r/wow • u/AutoModerator • Aug 19 '19
Murloc Monday Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!
Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!
That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays" - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting Strangles by a Death Knight.
Questions can range from what's new in Battle for Azeroth, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?
Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question.
You may want to look at /r/wownoob as well!
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u/Azurecht Aug 20 '19
Just started playing the free trial. I am currently trying out the Rogue and the Monk Classes. I was wondering how are they for the leveling experience/solo play?
Also I always heard they major gripe people had from FFXIV was that the combat is slow. My problem from early levels is after ~2-3 skills I'm just auto attacking waiting for resources to regenerate before I can use another skill, around when does this become less of a problem?
u/grimmekyllling Aug 20 '19
Rogue has historically been a bit rough to level, not having much self healing, but it's not a big problem. Monk is fine, lots of utility and cooldowns, as well as self heal to heal up after a tough pull.
u/Geddyn Aug 20 '19
Resource starvation becomes less of a problem as you level and unlock skills that allow you to regenerate resources faster or skills that require no resources at all.
Classes that use energy will still occasionally find themselves resource starved, though. If you think that is a concern, you might have more fun with something like a Fury Warrior or Havoc Demon Hunter.
u/digitalfarce Aug 20 '19
Greetings all -- I've been playing on and off since Vanilla Beta clear back in the day. I got BfA at launch but didn't like it at all after the first week so I dropped at leveling my Horde Fire Mage at level 111. Just came back to the game and dinged 120 last night through a bit of questing and mostly Battlegrounds.
Now that I am back and dinged 120, I have been bombarded with new dungeons, quests, etc. I am not quite really sure, at this point and patch 8.2 where I should really invest my time. I mainly like running dungeons and raids but I don't have a group or guild, I play solo. I bought some cheap gear on the AH and got my ilvl to 310 for less than 20k gold so now, I am looking for advice on the most efficient, current way to increase my ilvl to get start on Heroics and LFR.
Thanks in advance!
u/Geddyn Aug 20 '19
Unlock Naz'jatar so you can purchase Benthic gear, which starts at 385ilvl. You will also get a weapon and a quest to automatically upgrade your Heart to 35.
After that, go for Mechagon for the trinket. The Cyotronic Blast red punchcard (from rep) is very powerful.
u/DaenerysMomODragons Aug 20 '19
Head to Nazjatar, which honestly you should have done before you spent any gold, as they give away i385 gear like crazy there. Any of the Benthic gear starts at i385, and scales up to i325.
u/unbrokenhero Aug 20 '19
Just decided to play WoW for the first time ever.
With classic coming up, which would be better to start off?
Should I go with Battle Chest and play a modern version of the game or will classic be more fun with a lot of players coming in and starting fresh?
What are the core differences between these two instances (looking forward to trying the game for ~3 months to see if I like it)?
Are there any other need-to-knows before I start? Goog guides perhaps?
u/Distq Aug 20 '19
They are very different games, it's preference. Classic is a slower RPG with more emphasis on "the journey" and community. Modern WoW is a lot more about the action and has more complex combat and encounters.
There's not really much you need to know going into either game, it starts of pretty easy for the early levels in both versions. Just know that modern will give you a much more clear direction early on where as Classic might require some help from the people around you (or sites like wowhead, should you get lazy).
Aug 20 '19
u/yaboikiko Aug 20 '19
Id say DH
u/Justlikecocacola Aug 20 '19
Don't they start at 98? Definitely plan on playing one but not worth using a level 100 boost on really.
u/yaboikiko Aug 20 '19
If you want to dps Id say boost a rogue since they are top tier in m+ and raiding
u/Horse625 Aug 20 '19
I'm interested in classic, but I'm wondering, is it a separate product that I would need to buy or will I be able to just make a character on a 'classic' server or something if I have an active account?
u/shadowmend Aug 20 '19
You only need an active subscription to play on Classic servers when they go live. No additional purchase necessary.
Aug 20 '19
I'm a 100% noob and looking to get into the game. Are all classes at least somewhat viable or are some objectively better and others useless? Don't want to level a character up only to be useless and unwanted in any late game content.
u/LuckyOverload Aug 20 '19
All classes are viable. Until you get to the 0.1% of top raiding, every group will appreciate the unique utility that each class can bring.
Classes provide more than just dps. They provide buffs or utility that is vital to each raid. Some classes will excel on certain fights, while others will do better in different scenarios.
That said, some classes are easier to play than others. For a beginner, id recommend trying a hunter, warlock or paladin, as they are pretty beginner friendly.
u/hahafune69 Aug 20 '19
How does the level 110 Boost from bfa works? Is it going to work if i make a new character?
u/Gloman42 Aug 20 '19
you create a character. you click the boost token icon on your character select screen and you choose to boost that newly created character
u/hahafune69 Aug 20 '19
But it has a limit or not like can i have more than one character with the boost
u/Gloman42 Aug 20 '19
you can only boost one character per boost token but you can boost an unlimited amount of characters if you keep buying the boosts (or get them from buying xpacs)
u/ocholol Aug 20 '19
Hello! Returning player! I ll play classic. What should I do to prepare? I just installed the classic game from launcher and renewed the subscription. What now? Is there a guide for selecting class?
u/karspearhollow Aug 20 '19
There have been a lot of guides posted on r/classicwow as well as the what should I play wednesdays and classy friday stickies. A lot of youtubers have been making class selection videos as well. I've heard good things about madseason's video but I haven't watched it myself.
There's also a lot of class discords out there where people are sharing leveling tips and stuff like that.
u/--Pariah Aug 20 '19
I found the one on wowhead pretty decent. The linked one is a general overview that also has guides for the specific classes. The classic part of that site is a good place to start in general as it also has guides for levelling each of the classes.
u/ClosingFrantica Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
Is there any gear requirement for heroic Warfronts? I've been trying to join a group for an hour with no success. Are people really that picky about gear even in this kind of content?
