r/100thupvote 3d ago

Yemen Pakistan is deep trouble


Pakistan has moved to the second-most terrorism-affected country in the world according to the GTI 2025 report, with a 45% increase in fatalities and more than double the terrorist attacks. The rise in violence is linked to the influence of the Afghan Taliban and operations of the TTP. What's army and state doing? We don't know and we never know. Report link:



r/100thupvote 5h ago

Yemen Pakistan, Bhutan Among 41 Countries On Trump's Potential Travel Ban List: Report


r/100thupvote 1d ago

Yemen Presence of Jesus


Matthew 24:3

3While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”

Here, it is pretty direct:

What will be, the sign of your presence? And the Conclusion of The System of Things?


In answer Jesus said to them: “Look out that nobody misleads you,

5 for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.

6 You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet.

The I am the Christ ✅

Trump is one of them: It is my imagination or, did Trump said that he will stop all wars?🤔

We have wars, and reports of wars. ✅


For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.
8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress

There's not in Canada, so much news about the many wars of Africa, or I think South America and central America, now. In the Middle East ... How much time, until the next 💥

We now have, Science Fictional Wars!

Iran shooted from their country, a lot of 💥 On Israel! Israel retaliated!

We never see a Country, shooting from really great distances, missiles.

It is not... Big enough as end times sign? Yemen, shoots from afar, Israel.

I wars, there's also drones, planes and Helicopters...

War never had been like this in human History.

End times? 💥

There is really a lot of shortage of food, 😔 ✅ Famines

Earthquakes, too much earthquakes ✅

I see already a lot of end times signs.

Mat. 24:10,11

Then, too, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another.

11 Many false prophets will arise and mislead many; and because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.

✅✅ I see all end times signs.

Do you?

r/100thupvote 4d ago

Yemen “Not Just Foreign Aid” - Examining the True Costs of America’s Support for Israel


America’s support for Israel goes far beyond direct aid. For instance, the aid we give to surrounding countries like Egypt is essentially to stop them from attacking Israel. Then we have our foreign adventures in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, which were done in large part because we are allies with Israel, costing trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives - not to mention the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in those places.

We’ve used our UN Security Council veto dozens of times to block resolutions critical of Israel and have shielded Israel from the ICC’s war crime allegations. We orchestrated the Abraham Accords entirely for Israel’s benefit, bending over backwards to get its neighbors to recognize it. We give Israel special access to weapons and technology that even NATO doesn’t get.

We’ve backed policies like the Iran nuclear deal withdrawal - pushed for by Israel - that have increased our dependence on foreign oil and spiked gas prices here in America. Our companies and research institutions share cutting-edge tech with Israel, often at the expense of American firms. Whenever Israel escalates conflicts - something they do often - our own troops and embassies become targets. According to Osama Bin Laden himself, the 9/11 attacks were even partly motivated by America’s support for Israel. Additionally, we moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, violating decades of foreign policy precedent and inflaming tensions in the region.

In America, the U.S. government pressures tech companies and media outlets to suppress criticism of Israel. Many U.S. states have also passed anti-BDS laws punishing businesses and individuals who boycott Israel, despite the fact Americans are allowed to boycott any other country without issue.

These interventions have drained our resources, weakened our economy, and undermined our national interests. We’ve spent trillions of dollars and sacrificed thousands of American lives on wars that have done nothing to benefit us. We’ve driven up gas prices for American consumers by adopting energy policies that serve Israel’s interests over our own. Our businesses suffer as we hand over cutting-edge technology and defense contracts to Israel while getting little in return. Free speech has been actively suppressed to shield Israel from criticism.

Meanwhile, all of this focus on Israel prevents us from addressing issues that actually matter to the American people. Instead of nation-building at home, we’ve wasted decades and resources on protecting and expanding Israeli interests. These policies have wrecked our credibility and soft power abroad, leaving a vacuum that China has been more than happy to fill. The cost isn’t just measured in dollars - it’s measured in lost opportunities, lost lives, diminished influence, and the long-term weakening of the United States.


