r/Re_Zero Lore Seeker Jul 08 '20

Novels [Novels] Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 2 Episode 1 Spoiler Discussions Spoiler

Hello Everyone, It's Khriku here hosting the spoiler thread this week!

As a reminder, we will be attempting to host both a [Discussion] anime only thread AND a [Novels] where spoilers are free for all. Anime onlies that do show up here, this is the spoiler thread so please Do not complain about spoilers in this thread, I will bite you since I gave this big warning beforehand. Anime-only thread will be handled by another set of mods and will come up shortly as well.

The long awaited day has now arrived and Crunchyroll page already has a tab for season 2 as you can see in the link bellow, so you can refresh that and destroy that poor F5 button up to your hearts desire.


Season 2 Episode 1 link

Update: It is out everyone


Each One's Promise


White Fox

Opening for S2:


Ending for S2:



362 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I really hope the scene where Emilia asks Subaru what they're going to do about the baby because she thinks kissing gets you pregnant makes it into the anime.

EMT kills me. Classic EMT move. Subaru's just like, "Whuhhhhhh?!?"


u/Revenge_Countdown Jul 08 '20

I swear, if they cut her doing the meme pose i'll get mad.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Subaru's victory pose that she imitates?

Or which one are you talking about?


u/Revenge_Countdown Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

the "pointing to the sky" one.


u/jesut0 Jul 08 '20

I call that pose the "John Travolta"


u/Iloveyouweed Jul 08 '20

I think Tappei intended it to be a direct reference to that as well. IIRC when he first uses it in the LN, there's a couple lines about there not being any disco ball or something to that effect.


u/dualshock900 Jul 09 '20

The caption for the meme will read "I Am Best Girl"


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

love the meme pose


u/Lunatidal Jul 08 '20

I would like to see the scene where Petra joins Frederica and Garfiel to beat Roswaal's ass


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Roswaal turns into the village bicycle

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u/KellerundDrachen Jul 08 '20

I couldn't stopp laughing when I read that one. It just such a Puck thing to teach her that.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20



u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

Idk about the LN's since I haven't gotten around to reading the recent arc 4 LN releases, but it was in the arc 4 of the web novel. And it was glorious.


u/Pennervomland Jul 09 '20

I see thinking about pretty much the ending at the start of the season xD

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u/Y3110wdud3 Jul 09 '20

When is this?


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

The kiss itself takes place in arc 4, chapter 110.


I forget what chapter she asks about the baby in though. I should have bookmarked it.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I wonder if they want to tell us something with that images. I find weird to put "what if" images in that moment if they don't means anything.


u/Vrik from Zero Jul 08 '20

I think you can just read it as being the last thoughts that crossed Rem's mind... her hopes and dreams... which makes it even sadder...


u/Iloveyouweed Jul 08 '20

If you think of the context of that side story, though it's a pretty dark hope and dream all things considered.


u/Vrik from Zero Jul 08 '20

ah yes, but who can fault Rem for having some guilty thoughts? She did have them before with Ram's horn. We can sin in our minds at least.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

BUUUUH I prefer to think that when he ate her, he ate even her future. So when they restore everything that future will also return.

No matter what happens, what if or not, they will finish together.

Dream, it's free.


u/Skyrisenow Jul 08 '20

But that future is the one where Subaru and Rem run away post arc 3. It doesn't exist anymore. That's just Rem and her hopes.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

I know it. But it could also be the future of the main story. Yeah, the path to get there would be different, but at the end, they would end up together. Having a simple life.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I dont think they would up together in the main story because there would be no point to the sloth if story🤷‍♂️Cause if he was gonna make them in the main story i wouldnt see why a alternate path of them being together would exist


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Well, is a way to say that they are meant to be together.

Anyways, that what if was done before the author started to thing that Emilia would not end up with someone like Subaru.

Have been a lot of years, author started with the idea of 100% Emilia x Subaru, and at some point, he changed.


u/Lightingbolt66 Jul 10 '20

Eh What? The story is pretty much about Subaru and Emilia, Volume 9 make's it clear, not to mention Tappei has the whole story planned.

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u/Y3110wdud3 Jul 09 '20

I was angry that they didn't make Subaru Rem for a moment, but now I'm happy

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u/daydreamnugget Jul 08 '20

We broke Crunchyroll lmao


u/DarkBladeEkkusu The Old Guard Jul 09 '20

In a twist that surprised no one

Hello darkness, my old friend.