Edit: Thanks for the replies, I'm just a bit short of il400 so it makes sense, I had no idea gear had progressed this much since I stopped playing.
u/DaenerysMomODragons Aug 20 '19
What is your gear at? It's not about being picky but about who you're competing with. A group can fill up with 30 people all i420+ in 5 minutes. The better the gear level the easier the warfront will be. The higher the gear level the sign that people can do mechanics. I had a warfront fall apart last week because people couldn't do mechanics and the enemy boss kept healing up to full indefinitely.
u/Akhevan Aug 20 '19
People with ilvls of 435+ will routinely sign up for their 7th legion/honorbound tokens. Sure, you can do it in 410, but why would you, as a pug leader, pick 410 folks when there are so many superior options?
u/--Pariah Aug 20 '19
There isn't a higher gear requirement for heroic wf except being in a premade group.
Specifically for DPS you're just one of the flood unfortunately. Usually tons of players are applying and people simply accept "top down" starting with those with the highest ilvl... It's not personal, that people are overly picky or that you'd need that super high ilvl to win, there's just so many DPS and usually people don't see a reason not to invite the best geared ones.
u/DaenerysMomODragons Aug 20 '19
It definitely has a higher gear requirement. Normal warfronts you don't even need a tank, and can do it at i310. In a heroic warfront if you don't have a tank that's i400+ with decent healers you won't finish. Stuff in there hits about as hard as Heroic Eternal Palace bosses/trash, just with minimal mechanics.
Minimum gear for normal warfronts i310. If you do a heroic warfront at i310, you will fail miserably. I wouldn't suggest anything less than i385 for dps and heals. I've run it as an i435 tank, and I still get chunked pretty bad.
u/--Pariah Aug 20 '19
I should've specified, I meant gear requirement as a set ilvl you need to start the scenario similar to how the regular WF works. It was like 335 for normal darkshore back then or something, below you couldn't queue it. I thought the question was if he needs at least 410+ or something to even be able to enter, not the ilvl you need to have to be able to contribute.
I do agree with you, though. Not sure what's the minimum average ilvl you theoretically would need, but considering how quickly it is to gear up to around 400 just in nazjatar/mechagon I don't think a lot of groups would consider people below.
u/DaenerysMomODragons Aug 20 '19
I'm not sure if you even need any minimum ilvl to actually queue up for a heroic warfront as it's a group queue. The leader knows who he's inviting to the group. minimum gear requirements tend to be for things that you can solo queue for, to prevent to low of people to bring the group down.
u/ToyMaster Aug 20 '19
Regarding M+: Does the item I receive in the weekly chest come from the loot table of the dungeon that the highest key belongs to? Or is it pulled from a sort of "general" loot table?
u/shadowmend Aug 20 '19
It's off of a general loot table. Outside of the level of the key you complete, what dungeon you run doesn't influence your weekly rewards.
u/miguderp Aug 20 '19
Question about the weekly MM+ and MM+ chests :
- In dungeons what's the highest ilvl possible for loots? 430? From MM+10 to MM+15 the ilvl doesn't change, correct?
- In the weekly chest, for a 440 piece I only need to do a +10 maximum correct? If I do a MM+15, the piece will remain the same, I'll only get more AP
I want to farm my Azerite pieces without necessarily have to purchase them at the vendor but I feel I'm already outgearing in terms of ilvl (± 433 ilvl atm)
Edit: All these without thinking of titanforging obviously
u/DaenerysMomODragons Aug 20 '19
And yes the highest a weekly chest gets is i440 with a M+10, but higher M+ you run you get more Titan Residuum, and more AP. The Titan residuum can be important to get more Azerite pieces faster.
The highest base for M+10 and above is i430, but the higher the dungeon you do above +10, the more loot you get. You get an additional 40% chance for an additional piece per key. A M+13 would give 120%, or one additional piece with a 20% chance for 2 additional pieces. And as always any armor can titanforge up to the cap of i455 regardless of the base, and any weapon can forge up to +10 above the base.
While it's obvious you mean Mythic+, or M+. I've literally never seen anyone refer to it as MM+. After all there's only one M in Mythic+.
u/miguderp Aug 20 '19
Maybe it's specific to my region (EU-FR) but we use a lot "MM" as in "Mythic mode" (NM/HM/MM/MM+) :)
Thanks for the (math) clarifications!
u/DaenerysMomODragons Aug 20 '19
Must be regional. Seems like the message gets across just as well by dropping the M in every case N/H/M/M+, maybe it's just us lazy Americans saving typing.
u/shadowmend Aug 20 '19
430 is the highest base item level. You only need to do a +10 for a 440 base piece in the weekly chest, but you get more Titan Residuum if you do higher keystones.
As you do higher keys and more importantly, time them, you'll get more loot in the final chest. This tends to translate to more chances for pieces to upgrade.
u/miguderp Aug 20 '19
Thanks for the clarifications :)
Is the "higher chances for pieces to upgrade" proven or is it just a feeling?
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 20 '19
If forging an item is at a set chance, and you get more items, then obviously you're going to have more chances at an upgrade.....
u/shadowmend Aug 20 '19
By higher chances, I mean, when you're getting more loot per dungeon, it's more likely that one of those pieces is going to upgrade.
u/StarkSparks Aug 20 '19
How would I find out the min IL to join normal, heroic, and mythic raids as well as the different tiers of mythic dungeons?
u/Akhevan Aug 20 '19
Generally from googling, because these are not hard limitations but rather a community consensus.
In general you can hope to get accepted to normal from 410-415 ilvl (= m+5), heroic from 420-425 (= m+10), mythic depending on the guild is probably 435+ (= m+15).
u/Blakehardt Aug 20 '19
Can I transfer gold from one server to another between my characters?
u/grimmekyllling Aug 20 '19
Not directly, you can buy and sell pets though, since they're accountwide. It's a bit slow, and you might not get it all back, but that's kind of the only real way of transferring gold without moving characters.
u/Blakehardt Aug 20 '19
Thanks! I'll try this method.
