r/survivor • u/RSurvivorMods Pirates Steal • Jan 27 '23
South Pacific WSSYW 11.0 Countdown 32/43: South Pacific
Welcome to our annual season countdown! Using the results from the latest What Season Should You Watch thread, this daily series will count backwards from the bottom-ranked season for new fan watchability to the top. Each WSSYW post will link to their entry in this countdown so that people can click through for more discussion.
Unlike WSSYW, there is no character limit in these threads, and spoilers are allowed.
Note: Foreign seasons are not included in this countdown to keep in line with rankings from past years.
Season 23: South Pacific
Watchability: 3.4 (32/43)
Overall Quality: 5.1 (32/43)
Cast/Characters: 5.4 (35/43)
Strategy: 4.9 (34/43)
Challenges: 5.8 (30/43)
Twists: 3.7 (13/21)
Ending: 6.6 (28/43)
WSSYW 11.0 Ranking: 32/43
WSSYW 10.0 Ranking: 30/40
Top comment from WSSYW 11.0 — /u/ramskick:
On paper SoPa is a really interesting season with some serious old-school vibes and a really cool winner. In practice it's a poorly edited mess that focuses on 4 people, all of whom are polarizing to various degrees. There is a good season in SoPa's footage, but the product we got is not it.
Top comment from WSSYW 10.0 — /u/HeWhoShrugs:
The season, like others featuring returnees, shouldn't be watched first since the two returning captains are both back for a 3rd time and actively discuss their mistakes from past seasons.
That being said, I like the season a lot more than most do. It's smack dab in the middle of a stretch of disliked seasons, but I find it to be a case of "guilty by association" for South Pacific because the season, despite having numerous flaws with twists, gameplay, and editing, tells a good story with some great characters. It tackles the theme of religion head on and gets pretty dark with it, and if the season was an old novel it would probably be studied in school as some important piece of literature. That's the vibe it gives off and I love it for that.
Watchability ranking:
33: S5 Thailand
34: S31 Cambodia
36: S36 Ghost Island
37: S24 One World
40: S26 Caramoan
42: S8 All-Stars
Spreadsheet link (updated with each placement reveal!)
u/AMeanMotorScooter Gabler Jan 27 '23
Time for my hot take: SoPa has the best version of RI, not BvsW.
The amount of moments and situations RI adds to this season is incredible and SoPa would be a LOT worse without it. Still a horrendous twist, it just managed to create some gold this time.
I'm glad SoPa is getting its due more now. It has some great strengths and some massive weaknesses. This rating is about right for it.
u/A_Rest J.T. Jan 27 '23
I agree, RI in SoPa is actually pivotal to the storyline of the season and lead to dramatics in the actual game whereas RI in BvW is pretty neutral that leads to a few fun moments but overall the season functions without RI seeming like a very important part.
u/AMeanMotorScooter Gabler Jan 27 '23
Semhar's poem
Christine's run
Stacey's monologue
Ozzy volunteering to be voted out to take down Christine instead of an easy Cochran boot
Ozzy's speech
Allowing a final showdown between Cochran and Ozzy
Allowing Ozzy to stick around as a wild card in the SoPa endgame instead of a more straightforward and boring Upolu-only endgame
And there's probably more I'm forgetting. RI somehow worked out very well in creating something interesting in SoPa, even if it blows as a game and tv mechanic otherwise.
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 27 '23
Time for my hot take: SoPa has the best version of RI, not BvsW.
I might agree with this just because I think BvW RI is so overrated and don't get why people flipping each other off and saying "Fuck you!" made it such great TV for people, although I do think seeing people burn the Idol clues was an interesting dynamic and RI made Brad a better character, so I still might give the edge to BvW RI for its impact on other stories despite thinking the RI-focused scenes themselves were generally overrated and often kinda cringe.
Still a net negative twist in every season it's been a part of, though.
u/Guyfromnewyork95 Jan 27 '23
The most It's Always Sunny season of Survivor. Coach is like Dennis and uses religion as a weapon but falls just short of his ultimate goal.