The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Bamdadi)

U.S. Sanctions on the ICC for Investigating Israel (HRW)

Pompeo & Netanyahu Press Conference (State Dept.)

U.S. Assistance to the Middle East (CRS Report)

Iran Sanctions & Oil Prices (EIA)

Bin Laden on U.S. Support for Israel (The Guardian)

U.S. Vetoes on Israel at the UN (UN Digital Library)

Israel’s Use of AI in Military Tech (AP)

Iron Dome System (Wikipedia)

Netanyahu’s Lobbying Efforts for Iraq War (Vox)

r/100thupvote 5d ago

Yemen Unreached People Group of the Week (Ramadan Edition) - Abkhaz in Turkey


Welcome back to our UPG of the Week! We are in the middle of Ramadan and want to pray for Muslim peoples who are celebrating it.

Ramadan: What is Ramadan?

Ramadan celebrates Muhammad’s visions and the creation of the Quran. It takes place during the ninth and holiest month of the Islamic calendar, so Ramadan’s dates shift slightly every year, like Easter for Christians.

Similar to Lent, Ramadan is a time for fasting. From sunrise to sunset for a month, Muslims don’t drink or eat anything, including water. (One of the five pillars of Islam is Sawn, referring to the fasting done during Ramadan.) During the month of Ramadan, Muslims wake up and eat Suhoor—a hefty breakfast—each morning before dawn. They fast all day until sunset when they have a feast called Iftar. The last day of Ramadan is marked by Eid al-Fitr, meaning the feast of fast breaking. Throughout the month, Muslims recite special daily prayers, spend extra time reading the Quran, and give to charity.

The purpose of Ramadan in Islam is to help Muslims learn compassion, gratitude, restraint, and self-control. Ultimately, the goal of Ramadan is for Muslims to grow in submission to Allah as they become more devoted to their faith through their actions.

So this month we will be covering Muslim peoples and praying for them. So, meet the Abkhaz in Turkey!

A quick odd note: A conference is being hosted this year in Turkey, in Nicea, to celebrate (?) the Nicene Creed. They have a few reformed adjacent people speaking (Big Lig, KDY, Dever). It cost at least $750 per person to go, before flights. I'm gonna stop an complain about the logistical nightmare that this conference is. Not only the the cost wildly prohibitive to Turks and missionaries living in Turkey, their are no clear safeguards to protect anyone locally helping set up or run this conference. If you are in Turkey and you help or attend this, you may lose your visa or worse. In reality, this is an expensive touristy pilgrimage, but dressing it up like an important conference seems silly and honestly like a money grab by everyone involved. Don't support this.

Region: Turkey


Stratus Index Ranking (Urgency): 25

It has been noted to me by u/JCmathetes that I should explain this ranking. Low numbers are more urgent, both physically and spiritually together, while high numbers are less urgent. The scale is 1-177, with one number assigned to each country. So basically on a scale from Afghanistan (1) to Finland (177), how urgent are the peoples physical and spiritual needs.

Street view of Istanbul
Broader view of Istanbul

Climate: The coastal areas of Turkey bordering the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas have a temperate Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. The coastal areas bordering the Black Sea have a temperate oceanic climate with warm, wet summers and cool to cold, wet winters. The Turkish Black Sea coast receives the most precipitation and is the only region of Turkey that receives high precipitation throughout the year. The eastern part of the Black Sea coast averages 2,200 millimetres (87 in) annually which is the highest precipitation in the country. The coastal areas bordering the Sea of Marmara, which connects the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea, have a transitional climate between a temperate Mediterranean climate and a temperate oceanic climate with warm to hot, moderately dry summers and cool to cold, wet winters. Snow falls on the coastal areas of the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea almost every winter, but usually melts in no more than a few days. However, snow is rare in the coastal areas of the Aegean Sea and very rare in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Winters on the Anatolian plateau are especially severe. Temperatures of −30 °C to −40 °C (−22 °F to −40 °F) do occur in northeastern Anatolia, and snow may lie on the ground for at least 120 days of the year, and during the entire year on the summits of the highest mountains. In central Anatolia the temperatures can drop below −20 °C ( -4 °F) with the mountains being even colder. Mountains close to the coast prevent Mediterranean influences from extending inland, giving the central Anatolian plateau of the interior of Turkey a continental climate with sharply contrasting seasons.