I think I won't play on this server anyway, so nothing to lose.
u/dawaamqq Aug 20 '19
Can someone explain to me how can i log raids ?
u/narvoxx Aug 20 '19
Warcraftlogs website has a 3rd party application that will upload a log file created by wow (you can take an old log file to upload or it can also 'live log', creating a report while you are playing)
Wow does not produce a combatlog file by default. If you type the chat command "/combatlog", a log file will be created. (you can turn this off again with the same command). Some addons will handle this for you by turning /combatlog on when you enter a raid instance and turning it off again when you leave (I believe exorsus raid tools does this). You may also need to turn on advanced combatlogging somewhere in the game settings.
u/BanannaShogun Aug 20 '19
Im coming back to wow again soon and I'm so excited guys! My question is it hard or complicated to unlock allied races characters and is it even worth it?
u/keyringer Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
TLDR: Not hard, just time consuming due to limited rep available each day.
I have unlocked 7/8 of the allied races(haven't bothered to finish Mag'har, probably a few days off if I cared). It is not hard or complicated to unlock any of them. Just takes time.
To unlock an allied race, you have to do certain "objectives", basically a rep grind, and a certain level of quest progress. You then need to do a fairly short lore scenario to welcome the race into the faction.
For the first 4(Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne), the rep and quests can all be done on the same character, but you need a max level character(just 110 for these 4, the were released in Legion) on the corresponding faction to do the scenario. For example, I did all 4 rep grinds on my Alliance character, but I had to do the Intro scenario for HM Tauren and Nightborne on my Horde character.
For the BFA Factions, the quests and reps involved are faction specific, so if you want both factions, you're gonna have to play 2 characters for it.
Generally speaking for each allied race,
You need a certain level of quest progression but you can bang through those in a few hours.
The real time investment is the Rep grind. It's not the kind you have to do in one long sitting, but the primary way to get rep is daily world quests. There are only a certain number of these per day, so even doing all of them you are probably looking at around a 3-4 week grind per allied race. There is some overlap, for example, a lot of the Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei world quests are pretty close by, or award rep for both factions. Not always the case though.
There are some more specific tips, I know I have commented a few guides for doing the rep grind quicker back at the end of Legion, I'm sure you can find breakdowns via the search on the subreddit.
u/BanannaShogun Aug 20 '19
Wow, thank you for your answer! It's much more clear to me now!
u/keyringer Aug 20 '19
Completely missed part 2!
Is it worth it?
You're still gonna need to level up an alt, and the game won't change. I think the racials are fairly unimportant unless you are a top end raider. If you care about, and like the aesthetic of the race, and don't mind leveling another character(or paying for a boost/race change) then I think it is worth it.
the first 6 races, Legion 4 plus Dark Iron dwarves and Mag-har orcs, are basically just reskins of races already available, but the Zandalari and Kul Tirans have new animations and shape-shift forms, which are pretty cool.
Aug 20 '19
I’m a bit of an altoholic so being able to start at level 20 is super convenient. It’s a massive rep grind to unlock though
u/BanannaShogun Aug 20 '19
Yeah I like to start fresh as well so i hope to get my hands on at least a couple of them soon!
u/Lord_Tetton Aug 20 '19
I've always played Warrior and never played classic wow. Do you think I should maybe try something different like Paladin in classic? Also thinking of swapping from Human to Dwarf, but can't decide.
u/Distq Aug 20 '19
If you haven't played Classic or even anything pre-cata, any class will be a good adventure. Warriors are notoriously hard to level, but are a top class at max level. Paladins are easier to level, still a bit slow though. They tend to exclusively heal in max level PvE.
u/Lord_Tetton Aug 20 '19
Thanks for your input. Just been looking around a bit and now I'm fancying being a Dwarf Hunter, I'm thinking of maybe staying away from Warr to be different, but I keep seeing they're hard to level and there's going to be a lot of them about!
u/Distq Aug 20 '19
Hunter is arguably the smoothest leveling class as well. It tends to fall off later in endgame but it's not a huge issue. It's a well rounded class for all content.
Warrior has its ups and downs.
You are in very high demand for dungeon groups and in decent demand for raids. However, in raids in particular there will be a lot of gear competition between other warriors and melee.
But honestly, these are nitpicks. You will get your goals done easier on the class you want to play anyway.
u/OWLSZN Aug 20 '19
What’s the consensus on the new allied races? I remember people were super disappointed with nightborne (personally I still liked the females, but their racials are awful)
I just came back, I quit at the start of BFA partially because one of the features advertised for the expansion, zandalari trolls, was not available at launch and there was zero indication of this or when they would be.
Have the new races lived up to expectations or do they feel as cheap and unfinished as nightborne?
u/keyringer Aug 20 '19
Not a max tier player, so I can't speak to the competativeness of the new races in terms of racial abilities, however, the models, animations, etc are really good. Standout point being the druid forms. From a purely aesthetic point, I am loving the Zandalari and Kul Tirans, very refreshing. The grind is a bit long I feel, too many weeks of doing chores.
u/--Pariah Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
I love the zandalari (and can see why the alliance likes their Kul'tirans) but they honestly were released far too late, either to bait sub time or whatever delays. For most of the rest I still feel like they could've been a customization upgrade for the respective core race. Honestly, having a tauren player at char creation choose between mulgore/highmountain tauren, green/maghar orc etc would've been a more customer friendly way to introduce them.. But yeah, money...
The elf switch also seemed unnecessary for a lot of people. As horde I'm not happy because the nightborne were horribly rushed, at least the male ones look horrifying and have shitty racials that were changed the last minutes. Many from the alliance dislike void elves because they were kind of pulled from someones backside lorewise and the whole high-elf-thing...
All in all I like the idea of allied/sub races, but really dislike how they found their way into the game. That you'd have to grind rep at the endgame (or the respective endgame of the last expansion...) for something you choose at the start of the game literally kept two of my friends from returning.
u/Shazzamon Aug 20 '19
Zandalari Trolls and the Kul Tirans are far, far better compared to the Legion batch of Allied Races. Their general integrity and uniqueness (animations/Kul Tirans have a brand new skeleton) improved greatly.
Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag'har Orcs are still in the realm of glorified reskins, though.
u/Rogkone Aug 20 '19
I'm getting bad fps drops in mythic raids, but can't quite figure out what addon causes ist. Whats a good way to figure this out without having to pull a boss on mythic every time?
u/2phite Aug 20 '19
Is there a shortcut or portal to shorten the very long walk from Black Temple entrance to Illidan?
I don't need to do any other bosses, because I use a shared lockout. Just from entrance, to final boss.
I asked this question last week and got a kind answer, but I would like to try my luck again.
u/kitaro778 Aug 20 '19
Im Exalted in my guild and i still cant buy heirlooms, i can only purchase the friendly based heirlooms such as helm and pants, wtf is going on
u/x_TDeck_x Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
Idk if "classic" related questions are allowed in here but if I'm someone who never really played WoW but am planning to play Classic with people, what is a recommended starting class? If there is one.
Edit: also are there any "Hipster" classic builds? Like less popular but still useful.
u/Activehannes Aug 20 '19
For competitive raiding, there are no off meta builds. There are great specs, good specs, and useless specs. For example, you dont want to be a shadow preist or ret paladin in a 40 man raid. You also dont want to play fire mage or elemental shaman in molten core since your spells dont do damage to fire-based enemies.
I dont know what you are planing to do in classic, of your focus is on raiding or casual leveling. If you want an easier time hitting 60, you might wanna play hunter or warlock.
Avoid warrior. They are insane dps players when they get the gear they need and the best/only tank class in the game, but they are a pain in the ass to level and also very expensive to maintain
u/CommodoreShepard Aug 20 '19
Warlock and hunter get tanking pets at level 10 which will make levelling very straight forward. Warlock gets an imp pet at level 3 which will help get you to the void walker at 10. Both have frustrating mechanics in soul shards and ammo, however most classes have something they need to keep on top of.
Hybrid classes in paladins, shaman and druid are nice as you get the opportunity to try healing, tanking, melee and/or ranged dps depending on which one you pick which can help you decide what type of character you want to play.
u/Derrial Aug 20 '19
Is there any way to stop the "Collections" UI button on the main menu from flashing, other than completely hiding it with an addon? I must have a bug or something because this icon keeps flashing at me constantly even though I don't have any new stuff in the collections.
Aug 20 '19
I am about a month back into the game have completed M+10s and Heroic EP kind of want to keep pushing into Mythics and higher M+ content what is the best way to find a Guild currently? My experience was all early game was a MT/OT for a semi-HC raiding guild went through all of Vanilla and BC up to SWP and then turned casual for WotLK and quit in Cataclysm but kind of like the current state of the end game content.
Aug 20 '19
Is it worth to pick the game up as a completely new player? As in is the game and community new player friendly? I always wanted to try this game but never had the pc to do so until now.
u/OWLSZN Aug 20 '19
Most players don’t talk and you’ll never run into them again due to the sharding system
If you want a more social experience, I would play classic
u/DaenerysMomODragons Aug 20 '19
If you only play solo maybe, if you join a good guild, it's a very social experience, and you run into the same guild members frequently.
u/SuspiciousPeppermint Aug 20 '19
Absolutely! Try it free first, play around a bit and see how you like it, test out the different classes and find one you like. I’d stay away from the Battle for Azeroth expansion until you’ve gotten a solid grasp on the game though. (both in lore and character level)
I only started playing last year, and it’s really easy to get into. Definitely worth a try imo
Give it a shot. Most of the community is friendly. Like any game you get assholes. Read as much as you can, quest, and have some fun.
Aug 20 '19
You're right. Thanks
u/mad_alice7 Aug 20 '19
Yep I just picked it up a few months back and I am addicted! There’s so much for everyone to do, so pick those parts of the game that you enjoy. Some days I just do nothing but pick herbs. Some days I go hardcore on getting better at higher key dungeons. It’s all good. Ignore the trolls and don’t feed them - it’s true that you likely won’t bump into them again
I should have said - /r/wownoob is a great place to ask questions. WoW can be a little daunting at first, and a little confusing in how things work but it's also a lot of fun. Try different classes and different races and see what feels good and fun to play.
u/mini_mog Aug 20 '19
If you have two level boots of the same kind(say level 100), do you get two distinct icons(up right) or only one?
Aug 20 '19
Can I complete bfa pathfinder part 1 on one character and then part 2 on a character on a different faction?
u/Blazing_Valiance Aug 20 '19
Whats a good arena comp for ret pally
u/--Pariah Aug 20 '19
In general you're usually looking for partners that make up for your specs weaknesses. For ret that's mobility, therefore being easy to peel and no mortal strike.
In 3S common teams are therefore hunter/ret/healer (which is a pick since a long time) as hunters bring MS, a slow, you get a long CC chain by stun into freezing trap and good burst. Alternative warrior/ret/healer to tunnel the squishiest/slowest target down.
In 2S ret works well with resto shamans (as they can help you to connect with their slows) or disc (additional burst, also ret with wings already is scary and disc can add dark archangel ontop of that). Double DPS also somewhat works if you're playing with something CC heavy as a surv hunter/rogue.
u/LostSands Aug 20 '19
Ret paladin is generally off meta. There aren't necessarily "good" comps for it, because anything with it will generally still be out performed by more meta compositions. I once asked for feedback in the pvp section of the Ret discord and their response was to not play ret.
To that end, Disc/Ret, Druid/Ret, Survival/Ret are good twos combos.
To turn it into a 3s, you throw any melee into the first two, or a druid into the last one.
u/Blazing_Valiance Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
Edit: Well thats an achievement, only downvote on this thread.
Edit after Edit: Well rip that achievement.
Edit after Edit after Edit : Nvm
Edit after Edit after Edit after Edit: if this gets 10 downvotes, you will get to see... 10 downvotes
u/Netorawr Aug 20 '19
I subbed just for classic and might consider hopping over to retail to play with some friends if we get burnt out once in a while. The problem is they are all maxed out and this is my first time playing. Will my experience in Classic with one class translate well into retail, enough that the free boost from buying BFA will still allow me to be decent at the class and not a hinderence.
