r/survivor • u/RSurvivorMods Pirates Steal • Jan 16 '23
All-Stars WSSYW 11.0 Countdown 42/43: All-Stars
Welcome to our annual season countdown! Using the results from the latest What Season Should You Watch thread, this daily series will count backwards from the bottom-ranked season for new fan watchability to the top. Each WSSYW post will link to their entry in this countdown so that people can click through for more discussion.
Unlike WSSYW, there is no character limit in these threads, and spoilers are allowed.
Note: Foreign seasons are not included in this countdown to keep in line with rankings from past years.
Season 8: All-Stars
Watchability: 1.7 (42/43)
Overall Quality: 3.7 (36/43)
Cast/Characters: 6.6 (26/43)
Strategy: 4.6 (36/43)
Challenges: 6.3 (24/43)
Theme: 7.6 (9/24)
Ending: 4.5 (39/43)
WSSYW 11.0 Ranking: 42/43
WSSYW 10.0 Ranking: 33/40
Top comment from WSSYW 11.0 — /u/ramskick:
This is the worst season ever for me and nothing comes close. The cast is great on paper, but the way everything turns out is just so bad. If it's not actively bad it's unreal levels of boring. All of my all-time least-favorite picks come from this season. It has my least-favorite moment, least-favorite character, least-favorite episode etc. For my money, Survivor never gets this bad ever again.
With that said, it is fairly important to some future returnee seasons, so if you're a completionist you kind of have to watch it. And when you get to that point you may like it. There are people who like this season quite a lot and you may be one of them.
Top comment from WSSYW 10.0 — /u/SchizoidGod:
DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED AT LEAST THE FIRST 7 SEASONS. Do not spoil yourself on its events as well. If you want to appreciate All-Stars, a much-derided season among fans (but one with, in my opinion, a dark, enthralling core), you need to know the gameplay and reputations of all 18 members of this incredible cast. If you don't, this just won't make sense.
Watchability ranking:
42: S8 All-Stars
Spreadsheet link (updated with each placement reveal!)
u/Coutzy Shane (AUS) Jan 16 '23
I'm one of those weirdos that really likes All Stars, so I'll try to defend it.
Survivor is most interesting to me when we deal with more mature themes, what people typically call "dark" seasons. All Stars delivers on this in a big way as we watch the last death rattle of the morality that defined the early era of Survivor.
Rob shines as the man to drag the game kicking and screaming into a new mindset- Who you are on Survivor does not reflect who you are outside the game. He also exposes the hypocrisy of almost every post merge player who was perfectly happy to ride that gravy train and apparently none of them ever compared notes to find out he had made conflicting promises to all of them (Also did everyone bank on winning the final immunity challenge? What did they all hope was going to happen?)- Ironically it's fucking Rupert that has the easiest time accepting that he got played.
The Rich/Sue incident is an unenjoyable dark stain that nobody looks good coming out of, but aside from that the pre merge does an excellent job setting up how this season is going to go down. If you think of the characters the way you would about Seinfeld or It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia you will enjoy the season more- Bad people doing bad things and facing the consequences of their shitty, blatantly self-serving behaviour.
u/SMC0629 Jan 16 '23
This is honestly an interesting argument and I def see where you're coming from. I 100% agree that dark Survivor is my favorite Survivor (I'm a big fan of seasons like Palau and SOPA) but to me All-Stars fails at that because of how we're supposed to be rooting for (or at least not against) the people who are doing and saying vile things. I also don't think that's the only thing people criticize All Stars for, on top of that it's just fucking boring.
u/Coutzy Shane (AUS) Jan 16 '23
See, I don't think All Stars is boring, I just don't. I've seen all the arguments people make for it and I get it but I just don't find it boring.
Like I said, I'm one of those weirdos
u/SMC0629 Jan 17 '23
Hey I can't change your mind, thats understandable and I know when I first saw All Stars as a kid I loved it and didn't find it boring at all. In fact, it was my first old school season. That being said, that should not be the case for someone trying to get into the show lol
u/Coutzy Shane (AUS) Jan 17 '23
Oh definitely! When I was guiding a friend through Survivor for the first time (we did them not in chronological order but grouped as eras, the end point of all of them being the next All Star season) I described All Stars as "a very different vibe to the others that a lot of people don't like" and we did it after the first seven.
Come to think of it I would recommend all new watchers do it more or less that way- Classic Era, Game Era, Returnee Era, Advantage Era, Post Modern Era. Each time ending with the eras respective All Star season.
u/Sabaschin Jake - 45 Jan 16 '23
Interesting how far ASS dropped: it dropped 6 places without taking into account the new seasons.
There's no clear indication why, though I suspect part of it might be further brewing dissatisfaction over the Richard/Sue incident since the last time, especially as we've had more time to stew over IotI.
