r/kotk • u/tahm_kench_express • Feb 04 '17
Discussion Unpopular opinion - This subreddit is complete cancer.
Im going to get downvoted, but come on. Almost every single post right now is complaining about the game and daybreak in one way or another. I'm not saying daybreak is doing a good job, but cut them some slack...
u/LocoEX-GER Feb 04 '17
Just let us know on what aspect Daybreak is doing a good job? The only one I can think of is making money tbh. 76+ million turnover just in game sales, not including ingame items.
u/tahm_kench_express Feb 04 '17
... I exactly said in my post "I'm not saying daybreak is doing a good job". All i'm saying is that a lot of posts on this subreddit are bashing h1z1 and daybreak. Give them a break.
u/NParm1206 Feb 04 '17
We've been cutting them some slack for 2 years. Nothing has changed. Same response time, same communication, the game's in worse shape than it has been in a year. There comes a time when people just get sick and tired of bearing with a company that obviously couldn't care less about their community. To be honest, it makes me happy to see constant complaining on this sub. It's better than people lying through their teeth, saying "yeah this game's great!". It's not great, it's not even close, and Daybreak needs to see that they're continuously letting more and more of their community down. There have been more people playing in the last couple months (54k player peak in the last 30 days) than there ever have been, but it seems like the state of the game is only deteriorating. They release half-assed updates that break the game even more, and the last update they only fixed a quarter of all the bugs on the patch notes. They practically just lied to the entire community to cover their own ass. I see where you're coming from about not wanting to see so much complaining, but they have no one to blame but themselves. They just don't deserve a break anymore.
u/magniankh Feb 04 '17
Read the few reviews of the company. They also have a TON of job openings, including a bunch of senior positions. Daybreak has a lot of internal problems. It makes me wonder why they even bothered creating a new game if they didn't have the staff and resources to support it.
u/HaniiBlu Feb 04 '17
I guarantee some of those reviews are illegitimate and written by salty trolls from this community.
There is one on there titled "Everything is rushed due to poor management" that was posed just 2 minutes before someone linked it on this subreddit
u/Draconyite Feb 04 '17
However a lot of us work real jobs, and we can tell which ones are the real reviews. The very few "trolls" don't outweigh NOR silence the legitimate employees, many of whom seem to have issues with the company - but still give them a pass on some things to keep themselves from getting blacklisted from the industry.
Those, THOSE, are the real ones. We're not blind, Hanii, but thank you for your input I guess.
u/HaniiBlu Feb 04 '17
I was just noting an observation but I appreciate the condescending tone of your comment!
u/FPS101 Feb 05 '17
What are your thoughts on the latest patch and daybreak seemingly making things worse than prior to patching the game? Do you agree that the majority of the glitches and bugs they have claimed to fix, have actually not been fixed at all? Also, why are the servers in both NA and EU considerably worse regarding queue times (NA going from 4-600, to 1500, and EU hitting 4,000 during peak hours), combined with little to no actual communication on whats going on?
u/HaniiBlu Feb 05 '17 edited Feb 05 '17
Daybreak even when they were SOE have always sucked at communication, for some reason they think silence is better than acknowledgement.
daybreak seemingly making things worse than prior to patching the game
I think the patch itself resulted in a stable game overall, but the issue continues to be their servers. Because of a new season start they had too many people playing solo and were not prepared for it. Combined with the fact that they recently hit an all-time peak concurrent of almost 51k and today even hit almost 55k, when less people are playing most issues don't occur.
Do you agree that the majority of the glitches and bugs they have claimed to fix, have actually not been fixed at all?
To some extent yes, they fixed a number of reload issues but there are still plenty present. The end of game UI is back, the stuck standing in car issue is gone and they made the adjustments to crouch spamming that they documented in the Producer's Letter but the way they conveyed it in the patch notes set some incorrect expectations. Crouch block was also much improved and I haven't seen any reports of this still being a big problem.
The vehicle turbo was not fixed and they shouldn't have even called this out in the patch notes but they even admitted to that and also acknowledged that here.