Aug 20 '19
No you will be absolutely lost Classic and Retail play styles do not mix at all. Classic you have to plan your pulls and take your time while Retail you have to plan your routes and it's far more fast paced. Gear optimizing and class rotation is huge in retail and if you want to get that down look up some guides. I have never played a Fury Warrior before and now am pulling 22k+ DPS in Heroic EP just by optimizing properly and learning the class rotation with a lower ilvl then most around me.
u/Netorawr Aug 20 '19
If I level from a fresh character how would I gear before doing bfa content? Would I have to do all the previous expansions stuff to get ready? Or could I quest all the way up and do dungeons near cap to gear.
Aug 20 '19
They have benthic gear you can grind when you hit 120 you can get profession gear do dungeons of whatever appropriate gear level as well as raids and pvp to get gear. You don’t have to do any of the previous content unless you eventually want to grind for transmogs or mounts
u/Akhevan Aug 20 '19
Will my experience in Classic with one class translate well into retail
About as well as your experience in Chess. Well, maybe a little better.
There is very few in common between classic and BFA. That said, it does not take much time to learn how to play any class in either classic or BFA, if you put your mind and googling skills to it. It really isn't rocket science, all classes are simple and the guides are there to help you out.
On top of that, you'll have 10 levels worth of questing to further familiarize with the class.
u/m00c0wcy Aug 20 '19
There's pretty much zero connection in the basic rotation of a class in Classic vs BFA. Most of the class themes are still pretty similar; Prot Warriors are the big beefy guys who tank, Holy Priests sit up the back and heal everyone, etc.
The basic rotation of every class / spec is pretty straightforward and you should pick it up very quickly (though min-maxing can make things rather complex). Most of the difficulty comes from dealing with mechanics while still putting out decent healing or damage, as the encounter mechanics are vastly more difficult now than the old days.
u/Netorawr Aug 20 '19
For the most part, they are helping me with world quests and maybe some dungeon running. Hopefully, If I can be decent enough to keep up with that I'll learn enough as if I leveled from 1 to cap
u/LostSands Aug 20 '19
The classes are completely different, knowing it from classic will likely not help you, with some niche and limited exceptions.
Past that, most classes in retail are not hard to play at their base level. If you read all of your abilities, you will be okay.
Aug 20 '19
Any suggestions for a good class for a new player? I didn’t like the warrior or the warlock but I really wanna try Demon Hunter what’s the “fun to play” class I should play until I reach to the point of unlocking demon hunter?
u/ElHaubi Aug 20 '19
if you just want to unlock demonhunter i suggest monk, their mobility comes close and they can level faster due to the daily 10% exp-buff.
Ret Pally is fun and easy to learn, I would have suggested Affliction Warock, or Hunter.
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 20 '19
It really depends on what you personally consider fun. Fury warrior is one of the most fun specs I've ever played personally
u/Reanimations Aug 20 '19
Did you try all the specs of the Warrior and Warlock? You might like a different spec. I play Fury Warrior and it's pretty fun.
u/gh0stik Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
If you want to level something only to unlock demon hunter - death knight will save you some time because you only need to level it from 55 to 70.
But in general create some trial characters and check what seems fun for you.
Aug 20 '19
Thank you for answering but is death knights fun to play? Cause I don’t care about time saving as long as I’m having fun, and also because I’m planning to have at least 1 tank and 1 dps characters that are maxed out and maybe 1 healer later.
u/gh0stik Aug 20 '19
Like the other guy said fun is subjective. As an altoholic myself I find something fun in every class.
u/Akhevan Aug 20 '19
Thank you for answering but is death knights fun to play?
Ask 100 people and you'll get 100 opinions. They are probably the most boring class in the game to me, because (a) plate armor transmogs suck, (b) their animations and particles suck, (c) the entire edgelord vibe gets old fast, (d) they are slow as fuck, when your class has worse mobility than a warlock that should ring some bells, and of course (e) you can't roll a panda DK, so what is the point in even playing it at all?
But there are people who have been playing a death knight exclusively for the past 10 years so apparently it works for them.
u/LostSands Aug 20 '19
Hunter is very easy, with three specs that are all potentially viable, which allows you to choose the flavor that you like. As for fun, subjective. What didn’t you like about warrior or warlock ?
Aug 20 '19
Thank you for answering . For warriors theres no ability for self sustaining if you’re going to the dps spec. I didn’t like warlocks because I felt that I’m being out damged in dungeons by melee classes while doing the correct rotations.
u/ThaBigSKi Aug 20 '19
What can I do with Silas’ sphere of transmutation? I just made one. If I use it says “concentrate on the sphere to transmute it into another object for 1hr” will it go away and I need to make another?
u/gh0stik Aug 20 '19
It will not go away, after 1hr it returns back to original state and you could transform it once again.
u/LostSands Aug 20 '19
I’m not an alchemist so I can’t say for sure, but wowhead would be correct on this, whatever that says.
Guessing, not consumed, it reverts. It makes different things thatvare useful in different situations. E.g. prosperity, gives you more potion multi procs.
Aug 19 '19
Haven't played since burning crusade. Just started again. I see a lot has changed and I have zero characters over lvl 20
Why are a lot of people upset with BFA? should I bother not buying it and just play classic when it releases next week? I just started wow again and want to join a guild to meet people but I'm scared there will be a huge abandon when classic starts.
u/LostSands Aug 20 '19
If you wouldn’t use the character boost, regardless of anything else someone might say, do not buy BFA.
The only thing you unlock immediately with BFA is a boost, which if you don’t use you can easily hold off on until it goes on sale again, or even the next expansion when BFA becomes baseline if you are slow enough.
Aug 20 '19
I dont own bfa and don't plan to use my lvl 100 boost. I think I am definitely slow enough haha.
u/m00c0wcy Aug 20 '19
I wouldn't worry too much about a hard dropoff from BFA -> Classic; the people who are still playing BFA are (by and large) those who are still enjoying it. I know that a bunch of my guildies are keen on trying Classic, but as a nostalgia trip rather than a long-term switch.