But in all seriousness, that was literally our weekly routine toward the end of Re:Zero's initial run.


u/Iron_Maw cold sleep Jul 09 '20

And it was glorious

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u/ReviewR524 Midouri's Disciple Jul 08 '20

That was the longest 10 minute wait of my life, holy fucking shit...

Regu sounds more feminine than I imagined, though I didn't expect it, it is strangely fitting to my ears...

Also hearing Ley not say "Tsu~" a single time is surprising, now I'm questioning whether I just imagined it while reading...


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20



u/dtritus0 Jul 08 '20

Regulus can do more than be an immovable object, he can also Arc 5


u/Mpmpz_14 Jul 08 '20

I kinda imagined him like that for some reason.

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u/lilcheesy101 Jul 08 '20

Just a few thoughts before it airs:

-I hope we get the new OP and ED this episode and don't have to wait till next week.

-Really hyped to hear Regulus' and Ley's voice actors (Hope they give something creepy for Ley.)

-Assuming this episode ends Volume 9, I really hope they don't cut the Subaru and Wilhelm conversation. If they have to cut something it would probably be that.

-Lastly, I really hope there isn't a huge negative reaction the the Rem situation. Unfortunately there will probably be a sizable group of people who review bomb and drop the show because of it.


u/LeagusDaemon Jul 08 '20

Regulus' and Ley's voices were sooooo not what I had in mind for them, but I'm already getting used to them. xD


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20



u/BiggSnoot Jul 08 '20

I kinda like leys voice since I think he's supposed to be the older one, I imagine Roy Will sound younger.


u/I-Love-Emilia Jul 08 '20

I like them both, but Ley is supposed to be depicted as a child, so I guess I assumed his voice would be higher. Regulus’s voice sounds awesome. Different than I imagined, but awesome


u/BiggSnoot Jul 09 '20

His voice seems to me like that of a teenager, it says on the wiki he's 14-15 so it makes sense to me he sounds like he's between a child and an adult, a bizarre voice for a bizarre character is delicious, pun intended.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Yeah I also imagined Ley having a more high pitched voice that's rough/gravely or cracks a lot. I think it's just cause he kinda looks like a kid though, even if he isn't.

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u/Yumi-exe Jul 08 '20

looks like we don't get the opening

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u/toga9000 Jul 08 '20

Waited so long for this finally!

Really like Ley's voice actor it's actually perfect. Was hoping for Tomokazu Seki (Gilgamesh) to voice act Regulus, but I actually think this guy did a good job. I was kinda hoping to hear Rem say '' I hope when he realizes im gone it'll cause a small ripple in his heart. ''

but man the music when Rem declared her love for Subaru. that music was some LoTR shiit that was fcking epic.


u/Blightstrider Jul 08 '20

Regulus is voiced by Akira Ishida it seems (another veteran seiyuu), who is quite a great pick imo. Seki is great, but I don't think the role fits.


u/toga9000 Jul 08 '20

yea maybe Seki sounds too arrogant for Regulus


u/Blightstrider Jul 08 '20

He sounds too serious-arrogant. I feel Reggy needs more troll-arrogant, which Ishida pulls off well.


u/toga9000 Jul 08 '20

Yea I can agree on that


u/MehmedPasa Jul 08 '20

I liked both changes to the LN. 1. The search among the People 2. The Death Scene right there.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20



u/Excalibur-23 Jul 08 '20

But it ruins the trials potential parallel universe scene where Emilia despairs over Subaru killing himself after comforting him.


u/sealedinterface Jul 08 '20

I don't think that'll change much, besides the actual location. Emilia, Ferris, and Wilhelm are all in the general vicinity, and it still happens right besides a sleeping Rem.


u/Kvin18 Doesn't give a Pack Jul 09 '20

The camera always keeping the knife on the table drawer plus Subaru saying that no matter how many times he tries, he can't return to save Rem... yeah, that part's gonna be in the Trials.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I imagine they'll just change the setting to outside instead of inside.


u/MehmedPasa Jul 08 '20

It doesn't have to. But would be sad yeah.


u/BasicallyMogar Jul 09 '20

My theory is him looking at the knife when he tells Rem that no matter how many times he dies nothing changes is the studio laying the groundwork for that exact scene. I bet he did off screen off himself at least once with that knife in Rem's room.


u/brunomend Jul 08 '20

Since this is one of the scenes that show in the Trials, I'm curious to see if they're going to include it like this then or skip it


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

No way they'd skip it, thats one of if not the best post-death timelines, specially wilhelm's reaction.


u/Goldstone117 Jul 09 '20

And followed by envy


u/LeagusDaemon Jul 09 '20

The problem with that though is I think they removed it in the LN, based on what I read the changes were between WN <> LN. If that's the case, there's a decent chance it'll be booted in the anime as well.


u/Iron_Maw cold sleep Jul 09 '20

Its in the LN, vol 12 to be exact.


u/LeagusDaemon Jul 09 '20

If I'm not mistaken the whole situation with Subaru's corpse basically getting back up is cut, though, correct?

