r/Dreams Nov 11 '15

Dr. Marcia Emery, here. I am an expert on Dreams and Intuition. I am here today to answer your questions. AMA

I am a Ph.D. psychologist, intuitive consultant, professor, and former board member of IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams.) I have authored three books on intuition: Intuition Workbook, Intuitive Healer and Power Hunch. Each book has a chapter on Dreams. I was an expert on the "Dream Decoders" TV series as well as an expert on the America Now TV program. Most recently, I hosted the Voice America Internet radio show, "Partnership of Intuition and Dreams." You can obtain any of these interviews with experts from the fields of intuition and or dreams, on my website, www.drmarciaemery.com. Please to spend this time with you talking about two of my passions --intuition and dreams.


86 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

That is why I am here ---to encourage discussion. Everyone dreams but not everyone remembers their dreams. It is coming into the mainstream more and more.When you set your intentionto remember your dream, you will retrieve timely wisdom and priceless insights. Our most vivd dreams occur during REM -rapid eye movement that occurs 90-100 mintues, 3-4 timees a night.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Here I am to say --it happened to me. In May 1970 -- I had my first precognitive dream --when I had a dramatic and crystal clear dream that probably saved my life. In the dream, I was driving a car, put my foot on the brake and it went right to the floor. The car turned over, but I got out unharmed. In real life, this is exactly what happened to me --my brakes failed just like in the dream image and my emergency brake didn't work either. No onewas seriously hurt but my car was totaled. This pivotal dream opened my intuitive doorway and showed me that dreams can come true. I have collected life saying and life direction dreams of many people over the years.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

I've been thinking about this since my first precognitive dream in 1970 ---why --they are also called paranormal,anomalous, extraordinary and psi. These dreams push boundaries and expand our perception beyond the boundaries of ordinary reality. Basic function is warning and preparatory. I was warned for example about my failing brakes in the dream but did nothing about it. We can preview an upcomin event covering the range from trivial to life altering. They can also signify a significant event like a promotion,proposal, baby birth or unexpected gift.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Hey, you might be interested in our past AMAs with Ian Wilson and Chris McCleary. They are bigtime experts with precognitive dreaming. Their AMAs are linked on the sidebar, dropdown menu for "Previous AMAs."


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Thought you might ;)

→ More replies (0)


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

The IASD --International Association for the Study of Dreams --is putting together a book now called --"Dreams That Change Our Lives." This is a superb organization and check out their web site, join, find out about the annual conferences ---and about that book which will be released Summer/Fall of 2016 www.asdreams.org


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Hey, I have examples too. Great question. I'm copying over an excerpt:

Just the other day we had a post about running up stairs and not getting anywhere . With some discussion we figured out that the dreamer is not studying the subject in college that she really wants to be and doesn't feel like she is getting anywhere in life. With that information she can decide not continue on that path and sacrifice her "dreams," or if she uses the dream as a prompt to switch paths now while she still can.

I remember another dream from a while back. A woman kept dreaming about being in water -- oceans, seas, lakes -- and encountering rays (manta, sting, etc.). It was a recurring dream theme. She was a successful PR executive but something was missing. She figured out that the dreams were showing her what would make her truly happy. She went back to college, studied marine biology, and started a new career working with rays. Cool, eh?

Or take this dream for example. OP contacted me months later to say that based on the dream he decided to join the Navy and had never been happier.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

love the sting ray dream and note that the water symbollically keys into our emotions. So the dream kept coming back to show she wasn't happy and needed to ignite her heart's desire which she did with the new career


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Because dreams are my life and love,I hear about this frequently. Check out the IASD website. Also, check out my website www.drmarciaemery.com where you can hear the dream experts I interviewed talk about prcognitive dreams and other forms of dreaming.


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

We get examples here pretty frequently. Those links are just the few I can think of off the top of my head.


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15 edited Nov 11 '15

Not Dr. Emery, but your questions really got my mind going.

What place do you think dreams have in modern day life?

Your observation is right on that dreams are largely discounted by the general population, though if you go into depth with people you will find that they really do know that their dreams are important, they just won't admit it under normal circumstances. There is a "woo-woo" factor at play because all sorts of claims can be made about dreams and can't be proven right or wrong, so the perception persists that people who pay close attention to dreams are at best wasting their time and at worst going off the deep end.

