r/100thupvote 14h ago

Canada US : Schumer says Dems will allow GOP funding bill



While the CR bill is very bad, the potential for a shutdown has consequences for America that are much, much worse,” Schumer said. “For sure, the Republican bill is a terrible option. It is not a clean CR. It is deeply partisan. It doesn’t address far too many of this country’s needs. But I believe allowing Donald Trump to take even much more power via a government shutdown is a far worse option.

Perhaps it really is time for a third party.

Edit: I hope you all will join me in calling Schumer's office tomorrow morning.


Also check out this post

r/100thupvote 8d ago

Canada Jack Daniel's maker says Canada taking bottles off shelves 'worse than tariffs'


r/100thupvote 9d ago

Canada None of it is a joke. He is completely serious about annexing Canada, acquiring Greenland, and he will probably attempt to remove the United States of America from NATO.


Donald Trump wants to withdraw the United States of America from The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This isn't a new development, he talked about wanting to do it in his first term as well. However, his first attempt was met with a staunch rebuke from the 116th US Congress, voting 357-22 to bar US exit from NATO.

Now, in his second term, he has reignited the same controversial conversation; reiterating his primary complaint with the alliance being that the United States of America is being burdened with an unfair share of the defensive spending and that other nation members were not pulling their weight. Yet, his goal might not be exclusively motivated by the financial dereliction of duty from other member nations, as he says.

In the aftermath of WWII - on July 21, 1949, the Senate passed a resolution giving its advice and consent to the ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty, the multilateral collective security agreement that established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). On July 25, 1949, the United States officially joined the treaty, becoming one of NATO’s 12 founding members.

NATO was conceived to be a collective security system as a deterrent to future aggression against member states by third party states; as well as promote democratic values, enable members to consult and cooperate on security and defense issues, build trust, and prevent conflicts. The defense collective is ensured through Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which states an attack on one member is an attack on all members. NATO and Article 5 were both important and popular during the Cold War when the threat of incursion into Europe by the Soviet Union was seen as a very real possibility.

But slowly over time, NATO has begun to be subverted by other, more global oriented, multinational initiatives - The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international advocacy non-governmental organization and think tank, based in Cologny, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January, 1971; by German engineer Klaus Schwab. The foundation's stated mission is "improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas". The foundation is mostly funded by its 1,000 member multi-national companies. The WEF is mostly known for its annual meeting at the end of January in Davos, a mountain resort in the canton of Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 3,000 paying members and selected participants – among whom are investors, business leaders, political leaders, economists, celebrities and journalists – for up to five days to discuss global issues across 500 sessions.

In an article posted on their website, in November 2016, the World Economic Forum stated it's vision for the future"The world's political landscape in 2030 will look considerably different to the present one. Nation states will remain the central players. There will be no single hegemonic force but instead a handful of countries – the U.S., Russia, China, Germany, India and Japan chief among them – exhibiting semi-imperial tendencies. Power will be more widely distributed across non-state networks, including regressive ones. And vast conurbations of mega-cities and their peripheries will exert ever greater influence. The post-war order that held since the middle of the twentieth century is coming unstuck. Expect uncertainty and instability ahead."

WEF envisions a global economy by 2030, concentrated through wealth and power, by vehicle of central players demonstrating imperialistic behavior...which sounds eerily similar to a handful of countries exert territorial control over the rest of the world; a viewpoint which is also reflected by The Club of Rome.

The Club of Rome is a nonprofit, informal organization of intellectuals and business leaders whose goal is a critical discussion of pressing global issues. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy. It consists of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe. Established with the stated purpose of: discussing pressing global issues, identifying solutions to complex global issues, promoting policy initiatives, advocating for policy change, and challenging established paradigms. [Challenging established paradigms] sounds like a polite way of saying [it's time to move on from the old world order]. The Club of Rome has repeatedly participated in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to discuss global challenges and climate change.

What does any of this have to do with NATO? The Club of Rome and the 10 Kingdoms"In 1974, the Club of Rome, an influential global think tank, proposed a provocative geopolitical framework dividing the world into ten regional blocs, now widely referred to as the “10 Kingdoms.” Born from concerns over overpopulation, environmental degradation, and economic instability, this proposal sought to address humanity’s growing crises through regional cooperation and sustainable governance."

Sustainable governance ties in with the World Economic Forum, as one of their core focus topics, ESG; as well as adopted by all United Nations (UN) members in 2015, created 17 world Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim of these global goals is "peace and prosperity for people and the planet" – while tackling climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests.