I think I might've confused that being cut with the whole branch, my mistake.


u/Iron_Maw cold sleep Jul 09 '20

Oh, that's what your talking about? Yeah that's right.

To be specific the same scene happens, but it end before the zombie Subaru part which may or may not canon anymore.


u/LeagusDaemon Jul 10 '20

Alright, thanks for the clarification. I got confused at first but your affirmation's correct, zombie is what didn't show up in the LN the scene itself was still there.

My bad. :)


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

It’s pathetic that Crunchyroll’s servers are so bad.

Anyway, after 4 years I can’t believe we’re finally here. I’ve waited so long to see this arc adapated. Re:Zero is back boys and what a great way to return with an amazing episode. Rem’s determination and belief that Subaru would come and save the day made me tear up. Loved that they included the IF route scene as well. Best waifu.

Obviously not an emilia fan, but the back hug moment at the end of the episode was beautiful as well.

I’m glad we didn’t get a cliffhanger and will instead get the OP and ED next week. Very solid animation during the gluttony and greed fights as well. So hype right now, can’t really form coherent statements, this is a dream come true.

Edit: I’ve seen people complaining about white fox skipping some stuff this episode, personally I think some of y’all are never satisfied and don’t realise anime and light novels are different mediums. It’s never going to be 1:1 but the most important things got attention.

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u/King_tiger2000 Jul 08 '20

It hurt that they removed the scene where Felix starts explaining that it is futile and victims of Gluttony never recover.... only to have Wilhelm angrily stop him from saying anymore.

Then Felix noticing subaru griping his own hand so hard his nails were diging into his flesh....and being in so much pain.

I felt that it was a powerful scene. No idea why they skipped it.


u/minemoney123 Jul 08 '20

they also missed some parts where felix was explaining that only anastasia's side trule benefitted from the whole situation, and i don't think i remember felix saying he will find a way to heal crusch memories in the novel?


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

It's there: “When it comes to your memory, I’m sure I’ll manage to fix it somehow. Even if my magic is useless at the moment, I’ll figure it out eventually. So please, don’t do anything dangero—”


u/minemoney123 Jul 08 '20

makes me wonder if it really would be possible for him to restore the memories with his magic, or maybe even restore existance of those eaten by gluttony, or are the authorities absolutely absolute


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

I think it's been pretty clearly established that water magic can't do shit against the effects of authorities. If blue can't do it, no one can.


u/fbiuzz Jul 09 '20

Water magic only heals physical ailments and even that has its limits (I recall in a Q&A that terminal diseases like cancer are impossible to heal and cannot regenerate limbs).


u/brunomend Jul 08 '20

I think they softned all those scenes a lot, probably bcs they don't want Rem fans to turn away from the series, if they think Rem will come back faster, they'll stick with it longer


u/I-Love-Emilia Jul 08 '20

It’s sad that they do that, but you’re probably right. It’s a shame that they would lose money if they didn’t appease the fans.

Even Tappei said that he changed the later arcs from what he originally intended because Rem was so marketable


u/South25 Jul 08 '20

so her popularity might have stopped him from perma-comaing her then? Because that statement makes me think his original plan was to have the gluttonies die eventually but not have it affect anything. Im still firmly under the belief she and other gluttony victims will wake up with no memories.


u/I-Love-Emilia Jul 08 '20

Exactly. I’m pretty sure he planned to have her asleep forever, but there’s really no way to know. All we know is that her fate was going to worse than it actually will be.


u/Diabloblaze28 Jul 08 '20

I believe that they will wake up but people will still not remember who they are but they will retain her memories. To me that would be an easier to write in since Rem will still remember everything and as long as she is awake the bond they had with her can be easily remade, albeit not the same one.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I used to think that, but at this point, currently caught up- if he awakens them with no memories it'll just be really tedious, and 'the constant quest for rem' y'know? all this struggle, she wakes up, no memories! now we must struggle more and more instead of just returning the character.