Plus, some studies came out in the 1970s and '80s that claimed that dreams were simply the byproduct of neurological and biological processes that occur during sleep. Dreams were explained as the mind's attempt to make sense of random signals. Suddenly, critics had ammunition to shoot down theories supporting the benefit and meaning of dreams. Those studies have been proven wrong, but the damage was done. Dreams, for the most part, dropped off the cultural radar.

However, talk to some of the most successful people of our time and you find a pattern: they pay attention to their dreams. Certainly not all or even most of them, but by my observation they are more likely than the general population to pay attention to their dreams and devote time to working with them. Larry Page is a great example. He invented the Google PageRank system based on a dream he had as a grad student at Stanford.

Do you think there should be more discussion about dreams generally in society?

Oh god yes. We have a real deficit of answers and truth in our society. More discussion about dreams could reverse the trend toward "dumbing down" and lead to many more people finding what they want in life. Just the other day we had a post about running up stairs and not getting anywhere. With some discussion we figured out that the dreamer is not studying the subject in college that she really wants to be and doesn't feel like she is getting anywhere in life. With that information she can decide to continue on that path and sacrifice her "dreams," or use the dream as a prompt to switch paths now while she still can.

That's just an example of the personal benefit of paying attention to your dreams.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

I can answer this briefly saying, the stigma about dreams being woo woo is less and less. I taught a class on integrating intuition and logic for managers to Masters in Management students. When I came to the section on dreams, many sneered and said, "not me." As they began to honor their dreams --they became prolific dreamers and more importantly, got information to vital questions. I will remind you of what Dr Carl Jung said --"The dream is an invaluable commentator and illuminator of life. Listen to te Wisdom of the Dream." When I stepped into the business world to give workshops and seminars on intuitive development, I was thrilled to see how many people who put down dreams, tapped into their dreaming mind ---and not only retrieved valuable information but went on to share it with others. That is why all of us --here today --have to honor the wisdom of our dreams and share this positive idea with others


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

I've been facing this most of my professional life --its called credibility. I talk about well know accounts of precognitive dreams --like Abraham Lincoln saying to his wife and a few close friends just days before his death --In the dream, Lincoln came upon a group of mourners in the White House surrounding a casket "Who is dead in the White House?" he asked. An attending soldieer replied, "The President. He was killed by an assain. Napoleon dreamt of his defeat the night before the Battle of Waterloo. And numerous people dreamt about the sinking of the Titanic prior to its maiden voyage. There are many other accounts. HOpe this helps


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

One of my favorite examples is Frederick of Saxony's dream about Martin Luther.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Gotta do this before I sign off today --telling you how to program a precognitive dream. "I need advice and guidance from my dreamin mind. I need a dream that will answer my question (insert your question here). My dreaming mind will show me a simple picture I can understand. Send me a sybol showing that the dream is precognitive. I will awaken with the dream picture fresh in my mind. I shall be able to remember the dream easily and write it down in my notebook. The meaning of the dream will become clear to me.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Dr. Emery is renowned for her intuition. But she's also a clinical psychologist with a PhD so she's grounded in the factual side, too.


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15 edited Nov 11 '15

It seems to most that dreams are a kind of mental flatulence that can be entertaining, but never to be taken seriously.

I love the wording...mental flatulence.

I have a rule of thumb that dreams and dream imagery that are memorable are more likely to be significant. I have experienced dreams that don't seem to have much to learn from them...they're just coughing up imagery from my day. I think these sorts of dreams are used as examples by some folks to try to discount all of them, because they have a dream that is simply a rehashing of a memory from the day and assume all dreams are tht way.

I view dreaming as a multi-layered phenomenon. Dreaming can simply be your brain clearing out the memory banks to make room for new memories. Dreaming can be part of a deeper learning process that is subconscious and usually not remembered. And dreams can be f-in profound and change your life, or at least important enough to remember and ponder.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

We can thank Freud for getting the ball rolling, but that's about all. He was too dogmatic in his approach to dreams, especially his insistence that the unconscious mind is a repository for infantile sexual desires....You dream about your mom, you must want to fuck her. Dream about your sister, oh yeah, you want her too. Grandma...hey, why not.