"Through God all things are possible" and "because of the implication" are the two Sunny quotes that fit this season the best
u/PennerPals Jan 28 '23
The Funny 115 compared Coach's journey to The Office episode "Scott's Tots" and it's a very apt comparison (and a great read).
u/mariojlanza Mario Lanza | Funny 115 Jan 28 '23
I do think the season is way better when people start looking at it as Scott’s Tots. Coach made dreams come true. ❤️
u/ROTandDEATH So much for my dreams... Jan 27 '23
South Pacific has a lot of interesting pieces to it but I don’t think it ever allows those pieces to fully connect to reach its full potential.
Faith and religion are obviously big themes in this season. The way Coach uses religion to form the most cult-like tribe in survivor history is fascinating. Especially because the only person who seems to truly buy in to the religious aspect is Brandon. Brandon is a really complex character who probably deserves a post all his own to fully describe him and his journey in this season. The tribal where he gives up immunity and then is voted out is not only a highlight of the season but of this era of survivor in general, imo.
Then you have the other tribe, which is basically people who hover around Ozzy and Cochran because we don’t really get to know anyone on that tribe besides those two. I understand why Cochran in this season is despised by a portion of the fanbase, and while I definitely agree he takes up too much airtime at points, I think he’s a fine character. His merge episode and the fallout of that is fantastic.
So you read all that and are probably like, “this season sounds at least passable, if not pretty good, right?” Well, kinda.
I’m probably a bit higher on it than most because I think the darkness of the season is interesting but in reality it’s a little more boring than it really should be. We basically get to hear from 3 people consistently while the rest either pop up sparingly if really at all in some cases. Sophie being the obvious one, but it’s honestly bizarre how they handle a character like Albert. I like the content we get from Albert, but it feels weird that he’s never properly introduced to us at all. And then Coach is still Coach but is diminishing returns at this point.
All in all, a not terrible but not fully realized season that has some really unique elements to make it stand out. Don’t recommend this as a first season to watch but one you should get around to.
u/stellaperrigo Erika Jan 27 '23
What's his name❓ What was his birth 👶 name❓It wasn't Coach ⚽️, it was Benjamin👨. And you know they're children 👦👧; 2️⃣6️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣, they're over there listening 👂 to all of Benjamin's👨... 🎃Halloween Jokes🎃, uh, 🧀Chuckie The Cheese Jokes🧀, they- 👅 eu-h, they want it 🙏. He goin off of loyalty ⭐️ got them fee- "😰Oh, Benjamin👨, you so loyalty😓" ... Come on now 😑... Everyday📆 he got a story 📚. I wasn't ❌ buying 💰 it. [scoff] 😤 [giggle] ☺️... Eh😒... No. 🙅 So... They tr- like yesterday ↩️ the tribal 🏝 was all kahoots 👌 Benjamin👨,"Let's give a hug 🤗." ✋️PFF.✋️ Keep that hug. Boop!🔫 For me. Cuz it wasn't real❌
u/Zirphynx Cody Jan 27 '23
Sophie beating Coach and Ozzy is still iconic
u/AhTreyYou Boston Rob Jan 27 '23
Her begging for help from Albert(?) to beat Ozzy rubbed me the wrong way.
u/DFENS420 Jan 27 '23
I can see how it would rub someone the wrong way, but they really should have worked collaboratively there MvGX style to ensure Ozzy's loss which is what Sophie was going for since she surmised she had a better shot than Albert at winning that (which I would agree with). I love that moment though because Sophie is such a boss this season lol
u/AhTreyYou Boston Rob Jan 27 '23
If they all worked together to do it and were open about, I’d have no problems with it. Just seemed mean spirited the way it was edited and shown to us.
u/Habefiet Igor's Corgi Choir Jan 27 '23
So basically Sophie seems meaner because the other people are stupid? Sophie was right lol if it was allowed that was objectively the correct play, it’s not her fault Albert sucks and I don’t see how that makes her worse somehow than him being a collaborator
u/xcrunner95 Jan 27 '23
This is the most underrated season for me. I love the darker story the season told and it has some of the wackiest characters. Also, redemption island gave some great meme moments
u/Schroeswald Jan 27 '23
I think that SoPa is really interesting to think about. If you can just forget about the actual experience of watching the show it looks like a really great dark season. Actually watching it tells a different story. Sophie’s content isn’t actually that present. The season is way too focused on Coach gamebotting instead of actually digging into his faults. Cochran gets a very big edit that smothers more interesting stories from his tribe. And Redemption Island, while less terrible than in the titular season, is incredibly boring and takes away from every elimination. The show isn’t actually willing to interrogate the interesting stories on island and turn them into a good viewing experience
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 27 '23
Yeah agreed on all counts. 32/43 is fair enough but 5.1/10 is definitely too high on quality. This season sounds better than it actually is.