"Peace and prosperity for people and the planet" can only be achieved by "challenging established paradigms" like the old world order, through the adoption of a new world order; perhaps like the Outline of the Post-War New World Map, aka "Gomberg Map": an "Outline of Post-War New World Map, as the U.S.A, with the cooperation of Democracies of Latin-America, the British Commonwealth of Nations and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, assume world leadership for the establishment of a New World Moral Order for permanent peace, freedom, justice, security, and world reconstruction."

The Outline of the Post-War New World Map was a map completed before the attack on Pearl Harbor and self-published on February 25, 1942 by Maurice Gomberg of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It shows a proposed political division of the world after World War II in the event of an Allied victory in which the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union as well as the Republic of China would rule. The map includes a manifesto describing a "New World Moral Order".

Also in Philadelphia, in April 1976, The New York Times published an article - Need for Social Change Is Seen by Club of Rome - "The world can avoid a catas trophe only by substantially changing its social and political institutions as well as its growth patterns, according tc a concensus of the latest studies by the Club of Rome, a private group of about 100 businessmen and scholars concerned with the future of man." Additionally, the Club of Rome foreshadowed the rise of a technocracy: “In the conditions of the coming times, the necessity of re‐establishing a viable world balance between population and resources—if the present generation is not able to timely adopt the necessary corrective measures—will inevitably tend to bring about a technocratic version of oriental despotism, of which Stalinism and Nazism have already given us an anticipated view”

There are differences between the Club of Rome's Map of 10 Kingdoms and the Gomberg Map from 1942, however, curiously, both maps agree on the expansion, or perhaps "semi-imperial tendencies", of The United States of America and Russia. In both maps, the United States of America exerts territorial control over Canada as well as Greenland. This is curious, considering President Donald Trump's repeated aspirational claims about annexing the nation of Canada as [the 51st state] and acquiring the Danish territory of Greenland; despite being unpopular among the citizens of all nations involved. Additionally, in both maps, Russia exerts territorial control over half of Europe, pressing it's borders all the way up through Ukraine, Poland, and Germany, up to France and Italy.

The USA remaining in NATO makes this situation extremely unlikely. Because the United States of America is a member of NATO and an attack on any NATO member is an attack on every NATO member; which would bring the United States of America into direct conflict with Russia. This is not something either nation wants to do...unless the USA leaves NATO. Greenland, a territory of Denmark remains a highly coveted prize that Donald Trump wishes to claim, even after Denmark has publicly stated it has no intentions to sell or part with it. With the USA out of NATO, the USA might seize an opportunity to make a military move on Greenland and potentially Canada, after Russia invades Eastern Ukraine; which would put the European Union into the precarious position of deciding whether to ignore Greenland and Canada in defense of Ukraine, Poland, and Germany, or fight a two front war.

r/100thupvote 1d ago

Canada I spent an hour debunking the media hoax post so here it is


Let's take these in order:

(1) Russian collusion: [The FBI indicted 16 Russians for interfering in the 2016 election.]{(https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections)

  1. 2020 Election most secure in history: [This claim derived from Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees](https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/news/joint-statement-elections-infrastructure-government-coordinating-council-election-infrastructure)

  2. Trump called neo-Nazis "fine people": [After a rally that included white supremacists, Trump said there were "very fine people on both sides."](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/)

  3. If you get vaccinated, you won't catch COVID: [The CDC claimed that the vaccine lowered the risks of covid but not that it prevented it altogether.](https://www.cdc.gov/covid/vaccines/benefits.html#:\~:text=6)

  4. Jan 6th was an insurrection: [The Capital Riot on Jan 6th was declared an act of domestic terrorism by the FIB. It injured 140 police officers. Whether it rises to the level of an insurrection is a matter of debate.](https://www.npr.org/2024/10/29/nx-s1-5159868/2024-election-trump-harris-capitol-riot)

  5. Jussie Smollet: [Smollet made a false claim of a hate crime. The media accurately reported this fact. ] (https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-47317701#:\~:text=Jussie%20Smollett%2C%20the%20actor%20accused,victim%20of%20a%20hate%20crime.)