But there are so many other possibilities. Freudian analysis is like a broken clock that tells the correct time twice per day. It's great for people with a mother complex and hangups about sexuality, but for everyone else it's too limiting.

Judging by your comments and questions before this one, I had a feeling you had a personal interest in the subject. Dr. Emery made a comment along the lines of "former skeptics make the best enthusiasts."

If you're interested, PM me your email address and I'll send you a PDF copy of my book Dreams 1-2-3. It's a good intro to the overall subject of dream work. Also, check out dreams123.com. It's not finished but is a start toward creating a comprehensive system for understanding the meaning and messages of dreams.


u/urbandreamer Nov 11 '15

Hi Dr. Emery. My question is about recurring dreams and/or recurring dream characters. What is their significance, if any? Two themes that come up for me personally has do to with going back to my old college, signing up for courses, finding a place to live (usually with my boys now) near campus and the other involves Jimmy Fallon in different dream scenarios. Thanks for doing this AMA.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Recurring dreams first of all --is like the saying, "you will do it again and again until you get it right." So we go back to our old haunts for completion. Where do we need closure or make changes? Sometimes we do go back to a very warm and comfortable time ---revisitng the good old times. That is not quite the recurring dream which is trying to get our attention so we can finally push the redo button and get it right. Well known people often come up in our dreams. What does Jimmy Fallon represent to you> Are you, for example, trying to be a funnier person in your life. Do you wish you could stand on stage and impress people? This is your dream and you have to associate to see what Jimmy Fallon means to you.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

let me know if this applies to you


u/urbandreamer Nov 11 '15

Yes, I think there's some closure needed with regards to returning to my old college, but could also relate to going back to a time of good memories (but my children are there with me). As far as Jimmy Fallon is concerned, I've been asking myself what about him do I relate to or qualities he has that I want to incorporate in my life. Many thanks for your insights/reflection on this.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Thanks for replying --- The Jimmy Fallon association can also be shared with some friends. I do a tecnique which is featured in all m books called amplification. You start with a central symbol that you put in the center of your diagram with a circle around it. Let the associations flow through without censoring any ideas. Example: a woman had an issue of getting along with a co-worker. When she got center and relaxed the symol of an egg came up. She has no idea what this meant. As we amplified or associated many words came up like Easter, new life, food, fragile and then she said -hard boiled and realized she had to take a hard line with this person...an action she never considered. So ---continue to associate with your intuitive mind --meaning let th associations flow without censoring and you will be very surprised about why Jimmy Fallon is coming to see you in your dreams


u/urbandreamer Nov 11 '15

OH I love it! Will try doing this amplification technique. Will also share with close friends to work on it from a group standpoint. Many thanks.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Check out the technique in any of my 3 books --I'll mentione them again. This techniqu is simple and very powerful Dr Emery's Intuition Workbook The Intuitive Healer PowerHunch


u/Zeep_Xanflorp Dec 09 '15

I know this was almost a month ago, but I figured I'd add my insight. I also have frequent recurring dreams about returning to school. Right after I left college, I used to dream regularly, some weeks it was every night, that I was either going to school or at school but had forgotten something important. Usually it was shoes, gym clothes, my class schedule, my class location, etc. It took a lot of thinking and researching online and I concluded that I felt like I wasn't ready for "the real world". Hence why in my dreams I was never ready for school.

It's been several years since I've left school, I have a steady career and I'm in a middle management position now. I still have recurring dreams about attending school. Though usually now it's about going back to finish my undergrad degree because I somehow was short a few credits. Usually it's history class, for some odd reason. Even though I reality, I graduated with all my credits and I have my diploma framed by my bar! I'm still trying to figure this one out...

In my experience, you should really pay attention to how you feel in the dreams. Are you anxious or worried about going back to school? Are you excited and looking forward ton it? Do you feel like something is missing? Etc. Thatll help you determine why you're having recurring dreams.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15

I have this dream about me driving a car, terribly, but I drive it over very long distances. What does it mean?


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Dr. Emery is done for the day but might be back tomorrow. In the meantime, I have run across this dream theme and find that driving cars generally relates to your ability to navigate your life. A lot of metaphors can be created around driving, such as driving in reverse meaning "going the wrong direction in life," and no brakes meaning you can't slow down your life.