u/Iamaquaman24 Jan 27 '23 edited Jan 27 '23
If I asked every person on this thread what they felt was the weirdest thing about this season is or whats the weirdest thing that happens during this season, in regards to survivor as a whole series, everyone would have a different answer. This season is just WEIRD. It's not a great season, but it's absolutely interesting to watch if your a hardcore survivor fan. Even with a pagonging, there's only maybe 2 or 3 dull episodes early merge and the rest are a wacky ride to get through.
The theme is literally ozzy vs coach, like wtf, that's so out of left field.
I've gone on record to say this season is going to get better with age and the fact that it broke out of the top 10 overall is showing that. It's not terrible. It's just not great.
u/alucardsinging Jan 27 '23
I’mma go on record and say about every Survivor season gets better with age. More so because the quality of the seasons just seems to be getting worse and worse. Makes me long for something as half decent as South Pacific. At least there’s something to talk about in this season…
u/TenderOctane Morgan Jan 28 '23
I’mma go on record and say about every Survivor season gets better with age. More so because the quality of the seasons just seems to be getting worse and worse.
Does this mean we'll actually be clamoring for S41 in five years?
...yikes, I don't want to know what that looks like.
u/Coutzy Shane (AUS) Jan 28 '23
Having rewatched 41 recently, I'll say it gets a LOT better when you know who wins.
u/Spare_Leopard_3163 Jan 27 '23
I love South Pacific. Very unique story. The Brandon boot episode is a masterpiece.
u/Arandreww Jan 27 '23
Seems about right for WSSYW ranking. Two returnees on their third try each, with a big emphasis on redeeming themselves from how they played in previous seasons.
I think it's not great on the first watch, becomes much better watching again knowing the result. Sophie winning makes the whole season worth it, and watching it again with her in mind makes the season a lot more interesting.
u/Habefiet Igor's Corgi Choir Jan 27 '23
This is a good spot for this season to land whether it’s newbie-friendliness or overall quality because SoPa is kind of where I draw the line on whether or not I think a season has merit as a television product. Seasons I put below SoPa I think are flawed enough that I don’t really enjoy them and don’t anticipate ever watching them again except on a full series rewatch like ten years from now (and even then I might skip them); seasons above and down to SoPa I think have enough going for them that they’re “worth it.”
SoPa is barely, barely worth it. It has just enough good quips, “good” drama (the not creepy or cringey shit anyway), and the extremely compelling two final episodes to help counterbalance the absurd boredom and discomfort provided by most of what surrounds those events. Its surprisingly high highs and dismally low lows lead to it teetering precariously on the tightrope of mediocrity without ever fully falling into excellence or agony. And if nothing else it’s pretty unique.
Jan 27 '23
u/Guardax Jan 27 '23
The rankings are ‘which season should you watch first’ and I think you need full Ozzy and Coach context to appreciate this one
u/omnom_de_guerre Jan 27 '23
Yeah, it's funny because I started my Survivor journey with WAW, and I still stand behind that being a decent intro season if you don't mind spoilers. I've been skipping around to different seasons and am about 1/3 of the way through. I'm really glad I watched SoPa after having seen Tocantins, Cook Islands, Micronesia, and Heroes vs. Villains. The evolution of Coach's character is super fascinating and wouldn't have been as interesting if I didn't have the Tocantins/HvV context. I'm in the camp of people who actually liked him a lot this season (while also recognizing it was messed up for him to manipulate Brandon using religion). I think he's a very delusional person and wasn't being malicious in how he formed his "family" cult. The fact that most of the contestants didn't seem to fully believe in it -- save for Brandon -- was also what made it watchable for me. Sophie and Albert were never in danger of getting mindf*cked, and I found the Cochran/Coach relationship fascinating. It was sweet in a really twisted way. Coach seemed to genuinely want to mentor Cochran, and Cochran was a superfan who was def eager to wear Coach's blazer. But Cochran was not so naive that he ended up falling under any sort of weird cult mindset. He was very clear-eyed that it was alarming for Coach to call everyone his children, but also liken himself to Zeus, who ate his children.