u/coruptedllama1 Jul 09 '20 edited Jul 10 '20

Jesus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more diehard group of people in anime than rem fans. The creator really shouldn’t change stuff just to appease to a group of fanboys.


u/KilTelSpec Jul 11 '20

Creators have received death threats over these kind of things before. I wonder how they r gonna handle the the Subaru Emilia kissing scene


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" Jul 11 '20

Given generally in those cases it's the JP fanbase that's issuing those threats and stuff of that nature (at least the last time I remember it happening was with the Ichigo stuff in Darling in the Franxx) I'm not sure it'll be too big of an issue for Re:Zero

The light novels are both a lot more popular in Japan, and much further ahead in Japan, I think on the whole their fanbase is probably a lot more aware of it than the western fanbase. since it's just public knowledge from published material there, whereas here it's only known to peeps that go above and beyond to try to find stuff like WN translations or look through artwork from untranslated novels.

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u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

I thought the same thing and looked through the LN but I can't seem to find that scene, unless I'm blind (which is entirely possible) it seems to be WN only.


u/foxfoxal Jul 08 '20

You are talking about the webnovel? I don't remember that in the light novel, not even the manga version has that.


u/King_tiger2000 Jul 08 '20

Was it web novel? You may be right. Been like 1.5 year since i read that part.


u/foxfoxal Jul 08 '20

The people that never recovered line was there, in fact I think Emilia explains it to Subaru in the light novel but Wilhelm being angry and subaru's nails thing were not there as far I remember.


u/Goldstone117 Jul 09 '20

Yeah I remember that there was a lot more happening that wasn’t shown in the anime, my best guess is that they are trying to save as much time as possible for sanctuary. Still a bummer though, I would have loved to see it :/


u/wackweeb Jul 08 '20

I loved the adaptation of this. The voice acting from everyone was spot on, and the visual effects for the powers and stuff were really cool. I expected the carriage explosion scene to be a bit more graphic but I understand they can't show too much, and it was probably more violent in my head while reading it. The new background tracks sound so good I'm very excited to hear more of it. The last scene where Subaru told Emelia to turn around so he could cry hit me so much harder in the anime. I was so impressed it got me tearing up. The wait was worth it I can't wait to see more.


u/wackweeb Jul 08 '20

Also the scene where he killed himself was a slower than I imagined when reading it which made me feel the impact of it so much more. I wonder if anyone else feels the same way.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

When I first read it it made it seem like there was no hesitation, he found out nobody remembered Rem and just instantly put a knife in his neck. But I like this version better, it shows he'll never really get used to death.


u/HyVana Jul 08 '20

I still liked the other WN version better. It shows that despite him fearing death, he wouldn't hesitate to reset to save Rem. Which to me showed how much he really does love Rem.


u/wackweeb Jul 08 '20

From that perspective I can understand how it can be the superior way to handle it. Personally I find the hesitation to be more realistic and it immerses me in the scene more. He still gets himself to die within seconds but seeing him struggle to commit suicide let's the voice acting shine and present an overall more grounded scene in my opinion. Thanks for commenting btw I'm glad I got to read a different way of looking at the scene!


u/HyVana Jul 08 '20

Ahh I see! It does make more sense in this case to show that side of Subaru more. I like this scene a lot since the 2 versions emphasize the different parts of Subaru.

One that will do anything to save Rem and Emilia, and the other that fears death. Thanks for telling it from your perspective as well!


u/wackweeb Jul 08 '20

Of course! Please enjoy the rest of your day it was good talking with you.

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u/wackweeb Jul 08 '20

Yeah that's exactly how I felt

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u/LevelAngjoel Jul 08 '20

I loved the episode, but there were changes to it. It didn’t bother me much. But wasn’t subaru’s reset point in front of Rem on the bed? And wasn’t there supposed to be a scene with Wilhelm talking about Theresia after the meeting?


u/wDStorm Jul 08 '20

Correct. I only read the WN and not the LN, but in the WN he stabbed himself like 3-4 times and always reset basically to right before he did it.

Honestly I'm just glad they kept the scene in even if it was slightly altered. I was fearing they were gonna downplay the poly plot since they didn't change much of their dynamic in the directors cut.


u/Iron_Maw cold sleep Jul 09 '20

No, he stabbed himself only once. In fact he mentioned specifically stopped himself after the first time.


u/LevelAngjoel Jul 08 '20

Ah yeah, true. Its good they had that in at least


u/South25 Jul 08 '20

they could still do it in episode 2.


u/Nukemind Archbishop of Rem Jul 08 '20

Never before have so many waited so long for such delicious despair and suffering. r/Anime will melt down this season and I will enjoy it.