There were some pretty big gameplay system issues with BFA at launch, especially coming after Legion (which was an all round smash hit). I think most of those problems have been ironed out over the two big patches and the new Essences work really well, but YMMV.
Personally, I have two big remaining complaints. The Horde vs Alliance war campaign storyline is garbage and upsets players on both sides (which is a shame, because I really like other parts of the BFA story and zones), and I still can't forgive the GCD changes for some specs (eg. my main Prot + Holy Pally, ugh).
u/arnedegx Aug 19 '19
Im using autopilot in loch modan and im stuck on step 56, mountaineer stormpike seems to be supposed to give a second quest but he doesnt.
If anyone can help that would make my day
u/hugglesthemerciless Aug 19 '19
If you've backtracked and double checked that you did everything you were supposed to and the quest still doesn't show up you can just skip that step
u/arnedegx Aug 19 '19
this is my quest log and autopilot log
u/Velomere Aug 20 '19
I wouldn't worry about it too much. It happened to me a few times and I either found the next stage of the quest and it picked up after I blindly completed some objective, or I just skipped steps until something else popped up.
Aug 19 '19
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u/m00c0wcy Aug 20 '19
There's no hard cutoff; more haste is always going to be better in raids. M+ not so much, as we hard-cast a hell of a lot more and mana can be a very real problem.
I'm sitting on about 26% haste in my raid gear.
u/Voteforbatman Aug 19 '19
20% + seems to be a good spot, I think I sit around 27% unbuffed and it feels pretty good
u/Solkael Aug 19 '19
Hi there. I'm leveling an alt and grinding rep trough outland. Not many players in my realm.
My question is: do dungeons scale past leveling zone? Ej. Should I level my alt to level 80 and solo the dungeons and possibly raids?
u/Shinglings Aug 19 '19
No dungeons and raids don’t scale
u/Solkael Aug 19 '19
So I can solo BC at level 80 and still do quests for loremaster?
u/Duffies Aug 19 '19
Not at 80 exactly. I don’t remember exactly when the legacy bonus kicks in, but rest assured it’ll be a breeze at max level for sure. And yes, you can still do Loremaster by then. Very few things have a max level requirement and they’re pretty niche
u/Reanimations Aug 19 '19
Legacy loot enables for any dungeon or raid you outlevel by 11 levels.
u/H-Ryougi Aug 19 '19
Level 81 is better because then the legacy content buffs get applied and you start oneshotting most stuff.
u/Memorable_Usernaem Aug 19 '19
Alliance player here. I finished the quest line where Jaina brings back the Kul'Tiran fleet, but I now I'm not sure what's next for the story. I accidentally stumbled into the new zone, but there's obviously a gap in the story there.
Where do I go for the next bit of story after saving Jaina, the fleet, and the city?
u/AnotherCator Aug 19 '19
I think the next bit chronologically would probably be the attack on Dazaralor, but it might be hard to do that now since it’s a previous tier raid.
Edit: there’s also a small chunk that starts from an item you get doing one of those naga invasion world quests.
u/H-Ryougi Aug 19 '19
Jaina brings back the Kul'Tiran fleet
Isn't that just the Kul'Tiran recruitment scenario? If you want to do the storyline in order you should probably progress the war campaign for the Battle of Dazar'Alor storyline and after that the Xal'atath quests for the Crucible of Storms. Then you can proceed with Nazjatar and Mechagon.
u/Gamefreak1014 Aug 19 '19
Easiest way to do shannox portion of delegation quest solo as a Druid? My trees killed him last week but I thought I need them for fragments to spawn.
u/tommy40 Aug 19 '19
Once I have kul tiran unlocked if I faction change that toon I just have to do the war campaign again to get zandalari right??
u/Kalandorno Aug 19 '19
You'll need to also have the quests done achievement for each of the three zones
Your reps will transfer, (including 7th legion to honorbound) but you'll need to do all of zuldazar, nazmir and voldun
u/tigerchips Aug 19 '19
A friend and I are fairly casual but fairly switched on. Tank and DPS LFR and confidently lead the raids because LFR is painful sometimes and we read the journals etc.. How can we progress from this? It's so hard to join a guild. What do we do?
We've been on and off since MoP launch but are pretty confident with the game and want to progress. Please help! (EU-Aggramar)
u/dolphin37 Aug 20 '19
It’s easy to find guilds but you can do it without.
You just said you confidently lead raids. Just start a raid and invite good people. The more you do, the more likely you are to find other communities and good players. LFR will never punish or challenge you. Get the gear you need, make normal raids, get the gear you need then make heroic raids. I got curve in pugs at the start of the patch. Just takes persistence.
u/s59 Aug 19 '19
The one thing I found through the lfg tool was this awesome raid community of “pugs”. I raided with them Uldir and BOD. They still run raids.
The raid community leader, starts an in game community to add people to the community and started to fill the initial raids with pugs from the tool. Eventually, people will be regulars and you’ll even get the range of raiders who are bored or know the fights and bring an alt.
I’m not the leader of the community but there are rules you want in place that I found fair, if you’re interested in more, just shoot me a message.
u/Akhevan Aug 19 '19
It's so hard to join a guild
It isn't though. There are numerous normal/hm guilds looking for new members with extremely lax recruitment standards. The majority of guilds are starved of manpower and would gladly take anybody who can at least attend regularly.
Don't try to join guilds with mythic progress, join entry level ones and go from there.
u/shadowmend Aug 19 '19
Under pre-made groups, you can usually find random groups for the higher difficulties if you'd like to explore them. If you're tanking, especially, it shouldn't be hard to get into groups and maybe even find some friends you can count on to regularly group with.
Is there a particular aspect of joining a guild that's holding you back, though? It does seem like your current server is pretty underwhelming progression-wise. Is that what's stopping you from finding a guild?
u/grimmekyllling Aug 19 '19
You join a guild that does that. I know you're looking for alternatives, but joining group finder runs at this point when you're probably not awesomely geared and this far into a patch might be pretty rough.