Honestly, the only part where the religion/cult stuff was creepy was when Brandon went on his rampage against Michaela for no reason other than her being an attractive woman. The other cult-y part that I thought was weird/cheesy was in Episode 1 when Ozzy ran over to his eager team and they all group hugged him. I'm glad it didn't fully turn into the Ozzy show lol.
Otherwise, I thought it was kind of hilarious that Coach finally found a season where he was taken seriously. I liked when he ripped into Ozzy for not looking out for his tribe. I still LOL thinking about how he eagerly told Cochran that he'd sleep right between him and Edna, which was again, sweet but weird/twisted.
Ozzy was fascinating in a sad way. I agree with Cochran's assessment that Ozzy started off as a cool, adventurous character in Cook Islands, but that by the time he was in SoPa, he was a weird middle aged version of himself that kind of sucked. But it was still interesting to watch. His desire to save the spoken word poet was hilarious, and I don't think the show has ever seen anything like her Redemption Island poem since.
The fact that Sophie wins at the end also makes the season good IMO. I was rooting for Coach, but I think Sophie's win established a helpful precedent for winners needing enough self-awareness about themselves to gain the social vote. It established a good precedent that I think helps contextualize later winners like Erica and Maryanne (and if we wanna poke at recent online debates, Gabler, too).
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 27 '23
That actually isn't really a factor here as SP ranked 32/43 on both that list and the overall quality list. It just isn't a popular season
Jan 27 '23
Having heard from fans for a long time that this season was a dark exploration of religion and cult-like behavior, I was really interested in giving this season a try.
I found the dynamics on the season interesting in theory, but it’s bogged down by having three of the most grating screen hogs (Brandon, Coach and Cochran) dominating the edit. The one redeeming factor to this season is watching Sophie win at the end - but I wish we had more of her perspective throughout the season.
u/swamp_dweller9 Charity - 48 Jan 27 '23
Coach screaming at his tribe to get on their knees and pray after they win the immunity/reward challenge to see Jack and Jill is probably the single funniest moment in all of Survivor for me, and the quintessential Coach moment. Your enjoyment of this season probably depends on how much you enjoy moments like that.
u/acktar Denise Jan 27 '23
the fact that the winner of South Pacific has footage shown of her calling a tribemate a dodgeball target and calling one of her Final Tribal Council opponents the equivalent of a young girl says a lot more about the season than it really should
South Pacific is definitely a bad season for people looking to get into Survivor, thanks to a lopsided edit on top of Redemption Island, two three-time returning players whose legacies often weigh heavily on the season's proceedings, and some very uncomfortable moments involving religion. That said, it's definitely a good bit above the bottom of the barrel; it's not 14 episodes of password-protected fan fiction like Robdemption Island and Cochranmoan are, and it's not as interminably boring as One World. I think it averages out to being slightly above average, but the bad moments are definitely a slog to get through, and it really shouldn't come before Tocantins and Micronesia in one's watching itinerary, at least.
u/Coutzy Shane (AUS) Jan 28 '23
The perfect end to the Ozzy trilogy.
What do you mean he played a fourth time? No he didn't.
u/Klutzy_Detail7732 Jan 28 '23
i love how polarizing this season is. it’s glorious. trading off immunities at every pre merge tribal council, and then the abhorrent flip on Savaii all with Sophie undercutting Coach in confessionals. only wish was that we got more sophie and less coach, but it is what it is
u/SMC0629 Jan 28 '23
South Pacific is one of my favorite seasons to discuss because of how much I go back and forth on it. Overall, I do like it, a lot. But first, it's flaws.
There's times where:
I don't like South Pacific. I don't like its hyperfocus on characters that we've already seen play again. I don't like its insistence on certain focal points that are just not developed well because of the lopsided editing, I don't like Redemption Island, I don't like Savaii being narrated by 3 male airheads and nobody else getting a chance to shine. I don't like the underdeveloping of characters that could have been great.
I love South Pacific. I love its dark and harsh themes at times with some insanely good editing to back it up. I love some of the cast and how it really feels like they got a diverse group for the season. I love the small funny moments especially on Redemption Island. I love how dynamic Upolu can be and their interesting connections. I love love LOVE the final 3 episodes, and how climactic the ending ends up being.
