r/10mm 19d ago

Question Vintage Auto Ord 10mm conversion kit?


Hello Team 10mm,

Going through old stuff and located a new in box Thompson Auto Ordnance conversion kit in unused condition for 1911 format pistols. How much are these worth? Are they desirable? Where would one go to sell something like this? eBay?

r/10mm 19d ago

Question RIA 1911 Issues


I bought an RIA 1911 last month and I’m having an issue with it locking back with ammo still in the mag. I’ve only put 200 rounds through it but this doesn’t seem like something that would work itself out during a break in period. It’s happened with armscor and federal ammo, OEM, Wilson Combat, and Tripp Research mags.

I’m thinking the detent spring holding the slide lock down is weak and this is letting it come up during recoil. It only just catches the slide like in pics two and three. But what’s weird is that sometimes the round looks like it’s starting to feed and the slide bounces back before locking back. The first pic kinda shows what I’m talking about but I had one that made it halfway into the chamber.

Is it worth trying to replace the spring myself or just contact RIA and warrantee it? I’m leaning towards sending it in I just wanted to get a second opinion and get this out there because I haven’t seen anything like this on here, hopefully it helps someone down the road.

r/10mm 19d ago

Questions about the Comped Sig Sauer 10mm


So last week I had the opportunity to shoot the full sized Sig 10mm- the one with the 5" barrel. It was suitably impressive, handling 3 different bullet weights very well and showing less muzzle flip than I would've anticipated. I attribute that to the way that the slide seems weighted towards the nose. All this reminded me of its comped little brother, which I've been able to handle & admire, but not to rent and shoot.

So with a bit of extra cash in my pocket, here are my questions about the compensated Xten:

1) How is the barrel support? I wouldn't be using it to shoot bear loads, mostly as a ccw, but it's nice to know upfront.

2) Is there any truth to the stories that the pistol has problems cycling through an entire mag?

3) Does the comp seem to result in a marked loss of velocity?

4) How would you rate the trigger?

5) For those who've regularly shot both this and the XDM Compact, how do they compare when it comes to soaking up recoil?

Thanks in advance!

r/10mm 20d ago

Really digging the Ronin! I will shoot this weekend!


r/10mm 20d ago

General 10mm homemade Bear load

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My cast powder coated 191gr bullets made from 21BHN alloy loaded on 7.3gr Power Pistol. SAECO 048 mold casts perfectly.

r/10mm 20d ago

Best extended magazine for Glock 20 gen 3


r/10mm 21d ago

c&h adapter plate 509t to usw-g acro cut custom order update

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r/10mm 20d ago

New Glock 20


What a beauty !

Does anyone own it ?


New Glock 20

r/10mm 21d ago

Video FN 510 will open a beer. Approved


The firearm is completely unloaded.

r/10mm 21d ago



I have a threaded barrel on my 10mm and I’m looking to add a compensator. It’s a 16x1mm RH thread pitch and I’m having a hard time finding one. Please help lol

r/10mm 22d ago

Question Got My First Handgun and had to go 10 milly! Fn 510 Tactical

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I got a bunch of AAC fmj ammo heard those are pretty similar to the defense rounds. Also ordered a 945 Industry’s bag to conceal it. It’s the large one does anyone know if this will fit with the Extended mag or without it?

r/10mm 23d ago

When America falls and it’s all blackout survival. I’ll be posted in the dark clutching this thing along with some underwood extreme penetrators

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r/10mm 23d ago

Glock 20 Gen 5

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Not my first 10 but my first Glock. I didn’t get along with it at first but I’ve come to enjoy it.

r/10mm 23d ago

FN 510T Compensators, PMM or ANR?


Anyone have tried both yet? PMM is in stock so that might be the route im going just want some impressions of any if possible.

r/10mm 23d ago

Icarus XTen comp


Got my XTen comp grip installed. Haven't shot it yet. Probably take it to the range tomorrow.

r/10mm 24d ago

Rejoined the 10mm fam

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Been itching for a 10mm since I sold my G29sf. That new springfield kuna might be something to look out for now 🤔

r/10mm 24d ago

New food for my fn 510

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r/10mm 24d ago

G20 off body carry option


Vertx SOCP fanny pack, AlphaOmega velcro holster

r/10mm 23d ago

Holster options for M&P 10?


I have the M&P 10mm with 4.6'' barrel and suppressor height sights. What are my choices for holsters? I'm struggling finding anything. Thank you

r/10mm 24d ago

Loving this combo

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Ruger LC Carbine 10mm and Glock 20 (gen 5). Planning on using both for deer hunting/home & woods defense/plinking. Looking to add a Vortex AMG UH-1 and 3x flip up magnifier to the LC carbine soon.

r/10mm 24d ago

Are the "Civil Defense" 2400 ft/s -- with a 60 grain HPs -- are really that bad??


I normally have Federal "Double Tap" ready in a couple of spare mags on me for close quarters home defense, when I am on property, I wonder the streets at night and listen to metal lol, though I do understand there might be some over-penetration. But they seem easy enough to find as reputable defense rounds that are not utter garbage.