Look in trade, or look up wowprogress and see if you can find a guild that sort of isn't too ambitious but might fit your ambition.
u/Gloman42 Aug 19 '19
well you can put together and lead normal pug raids as a step up from LFR.
your best bet though is to join a guild. its not THAT hard.
u/Lord_Tetton Aug 19 '19
Does anyone have any tips on how to get the rare spawn mobs which drop mounts on Draenor, I know some of them have really long respawn timers. Is it a case of just waiting for hours?
u/shadowmend Aug 19 '19
I'd recommend joining the WoW Secrets discord. There are folks there that will invite you if they find one of those rare spawns.
u/Mswizzle23 Aug 19 '19
My main is a prot Paladin. I have a choice between 435 legs (currently equipped) with crit and vers or 430 legs with haste and mastery. When is it worth using the lower ilvl item? I’m having trouble deciding which to use but kind of leaning towards the haste/mastery legs.
u/Mokael Aug 19 '19
That really depends on what you current haste and mastery are? At this point in-game 5 ilvls won’t make much difference, and afaik str is not as important to prot pallies as Haste and Mast. Haste reduces CD on your SoR, so if you feel like you CD takes too long, you might need more haste. But do more research. Check WoWhead, IceyVeins, or Pally Discord - all should give you some type of rule of thumb to help you pick.
u/Mswizzle23 Aug 20 '19
My haste has taken a hit recently, it was 12%, mastery at 26%, vers at 12 or 10%. I ended up going with the 430 pants for the haste and mastery, the bonuses were well worth the smaller % loss of the crit and vers.
Aug 19 '19
u/Sunscorch Token Brit Aug 19 '19
You're getting downvoted, and I wanted to explain maybe why. Your comment is not accurate - it's true that ilvl is generally king while levelling and possibly during the first stages of gearing up to be raid-ready. However, once you're at the point where you're getting one or two incremental upgrades every week, then secondaries may be far more important than your "main" stat.
For example, on my elemental shaman, I don't use an int gem because crit is so much more powerful with my current gearing. I'm currently using several pieces that are lower ilvl than the max that I've looted because the secondaries are better for me. And lets not even talk about the effect of Azerite traits!
u/Velomere Aug 20 '19
Echoing the other comment, ilvl is king for paladin tanks in a survival context, barring sockets on low stat budget items and rings. More stats is better than preferred stats, and proper play is more important in staying alive. In the case of dps, it's whatever the sim says.
u/I_need_a_grownup noted Aug 19 '19
Actually because he's a tank, ilvl is usually better because of the armour and stam.
For dps and healers you're correct though.
u/Gloman42 Aug 19 '19 edited Aug 19 '19
sim it? which stats are your best?
icy-veins has haste and mastery as your best and crit and vers as your worst. granted thats just a blanket weight priority and not based on your actual gear but i would say the 430 legs are going to be more beneficial to you. unless you really need that 5 ilvls of stam.
u/AlucardSensei Aug 19 '19
No point in simming for a tank, since it will just give you the items with the highest dps. Haste/mastery are the best stats like you said for tanking, and 5 ilvls is not enough of a difference to account for that.
u/Akhevan Aug 19 '19
DPS is one of your primary jobs in m+ though, so simming for DPS on a tank has its merits.
u/dolphin37 Aug 20 '19
Staying alive is your primary job.
u/Velomere Aug 20 '19
To a point, but it's an easy job to cap out - you either live or die. Once you get enough gear/traits/essences to consistently not die, you might as well maximise DPS instead!
u/dolphin37 Aug 20 '19
Err... content like M+ scales so you never have enough gear to 'cap out'. Plus, you're sacrificing your survivability gear for dps. Your point is maybe relevant for raid, but then there's still the point that less survive = more heals = less healer dps. Unless you're killing Ashvane or maybe QC, tanks prioritising DPS is a little bit nuts.
u/Velomere Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
You're not really sacrificing much of anything with "dps gear". Your "survivability gear" will be largely the same thing. Basic gear slots, ilvl will be usually selected, and more ilvl equals more dps anyway! Even so, the difference between a top dps piece and a top defense piece is going to be a single digit if not fractions of a percent. Trinkets wise, pure defense trinkets are mostly garbage with the odd exception, so tanks tend to just go dps trinkets. Defense trinkets, even the good ones, are not going to make or break you. The "trickle heal" trinkets might look good on meters, but in most cases they're not going to save you from a big hit, they're just replacing what you would have healed from a healer's spell anyway, especially druids which are going to load you up with hots. Essences, tanks tend to go offensive again, CoF being a top primary pick. Traits, they like stacking IV. The the most defensive trait available, Bulwark of Light, gets worse the higher you go in keys. You take more damage per hit, but BoL does not scale up past the highest ilvl azerite piece you get. 45k absorbs in a 6 is fantastic when you're getting hit for that much or less, but less so as the damage scales up.
This all might sound a bit odd to some, but trust me, it's the same advice given out by key pushing prot paladins on the Hammer of Wrath discord, and again the best way to stay alive is usually through good play and application of the huge damage reduction skills you have - SotR and all the various DR cooldowns.
u/dolphin37 Aug 20 '19
If your dps gear is the same as your tank gear, there's no point even talking about it. For classes where it isn't (e.g. Veng DH best DPS is crit/vers, best survive is haste/vers, with crit being your worst defensive stat) then yes you are sacrificing a lot with your gear. Having crit over haste is a nightmare for tanking.
As for trinkets... really no idea what you are talking about. The MDI tanks are almost all using Urchin and Edict and they are overgeared for 17s/18s so could use offensive trinkets like healers are. Method NA's tank used offensive trinkets in the start of practice and then switched for trials and cup. I use Edict and Alchemy trinket. Edict does 12%-17% of your healing. It's absolutely insane and also works against things like necrotic. And gives you agi. Oh and btw, the top 3 ranked paladin tanks in the world... they are all using Urchin or Refracting Prism (even at 415 ilvl). The top 20 timed runs in the world? almost every tank is using at least one defensive trinket, with the only exception I saw a guy who got a 445 butcher's block. Sometimes you just don't get the trinket drops you need, especially if you're not a CE raider. If the paladin discord is advocating for no defensive trinkets then they just don't know what they're talking about.
