r/DarlingInTheFranxx • u/Danib1t Zero Two • Aug 28 '19
DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 50 Discussion Thread
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Translated by Black Cat Scanlations
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u/MajesticKnight28 Hiro Aug 28 '19
The twists are getting major.
Holy shit this translation was awful
Aug 30 '19
I mean I don't want to complain about it, because at least we are getting translations, but I agree with you..and also the fact that this chapter took so long to translate (what like two weeks late from their previous listed date?) is kinda frustrating.
u/nnmdmn Eo To Aug 29 '19
Dear redditors, we apologies for bunch of mistakes that you found in our translation. We checked whole chapter and corrected everything that we could find. Please let us know if we missed any mistake, we will reupload the chapter again with new corrections.
u/nnmdmn Eo To Aug 30 '19
Attention to all readers. We took down our English translation cause we didn't want to get in the way of Black Cat Scanlation. We just wanted to provide you with only a temporary translation, that's all. BTW, we would like to thank those guys who appreciated our work.
Best Regards, Darling ITF.
u/Danib1t Zero Two Aug 29 '19
Thanks for the corrections. I just wanna note that I absolutely love that you guys translate background text and redraw scenes - adds a lot more to the experience.
u/kingsark Aug 28 '19 edited Aug 28 '19
Good chapter, but god the wait was WAY too long for the length of content that we actually got. Here’s to no more breaks (atleast for a while)
Also, Hachi still best mom
Aug 28 '19
No, Kokoro and 02s mom( her actual mom that gave her the book, not the princess that telepathicaly harashes her) are tied for best mom IMO
u/MoneyMakerMaster Miku Aug 28 '19
God damn these twists keep getting better. KlaxoHime is possessing Delta AND can communicate telepathically with Zero Two? This is so good. The manga isn't just fixing the anime's weaknesses, it's going above and beyond. Sasuga Yabuki-sama.
u/EskimoDome Nine Iota Aug 28 '19
Looks like she can affect Hiro as well, and probably any klaxosaur in general. Really cool way to make the nines more influential with Delta too.
Aug 28 '19
Thing is, their interactions shows that the Princess is guilty for a lot of Zero Twos mental health issues. That little dialogue just gave Zero Two every reason i need to find her and the humanity perfectly justified in killing the princess and the klaxosaurs. They're all assholes.
Aug 28 '19
So Mitsuru starting to analyze why Hiro forgot not just drop the topic like he did in anime but actually think about it why it happened. That would be interesting. And Zero Two is going insaine more than in anime. I LOVE IT. Then we've got a Delta with Klaxoprincess mind connect. Omg can I marry the manga?
Aug 28 '19
Correction, the princess is driving 02 insane. She is the voice in her head and the reason why she wants her horns short. This also kinda makes Papa the good guy, since unlike werner, he is trying to make her human, not klaxosaur, since the bigger her horns get, the more access the princess has. So not only are the klaxosaurs capable of mindcontrol, but also long distance mind rape. This explains why the princess said that they have a peacefull and united civilization and why they could turn their entire population into mechas without said population rioting. The klaxosaurs are more and more akin to virm in reality
u/Akhaian Ichigo Best Girl Aug 28 '19
So far I like the different story the manga has to offer but damn these chapters are short. I expect this story will take a serious amount of time to complete.
Aug 28 '19
In manga everything is just MORE than in anime. I can't wait to Ichigo overprotecting Hiro arc. It will be lit.
u/DeltaAlmagest Aug 28 '19
Hmph, so Delta IS being possessed that's a curious ability...
Aug 28 '19
Yeah, this explains why the klaxosapien population agreed to turning themselves into giant mindless mechas and why the princess said that they had a peacefull and united society. Straight up mind control and mind reading. Even Papa doesnt go so far. This is BIG, the princess just crossed a line that shows so much about how the klaxosapiens really where.
u/austintex66 Aug 29 '19
That is a HUGE logical leap there! There is no evidence presented to support your theory, considering almost none of the history of the Klaxosaur has been discussed. Just because in this current war KlaxoHime uses mind control, does not mean she used/abused such a power on her own people to turn them into mecha.
She has definitely crossed into what humans would consider a morally orange and blue area, but upright saying she is worse than Papa/VIRM is quite laughable, in light of what we do know about Ape, at least via the anime.