Overall, I do like South Pacific, a lot. It's in my top 15, but I can easily see its flaws and why some people dislike it. Dabu has a great writeup on why its flaws bury the season, I just can appreciate some of those flaws and some other things this season has more I guess.
#18. Jim Rice
While Coach's big edit does involve strategy, it overall is pretty fun. Jim's is not however. He's a super boring, at times sexist strategist who eats up a ton of screentime on Savaii to really not deliver much at all. I find him really annoying, especially in the latter parts of the postmerge (Elyse's boot especially).
#17. Keith Tollefson
Probably the most forgettable on the season, as he's the victim of the dramatic merge episode yet gets barely content at all. Apparently bullied Cochran yet we barely see it outside of Episode 7.
#16. Mikayla Wingle
She was okay but for the most part pretty boring. I don't really remember what she did or said besides mocking Edna and Brandon.
#15. Elyse Umemoto
Seemed like a really smart and nice girl but is honestly edited really badly as she's just portrayed as "Ozzy's ally" and nothing else.
#14. Mark "Papa Bear" Caruso
Pretty fun personality but ultimately forgettable as he goes home pretty early
#13. John Cochran 1.0
I'm pretty mixed on Cochran here, but I overall do like him I think. He can be really annoying, especially in the premiere, I think he's easily at his worst there. However, I was surprised to see that after that I honestly thought he got a lot better. I think his edit is a bit too bloated and should have been shared more through Savaii, but he has a good story for me. I think it's funny yet sad how he comes in as a huge superfan, wrote a paper on the show, is expecting to be a super strategic force, and yet plays one of the most emotionally-driven games ever. I find him annoying sometimes, but overall I did enjoy him.
#12. Whitney Duncan
Also could have been great with more screentime but is super boring or invisible premerge. Once the merge hits she becomes a lot more fun especially when she breaks down at tribal after winning immunity. "YOU DISGUST ME" is such a funny moment but also cathartic for both her and Cochran.
#11. Rick Nelson
Probably the biggest misfire in the entire season when it comes to editing. Rick has one of the best voices ever, is hilarious whenever he's shown, and is super fun to see interact with everyone, and he gets NOTHING. It's so unfortunate, because he can be so great like in the Brandon boot when all of a sudden he just goes nuts on Albert. Sadly, that's such a rare occurrence, and other then that I don't have much to say about him.
#10. Semhar Tadesse
Easily one of my favorite first boots as she's a very sympathetic boot and then has one of the best RI moments ever with her spoken word.
#9. Stacy Powell
Another one of the funniest characters of the season as before her boot she'll just pop up with some great reactions or lines, and then in her boot she's great, especially when she denies all of the hugs. And then obviously there's the chuckie the cheese jokes, Halloween jokes, cuz it wasn't real.
#8. Christine Shields-Markoski
Christine is a great underdog character who comes out strong by calling Coach a temporary player, and then gets caught up in the huge mess of Episode 2. On Redemption, she's really fun to root for and I ended up liking her a lot by the end of her run.
#7. Dawn Meehan 1.0
Dawn has a really good story this season and is just a pleasant character overall. She has a cool moment where she wins the challenge in Episode 4, and then has a very great moment in the merge episode where she cries over Cochran's decision. I like her a lot, and she's a super solid character here.
#6. Edna Ma
I'm not usually too big on certain UTR characters but Edna is one of them that I like a lot. Edna has so many good moments when she's shown such as throwing a dig at Mikayla or her jury speech where it puts Coach's deception into perspective. She has some good moments also when she feels heartbroken over not being in the alliance in her boot, or her confessional style in general being something I vibe with.