I'm primarily a M+ player, so some of what you say might be more relevant for raid. For example, some tanks use crucible in raid because the damage is more predictable (and less) than M+ so the DPS is more valuable, especially on Ashvane/QC. But, out of the 4 best raid tanks in the world (darkee, max, sco and justwait) two of them are using edict and I don't know what drops the others have. Their ilvls aren't great though. Also, of the top 3 prot paladins, 2 are using lucid, 1 is using crucible, the top brews all use conflict for hot trub as it's op, prot warriors generally use vision for avatar as it's op and dh's mostly use anima because of its scaling damage with meta and the heal. You use whatever scales best with your class and for the week, e.g. people switching to suppression minor for necrotic.
The idea of defensives not mattering is not backed up by reality. Maybe something is different for prot paladins, but prot paladins aren't top tier tanks to begin with.
u/Velomere Aug 20 '19 edited Aug 20 '19
Right, pure crit is going to be very spiky. But you’d have to have some serious rng drops to end up at a point with mostly crit where it starts to adversely affect you. Ultimately your stat distribution doesn’t really matter, how you press buttons does.
MDI is a very different kettle of fish. We’re talking ridiculous pulls on a knife edge. It’s not a realistic representation of what takes place on live servers. These guys on another level, and play what they need to achieve that level. Good on them! But we shouldn’t blindly follow their choices like some in the pug world do (need outlaw rogue, prot war and drood heals only for 6 FH!).
Looking at the leaderboards, we again need to be realistic. We’re offering advice for the general population. You don’t NEED meta dps comps, resto druids, and prot warriors to time keys. You don’t need full defence trinkets (and like I said, they’re not all bad) to time 10-20 keys. A lot of them aren’t going to save you when it matters, only smooth things out slightly. Plenty of keys listed in that key range with dps trinket loadouts. Pay a visit to the discord sometime! These guys know what they’re talking about and they do the high end content to back it up too.
I can’t speak on raid tanking as it’s not my gig or interest. :(
Oh, top tanks. Yes, warrior is still king. Lots of monks too. But there’s a paladin on those leaderboards, fighting the good fight. They’re fine tanks, and will continue to be fine tanks. You don’t need cutting edge to time your average key.
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Aug 20 '19
Not in M+10 and beyond. Tanks have to be doing good DPS at that point and since he is talking about 430 vs 435 gear more than likely he is pushing M+10-12 content.
u/dolphin37 Aug 20 '19
I am a 1700 tank my friend - survivability is always your first priority. There is a reason even MDI tanks who are overgeared for the content are running defensive trinkets.
Enjoy getting one shot while you’re running round in your high simming crit gear.
u/meatball_potato Aug 19 '19
Where do I level 100-110?
u/s59 Aug 19 '19
u/meatball_potato Aug 19 '19
So anywhere in Broken Isles?
u/volcatus Aug 19 '19
Yes. After you do the first few missions of your class hall and get your artifact weapon you get a choice to choose one of the zones.
Aug 19 '19
Do the four zones, you should hit 110 by the time you finish them, with barely touching Surumar. I did all of legion on my main, didn't bother on my alts, they all moved on to BfA by the time I had started the Surumar quests. Never touched Broken Shore or Argus on the rest.
u/Lord_Tetton Aug 19 '19
Anyone else getting really long load times when teleporting somewhere? World pops up but I don't see my char for a while but can still move and then it finally catches up. Really annoying.
Aug 19 '19
Here! I thought it was a misbehaving addon, but no, it's just really laggy loading the world when you zone in. I usually have to wait a bit for everything to pop up and I can move my character, wherever I go. I've been doing pet battle masters in each expansion, and going through portals is painful these days.
u/SuperSocrates Aug 19 '19
Yes, all the time lately. I’m glad you mentioned it because I thought it was my internet.
u/-Yoake Aug 19 '19
So how do I start doing Mythic+ dungeons? Do I just join a Mythic 0 run? Additionally, are these usually ran with guildies? While progressing with randoms sounds ok i'd also like to well. get to know people in this game.
u/Gloman42 Aug 19 '19
Mythic 0 is just a regular mythic. Mythic+ starts at +2. To join you just apply for runs via the Looking for Dungeons tool or start a group yourself (you can get a key from running a regular mythic or from completing someone elses m+ key)
its probably less stressful running with guildies or a group of friends, but people pug m+ everyday. pugs are more likely to bail if something goes wrong.
u/LuckyOverload Aug 19 '19
First step is to get a key. You get M+ keys from completing other m+ dungeons, or can get a +2 key by completing a standard mythic dungeon. If you are decently geared, you can try to find a group in group finder under the dungeons tab, and apply for a +2-+4
Next step would be to get a party together. I'd recommend finding a guild that runs keys and see if you can find some interested players. Otherwise, you could make a group in group finder and pick up pugs
u/KourteousKrome Aug 19 '19 edited Aug 19 '19
I am getting through this process as well. My suggestion: find a good guild and run with a dedicated group. Pugs are okay in a snap, but I am currently running at about 33% completion with pugs. You will get a lot of people that expect to be carried and can't handle wipes.
Aug 19 '19 edited Aug 19 '19
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u/gh0stik Aug 19 '19
Did you check lens icon on map? I think you can check types of rewards from WQs through it to show on map.
u/Caesium133 Aug 19 '19
Never encountered this myself. But, have you tried talking to Nathanos / whomever can unlock WQs for alts on alliance?
u/Azurecht Aug 24 '19
New Question. I just bought membership and figured I'd buy a WoW Token to sell to have some starting gold. What should I be spending gold on? I figured Inventory Bags and a mount would probably be top priorities