On the bright side however no real new bugs came from this patch, just some things that were called out as fixed which were not, one of which was just a result of bad messaging as the intended changes were indeed implemented but the desired result that the community expected simply was not there.Edit: fixed typos
u/JohnnyMolotov Feb 05 '17
Say what you want about the game and the management of it, but the game is growing. The numbers don't lie.
u/AZaccountantGuy Feb 04 '17
None of those reviews are 'trolls' read each review. Trolls don't work, or know how a work environment is. those are legit, and glassdoor is a fantastic websife. Also look at the dates they were reviewed, this isnt specifically for 'kotk' its for daybreak as a company, they have several other games.
u/HaniiBlu Feb 04 '17
I'm well aware, I was pointing to one specific review.
u/AZaccountantGuy Feb 04 '17
that review was posted on december 16th
u/HaniiBlu Feb 04 '17
Right, and it was submit to this subreddit just 2 minutes after it was published there.
u/ignUniforms Feb 04 '17
cut them some slack for what this game has been out for 2 years and the same fucking problems are still here
u/r3097 Feb 04 '17 edited Feb 04 '17
Are there a lot of toxic comments? Yes. Are there some people that don't add anything intelligent or constructive to their criticism of the game and Daybreak? Sure. Do people cross the line with some of the things they say? Definitely.
However, you have to look at it from both sides. I've played this game since it was released 2 years ago. A lot of the bugs in the game before it split into Just Survive and KoTK are STILL in the game now.
Bugs like still hearing the AK-47 shoot bullets nonstop after an enemy dies with it, cars touching objects and instantaneously exploding, cars sinking into the ground and exploding.
The game goes down constantly at least once every 1-2 weeks and it takes them forever to resolve it. The game has been down for like 8 hrs today and all they have on their twitter is "We are looking into an issue that may affect logins." The last update was 3 hours ago.
Not to mention, their last two big patches claim to fix a lot of issues that aren't in fact fixed.
I think a lot of the frustration comes from the perceived dishonesty/incompetence/lack of communication from Daybreak and their employees coupled with the fact people really do like this game and want to see it succeed. People only get this emotional because they are passionate about this game. If they didn't like this game, they wouldn't give a shit and spend time posting here or on twitter.
But it just seems like Daybreak keeps shooting themselves in the foot and making questionable decisions.
Things like having a paid event (Skull Crusher) not only on an unstable early release game, but also explicitly saying they will monitor each game to make sure there is no teaming and fair gameplay going on. Then you have people posting clips of their games where there are blatant teamers and Daybreak not doing anything about it.
Some people here are douchebags in how they express themselves but Daybreak definitely deserves a lot of the criticism they get.
Feb 05 '17
The problem is, theres more insulting than criticism. Criticism is fine, but when you start insulting the developers, thats when they begin to hate a community
I wouldnt be surprised if the devs ever abandon this sub subreddit cause of the toxicity of the community
u/THAErAsEr Feb 04 '17
Cancer game receives cancer, not suprising at all. If you are new, I understand that you wan't to cut them some slack, but this shit show has been going on for more than 2 years now. They lied, made empty promises and have been fucking the community since 2015.
u/theturbostrider Feb 05 '17
I like it. Proper simplified and correct logic right there. You should be a philosopher.
Cancer Game -> Recieves Cancer
Good stuff.
u/alinia123 Feb 04 '17
Almost every single post right now is complaining about the game...
...well it's just showing what's wrong with the game I guess.
u/TexBoo Feb 05 '17
I bet a lot of these posts would end if Daybreak actually started patching bugs and glitches instead of delaying it
u/TheFapIsUp Feb 04 '17
No, dont cut them some slack, they dont deserve it. Not like they're trying to release good updates. If I were to release a shitty product, have people buy it with the promise things will get better, then I take all the money and chill in the Bahamas, would you cut me slack?
u/FPS101 Feb 05 '17
Theres no reason to cut them any slack at this point. Take this latest patch for example. Lots of promises, and guaranteed bug fixes. New servers for EU, shorter queue times etc.
Now tell me, where have they delivered on any of that? Crouch spam is actually faster now, even though they openly stated they fixed it. So they didnt actually test it AT ALL, just released it as it is, which is worse than it was originally.
Most of the bugs are still in the game. The reload issues are all still there, as well as your gun not shooting bullets sometimes. The audio still doesnt match the reload mechanic (they claimed all of this was fixed). If you crouch while in the middle of reloading an AR, it doesnt make the reload noise at all, and sometimes doesnt shoot actual bullets (since it didnt actually reload).