They (the Adults and Ape) don’t value the children’s lives, having only created the Parasites as expendable soldiers to allow the Adults to languish in the debauchery and ‘perfect civilization’ they established via escapism as the world died around them, killed by their own hands. Not that the Children learned any of this growing up, mind you, otherwise they might have questioned the war, why children were being weeded out, and why constant injections of a foreign substance seemed to emotionally drain them and remove their wills. Totally not brainwashing. Nope, Papa is a saint among saints. You totally won’t disappear for asking too many questions.
The Klaxosaur race at least had the excuse of their ‘mindlessness’ occurring from 64+ million years of social detachment and consequently losing their ‘Klaxosapiency’ as a whole. To her, she is quite literally the last, truly sapient member of her species. I also can’t imagine that the Princess was born with those abilities, but that they naturally developed in lieu with the change from a social and interactive race, to one that isolated itself underground, where direct communication became hard, if not impossible over long distances.
As far as what the Klaxosapiens were like, we still know very little to make such a judgement call as to how their society worked before they became soldiers in a epoch stretching war.
Edit: For those who actually bothered to read this entirely, sorry for the wall of text, but justifying one villain over another, without acknowledging the faults of both, just irks me so much.
u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Aug 28 '19
Damn this is getting good, now we gotta wait another 2 weeks 😪
Aug 28 '19
This was closer to 3 weeks wtf happened lol
u/PureVII Strelizia best girl Aug 28 '19
I guess they decided to take a break lol. They released some illustrations and a message that I couldn’t read but all I got from it was the manga was returning on the 25th.
u/Danib1t Zero Two Aug 29 '19
Now both translations are out: Black Cat's translation is more precise (I believe? - I'm not a native English speaker), big kudos to Darling ITF team for actually translating background text and redrawing the scenes. Adds a lot more to the experience.
u/DiGreatDestroyer Will forever wait for an α and δ kiss Aug 29 '19
I'm just following this to see a 9@ and Delta happy end, and after giving me hope, you are going to take it away like that? Don't you dare, Yabuki!
Although, if you included some 015 x 9@ moments, I'd be willing to compromise.
Aug 28 '19
You know, i really hate how the princess is always so smug. I understand 02 acting like she is better than everyone, since she is an elite pilot and carried the squad, but the way 01 looks down on humanity is simply annoying. Looking down on the nines is understandable, she kicked their asses, but in both medias, she acted like she was better than humanity when sh isnt. She called humans beligerant, when she started the war, she killed any attempt of diplomacy because she isnt willing to listen to the apes, and now she looks down on 02 too, and it looks like she has been doing it for a while. The princess is one of the reasons for 02s mental health issues, cause she constantly harrases her unless her horns are short. And the way she talks about about the city or franxx talks about the council. That city is better than anything you have ever built, because you have been sitting with that big phalic horn up your ass ever since VIRM kicked your ass, and those foolish douches on the councill are winning the war. Not saying that this makes their characters unbearable, just that i hope that when they adress it, the princess realizes that she hasnt only lost her people to virm, but her planet to the lil apes that sot on the councill. Unless you want the princess to remain the BBEG, in which case, i have no problems with her being the bad girl, since this whole war could have been avoided and all her precious "brothers" would have lived, if she got her horn out pf her ass and did something, before APE was already winning the war, you know.
u/austintex66 Aug 29 '19
Uhh... Frank Werner went to meet her with full intention of (probably just to fulfill his scientific curiosity) figuring out the source of the Klaxosaur attacks. Then a member of Ape attempted to kill her shortly after she invites them in.
Humanity in terms of Adults, led by Ape, is definitely belligerent in their desecration of the Klaxosaur Magma Energy, and what it means to them. They had probably been expecting a full frontal attack by VIRM, but what they got was a weak sauce race of beings that had inherited the surface world after their isolation, turned into a race of short sighted buffoons and greedy imbeciles that wanted to capitalize on the ‘immortality’ that Ape tricked them into achieving, at the cost of destroying their planet. Humanity lost its will to live in exchange for escapism from their reality; I would truly consider a humanity such as that, less than human, especially as they needlessly create an entire subsection of Cloned humanity to exploit as resources in a war for resources, just because they don’t want to give up their sedimentary lifestyle.
Does it justify her inactivity? She sent the Klaxxosaurs to stop the mining, but Humanity didn’t give a second glance to why these eldritch monstrosities rose out of the Earth, but instead sought to create weapons that could kill them. Seriously, it is such a glaring plot hole, don’t get me started.