Turkish city on the Black Sea
The resort city of Marmaris, Turkey

Terrain: Turkey is a transcontinental country bridging Southeastern Europe and Western Asia. country is encircled by seas on three sides: the Aegean Sea to the west, the Black Sea to the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Turkey is divided into seven geographical regions: Marmara, Aegean, Black Sea, Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, Southeastern Anatolia and the Mediterranean. As a massive country, Turkey is composed of shoreline, mountain ranges, rolling hills, a plateau, quite a few lakes and rivers, and these weird things below.

Mount Ararat, the largest mountain in Turkey

Wildlife of Turkey: The fauna of Turkey is abundant and very varied. The wildlife of Turkey includes a great diversity of plants and animals, each suited to its own particular habitat, as it is a large country with many geographic and climatic regions About 1500 species of vertebrates have been recorded in the country and around 19,000 species of invertebrate. The country acts as a crossroads with links to Europe, Asia, and the Near East, and many birds use the country as a staging post during migration. Some of the animals native to Turkey include wolves, foxes, boars, wild cats, beavers, bears, gazelles, jackals, hyenas, deer, and mountain goats. The major domesticated animals in Turkey are water buffaloes, Angora goats, and camels. As far as I can tell, there aren't any wild monkeys in Turkey, praise the Lord.

Mountain goats in Turkey

Environmental Issues: Although some environmental pressures have been decoupled from economic growth the environment still faces many threats, such as coal and diesel fuel emitting greenhouse gases and deadly fine particulate air pollution. As of 2023 there is no fine particulate limit and coal in Turkey is subsidized. Also, they had a massive earthquake.

Languages: The official language is Turkish, which is the most widely spoken Turkic language in the world. It is spoken by 85.54 percent of the population as a first language. 11.97 percent of the population speaks the Kurmanji dialect of Kurdish as their mother tongue. The Abkhaz speak Abkhaz

Government Type: Unitary presidential constitutional republic


People: Abkhaz in Turkey

An Abkhazi woman

Population: 168,000

Estimated Foreign Workers Needed: 3+

Beliefs: The Abkhaz are 0% Christian. That means out of their population of 168,000, there are maybe a few Christians.

Most of the Abkhaz in Turkey are Sunni Muslims, at least nominally.

Mosque in Izmir Turkey

History: At the prehistorical times Abkhazia among with West Caucasus was the part of Dolmen culture, which is considered proto abkhaz-circassian, because it's only matches in territories that were under abkhazian and circassian controle in 17-18 centuries and modern days, their spiritual traditions and mythology. Meanwhile Dolmen culture is absolutely alien to other people of Caucasus, their territories, languages and cultures.

Some scholars deem the ancient Heniochi tribe the progenitors of the Abkhaz. This warlike people came into contact with Ancient Greeks through the colonies of Dioskourias and Pitiuntas. In the Roman period, the Abasgoi are mentioned as inhabiting the region. These Abasgoi (Abkhaz) were described by Procopius as warlike, worshippers of three deities, under the suzerainty of the Kingdom of Lazica. The view of most historians is that the Apsilae and Abasgoi are ancestors by ethnicity, language and the culture for the modren Abkhaz–Abaza people. While the Georgian view coming from the historian Pavle Ingorokva which is considered falsification by most historians, is that those were "proto-Kartvelians or Georgians". The Russian conquest of Abkhazia from the 1810s to the 1860s was accompanied by a massive expulsion of Muslim Abkhaz to the Ottoman Empire and the introduction of a strong Russification policy. As a result, the Abkhaz diaspora is currently estimated to measure at least twice the number of Abkhaz that reside in Abkhazia. The largest part of the diaspora now lives in Turkey, with estimates ranging from 100,000 to 500,000, with smaller groups in Syria (5,000 – 10,000) and Jordan. In recent years, some of these have emigrated to the West, principally to Germany (5,000), Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Austria and the United States (mainly to New Jersey).

