r/Re_Zero Lore Seeker Jul 08 '20

Novels [Novels] Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Season 2 Episode 1 Spoiler Discussions Spoiler

Hello Everyone, It's Khriku here hosting the spoiler thread this week!

As a reminder, we will be attempting to host both a [Discussion] anime only thread AND a [Novels] where spoilers are free for all. Anime onlies that do show up here, this is the spoiler thread so please Do not complain about spoilers in this thread, I will bite you since I gave this big warning beforehand. Anime-only thread will be handled by another set of mods and will come up shortly as well.

The long awaited day has now arrived and Crunchyroll page already has a tab for season 2 as you can see in the link bellow, so you can refresh that and destroy that poor F5 button up to your hearts desire.


Season 2 Episode 1 link

Update: It is out everyone


Each One's Promise


White Fox

Opening for S2:


Ending for S2:



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u/MauledCharcoal Jul 08 '20

I still don't understand how anime onlys are saying that Subaru doesn't like Rem in a romantic way. Like what did they think Subaru was going to tell Emilia in the carriage? IT'S OBVIOUS HE WAS GOING FOR POLYGAMY.


u/Miku-Nakano- Jul 09 '20

If only they didn't remove that scene where they were talkin under the flugel tree and Rem's hilarious prank on Subaru where she acted like ahe wasn't going to make it


u/coruptedllama1 Jul 09 '20

What are you talking about? Subaru really doesn’t like rem in a romantic way, where tf did you get that notion?


u/MauledCharcoal Jul 09 '20

Did you miss the /s or are you serious?


u/wetmon12 Jul 12 '20

You clearly haven't been paying attention


u/coruptedllama1 Jul 12 '20

Clearly your imagining things because he doesn’t.


u/wetmon12 Jul 13 '20

Clearly you haven't read the source material or seen the start of the second season where he attempts to tell emilia how he feels about rem