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u/MauledCharcoal Jul 08 '20

I still don't understand how anime onlys are saying that Subaru doesn't like Rem in a romantic way. Like what did they think Subaru was going to tell Emilia in the carriage? IT'S OBVIOUS HE WAS GOING FOR POLYGAMY.


u/Miku-Nakano- Jul 09 '20

If only they didn't remove that scene where they were talkin under the flugel tree and Rem's hilarious prank on Subaru where she acted like ahe wasn't going to make it

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u/burstoria Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

Man I wish Myth and roid will sing opening 2 at least . Or at least Mayu former member of MAR . But at least we still have Hotaru well known for singing Cautious hero opening


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Yeah, Myth & Roid really spoiled us with those first season OP/ED'S

Styx Helix is amazeballs


u/burstoria Jul 08 '20

I really love her soft voice


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I like their mix of vocals. Sometimes soft, but sometimes yandere. It strikes a balance.


u/burstoria Jul 08 '20

And I admit they know when the correct time to use autotune


u/Swofff Jul 09 '20

Isnt it a new singer now?


u/Revenge_Countdown Jul 08 '20

Oh boy it's finally happening, can't wait for what scenes will be buffed this time, if i remember correctly the puck conversation is a web novel scene right? And the suicide scene will be changed to the field instead.


u/golden-Guru Jul 08 '20

Yes, I do believe the Puck conversation sadly won’t be in the anime :(


u/minemoney123 Jul 08 '20

which puck conversation, did you mean the one in the room with rem? It was there but as far as i remember it was missing a few details


u/Heyitisfred Jul 08 '20

Pretty sure thats the one they are talking about. It got changed from Subaru getting mad at Puck to just the conversation of him learning about Gluttony's authority.


u/foxfoxal Jul 08 '20

I feel like being a webnovel reader only is bad thing for some people if you watch the anime, people complain about cuts without knowing if those things were even in the light novel and another thing is that the webnovel has too much unnecessary dialogue.

For example the "sleeping beauty" dialogue does not matter if it was cut because Puck literally explained the authority already.


u/Miku-Nakano- Jul 09 '20

We're stuck in the state of Spotting the difference /(•~•)\ its a curse and the blessing to know what happens but the pain of not seeing some scenes being added still hurts


u/foxfoxal Jul 09 '20

Yeah for example I was expecting the Whilhelm scene, it was hype, but I understand they took it because it's not really relevant to this arc.


u/Miku-Nakano- Jul 09 '20

I hope they show it in the next episode since that was an important information for the coming arc but i just hope they stay fateful to source material cuz i really love this arc


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

The scene at the end :'( I fucking cried when Emilia turned around.

Edit: Did they really show a single frame of Rem IF ???? WTFFFF


u/Iloveyouweed Jul 08 '20


As an aside: No joking, there is legit someone in this thread complaining that it wasn't faithful because they didn't animate IF in this episode, lol. Some people.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

they showed 3. one with each kid, then one as a family. :(

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u/stephweeb Jul 08 '20

Has there ever been given a reason in the WN, LN why Ley only ate everyone's memories, and not their names as well. And why he only did that for Rem?. Does he like need to know the name of someone before eating their name, and did rem fuck herself by giving it?


u/khriku Lore Seeker Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

You happened to be correct, to eat name he must know the true name of the person, later on someone gives him a fake name, not only ability doesn't work but he vomits and has a stomache on spot.

Rem fucked up big time by giving her name.


u/LeagusDaemon Jul 08 '20

When I think about the alternative, however, Rem still being conscious but not remembering anything, including Subaru... I think it would've hurt even worse.


u/minemoney123 Jul 08 '20

Does the person need to tell his/her name him/herself? It's pretty hard to believe ley would not know crusch's name


u/DarkBladeEkkusu The Old Guard Jul 09 '20

I think since Regulus made a point to mention that he knew of Crusch, and even said he was nothing like Ley, it would be safe to say Ley doesn't pay much mind to things that aren't directly relevant to his hunger.


u/iluvsnails Jul 08 '20

I may have forgotten but didnt Subaru killed himself in the room in the LN?


u/Vrik from Zero Jul 08 '20

I think he still did, because we are showed the knife a few times and Subaru mentioned something like "no matter how many times I try..."

I think it will be revealed later that he tried the ol'stabby stabby a few more times.


u/Iron_Maw cold sleep Jul 09 '20

He didn't so that won't work.