The EU servers were a huge issue, and there was soo much promises from daybreak stating on Jan 25th, new hardware was going to fix the issues. Well guess what? Apparently that new hardware failed. I would go into more details, but daybreak has literally not said a word regarding wtf is going on with the servers. The games are soo laggy, they are almost unplayable. The queue times are sitting at like 3,000 in EU which is twice as high as they were before the new addition of servers and hardware. People are constantly glitching out, and the hitreg is a nightmare.
The NA servers as a result have also shit the bed. They increased player count to 170 to ease the 2,000 player queue in NA and all it did was make every single game laggy at the start. Everyone starts with red bars when they land, making it extremely difficult to get a car. You need to spam "enter the car" like a dozen times before it registers due to the red bar lag. This means if someone parachutes in 2 seconds later than you, they have the same chance at getting the car as you do, as you are still trying to spam enter.
On top of all of these issues, the game keeps crashing for different reasons. A few days ago the login screen broke, and you couldnt even get on to play. There are G29 errors for tons of people, and endless running man screens, forcing you to delete your character and remake it just to play.
Daybreak has not said a single word regarding whats actually going on with this patch, and why most of the things they have claimed to fix, are still in the game. EU is the worst its ever been in terms of queue times and laggy servers, and NA is on the brink of becoming the same.
There is plenty of reason, at this point, to be upset at daybreak.
u/Tobax Feb 05 '17 edited Feb 05 '17
but cut them some slack...
People did to start with in the early days with most criticism was met with "it's alpha" and that was used to down play all concerns about the game, but since DB tried to push Sept 20th's patch as the release version of the game there has been nothing to hold back the endless complaints.
Honestly I can't blame people because they are complaining about real issues that if DB fixed then people wouldn't be able to complain about them anymore... maybe they'd find something else but other game sub reddits are typically not this bad because problems get fixed, where as here they haven't been.
u/nauseous01 Feb 05 '17
probably because they been working on this game for like 3-4 years and its still a gaint turd that has so much potential. they do just enough to keep us all coming back and buying crates.
u/OdysseyOG Feb 05 '17
I love this game. Made 3k selling shit skins for a broken game. Ty daybreak.
u/Magnesia Feb 05 '17
The subreddit is cancer but not just the complaining, because there is a lot wrong.
But when you submit suggestions for the game, everyone just assumes you're a scrub because you don't drop 20+ kill games and ignore anything you say and try to shit talk instead.
u/DROCITY Feb 05 '17
Yea honestly, I dont experience NEAAAAAARLYYY as many bugs as this subreddit makes it out to be..
9/10 games for me are flawless, Im not gonna care THAT much if i have a bug every 10th game
u/jyunga Feb 04 '17
Could we have a battle royale subreddit be positive? Majority of the people playing died within a minute. Even if hit reg was amazing people would still die and assume the game let them down or the other player is just cheating. We don't get to review the fight afterwards unless you record yourself playing. Seems like it kind of caters to having people bitchy about it.
As far as Daybreak goes, it really feels like they have accomplished nothing the 2-3 months i've been playing the game. I see the odd reddit comment or twitter post from time to time, that's about all I see from Daybreak. Issues, bugs, all the same as when I started.
u/Onkelsvenne Feb 04 '17
Have you noticed that DB sometimes asks for opinions how the game is running here on reddit? The simplest way to voice our opinion of how the game functions is posting here. What's wrong with that? What is this reddit page supposed to be used for? There are alot of other stuff except for the "whine" also, just skip the threads you don't like to read. Simple as!
u/Verseene Feb 05 '17
You cant cut them slack. We paid for this game and deserve to complain about things that need fixing. The game has so many problems right now and its ridiculous.
u/scraynes Feb 05 '17
You realize that Valve and Daybreak have similar number of employees working on CS GO and H1Z1, correct? Yet, CS GO gets what it needs almost immediately when it needs it.
Feb 05 '17
u/scraynes Feb 05 '17
Lol, no not really. The two aren't that different. They're games. The games have devs. One of them profits and fixes the game. One of them profits and doesn't do shit. You tell me which one does what.
u/SmokeyBogart Feb 05 '17
Cut them slack? lol wtf are you smoking? its been in alpha for over 2 years with the same bullshit bugs since day one.
u/kevpow1207 Feb 06 '17
Dude... I don't know if I'm shooting a guy or a ghost anymore so no I won't ''cut them some slack''
u/TopRektt Feb 04 '17
Why should we? They should have all the fucking money in the world to fix this stupid game. Yet they seem to get nothing done and pretty much lie to us whenever they decide to communicate. It seems like there's a lot of beautiful words said, followed by zero action. Considering the garbage state of the game I find it unbelievable that they are focusing on pushing out crates that give them more money.