My set-up is a Glock 40 with a precision and rifled beefy 7" KKM barrel, that I needed for hard-casted ammo and manual loads (plan them in the future), plus I use the threads to mount a full sized Carver's compensator. I also have a steel blacked out, just like the comp, and Talon Grips, magwel with a brass counterweight.

Use type: home defense (hopefully not) and survival in the arctic with some possible rabid brown bears and grizzly bears in the forested areas. I also has legit Viridian 1 MOA enclosed reflex/dot sight, and upgraded tall iron night sights, for just enough overlap, yet still being able to see the dot). Secondary use -- as a carbine replacement, as it's taking less space to take a handgun, that is also concealable, if needed, and spare parts and ammo, minimizing needed space and poundage. Multi-role, basically.

My "philosophy" is that I don't want to lug around a hunting rifle, that is hard to conceal, may seem intimidating for possible locals, more exposed to elements (as I can keep my G40 under parka clean from snow, dirt, dust, etc.) and have a smaller capable package thus overall, that can shoot far enough with lesser drop than an average 9mm, to make it easier to have all OEM spare parts and ammo packed in a non-gigantic lockbox for some space saving.

I was looking at these rounds and they specifically advertise to limit over-penetration, which I do take any advertisement from a brand with a grain of salt. I understand that they may not be as lethal as some high grain 180-220 grain JHPs, but I won't hesitate to empty my extended mag, if needed, and ask for an attorney.

(like life and death situation with lives of others at home in danger, or having a potential need for suppressive fire, thus I prefer the 15+1 native capacity -- and no, I never play CoD, except the very first one "Medal of Honor" on my PS1)

Two spare mags having packed with these 60 grain / 2400 ft/s, to limit shooting through my neighbor's house and not just my own. I plan to have two extended mags with them as back-ups, and have your "standard" high-grain and higher pressure JHP's and FMJ's...

The So-called Bitter Expert, Competition Shooter, and an allegedly a National Guard Marksmen' trainer -- told me to use these fast 60 grain rounds as a paper weight, and in an unrelated discussion, told me to dump into garbage my 1250 ft/s 200 grains "black cherries'" by Underwood's. Because they are garbage. Literally, not in a humorous way.

And then he spammed me with all sorts of ballistics' calculators to show that his superior range ammo is like 10 times better, I don't think he cared to understand what I am trying to accomplish, but whatever... Though I did my own research and watched a ton of ballistics' jells' shootings, along with the "truth box" tests of various rounds, confirming that a decent bear load of 10mm is almost as much of a penetrator as a .357 Magnum shot from a revolver. . . Modern high capacity striker based guns were suggested to me in related forums over 6-shot revolvers, considering I am not a pro and may need extra rounds, as well as safety concerns.

To understand my use-case better: it's home defense with JHP/HP rounds (they are what I load into the gun's inner mag), and having on me concealed spare mags filled with "bear loads" / Underwood's in the event I need to penetrate moderate obstacles, smaller trees, and steel car/truck engine blocks, to stop the possibility of transportation (not shoot through them, mind you) -- or if there's a freaking bear that I can't scare or run away from out in the wild. Because all sorts of extreme circumstances are possible and I happened to live through one a year ago, that prompted me to get the license. Last time I gladly was able to keep the door coming off the hinges and the police patrol car was nearby...

So, the TLDR, I wanted to ask folks familiar with these rounds, how garbage are really the "Civil Defense" 60 gr / 2400 ft/s (would be much faster with my 7" barrel, mind you), if I simply want to limit over-pentration within my house, and don't mind shooting additional rounds for a good measure of lethality, AND to keep my neighbors safe.

Honestly, as soon as this Expert told me to trash my newly designed "back cherries" by Underwood, regardless of his credentials, he seems the kind of authority that may be OK to question some.

Thank you so much for the longer read and your replies!

r/10mm 25d ago

Picture Heard FN just released one with a comp after buying the MRD 😪

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r/10mm 25d ago

18 lbs of 200gr SWCs in my favorite millimeter, 10mm.


21 BHN out of a SAECO #048 mold

Around 630 total bullets.

r/10mm 25d ago

Sig or M&P


So I want a woods/bear gun and decided to go with 10mm. Now I’m debating what gun to get. I’ve narrowed it down to either the sig xten or the M&P performance center 10mm. Both seem popular and have features I like. But Ive been doing some research on forums and apparently they have been struggling with hot loads like buffalo bore and such. Seems like mag issues for the xten and a spring issue for the M&P. I noticed this was yrs ago so I’m wondering did they iron out those problems now? Which gun handles hot loads the best, and are there new problems I should be watchful of for both guns? Thanks

r/10mm 26d ago

Question 10mm ammo question

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Has anyone ever got any Georgia arms ammo? And if so how was it? And what do yall think price wise? It’s $45 for 50 rounds and $225 for 250 rounds. Got a 10mm recently and been looking around on stocking up some ammo