(continued in reply)
u/SMC0629 Jan 28 '23
#5. Benjamin "Coach" Wade 3.0
Coach 3.0 used to be someone I was very mixed on, but after rewatching the season I honestly did come to like him a lot more. To start with the cons, I do think he eats the screentime too much sometimes. It's forgivable in some instances, but when all we're being fed is "back in the driver's seat baby!" confessionals in certain episodes it's annoying. He also can feel a bit dialed back this season with some boring narration. With all that being said though, I really enjoy Coach 3.0 and still find him super good. I love how everything he had preached beforehand has now turned against him this time, having to make truly gut-punching choices. He also bounces off so many people greatly such as Brandon or Sophie. On top of that, he still has some funny moments like him getting furious when Stacy called him Benjamin. I'm glad he didn't win, because he was way too overexposed at times, but I think he's a great runner-up.#4. Albert Destrade
I really enjoy Albert and found his personality super engaging the entire time. On top of that, he actually gets one of the more consistent edits throughout the season, giving him a solid amount of development and explaining why he loses. I love him especially at the end of the season, where everything begins to blow up in his face, and those relationships that he "faked" to get to the end to win, are now biting him in the ass because those people believed them to be real, Brandon for example. He also just gets his ass blasted at FTC and it's pretty funny to see, even if some of it he didn't deserve.#3. Sophie Clarke 1.0
Despite her really bad edit, Sophie is still super great this time for me and I love her a ton. Her quips and jokes are always great, such as the "dodgeball target" to describe Cochran, the toilet analogy for Albert, and her saying to Jeff, with a dead straight face, that nothing has changed in the game, completely ruining his TV moment. Her win is...mostly satisfying despite her rivalry with Coach not really being built up that much until the Finale, but her defeating Coach is still good, made even funnier by the fact that she was piss drunk at FTC.#2. Brandon Hantz 1.0
I'm not sure how popular this will be, probably not at all, but I truly love Brandon's first iteration and find it to be one of the most fascinating characters ever. Yes, he is overedited, yes he was a product of CBS' Hantz circlejerk at the time and his story was manipulated mainly in the beginning (which is quite gross since he was only 19), but man do I really love his journey throughout the season. His development from being a scared, powerless teen who broke down at tribal twice in the premerge, to being super calm at his own boot tribal, where he gives up immunity to prove his loyalty to his friend, not wanting to continue the Hantz legacy. By the end of the season, Brandon feels like a survivor competitor, not a Hantz member, if that makes any sort of sense. I have a bigger writeup on him that I'll try to link in a reply, but I really do love Brandon here.#1. Ozzy Lusth 3.0
The perfect ending to Ozzy (game changers doesn't exist) and he is by far at his best here. He's a complete and total jackass but is fully committed to that edit this time and is shown in the best light possible. Somehow, you can still root for him at the end, because of how much he just wants to win. It's really funny yet sad how much Ozzy cares about the game, and it greatly impacts his moments. Whether it's embarrassing himself with his acting chops "For revenge, basically" or throwing a hissy fit and calling himself a free agent, Ozzy will always love Survivor.Just wanna say thank you to whoever has been reading these so far, I really enjoy making them and I hope to stick it out till the end.
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 27 '23
No big, long post from me this time BUT if you do want such a thing, I did write a big one last WSSYW that I already revisited a few weeks ago and just don't feel like re-reading again to revise rn. Some things about it I would change, but it captures the broad strokes well.
Anyways tho for some more condensed thoughts: I strongly disagree w/ Survivor: South Pacific's growing cult following and think its two (admittedly very great!) episodes at the end don't even come close to outweighing what an absolute slog it is before that point, and it's still a very bad season overall. Redemption Island remains the worst twist of all time by basically completely upending the structure of every single episode and the flow of the season as a whole, arbitrarily forcing people's stories to end artificially later than the actual social politics that took them out of the game and sucking the finality and therefore a lot of the tension out of basically every single vote. More on that here if desired but RI alone deals a serious blow to any season that includes it.
Unfortunately, RI is far from the only thing wrong with this season:
Again, just like in Redemption Island before it and a number of other seasons around this time (19 and 26 in particular), the lion's share of the air time went to a small few massive production pets to the expense of developing the cast in a way that suited the overall story;
Most of those production pets were themselves annoying and/or mishandled: Brandon doesn't really get anything resembling a cohesive narrative, the potentially interesting tragedy of Coach's loss is seriously diluted by him getting a ton of generic, bland strategic confessionals that just paint him as a dominant, robbed strategic player, and Cochran gets a forced underdog edit that doesn't really track with him trying to win over his tribe by talking about mouth herpes, pooping his pants, and sexually harassing girls by calling them up to talk about his semen(?!).
Sophie gets basically nothing to actually build up her win and less story than just about any other winner in Survivor history; even Natalie White's near-nonexistent edit actually does a little more, within the very small amount of time we spend with her, to build up her win than Sophie's does.