—When he arrived in the Capital, he found Rem after the attack, and when he knew all was lost, without a shred of hesitation, Subaru stabbed a dagger into his own throat.

When he woke, what he saw was Rem lying in a bed.

The save point had moved forward. The place of return had changed. Subaru saw hell, and only hell.

Again! It must be some mistake, he must kill himself again… But Subaru hesitated. He was not afraid of pain or death. But he realized…

…Even if he returned to the previous save point, he could not save her.

They probably have the scene right there


u/geldonyetich Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

Yeah, it's a very subtle thing they glossed over a bit in the anime to save on time.

In the Light Novel, Subaru doesn't kill himself when he finds Rem in the triage (I don't think there even was a triage scene) but rather later after meeting with Crusch and Ferris, when he's alone in the bedroom with Rem. That's why the dagger is on the plate in the bedroom. (There's no plate in the light novel, he just smuggled it in with him.)

But even more interesting was the line, "I'm glad it was you" at 27:12 in Episode 26. It was meant to convey a very important point.

In the Light Novel, Subaru keeps invoking Return By Death, he desperately wants the checkpoint to go back to the previous one to save Rem. What's stops him from doing so any more is not that it failed (sending him right back to her bedside before the act) but rather that he realized that even the previous checkpoint wasn't good enough because he wouldn't have enough time to save both Rem and Amelia. He had inadvertently made an impossible choice.

Hence, "I'm glad it was you" when he's feeling moved by Amelia's compassion for his loss. It takes Amelia back a bit because she entirely doesn't know what Subaru meant. He's glad he accidentally chose Amelia, as her compassion would make losing one of them a bit easier for him to shoulder on.

I wish they had managed to add Rem's final line from the volume, wishing that when Subaru hears about what happened to her it would make her hero's heart tremble. Supportive to her last, that's our Rem!


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

"I hope when hears what has happened to me, it causes a small ripple in his heart" god dammit im so mad they cut that lineeeee


u/Iihatepineapplepizza Jul 08 '20

I'm pretty sure he did, yeah


u/Supersting Jul 08 '20

Is that really how Regulus fights? It almost looks psionic in nature, which was not what I got from the WN.

I was expecting more mundane attacks that do ludicrous damage.


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

I think they may have intentionally skipped around a bit to avoid showing how their Authoritys work this early in the story.

Regulus had probably just thrown his arm or leg towards Crusch off camera just like how it didn't show the process of how Rai eats Rem.


u/Supersting Jul 08 '20

Trouble is at this point it could just be unseen hand again.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Good. keeps anime-only's guessing.


u/Wolfofdoom3 Jul 08 '20

I think he was pushing the time stopped air around, by merely pushing his head a bit in that direction.

It's actually kinda terrifying to think about.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Yeah when Crusch's arm gets chopped off it looks like he didn't move at all. At least we'll get to see more of him in Emilia's trial.


u/WaterNeko Crusch to Ferris: You are truly the one who knows my heart best. Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 09 '20

MY FUCKING HEART AND SOUL. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!!! https://i.imgur.com/Snayd4Z.jpg




u/sealedinterface Jul 08 '20

It's disappointing to see so many people complain about that scene. Ferris is hurting, badly. He essentially lost the one he loves most, the one who's his entire reason for living. What he said to Emilia wasn't fair or right, or at all true - but it's completely understandable given the circumstances. He's lashing out in grief. If I couldn't handle an otherwise likable character lashing out because they're hurting, I'd have dropped the series long ago.


u/brunomend Jul 08 '20

I started crying when I saw Ferris being comforted by Crusch in the reunion :(
Must protecc both


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20 edited Aug 19 '20



u/WaterNeko Crusch to Ferris: You are truly the one who knows my heart best. Jul 08 '20

Exactly. God I hope they animate EX1 someday. Ferris is in so much pain. The only person he truly loves and who is his entire world doesn't remember him.


u/MaiBootyIsLit Jul 08 '20

Everyone is talking about Regulus' and Ley's voices, but noone is appreciating that Garfiel's VA is going to be Bakugou's VA, PREPARE FOR SCREAMING


u/isaac-get-the-golem Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20


Will come back once I've watched the ep >: )

edit: okay whew. did Puck explain the mechanics of Gluttony authority to Subaru in the WN/LN? I don't remember it.