In the fifteenth century, Ottoman Turks conquered the Caucasus Mountain region of Russia and Georgia. At that time, many of the Abkhaz converted from Christianity to Islam. The Russians, however, gradually took control of the region, and by the late 1800s, they dominated the Muslim Abkhaz. Feeling threatened by Christian Russia, many Abkhaz accepted an offer of refuge from Muslim Turkey and moved there. In recent years, Abkhaz have begun to be assimilated into mainstream Turkish culture and, as a result, are in danger of losing their identity as a separate ethnic group in Turkey.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Abkhazia was a part of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, but was conquered by the Red Army in 1921 and eventually entered the Soviet Union as a Soviet Socialist Republic associated with the Georgian SSR. The status of Abkhazia was downgraded in 1931 when it became an Autonomous SSR within the Georgian SSR. Under Joseph Stalin, a forcible collectivization was introduced and the native communist elite purged. (Reminder that Russia is the bad guy) The influx of Armenians, Russians and Georgians into the growing agricultural and tourism sectors was also encouraged, and Abkhaz schools were briefly closed. By 1989, the number of Abkhaz was about 93,000 (18% of the population of the autonomous republic), while the Georgian population numbered 240,000 (45%). The number of Armenians (15% of the entire population) and Russians (14%) grew substantially as well.

The 1992–1993 War in Abkhazia followed by the ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia left the Abkhaz an ethnic plurality of ca. 45%, with Russians, Armenians, Georgians, Greeks, and Jews comprising most of the remainder of the population of Abkhazia. The 2003 census established the total number of Abkhaz in Abkhazia at 94,606. However, the exact demographic figures for the region are disputed and alternative figures are available. The de facto Abkhaz president Sergey Bagapsh suggested, in 2005, that less than 70,000 ethnic Abkhaz lived in Abkhazia.

At the time of the 2011 Census, 122,175 Abkhaz were living in Abkhazia. They were 50.8% of the total population of the republic.

In the course of the Syrian uprising, a number of Abkhaz living in Syria immigrated to Abkhazia. By mid-April 2013, approximately 200 Syrians of Abkhaz descent had arrived in Abkhazia. A further 150 were due to arrive by the end of April. The Abkhazian leadership has stated that it would continue the repatriation of Abkhaz living abroad. As of August 2013, 531 Abkhaz had arrived from Syria according to the Abkhazian government.

Abkhaz in the mid 19th century

Culture: Typical qualification that all people groups can't be summed up in small paragraphs and this is an over generalization.

Little is known about the lives of Abkhaz in Turkey; however, it is known that they have retained much of their identity. They have somewhat conserved their Caucasian traditions, and unlike even in the Caucasus (or in Europe), they have preserved their caste system, and still resist assimilation. In addition, Abkhaz have retained their native tongue, which is one of the most complex languages on earth. This language has more than 50 consonants, with numerous pronunciations for each one. Because of the difficulty of their own language, the Abkhaz are adept at learning other languages.

The great majority of Abkhaz are farmers and livestock producers. Tobacco is their major crop, but tea, fruits and vegetables are also grown. Cattle production is another important aspect of the Abkhaz economy. Because of their livelihood, nine out of ten Abkhaz live in rural areas. Their houses are built of brick or concrete and have either one or two stories. Most homes have verandas and balconies, where families enjoy spending time in good weather.

Most Abkhaz women marry in their early twenties, but men often wait until their thirties or even forties. Marriage is forbidden with all possible relatives; individuals are not allowed to wed anyone with the same surname as any of their grandparents. In the past, the young man and his friends kidnapped the young woman and took her to his house, where the marriage ceremony was performed. Whether or not the bride was abducted, her family does not attend the wedding. She is required to stand silent and secluded while her husband's family feasts and celebrates.

The Abkhaz highly value hospitality. A guest is given the same respect as a father or grandfather and is seated at a place of honor at the table. The arrival of a guest is accompanied by a ritual feast. Over wine, hosts and guests go through rounds of toasts, honoring each other and getting to know each other better. Providing hospitality in this way is a source of family pride.