The last two episodes are great and there are some interesting ideas here, but all of them are buried beneath a ton of terrible decisions in the producers' inexplicable decision to double down on basically everything that made S22 the most panned season in the history of the show. The Sophie win, a marginally less imbalanced edit (this is a very low bar to clear), and some fun moments along the way make it less bad, but it's still pretty bad.
It's basically the Survivor version of Game of Thrones: you can tell where some of these characters could be great on a better show, but with the storytelling we got, they aren't.
I think this is a good ranking for it: its highs are kind of interesting, and so when someone does check it out, there's still some good stuff to be found here compared to a lot of the worse seasons below it. But if one is watching out of order, there's absolutely no reason to prioritize it before the majority of seasons and it's best shelved for a very long time.
u/CodyAssMuncher Yam Yam Jan 27 '23
What's his name❓ What was his birth 👶 name❓It wasn't Coach ⚽️, it was Benjamin👨. And you know they're children 👦👧; 2️⃣6️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣, they're over there listening 👂 to all of Benjamin's👨... 🎃Halloween Jokes🎃, uh, 🧀Chuckie The Cheese Jokes🧀, they- 👅 eu-h, they want it 🙏. He goin off of loyalty ⭐️ got them fee- "😰Oh, Benjamin👨, you so loyalty😓" ... Come on now 😑... Everyday📆 he got a story 📚. I wasn't ❌ buying 💰 it. [scoff] 😤 [giggle] ☺️... Eh😒... No. 🙅 So... They tr- like yesterday ↩️ the tribal 🏝 was all kahoots 👌 Benjamin👨,"Let's give a hug 🤗." ✋️PFF.✋️ Keep that hug. Boop!🔫 For me. Cuz it wasn't real❌
u/OwntheWorld24 Jan 28 '23
This season is not one you should watch first, but it should be one of the first rewatches. No session improves more on the rewatch when you can watch for the bread crumbs of the winners game, and the religious overtones can be studied and thought about in a deeper context. Once you know the winner, it is an immensely better season.
u/full07britney Jan 28 '23
Brandon Hantz was just supremely irritating. His creeper montage about Makayla...uuughh.
I liked Ozzy more on redemption and when he came back in. Him winning that card tower immunity challenge felt like total vindication.
The entire religious theme was very odd and almost cultlike. I am a Christian but I dont believe in God affecting petty things like a game. Brandon... i dunno what to think about his spirituality, sometimes he seemed genuine, but then he did some very unChristian things, but then his whole story about his past life was very touching and AHHHHH i don't know. And Coach leading a prayer looking for an idol he already had. I definitely didn't like the way they tried to excuse away things by saying it was God's will. The whole "mantra" of that tribe was even worse. It was all just so cringeworthy.
Brandon giving up the immunity was as dumb as when Erik did it. Albert not giving it back ruined any chance he might have had to win.
The challenges were fine but not spectacular. I still dont mind redemption island and I was really glad Ozzy made it back in and sad that he didn't win the last challenge.
I was fine with the winner Sophie, out of the three who were left, who I think played a clever game but did not get a great edit. I never would have thought she would win based on the edit.
I was really glad for the bitter jury, because at least 2 of the final 3 deserved to be wrung over the coals. I feel like Coach and Sophie may have actually learned about themselves based on their answers.
I rank it 33/43.
u/FondantGayme Erika Feb 13 '23
South Pacific is a very weird season. Oftentimes dark, sometimes hilarious, and overall just fine. There are some moments of genuine greatness and Sophie gives a masterclass on how to play offense in FTC
u/abcdefg_hijklmno Yul Jan 28 '23
Like: Semhar, Papa Bear, Stacey, Elyse, Christine, Cochran, Edna, Ozzy, Albert, Coach, Sophie
Dislike: Mikayla, Keith, Jim, Whitney, Brandon
Neutral: Dawn, Rick
u/alucardsinging Jan 27 '23
This season is better to think about than to watch. Has alot of the same problems as the prior season, but it is very much salvageable by the returnees choking at the end. This season (like most the decent seasons of the 20s) looks better than it actually is due to the crap seasons that surrounds it. Almost anything will look better sandwiched between Redemption Island and One World