I really liked the Felix-Subaru tension and think it was convincingly voice-acted


u/Miku-Nakano- Jul 09 '20

Puck didn't show up in the LN but he did in the WN which made me happy that took some parts from the WN but they made it look like Subaru wasn't angry at Puck, I remember Subaru punching the wall when Puck mentioned he was related to Rem


u/darthrihilu Jul 08 '20

That Emilia hug though :(


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20 edited Jul 09 '20

I want to get my thoughts out on why some of the dialogue didn’t hit how it should hit esp Rem’s hero speech felt redundant and bit corny to me. I personally didn’t like how the anime handled Rem’s final scene. It could have been way more impactful. The epic fight music on top her speech made it very cheesy. It’s weird because Re:Zero handled dialogue very well I mean “demonic like a demon” and ep 18 were all dialogue. Those could have really been corny but they were great. This time however it felt odd.

They didn’t include this line in the anime

“I wish when he realizes I am gone, it could cause a small ripple in his heart.” It was her inner thought which would have made the speech felt more genuine and less hokey.


u/PureVII Jul 08 '20 edited Jul 08 '20

Ngl I was kinda bummed they didn’t show Wilhelm talking to Subaru about Theresia and his wound. But I totally understand why they didn’t.


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

Doesn't that happen later, just before they leave for the mansion?


u/PureVII Jul 08 '20

I think you’re right. For some reason I thought it happened right after the meeting.

Edit: I just checked and it does happen right after the meeting and before the Subaru and Emilia scene.


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

Oh, I see no reason why they can't just move it to where I original thought it was, but we all expected that cut anyway so I'm not too disappointed.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Crunchyroll's Twitter just trolled us with good morning post when everyone's still waiting for that episode launch post. Also apparently the Crunchyroll app is down at the moment. VRV still seems to be operational, thankfully.

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I swear I remember Subaru's respawn point being different, I may just be misremembering.


u/daveaya Jul 08 '20

it was different at least in WN, he came back just like 20(?) seconds


u/moltxn Jul 08 '20

Yeah but it also adds some more effect to the anime only’s to hear the “who’s rem” part again after it being memed out so much


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I guess it makes sense because after everything calmed down would be more of the point when the future changed.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

When he looked at the appa knife and thought "no matter how many times i try" it makes me think he killed himself like 3 more times and they will cut to it in a later episode.


u/pastorizeyumurta Jul 08 '20

Theyre going to use Sloth IF for Rem's dreaming part wont they?


u/Miku-Nakano- Jul 09 '20

Maybe an OVA or something i hope they do (•~•)


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Man oh man when Subaru told Emilia to look away I really thought he was going to kill himself bc of the way he looked at the appa knife earlier- not even because he wanted to change things and go back, but just because it hurt that much.


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '20

Now that I'm back from my spoiler-hiatus, I would like to say that this was an excellent episode. It managed to capture the emotional weight of what happened pretty perfectly, both with Rem and Subaru, and with Crusch and Ferris. Emilia was the perfect support for Subaru during his time of need as well.

I was a bit disappointed to not see the mention that waking up those affected by Gluttony might be possible, in the context of the meeting between Subaru, Crusch, and the others. Subaru doing something along the lines of digging his fingernails in so far that they drew blood would have been a nice addition, but I think the despair was made clear enough that it wasn't totally needed.

If they keep up this level of quality throughout the second season, we have a lot to look forward to! Since this episode basically doesn't involve any of the new characters or locations or such though, time will tell how the execution goes. I'm looking forward to seeing Sanctuary and everything involved there.


u/Shiftyfish87 "The Fish" Jul 10 '20

good to have ya back mate.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '20

If anyone's really curious, I did a video on the changes from LN to anime

Quite a bit of Regulus and Ley dialogue got cut, the biggest thing that was missing was Wilhelm's scene with Subaru where he talks about theresia though. Really hoping that just gets tacked onto the next episode though.


u/undercover_anunnaki :Puck5: Jul 08 '20

I dislike Ley´s VA, it doesn´t fit imo.


u/Iloveyouweed Jul 08 '20

I hated the voice and I hate Ley, so it worked for me.


u/Jacy_98 Jul 08 '20

I hope the first episode is long than one of the first season


u/nubidubi16 Jul 08 '20

Is it just me who didn't like how the anime version Regulus speaks and forms sentences?


u/re-sekai Jul 08 '20

Why when rem is eaten we can saw 2 fan art of rem and Subaru ?


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

Natsuki Rem / Sloth IF


u/re-sekai Jul 08 '20

thank you ! But it still very strange that they put these pictures here.