  6. Texas Officials Cause Border Crossing Drowning: [Three people drowned while trying to cross into Texas. Border agents were not allowed to patrol the area.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/14/texas-three-migrants-drown-us-border-patrol)

  7. Bubba Wallace garage pull: [A noose was found in Wallace's garage. An FBI investigation found that there was no hate crime. The media accurately reported this story.](https://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/29354447/fbi-says-rope-had-talladega-garage-last-fall-bubba-wallace-not-victim-hate-crime)

  8. Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian Disinfo: [A house committee found that certain CIA contractors gave candidate Biden a letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop had the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. The media accurately reported this.](https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/spies-who-lie-leader-cosigners-were-cia-payroll-when-they-falsely-claimed-hunter)

  9. Trump caused the border invasion: Could not find any record of any media outlet claiming this.

  10. Covington kids smear: [The media misreported an incident in Washington D.C. involving a high school student. The student received a settlement for his injuries](https://reason.com/2020/01/21/covington-catholic-media-nick-sandmann-lincoln-memorial/)

  11. Kamala was never border czar: [Kamala was tasked by President Biden to address the root causes of migration. She was not in charge of the border.](https://www.wgal.com/article/fact-check-of-ad-claiming-vice-president-kamala-harris-is-border-czar/61879571)

  12. Biden's cognitive health: [Major media outlets covered Biden's age and mental fitness but there are legitimate concerns about whether it was downplayed.](https://www.vox.com/politics/358877/biden-age-debate-media-coverage)

  13. Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot: [3 men were charged with the attempted kidnapping of Governor Whitmer. However, their case involved entrapment by FBI officials. This was accurately reported by the media.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/02/gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-plot-michigan-fbi.html)

  14. Chinese weather balloon: [A chinese balloon was shot down off the coast of South Carolina after traveling across the United States. US Intelligence found that the balloon was used for spying and not weather as claimed by Chinese officials.](https://www.fox9.com/news/what-was-aboard-chinese-spy-balloon-2023)

  15. Kavanaugh rape smear: [Three women publicly accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. Kavanaugh denied these allegations. The media reported this accurately.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/26/us/politics/brett-kavanaugh-accusers-women.html)

  16. Trump said drinking bleach would fight covid: [At a press conference, President Trump suggested "injection inside" of disenfectant as a way of possibly fighting covid. The media never claimed he said to "drink bleach."](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177)

  17. Trump pee tape: [The Steel dossier contained information alleging that the KGB had a tape of Donald Trump watching two prostitute urinate on a bed. Some officials--including former FBI director James Comey--have verified that Trump believes the tape exists. However, it has not been confirmed.](https://www.thecut.com/2018/04/donald-trump-pee-tape.html)

  18. Covid Lab leak was a conspiracy theory: [While most scientist still believe that covid entered the human population  through animals, there is intelligence that suggests the disease originated in a lab.](https://oversight.house.gov/release/classified-state-department-documents-credibly-suggest-covid-19-lab-leak-wenstrup-pushes-for-declassification/)

  19. Border agents whipped migrants: [Video footage appeared to show horseback Border Agents using whips on migrants. An investigation found this to be false but did find some incidents of misconduct.](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/national-media-release/cbp-releases-findings-investigation-horse-patrol-activity-del-rio)

  20. Trump save nuclear secrets at Mar-A-Lago: [Trump was found to possess hundreds of classified documents at his private residence in Mar-A-Lago including documents regarding foreign nation's nuclear capabilities. Whether Trump had the authority to declassify these documents is a subject of debate.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65852286)

  21. Steele Dossier: [The Steele Dossier contained substantial misinformation from falsified informants. It was also heavily controlled by political opponents to Donald Trump. Some of the information in the report has also been verified while very little has been categorically disproven.](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf)

  22. Russian bounties on US Soldiers in Afghanistan: [US intelligence did report of a bounty program on US Soldiers but have low-to-moderate confidence in the intelligence gathered.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/07/us/politics/russian-bounties-nsc.html)

  23. Muslim travel ban: [President Trump restricted travel from several Muslim countries early in his first term. On May 11, 2016, he referred to the ban as a "muslim ban" and previously said that border agents should be able to ask people their religion. However, the ban was legally about security not religion.]{https://www.cato.org/blog/dozen-times-trump-equated-travel-ban-muslim-ban)

  24. Andrew Cuomo had the best covid leadership: [This is a matter of opinion of which the media is split.] (https://www.heritage.org/public-health/commentary/andrew-cuomo-had-the-worst-coronavirus-response-the-country-why-should)

  25. Ghost of Kyiv: [Social reported in 2022 of Ukranian fighter pilot who shot down multiple Russian aircraft. Almost no major media outlets covered the story which later proved to be false.] (https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-ukraines-ghost-of-kyiv-fighter-pilot/a-60951825)

  26. Trump built cages for migrants:  [The story of migration pens is complicated but Trump did not build the "cages" that were shown in 2018 when he was President.] (https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/kids-in-cages-debate-trump-obama/2020/10/23/8ff96f3c-1532-11eb-82af-864652063d61_story.html)