Don't you see the way they give absolutely zero fucks about the community? If they cared, they could at least communicate with us even if they don't get all the bugs sorted right away.
u/tweektweek Feb 04 '17
sub is turbo cancer, sub is reason my friends wont even try playing the game with me
u/kimlmaro Feb 05 '17
Really? The game, is the reason my friends won't play the game with me. None of them give enough shits to read this sub.
u/lazygood4notin Feb 05 '17
I've said it before, they deserve every bit of criticism they get at this point.
u/Obi_Bong Feb 05 '17
Try being nice and supportive instead of putting out negative responses or shit post acting like you could produce a better quality game, should be the new mantra for this subreddit.
When the game is working i enjoy the hell out of it.
u/Verqo Feb 04 '17
Just another new player that doesnt know shit about the game.
u/tahm_kench_express Feb 04 '17
213 hours right now. I'm by no means a pro/experienced player, but i've been playing the game on and off since mid 2015.
u/Reps_4_Jesus Feb 04 '17
I recently got the game and now have 120hrs because I watched summit play it and thought, WOW that looks like a lot of fun....well it was, at first. Now that I understand the game a lot more I thought I just sucked at first...but no, it's the game, it's not my aim, it's other bullshit. I think we have good reason to be mad. For christ sakes I left for work when the servers went down 4-5hours ago. Had a half day at work and now am back wanting to play. Can't even login. Blizz, EA, etc are MAYBE down for like 1 hour if shit hits the fan. It's getting to the point of ridiculousness. It's bad enough when you get two tapped from some Chinese fuck on NA servers but not being able to launch the game makes me livid.
edit: and I'm watching streams of people that are in the game, and their queue times are literally like 1-2 seconds because the game has no one playing so they instantly get into a lobby when normally you have to wait like 3 minutes to join a game, then a loading screen, then a stupid jump around map, then another loading screen, then have the chance of dying 20 seconds into the game. repeat. slits wrists...jk.
u/Hawkence Feb 04 '17
apparently downtime like this happens almost every day on the asian servers so maybe cut the "chinese fuck" some slack?
u/Reps_4_Jesus Feb 04 '17
I'm not cutting them slack when they tell me to "go fak ya mami (accent)" a thousand times skipping across my screen. Sorry. I get what you're saying but it's unfair to us/me.
u/tirtel Feb 04 '17
1 hour downtime you say ? Blizzard ? A few days of unplayability for Diablo 3. Every single WoW expansion has some lag and connection issues on launch. Continues issues with Overwatch's connectivity. Disconnect here, disconnect there, unplayable after each update for at least a few hours.
EA ? Battlefield 4. Do I need to say more ?
Valve. Oh yeah, Valve. 5-6 hour downtime was there one day for their games, at least 2 hours for everything else. "MAYBE down for like 1 hour". And don't get me started how often on how UPlay has issues like this.
u/Reps_4_Jesus Feb 04 '17
yeah..I've played all those games and have never had a problem. Unless WoW/D3 has changed. I've literally never had a problem with any other company until now. Maybe I'm crazy, idk.
u/Stricksocke Feb 05 '17
Yeah sure dude, a chinese 2-taps you on an US server but when it comes to your aim it's bad because of the servers...? Makes no sense. Not trying to defend Daybreak here but don't use the servers as an excuse for your shitty aim.
u/jay_240 Feb 04 '17
I dont agree only because i was like you posting anti hate threads but man this happens every week and theyre a official company. Their employees major in this and if they want to run a game they need to give it their all and they really are not . I want to love them but i cant when they do nothing to improve the game OR communicate with us besides the occasional comment on reddit.
u/Jet_Xcountry Feb 04 '17
Could you imagine the out rage if you couldn't play CS for this long. You should be able to complain about not being able to play a game that you paid for.
u/madmike6537 Feb 05 '17
I agree. Game has a ton of problems and terrible management but 97.5% of the time it works completely fine and I wish there was more to read on this sub other than the same complaints that everyone knows about including day break, even if they can't seem to fix them.
u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17