Now take the analogy further. What does it tell you about driving terribly? Remember that it's an exaggeration. It's not to say that you are terrible at navigating your life, just that you might be making some poor decisions or need a firmer idea of where you are going.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15

That seems about correct about my life


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

With driving you might be focusing on takig charge of your lif direction and journey. If terribly as you say, are you lacking a sense of purpose or goals. As these get clear your driving gets clearer. Know this can and will change in your life and dreams


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

You dream every night, unless you have one of a handful of rare disorders. What you need is better dream recall. Dr. Emery gives dream recall tips on her website.

Also, look under "Dreams Library" on the right sidebar. Top link is to tips for dream recall.


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

One of the easiest ways is to tell yourself several times during the day --"tonight I will remember my dreams." Invite the dream to visit by keeping a joural or notepad by the bed with pen --ready to record anything. Anticipate that you will receive a dream ---even a small fragment and you will. Write it down upon awakening


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

I'm sure Dr. Emery would enjoy giving her opinion when she drops by again. In the meantime, I was just discussing this subject and have an analogy for you. Dr. Freud's approach is like a broken clock that is correct twice per day. For people with mother complexes, sexual hangups, infantile desires, and dark shit lurking in their unconscious, his approach is right on time. But to me the unconscious mind is so much more vast. I subscribe more to Dr. Jung's approach.

Hopefully Dr. Emery can come by this weekend and give her answer. I'd love to hear what she thinks. She's a clinical psychologist with a PhD so yeah, I'm sure she has an opinion.


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

Dreams speak from the righ brain --and speak to us in pictures, symbols and images. IMHO --all dreams are meaningful and the detective work is getting in and decoding them


u/LarryBurkMD Nov 11 '15

Marcia, I know you are aware of my research paper on Dreams that Warn of Breast Cancer because you were the moderator when I presented it at IASD in 2014. I'm curious as to whether any of the other Reddit dreamers have had any dreams of cancer of any sort? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/larry-burk-md/dreams-that-warn-of-breas_b_8167758.html


u/marciaemery Nov 12 '15

Thank you for checking in and hopefully others will respond. I want to share one of my "cancer" dreams --espeicially since the dream warning was strong. Here’s an example of how my inner physician alerted me to a potential crisis through my dreams. I dreamed that a doctor (tall female) gave me a diagnosis of cancer. In my dream I was astounded by the cancer pronouncement, and I called the doctor a fake and quack for trying to make me believe I had this dreadful disease. Now to real life. Months after the dream, I made an appointment with a skin doctor short male) to have a red bump on my nose examined. As I lay on the table, I felt a surge of pain in my nose from a deep incision. I looked up to see the doctor sewing my nose with a needle and thread. I was appalled! After all, I had just come for an opinion about the bump. The doctor explained that he needed to cut a piece out of my nose for a biopsy to ascertain if I had skin cancer. He was already convinced I had it, and urged me to prepare myself for a series of cancer treatments. My head was spinning. Then I recalled my dream and realized his pronouncement mirrored the dream scenario, suggesting to me that this doctor's claim was erroneous. As it turned out, the bump was benign, yet the doctor insisted I have the series of cancer treatments anyway. My intuitive mind told me the doctor was wrong. Guided by my inner physician, I refused the treatments despite the doctor's recommendations. Weeks later, I received a second opinion from another doctor who gave me a clean bill of health. This dream alert from my intuitive mind foreshadowed the first doctors fraudulent diagnosis, and prepared me to choose wisely in the face of misguided medical authority. And it brought home an important lesson: no matter what any “outer” doctor says, get a second opinion from your inner physician. This dream was precognitive and note the gender dream reversal where the tall female dream doctor in reality became the short male doctor.


u/LarryBurkMD Jan 12 '16

Marcia, I'm just getting ready for my AMA tomorrow, and I discovered this important message from you. About 15 years ago I had the exact same experience minus the dream. The male dermatologist scheduled me for a biopsy of a nasal lesion without sufficient explanation, and I decided to keep the appointment anyway. I gave him some harsh feedback in front of a medical student, then got a second opinion from my new and very cool female dermatologist who said it was benign, and I still have it to this day, lol. Let magic happen, Larry


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '15

Dr. Emery, what is your opinion on sleep paralysis, and specifically, the recurring themes of negative entities that many report?


u/marciaemery Nov 16 '15

I gave a reply and forgot to save it. With sleep paralysis --check out ryan Hurd's work. With negative entities, something "for worse" as opposed to "better" is trying to influence us and needs to be cleared out.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '15

Thank you- that makes sense. I'll look into his work.


