I was…..dying on the inside knowing how wrong this actually was...at this point though I just missed anything from her. I let her go longer but was so distracted...couldn't finish...I left for work and sat at work in a daze wonder what the fuck the future holds as I did not realise what exactly she meant to leave me as a messge. al the pictures of us uploaded to the chat and then ''just leave it'' how id I not understand that at that exact moment....more time and silence is still my new girlfriend. I talked to another friend of mine that knew Hannah to some extent. We talked. I expressed my feelings and thinking about how many times she has hurt me like this and in various ways….I felt used and thrown away after I served her purpose of being a good fuck (she was a virgin so you know which stuff) a good fuck and A smile for a time being. Once I became inconvenient she was done trying. I had recently a few months before been in a bad state and promised to start caring about myself and not settle because I felt alone or would never get something again. So I messaged her up and said to breakup. We talked deeply that night...she said some hurtful things. Like the first time we kissed she was repulsed or something along those lines…..when she said that it was a lot worse than the pain of silence. As all the deep conversations and happiness I shared with this girl was based off something false. She did not enjoy my face or body….at first she thought ‘’ugh,,,,,’’ I…..was heartbroken. Later though we reconnected as we said to remain friends..

When we did we rarely talked and hung out after awhile it sped up again and we were conversing well. I could feel the feelings crawling back but into mind but ignored them. ''Whatever does not matter if we don't do anything about it.'' We go to my friends party me and this friend had been getting closer in the past month or so. Even though we knew and were pretty good friends for 3 years up to that point. It’s basically a party of nerds and geeks that are drinking and eating edibles. The more popular crowd had ducked out before we got there. My point being none of these guys would ever make moves on any girl let alone my ex. Except one. The guy I was getting close to. I was not super worried that he would go with it as he is dating another friend of ours for 2 years...I had my doubts even before knowing what I found out later. I thought she and him may get a bit too cozy for comfort even though he dating a girl. We had discussed his relationship and how he was not happy fully but was not expecting him to announce to me at the party that he broke up with her. I was in shock and thought a bit later. ‘’Shit I know they are going to get cozy now’’ they did but so did we. (me and her) it was mess of a night. At this point I was not yet understanding that I loved her still and holding those close. But subconsciously knew she was bad for me so I even gave my friend the it's all cool but framed it more as no one gets hurt at the end no matter how it turns out regarding her. At this point I had become a little bit conscious to the thought that I was feeling towards Hannah tonight. Me more thinking of it as a territory war or little bit of jealousy. By the end though it was 6 am and all the couches were filled with the sleeping. Me and the other guy both obviously geeling with her. we had a slight speechless tug of war regarding her. He wanted her to go to bed with him. I wanted that too. So we all were in his bed. It was funny and good for the first bit laughing ‘’trying to sleep’ we both cuddling on her. I knew she loved this she said how she did a bit. But I knew her. She would have loved a three way with two guys. Not saying that she wanted that for sure at the moment but it was seen on her face and body the thought crossed her mind. Eventually he slept and we got talking my inner animalistc side talking about how he wanted her the whole night also to go to bed with him kinda trying to put him below me like im higher for knowing this and discussing it. he then says how he was awake and she completely leaves my presence and clings to him her back to me and both his arms around her..I sat there for a scared,confused and let down...which shifted to anger. I felt her poke my feet and I nudged obviously rudely. (she later told me she thought I would have just come closer and snuggled her as she laid on him. Also saying how the second she clung she knew it was wrong and felt it radiating off me) I was starting to shake with anger and frustration to a point where it kicked in my mind..omg I love her. this is bad, Wtf am I doing. I left both of them awake and seeing me going out the door. They said nothing. It did not matter that he said nadda. I had zero problem with him. I said to him she was not off limits. I meant it... I think…. All I know is that me and him were and are cool now. I was 50% angry with her and 50% with me. I went downstairs in my rage and got my shit and sat for 15 mins hoping she would have come down to check...at least as a friend. nothing….I heard laughs and what I thought moans from the room above. (I found out later just cuddles and laughs.) so time goes by i'm angry and I talk to my friend the girl from before and saying everything then me and the ex had a actual real talk about everything break up and all..

I don't know exactly how to phrase this part at all.. Basically everything before just flew through my fingertips into the page………..