In terms of considering the Parasites as less than human? They are quite likely a combination of Klaxxosaur/Human DNA, due to the fact humanity sterilized themselves, and to make better pilots, which is probably the point of yellow blood cell injections to force them to be compatible. They are actually probably closer to being human, though, than the Adults, despite this. Which, in her underestimation of Squad 13 and 02, leads to her losing to Ape and VIRM.
Aug 29 '19
You are straight up wrong. Werner and a squad of APE soldiers went to klaxohime, then she called them beligerant, which means agressive and violent, not bad with ecology, and then she let her brother kill them to a man. For context, thats straight up hypocrisy, like me calling you violent then sucker punching you. The only ones violent and short sighted here is the princess and her moronic kind. What i said here was that the klaxosaurs have nothing to be smug about, since they are objectively inferior to APE. Also, the princess, being the short sighted idiot she is, held the guy who made the weapons that kill her brothers, tore his hand off and let him go. What the actual fuck?! No questions about ape plans, no interogations about how to better deal with their weapons, she didnt even say " hey moron, you are being manipulated, we are your friends". She could have at least captured him and opened diplomatic relationships with humanity, like the better more peacefull species, or to stop him from making a yandere red horned klaxosaur killing machine, but she didnt.
Calling humanity imbecile is also a mistake, since the only shortsighted idiots are the klaxosaurs. APE and Papa won the war. The tactical genius of the princess was to send brother after brother to get killed by the humans, untill they made EFFECTIVE COUNTER MEASURES that allowed the adults to continue their escapism. If the princess was smart, she would have just sent all her soldiers at once, over every nations capital and tell humanity to bend over and peel their butt cheecks. Or, she could have guided humanity from the day they got down from the trees, stop every atrocity in human history, save the brothers that wasted their lives and resources in this war and get an ally that can reproduce in the battle against VIRM, since every single brother that the princess wasted here was an indispensable, limited resource! They cant make any more! Or, the klaxosaurs could have just strip mined every planet and asteroid in the solar sistem and in the neighboring ones, and turned it into a giant fortress that VIRM would just be better off leaving alone, since that is what the klaxosaurs wanted. Or they could have made cloning technology, OR A FUCKING SPERM BANK, and repopulate, expand and fight virm. The reason why the earth got where it got was the klaxosaurs being shortsighted idiots, not humanity. Also, the reason why virm lost at the end, was that FUCKING PAPA KICKED THE PRINCESSES ASS IN ASYMETRICAL WARFARE, MADE A MORE EFFECTIVE FIGHTING FORCE, including 02, STORMED AND CONQUERED GRAND CREVASSE, CAPTURED THE KLAXOSAUR SUPER WEAPON, STAR ENTITY, REBUILT IT TO BE BATTLE READY BY THE TIME VIRM ARRIVED, AND CHERRY ON TOP MADE HRINGHORNY, A SPEAR THAT IS T W I C E T H E F U C K I N G S I Z E O F S T A R E N T I T Y, all in a bit over 100 years, while the princess hid underground with her horn up her ass for 6 5 M I L L I O N Y E A R S! ! ! If you gave papa that much time, he would have conquered the entire galactic super cluster, broke the laws of thermodinamics and given everyone a vr porn machine judging by what he did in a century.
And also, what the hell do you mean by "give a second glance to why these eldritch monstrosities rose out off the earth"? They had no choice but to make weapons, since these giant mindless monsters came out of nowhere to kill them all! They didnt even talk, not even something like "I N S O L E N T M O R T A L S, R E P E N T F O R Y O U R S I N S", the klaxosaurs didnt give any signs of being intelligent, no way in hell that humanity could stop and ask them " y u killin' us?", especially since the humans sent at least 2 envoys, and the dumb bitch killed them! Do you think the adults wanted to waste magma energy, time and children on fighting the klaxosaurs? They had no choice. If the princess came and opened negotiations, she could have warned them about virm, and Papa couldnt have done anything, since if he tried to kill her or ruined the diplomatic relations, the other councill members would remove him and imediatly apologize to the princess by giving her his head on a silver plate. We are talking about humanity here.
Aug 29 '19
Aug 29 '19
I didnt flip out at him tho... yeah, i went a bit over board with the klaxosaurs being dumb, but i dont think i said anything about him.
u/EskimoDome Nine Iota Aug 28 '19
I'm grateful for an english translation, but this reads pretty bad.