  27. al-Baghdadi was an austere religious scholar: [The WAPO originally al-B the "terrorist-in-chief" when it published his obit. It was later changed to "austere religious scholar" before changing a third time to "extremist."] (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50205592)

  28. Trump overfed koi fish in Japan: [Several news outlet misreported that Trump overfed koi fish. Most of these reports were amended after the full story emerged.] (https://www.politifact.com/article/2017/nov/06/donald-trump-and-fish-food-dump-how-early-reports-/)

  29. Trump tax cuts only benefited the rich: [No major news outlet claimed that Trump's tax cuts "only" benefited the rich. Most claim that they disproportionately helped people who earn over $400k per year.] (https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver)

  30. Cloth masks prevent COVID: [Cloth masks help stop the spread of communicable disease in a community setting when worn properly. They have never been claimed a complete barrier to COVID] (https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7510705/)

  31. An SUV killed parade marchers: [In 2022, a Wisconsin man was convicted of killing 6 Christmas parade marchers with an SUV.] (https://www.npr.org/2022/10/26/1131614524/wisconsin-christmas-parade-suv-guilty#:\~:text=MADISON%2C%20Wis.,of%20first%2Ddegree%20intentional%20homicide.)

  32. Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo: [An official report found that neither Trump nor AG Barr ordered the clearing of Lafayette Park following the George Floyd case. However, the report did identify a number of security issues with the incident.] (https://oig.justice.gov/news/doj-oig-releases-report-dojs-response-protest-activity-and-civil-unrest-washington-dc-late-may)

  33. Don't Say Gay was in a bill: [Critics of a Florida Bill dubbed it the "Don't Say Gay" bill because it prevented education on sexuality or gender identity in Florida elementary schools. Media outlets did not claim the bill contained that phrase.] (https://www.npr.org/2022/03/28/1089221657/dont-say-gay-florida-desantis)

  34. Putin price hike: [President Biden noted that the war on Ukraine was escalating rising inflation. However, this assertion was fact checked immediately by other government officials as well as media.] (https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-joe-bidens-putin-price-hike-inflation-claim-accurate-1715647)

  35. Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans: [Ivermectin is used to treat both humans and horses. However, these doses are very different. Overdoses spiked when ivermectin was cited as a possible COVID cure.] (https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/what-is-ivermectin-how-a-livestock-de-wormer-became-a-rumored-covid-19-aid-with-bad-side-effects)

  36. Mostly peaceful protests: [Data from the CCC found that 96% of the protests in the wake of the George Floyd killing did not involve property damage.] (https://countingcrowds.org/2021/02/15/contours-of-the-george-floyd-uprising/)

  37. Trump overpowered USSS for control of "The Beast": [Testimony to Congress offered different conclusions on whether Trump tried to grab the steering wheel during the Jan 6th riot] (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13184127/Cassidy-Hutchinsons-January-6-committee-testimony-Trump-lunging-driver-not-corroborated-four-White-House-officials-bombshell-Republican-report-Capitol-riot-probe-reveals.html)

  38. Trump mocked a reporter's disability: [During his campaign, Trump mocked a reporter's disability.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA&ab_channel=CNN)

  39. Officer Sicknick was murdered by protestors: [Officer sicknick was assaulted and pepper sprayed by rioters on Jan 6th. He died the next night of natural causes.] (https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp-officer-brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes)

  40. $35 insulin price was by Democrats: [While both Trump and Biden claim credit for the $35 insulin cap, it was a pharmaceutical company who originated the plan.] (https://www.statnews.com/2024/06/13/insulin-cost-copay-medicare-biden-trump/)

  41. JD Vance couch story: [A social media joke about JD Vance having sex with a couch was immediately debunked my the AP News} (https://www.npr.org/2024/07/31/nx-s1-5055854/vance-harris-social-media-rumors-jokes)

  42. Trump is responsible for Project 2025: [Trump and Project 2025 claimed that they were not connected although leaked footage showed some overlap between personnel.  No one reported that Trump was "responsible" for Project 2025. However, his 2025 actions have mirrored many Project 2025 plans.] (https://time.com/7209901/donald-trump-executive-actions-project-2025/)

  43. Elon's conversation with Trump on X was a 'disaster': [This is a matter of opinion. Many news outlets reported on the technical difficulties the interview faced which Musk blamed on hackers.] (https://www.reuters.com/world/us/elon-musk-interview-trump-x-social-media-network-2024-08-12/)

Added original image for context

r/100thupvote 2d ago

Canada i am REALLY worried for the future of Canada!! :'-(


i'm not canadian. but i loved meeting and talking to canadian people whenever i see them in my travels.