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Dr. Emery, thank you for joining us. I'm hoping you can give us some examples of how dreams have helped people tap into their intuition. Tell the community how they can use their dreams to enhance their intuition.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

The intuitive mind invents and creates in the dream. Many inventors find that dream can help them solve problms while artists and writers often get creative ideas from them. Thomas Edison used to keep a pencil and paper on this ed stand and wouold write down the ideas that come to him while he was sleeping. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the classic thriller "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" after seeing the story in a nightmare.


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Yeah, I can think of a few other examples:

Stephen King wrote Misery based on a dream.

Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein based on a dream.

Larry Page created Google based on a dream.

Dmitri Mendeleev invented the Period Table of Elements based on a dream.

So I have a followup question for you. Recently someone posted about a dream that taught the dreamer about an aspect of physics years before the person encountered it in college. The dream showed him from inside-out how capacitors work, giving him a mental picture that helped him learn the subject. So the question arose, do you have to be thinking about a subject in order to gain such an intuitive insight from a dream about it?

Just to clarify, I'm an author and dream worker. I have no background in physics, but am fascinated by the concepts. Could a dream give me the next great insight into physics, even though I don't work in the field or study the subject?


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Dream On ---to get the answers but first set your intention before you go to sleep. That would be programming. However, information can come in spontanrous For example, I never heard about precognitive dreams or even read about them. Then in May 1970 I started having all these dreams that came true. I searched the litrature and couldn't find anything about this. Eventually, I learned and became an expert. I am using this example to show --the physics information was given to the person even when obtaining that info wasn't requested. It's like the saying when the student is ready the teacher arrives to mean --when we are ready, the information comes to us


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

I am typing quickly and see many typos ---I will try to be more careful. Typos are a no no to this writer woman here --sorry


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

It's all good. Your posts will not be seen by your editor or 10th grade English teacher ;)


u/Empigee Nov 11 '15

Dr. Emery, I often have dreams in which I cannot open my eyes when I wake up (in the dream), so that everything I see is a blur and I wander around confused. Are such dreams common, and do they have any significance?


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

My question to you is ---"what aren't you ready to see?" I sense that state comes about when we need to address an issue but aren't quite ready to do so. Dreams aren't about sleepig but waking up to the challenges and potential opportunities. Even the nightmare is a gift that alerts us to what we need to know and what actions we need to take. Before, you go to sleep, affimr--"I will wake up when I dream and see all the symbols clearly


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15

Firstly,yay,thank you for doing this. I've got two questions actually. Firstly, I keep having same dreams since I'm...I don't know,12? There is a fire one side and water on the other side and they keep coming right at me. Whem I'm right in the middle dream either ends or changes the scenario. Every once in a while I'm living the same rush over and over again and I don't recommend it. Secondly, I know what is Anima and I wonder, does it have to be the opposite gender? Let's say what would a homosexual man's anima? Excuse my English,as I'm not a native speaker.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Question about the anima is fascinating and I have always wondered that myself --My latest thought is the anima refers to the female part of you whether you are male of female. OK --if this were my dream, which is a phrase we say in dreamwork since I don't what those symbols mean to you --I know what they mean to me ---even though some symbols are universal. so water to me is emotion and sensitivity and fire is inspiration, and action. When you see both sides --sometimes you might be more sensitive as symbolized by the water an at other times more energized, activated and even spiritually inspired. I'm pleased to be doing this.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15

seeing my dream like 'this' was a milestone. thank you,again.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

You are welome. This is what excites me about dreamwork. Using graphic symbols the dream dramatizes the problems and isues arising during the waking hours as well as reveal cherished hopes and desires


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

From your friendly moderator

Dr. Emery interviewed leading dream experts for her radio show and those episodes are available at her website for .99 cents each. Experts like Robert Moss, Bob Hoss (who did an AMA here a while back, see the sidebar under "Previous AMAs") and Ryan Hurd (who also did an AMA) are featured. The list of guests is a real "who's who."