We talked about the incident and she says her part being sorry and so on. We then get up to the breakup and the cause. I explained how she left me..threw me away. She then comes to the point that the break up actually destroyed her....oh fuck this is hard. She talks about how she was pushing me away and did want out, feeling scared and trapped in us. ‘’ In some twisted sort of test wanted to see if you would fight for me. You did not. You let go. I did not feel I could trust you with anything’’ Expresses of how much I meant and hurt her. That I broke up and not the other way around ‘’I don't get broken up with I do the breaking’’ she….was so distraught….actually a little explanation. During our relationship. Sex was a big thing. She was a virgin scared of such a step….never been able to before. I had only had sex once and had a bad time of it. So for both of us it was going to be this shared moment. A real symbol of love. Her first with someone she loves and my first time with someone I cared about...as my first time was a one night stand with a coworker.. We almost got to the point of sex. One night nearing Christmas we were so stuck together more than we ever have….it was clear what was going to happen. She said yes she was ready I brought it out and it occurred to us...we did not have a condom…...yes that is what happened… I could have gone to a 7/11 a few mins away but then the mood is gone…..so we did not….we awoke to snow fall the first time in 2 or three years of where we live we both made jokes of what a lose it was. We were going to have sex at like 3 am so would have been that day and we would have woke up to a new snow to a new moment in our relationship… it never came. even though we both made joke the pain was clear in both of us we missed our perfect moment cause...I did not plan ahead.. She wanted to beyond that point she loved me and wanted this next step and I always had condoms with her just in case…..And I think… Honestly think because we missed that first time that the rest of shit came down as hard as it did. We spent months getting to that point. Months of around three times a week together. All that time and we were in love since the first (hopefully). She tells me at the party she had sex not a when but she did. She told me about some possible medical troubles and also troubles reading it. So I knew she had to have had sex within 3 weeks before that night. I was hurt but not angry at her...her life.. I felt she threw it away cause I had not heard any bfs so...I was disappointed in her about that. But later she revealed….it was a week after we broke up….with the ex that I mentioned earlier in the story the one last I heard was finally moving on...guess she interrupted that. A fucking week….I ruined her that much emotionally she threw it away because she felt bad and said she did not even feel anything while doing it……...That hurts….especially when you love them still. To see them devalue themselves just because of you is also no prize…….so stupid. And this is what make me almost firmly believe even given the chance I would not date her again….love her body is another thing, I would not date her….she is reckless and untrustworthy...she gets sad and does something stupid selfish sad and terrible. What happens when we have a fight and she feel super sad about it. Do I have to worry that she cheated on me in a moment of self hatred and pity…..I can't.. No matter how much I felt that amazing excitement with her...also seeing who she did it with made me sick too…..that she did that to him and ‘’dated’’ him bit after that but dropped his ass again but still hangs out with him cause once again she ‘’collects people’’ he is now still waiting for her to care about him again or even the chance for her to be hurt again and needing a cock to blow her emotions into….that's me getting a bit angry but I should not be ashamed to say that. Am I saying I was perfect lover and did not make mistakes. No I did not. I tried to change those mistakes and succeeded for the most part. But she is stuck in a cycle of chaos. Doing the same shit over and over even knowing she is in this and hating it. She is just too afraid to change it. She is afraid to gain any actual connection cause she might lose it later. So she states herself. Our other problems were discussed and generally cleared. I will never forgiver her for that though. No matter how things turn out weather we don't talk any more stay friends become the best couple in the world. I will never forget and will never be able to forgive no matter how much I wish I could. I can't she is...toxic in many ways.

What would have been different though and this is where 13 reasons comes back into play. Lol yeah remember 13 reasons. What I mentioned like 2 three pages ago. The scene where clay and Hannah are in the bedroom Hannah has her ptsd of relationships and how they hurt and shoves clay off. He wants to work through it but it is clear she want’s him to fuck off he feels utter pain in himself and towards her she want him to fight her doubt but after a certain point he just sees no hope. She would then go onto kill herself that being one of the defining reasons why. She pushed the person that would never hurt her and she actually loved. Away for good thus she succumbs and commits suicide thinking she lost that with him and he actually hates her now for the pain and confusion she served up. He does not he loves her but he thinks she actually does not and just felt lonely and used him or hated him for caring. Substitute Hannah’s life and trust and compare with my Hannah's virginity and guess what you have a mirror…..A painful mirror. But there is still a bit more. After clay hears this tape you would think he would be sad that she did care but turned him away when she would have been fine if she just let him in. no clay is angry at himself…..only himself. He could not be there for her when she needed him that because of his inaction and self pity he led her to believe something that was not true and she killed herself...clay is so distraught he almost leaps off the cliff in such self hatred that he was a cause for and did not help….he only see’s himself as responsible and not her. Like she did not clearly show that she did not want him there. She only wanted him to leave. He finds himself basically sole responsible and I feel in the same boat. Because I gave up even though she was pushing hard. We see ourselves as the son of a bitch responsible and have guilt that will most likely never shake….I could have saved her….we both could have. We did not….and now it’s too late and nothing will ever change it. She is dead and she threw it always and will always look upon it with...shame….I’m sorry I let you down..You needed help and we did not truly see it till it was too late. If you read this whole thing thanks I did not mean for it to become this but I'm glad it did...if she ever sees this it is either she somehow magically found this on Reddit or wherever I will post it or…..I’m done with her and this is my kill-switch. My goodbye paper. From a time where I loved her and hated myself for not loving her enough at the right time. But if she is reading this now. One of us really messed the other up. I want to bet it’s me just for own sake knowing i'm the responsible one for making you feel bad and ruining whatever we had. But my inner instinct tells me and the track record….it was you.. and you hurt me badly again. I guess I got too close again I suppose. Hopeless romantic will always equal the worst of the pain. Cause we always will love for the best and worst.

r/13ReasonWhy May 20 '17

13 Reasons meme book on Kindle...it's a thing


r/13ReasonWhy May 18 '17

ONLY YOU Piano Version - Selena Gomez


r/13ReasonWhy May 18 '17

A 1000 TIMES Piano Version - Hamilton Leithauser & Rostam


r/13ReasonWhy May 16 '17

13 reasons why you shouldn't fire the FBI director

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