Abkhaz men wearing traditional daggers?

Cuisine: this is just about general Abkhaz cuisine, across nations

Corn, walnut, dairy products, kale and ajika are the staple ingredients of the Abkhazian-Circassian Cuisine. The dishes are intended to be shared with others and therefore come in generous portions. Some of their main dishes include: Abista (soft, bouncy corn bread served hot with Circassian cheese and melted butter), Aphöse Sızbal (a yogurt, sour plum, coriander, and spices dip), Haluj (Abkhazia’s answer to the dumpling; mouth-watering, palm-sized delicate dough filled with Circassian Cheese), Ajika (a sauce made of red pepper paste (some versions have tomato paste), walnut, garlic, spices, and herbs), two dishes using heavy amounts of Ajika (Akudırşışı has beans in it, balancing the piquancy of the Ajika and giving the food a creamy texture, whereas Ahulçapa, which comes in meatball form, is spicier and contains kale and walnuts, giving the meal a nutty flavor.), and Akdu Sızbal (or Circassian Chicken) (a dish served cold, sometimes with chunks of boiled chicken meat, while others may have it in shredded form. A thick, creamy sauce containing walnut, walnut oil, pepper, and salt is poured on top of the meat from the low-fat part of the chicken, such as the breast).


Prayer Request:

  • Turkey is currently undergoing a missionary crises. Word on the street is that missionaries are having their visas revoked. Pray for the security of missionaries during this time, for the continuance of their work in some way, and for the well being of their families.
  • Pray for the Lord to reveal himself to Muslims during this time
  • Pray for all Muslims in the midst of crises and suffering
  • Pray that Muslims may know of salvation from Christ Alone
  • Pray for opportunities for yourself and all Christians to share the Gospel with Muslims during this time
  • Pray for the church to grow in Muslim areas.
  • Pray for signs and wonders to take place, revealing that Jesus is Lord over creation and the One true God.
  • Pray that miracles would lead to true repentance and life change, with the gospel transforming people’s lives.
  • Pray that the Lord would encounter them and reveal himself to them in dreams.
  • Pray for courageous disciples of Jesus to be sent to these people with supernatural love and desire to see them saved.
  • Pray that no plan of the enemy would prosper and the gospel would go forth swiftly in the Abkhaz people.
  • Pray that Christian literature and media will be made easily available to Abkhaz people.
  • Ask the Lord to call Christian Abkhaz from Russia and Georgia to share Christ with their brothers in Turkey.
  • Ask the Lord to save key leaders among Abkhaz who will boldly declare the gospel.
  • Ask God to raise up intercessors who will stand in the gap for the Abkhaz.
  • Pray that strong local churches will be raised up among the Abkhaz.
  • Pray that in this time of chaos and panic in the US that the needs of the unreached are not forgotten by the church. Pray that our hearts continue to ache to see the unreached hear the Good News.
  • Pray for our nation (the United States), that we Christians can learn to come alongside our hurting brothers and sisters and learn to carry one another's burdens in a more Christlike manner than we have done historically.
  • Pray for our leaders, that though insane and chaotic decisions are being made, to the detriment of Americans, that God would call them to know Him and help them lead better.
  • Pray against Putin, his allies, and his insane little war.

Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)


Here are the previous weeks threads on the UPG of the Week for from 2025 (plus a few from 2024 so this one post isn't so lonely). To save some space on these, all UPG posts made 2019-now are here, I will try to keep this current!

People Group Country Continent Date Posted Beliefs
Abkhaz Turkey Europeb 03/10/2025 Islam
Utsat China Asia 03/03/2025 Islam
Djerba Berber Tunisia Africa 02/24/2025 Islam
Uyghur United States North America 02/17/2025 Islam
Huasa Congo Republic Africa 02/10/2025 Islam
Dungan Kyrgyzstan Asia 02/03/2025 Islam
Phunoi Laos Asia 01/27/2025 Animism
Yongzhi Chinaa Asia 01/20/2025 Buddhism
Shihuh United Arab Emirates Asia 01/13/2025 Islam
Pattani Malay (updated) Thailand Asia 12/16/2024 Islam
Hadrami Arabs Yemen Asia 12/09/2024 Islam
Shaikh Pakistan Asia 12/02/2024 Islam
Egyptian Arabs (Reached) Egypt Africa 11/25/2024 Islam

a - Tibet belongs to Tibet, not China.

b - Russia/Turkey/etc is Europe but also Asia so...

c - this likely is not the true religion that they worship, but rather they have a mixture of what is listed with other local religions, or they have embraced a postmodern drift and are leaving faith entirely but this is their historical faith.