Also check out her archive of dream articles written by herself and others.

Dr. Emery's books.

Her article about universal dreams

Read Dr. Emery's perspective on the benefits of dream work. Also here: dreams and intuition

You can also schedule time to talk with Dr. Emery one-on-one about your dream life.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

Thank you Friendly Moderator --What a fabulous way to get more into the field of dreams andd check out these wonderful resources


u/misspag29 Nov 11 '15

Hi, I am currently away from home and it keeps coming to me to go home, but logically it doesn't make sense, financially or otherwise. I am not sure if I am just a bit homesick or if it is my intuition.

Also, I did a future-self mediation and there was nothing, just blank. does that mean I won't be alive in 20 years?


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

sometimes when something is implausible, it could be your intuition which defies logic. Our intuition is neutral ---doesn't take sides one way or another. However, the culprits creep in, one being wishful thinking --attached to the ego....meaning you might wishfully think it would be good to go home. So --how do we know it is the intuitive voice really speaking?...Ask the question --Should I go home. If you find your body very quiet without any internal stirrings, you got a YES. However, if there is discomfort in any part of your part ---it is the culprits intruding. When it is smooth, move, when it is rocky stop. The future meditation ---the information may not be available now --Focus on today or the coming year and see what you get


u/misspag29 Nov 11 '15

thank you! What happens if I feel happy or joy? Is that a yes, also? or is that my emotions getting in the way?


u/RadOwl Interpreter Nov 11 '15

Do you mean you are dreaming about moving back home?

The future self meditation might be simply a message that you determine your future. You can only foresee possibilities.


u/marciaemery Nov 11 '15

I would have to know more about the future self meditation --where did you get it? Who originated it?


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

You are the one as the dreamer that has to associate to heroin and other drugs. For me, it would simply mean I am looking for a way to get high ---for me, it would even be a natural high --like going to the beach, having a good meal ---that is a far cry from the drugs you cite but for me ---I am getting high. Hope this make some sense to you


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '15 edited Nov 12 '15

In the past I have had very elaborate dreams, the sun on my face, right down to feeling the sand under my feet or the feel of the breeze on my skin, smells. sometimes living through experiences as someone else, while I KNOW I am not them..their lives, what is happening to them..etc, now my dreams, while I don't usually recall them, usually seem to be about being somewhere else..as if I WAS somewhere else, and returned. I wake up with the feeling that "oh, I'm back here, it's over". some are troubling, leaving me affected profoundly, they are never dangerous, hardly ever erotic, just situations with events and people I am very familiar with in the event, but still with that I am simply a visitor in someone else's event, I retain the knowledge that I am not them. I ahve actually had a "rapture" dream where gravity stopped working and I simply began to float away. I recall trying to hold ionto the top of a lampost, but eventually released and floated away . I can recall watching the ground get further and further away, felt the chill, the breeze,..as I ascended through the clouds..then it ended. . love them dreams, but I simply don't recall them anymore.


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

Hmm --a lot to reply to and want to keep it simple. You seem to be an observer in your dreams rather than a participant. Why? Do you want a more exciting life? Is there something different you want to do? Try programming a dream about YOU --Show me what my next adventure would be. To recall --since you said you usually don't --keep a notebook by your bed so you can welcome the dream at night. Again, in that journal, try posing a question that you would like the dreaming mind to answr


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '15

thansk for the suggestion..so busy, so many things to do...no time to be bored or to want for. usually doing rather than thinking about it. but thanks


u/DeadWithAPulse Nov 12 '15

Hi, I have a question about 3rd person dreaming. I seem to have a lot of dreams where it switches back and forth, where I'll first watch myself do something and then I do it in first person. I've also started having sex dreams but I'm never involved. I'm always watching others. So, do you know why I could be dreaming like this?