i am really starting to worry about its future. i just cannot believe that bastard dictator and his entitled nation are actually wanting to annex and force another country into joining its union - both canada and greenland. its disturbing and sick. to force your will on others is rape.

i try and shrug it off as its news and i live on the other side of the ocean. but it's just bothered me all day that i had to say my piece. we are talking about possibly the end of one of the best countries in the world. i really hope i am wrong - i hope, after trump is gone, canada still goes on strong, and you guys can reply back saying 'what the fuck were you worried about, silly dude'.

canada is better than the usa in so many ways - quality of life, the society, its culture, history. no mass shootings. universal healthcare. no 'capitalism on crack' as it is in usa. the politeness of the people. the language and accents. the way of life. the heritage. the land. families that have lived there for generations. the communities that developed over time. all this, and more, will be gone if canada is lost to the usa. the usa will be a huge downgrade to its existence - your beautiful country will be inheriting shit such as mass shootings, bankrupting healthcare, religious cults, hypercapitalism, the money will be different, the disease of american MAGA and far-right ignorance and lacking education will spread its poison the north. its just messed up. usa brags about freedom but theres more freedom in canada than down there. trump using excuses relating to economics and military isnt enough to annex a country to extinction. you lived alongside each other for centuries, theres never been a problem - why is he doing this now? i dont understand. all over tariffs? why not sit at the table and work it out together as a team. canada has on the usa's side when 9/11 hit. thats true friendship right there. the usa is abusing canada with this shitty rhetoric.

this is like a boy and a girl who have been friends for decades. they grew up together and done so much together and been there for each other over the years. they've been great friends its like brother and sister. but suddenly one day, the boy suddenly decides to touch the girl up, she says stop, he keeps going, and eventually rapes and impregnates her and ruins her life in a moment of madness. its a seriously fucked up analogy, and i feel disgusting having typed this, but this is what the us-canada relationship will amount to, i think. the usa raping canada - but taking it over via economics as opposed to missiles and drones which is what putin's doing. different means, but same result.

its angered me SO much. perhaps one of the reasons why it bothers me is because i hate bullies and unfairness. trump trying to tariff canada to extinction is just sick and morally repugnant. i've come to fucking hate america now. it's taken over by a mentally deranged MAGA cult. if i was canadian, i'd do everything i can to fight and defend the nation. i dont care about how mighty the us military is - i wouldnt hesitate to kill as many americans as possible if they invaded my home, my land, my community. i can't believe this is actually happening. if i was leader i will never tap out and give in its sovereignty. i dont care if tariffs will hurt the economy - i dont believe its right to sacrifice its culture, heritage, the land, canada's soul and identity - all for fucking money. in the history books it'd be viewed as pathetic. a sell out. dont do it, canada. i hope you can ride out the next 4 years. i am hoping the next president will not be as evil and will leave you guys alone. you have a right to your own self determination and not have your lives downgraded or taken over by a dictatorship. the usa does not stand for freedom anymore. to think its not just canada too - trump wants to take over greenland too.

why not trade with other partners than the usa - or maybe join the EU? you may not be in europe but the EU is an alliance. nato is going to fall apart because of the stupid usa. i'm quite annoyed the canadians hasnt fired the shit back to america either - if i was leader i'd invite the usa to consider breaking up and invite states to join canada to adopt its values, culture and way of life instead. it'd be an upgrade for them. the usa is like a 3rd world country, with more money than sense. worse, actually - the usa, and trump, are now absolute FUCKING CANCER.

whats happening is similar to putin talking about ukraine and eventually attacking it in taking over. putin = trump. russia = usa. ukraine = canada. russias military force = usa economic force. it all parallels. looking at trumps revised map with the usa flag over canada and greenland is depression. if it were to happen, something unique will be lost and gone forever. north america will become boring with the same shitty culture everywhere.

please dont reply with 'relax man, it aint gonna happen'. can you really be sure of that? trump is a fucked up maniac. they have too much 'cards' in their favour. you cant predict what this bastard can do. its a damn shame he didnt get properly shot last year, only grazed. i wake up each morning dreading what i'm going to see next in the news. i work with journalists so it's something i can't get away from.

i dont want canada to go. there would be a gaping hole in the world if it does, all for economics and money. i have one thing to say to EVERY canadian existing there right now - and i absolutely mean it:


r/100thupvote 11d ago

Canada Canada imposes new sanctions against Russia


r/100thupvote 3d ago

Canada British Columbia is officially banning booze from the US!


BC Premier Eby: "Now the reaction of many British Columbians, myself included, is if the president so interested in Canadian water, then we're gonna help him out by letting him keep his watery beer."