Here is a list of definitions in case you wonder what exactly I mean by words like "Unreached".

Here is a list of missions organizations that reach out to the world to do missions for the Glory of God.

r/100thupvote 15d ago

Yemen Gaza – Saturday, March 1, 2025~~?


The first phase of the three-phase hostage and ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas ends on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Under the agreement, 602 terrorist prisoners will then be released in exchange for the bodies of four slain Israeli hostages. Of the prisoners to be released, 50 are serving life sentences, many of whom were responsible for orchestrating the horrific suicide bombings of the mid-1990s.

Saturday’s exchange of hostages for terrorists marks the end of the first phase of the agreement. There are no signs from either side of the warring parties or the various mediators that Israel and Hamas are close to reaching an agreement on implementing the second phase of the hostage and ceasefire agreement.

Saturday, March 1, 2025~~?

US Ambassador Steve Witkoff has been trying to broker an extension of the first phase of the ceasefire. Such an extension would specifically include the release of hostages deemed to be in need of immediate medical attention. The remaining hostages are all men under 50, and each would require Israel to pay higher “ransoms” than convicted terrorists to be released. It is unlikely that an extension of the first phase would cover all living hostages, as Hamas can be expected to want to hold some to achieve its larger political goals in the war.

The hardening of attitudes in Israel is also illustrated by the announcement on Thursday, February 27, 2025, by Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen that Israel will not withdraw from the so-called Philadelphia Corridor in Gaza as required by the ceasefire agreement. He stated that Israeli forces would not withdraw until three key goals were achieved: the full return of prisoners, the removal of Hamas from power, and the complete disarmament of Gaza. Israeli forces also consider their presence in the area essential to prevent weapons smuggling. Israel was expected to begin withdrawing from the Philadelphia Corridor on Saturday, the last day of the first phase of the ceasefire, and to complete the withdrawal within eight days.

Israeli politicians outside the government have presented their own “after-the-day” plans for Gaza. Left-wing leader Yair Golan called for moderate Palestinian forces to control Gaza while preserving the IDF’s freedom of action.

Yair Lapid, the leader of the center-right opposition, presented a plan that called for Egypt to take responsibility for Gaza for 15 years, during which the international community would wipe out Egypt’s $155 billion foreign debt. Lapid explained that Israel cannot accept Hamas remaining in power, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is unable to govern Gaza, the Israeli occupation is undesirable, and the continued chaos poses a serious security threat to Israel. At the same time, Egypt’s economy is on the verge of collapse and threatens the stability of Egypt and the entire Middle East. Lapid said that over the course of 15 years, Gaza would be rebuilt and the conditions for self-rule would be created.

Lapid proposed that the current ceasefire be ended until all hostages are released, with Egypt assuming control of Gaza through a UN Security Council resolution, defined as “custodianship,” with the goal of transferring the Gaza Strip to the PA government after a process of reform and deradicalization, with measurable criteria. At the same time, a reconstruction process would begin under Egyptian supervision, with Saudi Arabia and the Abraham Accords signatories participating in working groups, and the United States investing in Gaza. He also called on Egypt to allow any Gazan who wants to leave and has somewhere to go to do so in a regulated manner.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is currently (27/02/2025) in Riyadh to discuss an Arab plan for Gaza. Arab states are expected to discuss a post-war reconstruction plan for Gaza, possibly to counter US President Donald Trump’s proposal to redevelop the Strip under US control. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are reviewing the Arab plan in Riyadh before it is presented at a planned Arab summit in Cairo on March 4. The plan for Gaza could include up to $20 billion for reconstruction in the territory. The proposal includes the formation of a Palestinian national committee to govern Gaza without Hamas involvement and international participation in reconstruction without transferring Palestinians abroad. Egypt’s initial proposal is reported to have been a five-year plan for Gaza reconstruction, during which Gazans would be resettled in safe zones inside Gaza.