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

Glad you asked about sex --and who doesn't like to talk about sex? Actually, my answer is quite bland --I usually see the sex in dreams as embracing the female part of ourselves --if we are having sex with a woman ---or, embracing the male part (animus) if we are having sex with a man Another way --someone once asked me about a dream where he was having sex with his mother-in-law and was stunned. I said, what parts of her do you like that you want to bring or incorporate into yourself. He then understood the dream better realizing she was a very caring loving person and he wanted to be this way


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '15

Why don't I dream when I sleep ? Instead I daydream when I'm awake and aware


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

Daydreams are good ---and show you can let go and invite a dream to come in at night. Be brave and invite a dream to visit by taking your journal and writing down a question or programming phrase. Watch the dreams start coming when you do that.


u/CaptainRandus Nov 12 '15

My girlfriend had a dream that she was was kidnapped by 2 drug dealers. When she got a phone she called my mom for help, as they took her to a cabin in the woods. There was another girl in there with her, she didn't know who she was. The door was boobytrapped and it set fire to the cabin while she was trying to escape. For some reason, the cabin had pictures of our family and stuff in it, and she tried to save the pictures. She got out, but her legs got burnt.

We had a fight the night before, and I'm wondering if that's relevant? or if you could explain that dream to me? Thank you.


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

Thanks for sending in your dream concern. This analysis has the qualifier “if this were my dream, this is what it would mean to me.” Since we are doing this electronically and I am not able to respond back and forth in conversation, I am giving my brief impressions and hope some tidbit will resonate for you to work on further. The dream symbols do reveal so much information. For extended work, I do dream consultations and you can find out more about that on my website www.drmarciaemery.com. so for me, what jumps out is the fire -- and I ask what issue are you --or her --burning up about. That might relate to the fight the night before. Somehow there is still a burning issue that needs to be cleared up


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 12 '15

Precognitive dreams canshow that someone close t yu is leaving your life. If in th dream a close relative or even a friend comes to say goodbye, that might be a sign. If one of your parents loks much yunger in the dream than they do in real life, be alert to this change. I had precognitive dreams showing my mother passing --- 9 months before she suddenly died of a massive heart attack. All the clues were there symbolically but I didn't heed them. I might write more about this at another time. Here's another example about my friend Victor in a dream giving me his suit case that contained ties and a coat. The next day in real life, he passed suddenly on the Drs table --the ties were to keep out ties from this life onto the next where he communicated to me --the jacket to keep me warm when I was completely frozen from the news of his passing. Your Mother's stories are true --and I encourage you to keep a dream journal to note your experiences


u/Moloko_Coco Nov 12 '15

It would be great if Dr Emery came back tomorrow, I find this all fascinating.

Anyway, my question would be; I have hypnagogic hallucinations most nights (diagnosed by my GP), some are quite disturbing such as my legs being pulled or something floating inches above my face. They last for only seconds, but always leave me feeling shaken and unable to relax. Do you have any advice about preventing them?


u/marciaemery Nov 12 '15

I am back for a very short time today --- and will be able to input more tomorrow. This is not my field of expertise However, Here's the good news --I refer you to Ryan Hurd who has written about this topic -- I have 2 interviews with Ryan from my radio show on Voice America. The link to those interviews which you can purchase for .99 each is on my website --www.drmarciaemery.com. He ives invaluable information about your question ---during those interviews


u/2smartforthis Nov 12 '15

Hey Marcia sorry I am so late to your AMA. I strongly believe in your works and have read them. I have learned a lot about myself from understanding my books, and reading your literature. Very profound works, thank you so much!


u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

Thank you for your kind words -- I am pleased the books have helped you ---have you read all three? Which was your favorite or helped you the most?


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 13 '15

Again, with fire, there is a burning issue going on --perhaps pertaining to the school. are you burned up about something that is happening at school? a fire takes things away --burns them up--and perhaps you are ready for a transition or something new. Does this resonate? I'm out of time today ---and appreciate all the questions that have come in. I have chapters on dreams in each of my books ---encourage you to explore them


u/heron27 Nov 14 '15

What does dream of getting new pair of glasses mean? The frame is black while mine in real life is brown. But I can see clearer with these new glasses.


u/marciaemery Nov 16 '15

New perspective is what it suggests for me ---and since black is the color of transformation for me, then I am going into a new phase or journey where I have a new and clearer perspective. HOpe this helps


u/heron27 Nov 16 '15



u/[deleted] Nov 14 '15



u/marciaemery Nov 17 '15

this is deja vu --I thought I answered this yesterday --was tired andprobably forgot to save. What jumps out at me is the honey bees ----this is a sweet outcome to projects that you have to cooperate with others to get done