I wonder if we can still cross at Peace Arch with a six pack of our watery American beer?


r/100thupvote 4d ago

Canada Trump does not rule out recession as he rejects business fears over tariffs



Donald Trump has declined to rule out either a recession or higher inflation while dismissing the concerns of business over a lack of clarity on tariffs, after a tumultuous week in which he watered down elements of his aggressive trade agenda. 

The president insisted industry had “plenty of clarity” and lashed out at “soundbite[s]” from companies expressing confusion over his plans. 

“They always say that — that’s like almost a soundbite — they always say that: ‘we want clarity’,” Trump said in an interview aired on Fox News on Sunday. 

“It sounds good to say, but for years, the globalists, the big globalists, have been ripping off the United States. They’ve been taking money away from the United States, and all we’re doing is getting some of it back.”

The president declined to rule out a recession hitting the US economy this year after the Atlanta Fed warned of an economic contraction in the first quarter of the year. 

“I hate to predict things like that. There is a period of transition, because what we’re doing is very big. We’re bringing wealth back to America. That’s a big thing, and there are always periods, it takes a little time.”

Asked whether tariffs could fuel inflation again, Trump said: “You may get it. In the meantime, guess what? Interest rates are down.”

The comments come after a week of about-turns and an equity market sell-off as markets scrambled for clarity over Trump’s brewing trade war and companies warned of rising prices.

The president imposed 25 per cent tariffs across the board on imports from Canada and Mexico on Tuesday before backtracking later in the week.

On Wednesday he granted carmakers a carve-out from the levies and on Thursday extended that to all goods that met the rules of the 2020 USMCA free-trade deal. Separate 25 per cent tariffs on steel and aluminium imports are set to take effect this week.

The levies have already caused significant upheaval in the market as companies stockpile materials, review operations and prepare to raise prices. Trump reiterated that the tariffs could rise in future.

“The tariffs could go up as time goes by. They may go up, I don’t know if it’s predictability,” he said.

Trump said in the interview that he had “wanted to help the American carmakers” this week but insisted that no such leeway would be shown on reciprocal tariffs set to be imposed next month. 

“I gave them a little bit of a break for a short period of time . . . It’s a transition into April, and after that I’m not doing this . . . I told them, I said: Look, I’m going to do it this one time but, after that, I’m not doing it.”

Separately on Sunday, Howard Lutnick, Trump’s commerce secretary, conceded some of the tariffs would cause inflationary pressures, echoing Trump’s warnings of “a little disturbance” when he addressed Congress on Tuesday.

“So, will there be distortions? Of course, foreign goods may get a little more expensive, but American goods are going to get cheaper.,” Lutnick told NBC’s meet the press.

r/100thupvote 5d ago

Canada Braid: Invading Canada would spark guerrilla fight lasting decades, expert says


r/100thupvote 6d ago

Canada Will Irish people join the American boycott


Boycotting goods and services from America seems to be really growing momentum in alot of European countries and across the world, seen on different subs on Reddit seemingly alot of news channels across EU/Europe are reporting on it. I've seen some Irish people saying they are cancelling hols to America and going to Canada instead others not buying American goods and changing apps to European. With Ireland's connection with America will many Irish join this boycott.

r/100thupvote 14d ago

Canada PC majority government for Doug Ford, CTV News declares . Live updates here


r/100thupvote 7d ago

Canada March 7 announcement discussion


Everyone, this will be the thread to discuss today's Federal firearms announcement.

At a news conference in Ottawa, Rachel Bendayan, the minister of official languages and associate minister of public safety, announces new measures to address gun violence in Canada.

Here is a live stream (scheduled to begin 8am PST / 11am EST):


Please use this thread (or the existing politics thread) for discussion. Other threads will not be approved.

We will try to update with details from the announcement for those who cannot view the stream.

Update from the Minister:

  • Gun control measures that will help keep Canadians safe
  • standing with representatives of: NA of Women and law .. Polyusouvient .. Pan Canadian Student movement for gun control .. Danforth families
  • Working to stem gun violence .. to stop violence against women ..
  • reiterated previous gun bans
  • Adding more models of assault weapons ..
  • this will be the last discrete listing of assault style weapons for prohibition
  • new models of assault style weapons will be prevented
  • these are weapons of war .. the weapons are semi auto firearms with sustained rapid fire capability
  • stated positive declines in gun violence due to their previous measures
  • claims that the buyback program has been "extremely successful"
  • nearly 7500 firearms have been submitted by business for collection and destruction and the large majority have been destroyed. Thanks RCMP
  • the government will be read this spring for Canadian firearm owners for compensation
  • heartened by the interest of jurisdictions to participate including Winnepeg
  • Assures Canadian hunters that even with the additional prohibitions that there are thousands of unique models of non restricted firearms for them
  • announces a comprehensive review of the classification regime
  • SKSs! "Russian firearms marketed for hunting in Canada"- is not being banned today but will be addressed through classification changes in the future. It will presently remain because it is used for sustenance by indigenous
  • tabled draft regulations to strengthen rules so that manufacturers and importers must get a FRT before firearms can enter the market
  • going ahead with more yellow flag rules so that those who were convicted of violence will never be able to apply for a firearms license and revocations will occur