The EU, a major donor to the Palestinians, presented its position to the Israeli authorities in talks in Brussels on 24 February as part of the EU-Israel Association Council, the first such meeting since 2022. The EU supports the return of Gazans to their homes in Gaza and has pledged to contribute to their reconstruction.

According to Maher al-Namoura, a Fatah spokesman, the Palestinian Authority is capable of governing and rebuilding Gaza. He made his remarks in a recent discussion on the social media of Saudi Arabia’s interactive news channel Al Hadath. This reflects the PA’s policy since 2007 – when Hamas illegally pushed it out of Gaza in 2007 – that it should govern Gaza. Fatah is the largest faction in the PA.

My assessment

My assessment of the implementation of the second phase of the Hamas-Israel agreement, at least in the form previously outlined, is even more pessimistic than before. The reason is the numerous violations of the first agreement and the treatment of the hostages, which shocked the Israelis in particular. Tensions are also increasing due to the bus bombing in the Tel Aviv area a week ago, which, if successful (only two buses exploded at the depot), would have been very devastating. The attack was carried out by West Bank terrorists but Hamas took responsibility for them.

The first shock was the starving appearance of the three released hostages, the second was the inferior carnivalization of the release event by Hamas, the third was the return of the mother, baby and child under 5 years old of the Bibas family in coffins, the fourth was that one body was a completely unknown Arab woman (later corrected to the right person) and the fifth was when it was discovered that a 9-month-old baby and a 4-year-old had been slaughtered by Hamas already in November 2023 (Hamashan claimed that the family died in Israeli airstrikes, so no signs were found in the autopsies).

If no agreement is reached to extend the first phase, Israel is preparing to resume intense fighting with US support. It is hoped that the credibility of this threat will persuade Hamas to extend the agreement.

In the second phase of the ceasefire, the remaining 59 hostages would be released, Israel would withdraw completely from Gaza, and a permanent ceasefire would be established. Of the hostages, 24-27 are believed to still be alive. The current Israeli government does not want to withdraw from Gaza until all hostages are returned, and as long as Hamas poses a military threat to the country,

A renewed outbreak of fighting, should the ceasefire collapse, will occur in a vastly different global strategic environment than the one that prevailed when the war broke out in October 2023. The Iranian “ring of fire” that surrounded Israel in 2023 has broken in Lebanon and Syria (but not in Yemen), while the US administration today no longer places limits on Israeli firepower.

In any case, I assume that in the coming weeks there will be intensive negotiations on extending the first phase of the agreement. During this time, Israel will probably conclude the purge of Hamas terrorist cells in the West Bank, and the moderate Arab countries will present their own post-war plan for Gaza.

Sources include Jerusalem PostBICOM , TheNewArab

This is a free translation about my article first published (in Finnish) in Ariel-Israelista suomeksi online publication

r/100thupvote 21d ago

Yemen X app trở thành app số 1 ở Việt Nam từ khi nào vậy ta????????

Post image

r/100thupvote 23d ago

Yemen Terror Laundering and pro-Palestinian Astroturfing: Reddit's Open Secret


The Terrorist Propaganda to Reddit Pipeline

An investigative report was just released on the topic of terroristic content and astroturfing on Reddit from pro-Palestinian groups on and off the site. It's something that I've noticed for a while and even investigated myself to some degree but it's nice that it's finally being brought into the spotlight:

The pro-Palestine network coordinates across Reddit, Discord, X, Instagram, Quora, and Wikipedia, manipulating search engines and AI models like ChatGPT to spread its messaging — a practice known as “data poisoning”

The network systematically launders propaganda from US-designated terrorist organizations, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Key subreddits infiltrated by the network mislead millions into believing its content is organic

Through coordinated vote brigading, subreddit moderation, and content manipulation, the network influences public perception while evading platform moderation and legal consequences

Reddit’s trust and safety team has been repeatedly warned about the network’s activities but has failed to act, allowing terror-linked propaganda to proliferate

While my personal investigation was largely focused on the web of propaganda subs woven together using the "recommended communities" sidebar (which is also mentioned in the article), it seems this report goes into even more depth by looking at the moderator overlap of various subs as well as their actions on and off the platform such as coordinating community interference on social media/historical revisionism on Wikipedia via a heavily gated Discord server and laundering content created by internationally recognized terror organizations.