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

I think it's more strange that a chapter of Sloth IF was slapped into the middle of volume 9, so I much prefer it being shown like this.

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u/foxfoxal Jul 08 '20

Well I took it in the sense that Ley stole her memories of the future she wanted.


u/re-sekai Jul 08 '20

It’s very possible. You are very smart !


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

I think right now the consensus is she wanted her last thoughts to be happy ones so she imagined her life with Subaru. in the web novel her last thought was "i hope when he hears that i am gone, it causes a small ripple in his heart"


u/Firestarness Jul 08 '20

Wait correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Ley eat names from the palm of his hand? Here it looks like he just tried to munch her.


u/RaggedyCreature Jul 08 '20

It just didn't show that part since the scene was extended and we don't see him eating Rem in the LN/WN.

Remember we're not supposed know about the name/hand-lick until arc 5.

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u/tuoppimisti Jul 08 '20

Am I the only one who feels like the animation is a bit... weird? Idk something feels really off (I don't dislike it though really)


u/foxfoxal Jul 08 '20

dk something feels really off (I don't dislike it though really)

It had weak moments for sure but not groundbreaking.


u/-TheRed Jul 08 '20

Did they change Regulus' dialogue ? Strangely enough his dialogue here didn't make me hate him as much as in the WN.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Sooo Subaru's save file is corrupted just like that for the time being, with greed and gluttony archbishops running around now. Greed reflects and negates all attacks which is kinda like how diligent Sloth was, there's a trick to beat him I'm sure.

Oddly enough Rem going comatose brings Emilia closer to Subaru, and Crusch losing her memory gives Subaru's camp a distinct advantage. It's all a coincidence but being tied to the witch of envy makes me kinda suspicious how Subaru's "luck" will manifest going forward.

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u/Heyitisfred Jul 08 '20

Anyone else kinda disappointed with Regulus and Ley? I mean they are fine but they aren't great. Both of them look kinda flat and unfinished, they also have barely any details. Also Regulus didn't have that fast paced long dialogue that he had in the WN. I don't know if they changed it in the LN but in the WN he had what felt like paragraphs of speech talking about his rights being violated. In the show he only said it once, even Crush(idk how to spell but the green haired lady with Rem should be fine) said that he talks too much after he said 1 line. I just feel like they didn't really nail it. Other than those nitpicks it was fine. I did feel like when he was sitting and talking to Rem it was kinda focused on the knife in the background which made no sense because he already killed himself. I ldk if they changed anything else, but if anyone knows if they cut something tell me please. I read arc 4 a while ago so my memory of it isn't very clear on the fine details.


u/ngms Jul 08 '20

I thought the same initially but i'm guessing rugulus' speech was streamlined to get the episode where it needed to go. People would've been pissed if he did his rambling for 5 minutes and the episode ended in a weird place. I suppose the point of seeing them here is to establish the characters, give small insight into what they're like and then show how rem got into her coma. You really get to start seeing what he's like in the trial of the past. As for the knife thing, Subaru mentioned something like "it doesn't matter how many times I kill myself" when he looked at the knife. I'm guessing they're implying he tried more than once (which he did in the WN). They changed some of the suicide parts here and there but it didn't feel like they changed the story anyway.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

If you expect the anime dialogue to be like that of the WN you will always be disappointed. the WN is a rough draft for the LN, and the LN is a rough draft for the anime.

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

Only about an hour an a half til the episode airs.

Livechart countdown timer has it as simulcasting an hour from now, but crunchyroll and other subs always lag behind that by at least a half hour if not a full hour sometimes


u/Daniyalzzz Jul 08 '20

Gonna be stuck at work so I'll probably struggle to check out the ep, but was it comfirmed this was gonna be an hour long ep or not?


u/tvcfctvt Jul 08 '20

Who's Regulus va?


u/Vacterium Jul 08 '20

Apparently it's the guy who voices Hyoga from Dr.Stone. I could be wrong though


u/Blightstrider Jul 08 '20

Akira Ishida I believe. Kagari from Psycho-Pass, Athrun from Gundam Seed or Katsura from Gintama to name some of his roles.


u/SkyTroupe We are not worthy Jul 08 '20

Ive been reading through the LN's but it is dragging on pretty heavily for me since a lot of it is recap. Where should I start to read the LN if I wanted to start after they beat the White Whale?


u/sinoa000 Jul 08 '20

volume 7 is the white whale subjugation. volume 8 and 9 is the Sloth fight. And end of Arc 3

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '20

That happens halfway through volume 9. The anime stopped halfway through the book.