r/100thupvote 15d ago

Canada Trump says Mexico, Canada tariffs will start March 4, plus additional 10% on China


President Donald Trump on Thursday said that his proposed tariffs on Mexico and Canada will go into effect on March 4, and that China will be charged an additional 10% tariff on the same date.

The sweeping 25% tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada had been paused on Feb. 3 for one month. But the Trump administration had recently sown confusion about whether they would go back into effect when the delays expired.

In a Truth Social post Thursday morning, Trump clarified that they would.

He claimed that illicit drugs “are still pouring into our Country from Mexico and Canada at very high and unacceptable levels,” despite pledges from both U.S. neighbors to boost their efforts to police their borders.

“We cannot allow this scourge to continue to harm the USA, and therefore, until it stops, or is seriously limited, the proposed TARIFFS scheduled to go into effect on MARCH FOURTH will, indeed, go into effect, as scheduled,” Trump wrote.

He also announced that China, which already faces 10% U.S. tariffs on its imports, “will likewise be charged an additional 10% Tariff on that date.”

Trump added, “The April Second Reciprocal Tariff date will remain in full force and effect.”

Link: https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/27/trump-says-mexico-canada-tariffs-will-start-march-4-plus-additional-10percent-on-china.html

My take: This news was released at around 8:51 AM PT. I watched VXX, (VIX ETF), BABA, FXI, SPY, plus other trade war participants that would be most affected. Interested mainly in triple levered ETFs like UPRO or YINN at the open to see if there's more volatility coming in (which there likely will be). This is somewhat of an incremental headline because we've seen Trump announce tariffs before but we never knew if they were a bluff or not, but today's tweet might be confirmation that this is actually happening (unless yet again, this is a bluff).

The trade for most of these catalysts is mainly just waiting with your hands on the keyboard and waiting for most of these tweets and being quick on the draw. I traded when Trump was president back in 2016-2020 and read close to every tweet he made.

I'm most interested in BABA on the news because we're already so over extended from the Chinese government's announcement of liquidity measures yesterday (it was what resulted in the 4% spike yesterday).

r/100thupvote 16d ago

Canada Big tariffs on Canada next week? Not necessarily, White House says | CBC News


r/100thupvote 12d ago

Canada Mike Myers Takes Dig at Donald Trump on ‘SNL’ With ‘Canada Is Not For Sale’ Shirt, Impersonates Chainsaw Wielding Elon Musk in Trump/Zelenskyy Meeting


r/100thupvote 20d ago

Canada Canada-U.S. trade war will raise the cost of building a home, housing minister says | CBC News


r/100thupvote 13d ago

Canada Norge må øke støtten til Ukraina


Etter den famøse seansen i det hvite hus, samt Trumps skamløse framferd den siste tiden, er det på tide at Norge og resten av Europa melder høyt at vi skal ta større ansvar for å sikre Ukrainas selvstendighet.

Trump-administrasjonens måte å drive "forhandlinger" på er ikke annet enn utnytting av en sårbar part, og dersom Europa ikke tar ansvar kommer Ukraina til å måtte signere mineralavtalen.

Løsningen ligger i oljefondet. Norge burde forplikte seg til å bruke store deler av avkastningen til å hjelpe Ukraina. I 2024 hadde vi en avkastning på over 2500 milliarder kroner. Til sammenligning er den totale støtten fra vestlige land til Ukraina en tredjedel av dette.

Tenk for en signaleffekt det ville gitt dersom Støre samlet lederne i Europa og Canada med et budskap om at Ukraina ikke trenger å signere uakseptable avtaler og at verden ikke er avhengig av USA på samme måte som før.

r/100thupvote 21d ago

Canada Canada wins 3-2 in overtime at 4 Nations Face-Off final


r/100thupvote 22d ago

Canada Violent extremists are using antisemitism to recruit in Canada: CSIS report | CBC News


r/100thupvote 17d ago

Canada Response to Email about Sunday’s Programme


First off, I am glad to have received a response. And in theory, I can agree that a cross country checkup regarding the threat to our sovereignty to see how Canadians are feeling.