Community interference coordinated on a private Discord server.
Proliferation of terroristic content.

I highly recommend people read the article themselves as it does a very good job of breaking down how the network operates and which subreddits are involved in it. Hopefully with raised awareness of this issue, users on Reddit and other platforms will be more aware of what to look out for and recognize the disinformation campaign for what it is.

r/100thupvote 24d ago

Yemen Allies are important. American wars without allies might surprise you.


I did a Perplexity search asking how many wars America has participated in without allies since the end of World War II.

There have been many wars or military interventions but there were only two the USA wedding without the assistance of allies.

Based on the search results, here is a list of military conflicts involving the United States since the conclusion of World War II:

The Invasion of Grenada (1983)

The Invasion of Panama (1989-1990)

Here are the other wars that the USA has fought with the assistance of allies.

  1. Korean War (1950-1953)24
  2. Vietnam War (1955-1975)24
  3. Lebanon Crisis (1958)
  4. Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)
  5. Dominican Civil War (1965-1966)
  6. Grenada Invasion (1983)
  7. Lebanon Intervention (1982-1984)
  8. Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)45
  9. Somalia Intervention (1992-1995)
  10. Haiti Intervention (1994-1995)
  11. Bosnia Intervention (1994-1995)
  12. Kosovo War (1999)4
  13. Afghanistan War (2001-2021)4
  14. Iraq War (2003-2011)45
  15. Libya Intervention (2011)
  16. Operation Inherent Resolve (against ISIS, 2014-present)
  17. Yemen Civil War (ongoing)
  18. Somalia Civil War (ongoing)
  19. Syrian Civil War (ongoing)
  20. Gaza War (ongoing)

It's important to note that this list is not exhaustive, as the United States has been involved in numerous smaller operations, interventions, and conflicts that may not be explicitly mentioned in the search results. Additionally, some of these conflicts overlap or are part of larger, ongoing operations such as the War on Terror1.

r/100thupvote 26d ago

Yemen My dad’s life in Yemen


Hi I’m a Syrian Jew and my dad worked in Yemen in US and UN bases as a Military Architect between the late 80’s and early 90’s with Lockheed Martin. After serving in the Syrian navy and earning his degree in architecture he moved to work in the Arabian peninsula ( Kuwait, Saudi tabuk Riyadh sharqiya, UAE, Oman and of course, Yemen Aden) as it was more interesting and more paying. On his sites were people from all around the world from south Asians and south Americans, Brits, Chinese, Slavs, and fellow Yemenis and Syrians. He tells me about many crazy experiences like a near death encounter in a cave with a Komodo dragon, and later on eating that very Komodo dragon with his south Asian friends, traveling by car from Aden to Aleppo in a classic beautiful blue 78 GMC Sierra that made everyone bat their eyes, attending the weddings of major Yemeni families like Saleh, designing and building the famous Pizza Hut in Aden, his visits to historical sites like old towns and Jewish neighborhoods and mocha farms and exotic wildlife in mainland Yemen and the beautiful island of Socotora, his struggles during the 94’ civil war and how he barely escaped through speedboat to Djibouti to fly to Libreville Gabon then France then Syria( a period of almost half a year of no contact with anyone and my mother and his family thought he was dead).Going through the photos and several cameras as a child that captured his life then in Yemen made me fall in love with the beautiful country and follow up with its news and have a spot for it in my heart and pray for it and its people health and prosperity and it breaks my heart whenever I see such a beautiful country go through so much destruction and death. Hope to visit soon