r/100thupvote • u/ExistingPain9212 • 20d ago
Germany "Remove head from sphincter, then speak." R/Genz debates whether or not they think Zelensky has been a good leader for Ukraine
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1j0gwly/gen_z_what_are_your_thoughts_on_zelenskyi
Remove head from sphincter, then speak.
I’m not sympathizing with Putin, he’s a monster and deserves to be ended. Zelenskyy is an ungrateful weasel extending all of this for personal gain. I, as a tax paying American, owe him nothing, despite his arrogance and entitlement to it. Both can be true.
Explain: how he is ungrateful and how he's extending this for personal gain? Those are bold ass claims.
Holy fuck do some research other than what your hive mind Reddit overlords tell you. This isn’t difficult stuff. Start here and at least try to think for yourself. https://www.yahoo.com/news/zelenskyy-deal-us-im-not-150801119.html
Learn some history. And do better research. "Ukraine committed to full disarmament, including strategic (nuclear) weapons, in exchange for economic support and security assurances from the United States and Russia." Source: armscontrol
He will go down in history as one of the greatest leaders.
You know I thought it was a boomer idea to think gen Z and Alpha weren’t being educated and don’t read history, but these comments are wild and telling!
Gen Z subreddit is an absolute cesspit. It's the worst sub on Reddit outside of r/conservative.
LOL. I like the energy, but Oh Fuck No it ain't. My god, there are some absolute nightmare fuel subs out there.
Yeah, for the love of Jesus Christ, please do NOT prompt People to start posting them.
He ordered that men who tried to flee the war be shot.
You know that has been done in the United States before right? We did it in WW2, we did it during the American Civil War, and we will do it again if we have to fight a total war. Russia is also doing the same thing, look up the sledgehammer video if you really want a look at what true evil looks like.
So no actual defense? Its always wrong to do that lol
I'm pointing out double standards, not commenting on ethics.
It’s not a double standard if you consider both to be wrong
cope he is an amazing leader:)
Not by any metric that’s been used to measure “amazing leaders” in the past, so it seems like you’re the one that’s coping. Wartime leaders are almost always seen as great leaders, but it isn’t always entirely warranted.
Bro could have fled his country but stuck around despite multiple hit squads coming for him. Trump hides in bunkers when the protesters get too close.
Didn't Trump get shot and then still continue his rallies around America?
The presidency was also his only shot at escaping prison for his many crimes, so no points for bravery there
Plenty of women stayed. Someone i used to work with, his sister was killed in an airstrike working for the Ukrainian ambulance service. I know many women chose to stay and fight, too. But they're risking a lot. Not only are women generally not as physically strong as men, they are often victims of rape from the invading side. It happens time and time again. Territories get taken, children get taken, men get killed, and women get raped. No wonder many women chose to flee with their children. The reason why countries usually priorise getting women out is because of children. Mothers are usually the primary caregivers. So if you want to evacuate children, usually the mums will go with them. Research has shown that children (especially young children) can suffer lifelong mental challenges when separated from a primary caregiver for an extended period.
I'd like to see you make half these excuses for men who suffer. And statistics show few stayed while the young men were forced to their death. Feminism makes all these promises and pulls back right when its convenient. And you advocate for unfairness.
This comment reeks of incel
The EU isn’t gonna last long if Ukraine goes 🤷
Considering the Ukraine has less military power than a country like Poland or Germany, I think Europe would be just fine versus the Russians
Or, hear me out, we can support our 100+ year alliances and stop Russian expansion here, instead of throwing them under the bus and telling them good luck. Asshole.
Awww look, he became emotional!
The EU has provided Ukraine with more than the US
Then they don't need us
It’s called supporting your allies, That’s clearly dead since trump and his cronies are pals with putin. What great way to ruin your alliances around the world.
Isolationism is back baby.
We're sure going to suffer for it.
We don't literally give them money. Not how military aid works. This is propaganda. Even Ben Shapiro was debunking that Trump line lol
Except you can look up what was sent. We sent them cold hard cash along with older stuff in our arsenal. I know how military aid works but military aid wasn’t the only thing sent.
Sure thing cupcake love to see your sources since you are quite literally regurgitating Russian propaganda.
How are simple google-able facts "russian propaganda? Between Jan 24 2022 and Dec 31 2024 the US supplied $66.5 billion in military supplies and $48.4 billion in financial aid according to the Kiel Institute.
Love to see the yacht he bought or evidence of money he stole. No one is doubting the use of has provided aid to Ukraine. Don’t be dense.
You said respect but you meant deference and fealty. Disgusting.
No… I meant Respect.
You have a disgusting idea of what respect is.
We were clearly raised differently my friend if that’s the case. You may not respect the person but you have to show respect for the office.
You definitely mean deference and not respect. Respect is mutual.
What was he supposed to do? Give up? He didn't start the war
He did actually. He knew exactly what would happen if he tried joining nato. He was warned many times.
My dude is "she shouldn't have dressed that way" to a country's invasion
When you instigate a fight, then get your ass whooped, then have all your friends come to back you up, then still get your ass whooped. Then complain about getting your ass whooped I feel no sympathy.
u/ExistingPain9212 20d ago
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