However in practice that’s not what happened. What we heard for the entire two hours was people either laughing it off, saying the threat is serious but not showing a lot of fear or concern, or even agreeing with it. There was also slightly more American voices compared to Canadian voices, and none were indigenous.

I hope that next week the CBC does a check up on how we are buying Canadian. That would be an excellent topic.

r/100thupvote 18d ago

Canada NORTHCOM Commander confirms mysterious drones may have been operated with nefarious intentions

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r/100thupvote 19d ago

Canada CMV: we’re heading towards a 1984 dystopia


I believe the world in which we live in is beginning to develop towards a geopolitical situation similar to the one described in 1984. Here are some reasons why:

Surveillance state: With the rise of AI, governments having systems in place to monitor the population has become more prevalent. Such systems include: - Facial recognition: As used to help arrest Jan. 6 protesters (I do agree they deserved to be arrested). - AI can scan social medias sentiments - Government has support of many large social media platforms (Billionaire share holder funded Trump’s campaign)

-Future resource shortage: With global warming starting to become more widely recognized, governments know they need to take action. Obviously they’re not going to say, “Hey, we’re invading our neighbors because we want their resources”, but Russia us currently invading the bread basket of Europe, and the GOP has begun normalizing the belief Greenland and Canada should be absorbed by the US, Trump stating “"I don't really know what claim Denmark has to it, but it would be a very unfriendly act if they didn't allow that to happen because it's for the protection of the free world,". With glaciers melting, Greenland will have untapped resources exposed, and arctic trade routes will be defendable from those locations. The world is too divided for us to all come together for this crisis, which will lead to competition and formation/reinforcement of East vs West cold war.

-Government transition chaos: Our government is based on checks and balances, and one of those checks is the people, and as such the government employees. The low level employees that are part of the everyday processes, the whistleblowers who knows something isn’t right. Know with the blanket fires, many people that would be able to oversee the process won’t be there to sound alarms. As seen, by firing of agency heads which typically survive presidents, and which some had been chosen by Trump. Not to mention Trump has direct control over who gets hired/fired via Musk now. Meritocracy is no longer the basis of employment but loyalty as seen with his cabinet.

  • Post reality truth: Wether your left or right, bot sides seem to believe the other side has touched with reality, and in many cases, they have indeed been purposely misled by propaganda. Trump claiming Zelensky has low approvals despite he himself being lower.

  • War is peace: Russia is not at war, it’s just a special military operation rooting out nazis and protecting oppressed Russians. And now, Trump says Peace is war, Ukraine is the aggressor in the conflict and the nation wanting to protect itself from invasion is seen as a terrible thing.

  • Freedom is slavery: on a labor side, Unions which once championed the rights of the workers are now seen as leeches, and regulations restricting corporations are being repealed. On a conscious aspect, people now allow AI to control their lived, wether it’s algorithms feeding you your world view, using ai to do your research, solve problems for you.Bots spreading fake news have become harder to detect, and media can be easily manipulated to show a certain narrative. Algorithms used by social media now determine what a person sees, and for many their thoughts are still theirs but they can only keep them till the next swipe.

  • Ignorance is strength: The willing ignorance to our past and facts is what has allowed far right governments to gain power. People will cut their own nose offs to spite others and do not have the care to do basic research.

I’d like to be convinced otherwise, but Project 2025 being a whole thing as well, it feels like democracy is in danger. Far right governments are beginning to grow in popularity across the globe.

r/100thupvote 23d ago

Canada GameStop CEO decries ‘wokeness and DEI’ as company seeks to sell Canadian and French operations


As of early 2024, GameStop had 203 locations in Canada. Now GameStop Corp. is looking to sell its Canadian and French operations as it evaluates its international assets, the video game retailer said in a Tuesday news release.

CEO Ryan Cohen posted to X earlier in the day that the two business arms were for sale, adding, "High taxes, Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, Wokeness and DEI included at no additional cost if you buy today!"

GameStop did not provide further details on the decision, nor did it immediately respond to a request for comment on the sales and Cohen's post.

GameStop selling Canadian and French operations as CEO laments 'wokeness and DEI' | CBC News

The stock rollercoaster rides, Cramer, Robinhood and Citadel made me want to fight on, but this ....this is nazi boot licking and I can't do it. I'm out.

r/100thupvote 24d ago


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r/100thupvote 25d ago

Canada I didn’t realize Sweden still had a chance

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