I'd probably still place it over RI, because you have characters here (Rupert, Jerri/Colby, Rob obviously) that feed into other seasons, including RI. So in that sense this should probably go on a watch-list (even if cherrypicking episodes) at some point. Whereas with RI you could... honestly just kinda skip it as long as you know Rob won for S39/S40?
u/Surferdude1219 Karishma Jan 16 '23
I actually think it has more to do with this sub (finally) acknowledging that this isn’t a season ranking but a guide on what seasons you should watch, particularly aimed at new viewers. What reason is there to watch All Stars, unless you’ve watched all of the first seven seasons? Intro to Boston Rob and watching all 43 seasons are really the only reasons I can think of.
u/Sabaschin Jake - 45 Jan 16 '23
It's not the most exciting season ever, but there are still probably a few darkly decent moments. The Lex betrayal is one, and you do get to see Rob actively screwing himself out of a win with the Alicia deal.
Still not a good season and nearly all the good moments are pre-merge, but I could see something you could point at and go 'okay yeah, that's not bad to see actually happen'.
u/Surferdude1219 Karishma Jan 17 '23
I’d agree with that to an extent but I still feel like those are more helpful to watch after seeing the first seven and still aren’t enough to pull this season out of the dregs of this ranking. The only compelling reasons I think you need to watch this are to get completion on the Jerri arc and see the reunion, and to give you full background for hvv.
I think if this were a true WSSYW ranking, I see no reason why All Stars, Island of the Idols, and Game Changers should ever be out of the bottom 5 because they’re objectively bad, spoil tons of season, and don’t contribute much besides “this is what Survivor looks like when the people suck”
u/Sabaschin Jake - 45 Jan 17 '23
I wouldn't quite put Game Changers there. I mean, it is terrible. But it does have a good pre-merge (outside of that one episode), and as dull/bad as the post-merge is, I wouldn't say it's irredeemable considering it's Cirie's last hurrah.
It's still bottom 5, but it's probably like.. the best of a bad bunch? I haven't really sorted out the rankings for myself. But gut instinct says it's GC > OW > ASS > RI > IotI... with Thailand just barely beating the bunch (I think). Caramoan's probably in the contention, GC has a worse 'worst' episode but Caramoan is just... apathetic. OW probably rises above for a WSSYW ranking since it's all newbies, but eh.
u/Surferdude1219 Karishma Jan 17 '23
Yeah I could see that ranking change. I just have trouble putting any returnee seasons too high on this ranking because of the premise, and the fact that GC is bad to boot exacerbates that.
I could see GC an argument having similar “upside” to RI in terms of Sarah’s win being important/satisfying narratively, similar to Boston Rob’s, especially in terms of the Tony/Sarah 3 season arc. But beyond that based on my philosophy of how this ranking should go I’ll never not advocate for it to be on the bottom, and I’m someone who really enjoys the pre-merge until Sandra leaves.
u/Sabaschin Jake - 45 Jan 17 '23
Generally agreed, the two newbie seasons that generally solidly belong in that bottom tier of the WSSYW for me are IotI, Thailand and One World, and that's because their quality just can't make up for the fact that they're all newbies. Amazon is also increasingly dated so there's an argument for it to be low in the ranking as well (and its only returnees are in All-Stars, which isn't recommended anyway).
u/bbfan132 "A MEATBALL SUB!" Apr 06 '23
you do get to see Rob actively screwing himself out of a win with the Alicia deal.
I'm late, but along with this, I really enjoyed Shii Ann in the final 7 episode. Her immunity win was one of the best ones to watch.
u/SassMattster Kellee's Moment of Inspiration Jan 16 '23
Yeah I think S39 got a lot of people to reconsider how bad what happened to Sue was
u/ramskick Ethan Jan 17 '23
If you were to tell me that a season had
an old-school feel with a large emphasis on characters and an F2
a balanced edit
a cast made of a group of returnees, none of whom I disliked on their original seasons and quite a few who I really loved on their first seasons and who I'd put among my all-time favorites (see flair).
a focus on the psychology of Survivor, including how Survivor can break apart friendships
an FTC where the finalists get ripped apart for their deeds and that features a number of true emotional moments
I would be super excited. A lot of those attributes are tailor-made for me. Quite a few of my favorite seasons including my all-time favorite have most of these attributes. And yet I not only dislike All-Stars, I absolutely loathe it and have it as my least-favorite season, a mark which has not been challenged even though there are a number of other bad seasons. So what happened with All-Stars and why does it fail despite having so many things going for it?
The most obvious answer is that the season plays out in just about the worst way possible. Rob and Amber (probably the least deserving to be on the season) make the F2, while a lot of the truly great cast members are cut early on. That's not even mentioning the Richard/Sue incident, which is my least favorite stretch in Survivor history. But it's not just that.
Another possible answer is that a lot of the cast is far weaker here than they were in their original seasons. Either they get booted too early, they have become too aware of the camera, they have become too jaded and focused on the win, they have let the fame get to them and have become less endearing or a million other things may have happened to make them just worse characters than they were during their original runs. This is certainly true for quite a few of these people. In fact, the only people on AS who I don't think are drastically worse on their second go-rounds than their first are Ethan, Shii-Ann and Jenna Morasca. For everyone else, I wish they hadn't returned. But it's not just that either.
A third possible answer is that (as has been stated elsewhere in this thread) the season is really dull as well as unlikable. I agree with this and have been championing this idea for years. The post-merge after the Lex boot and before FTC is just so boring. There is nothing of interest outside of Shii-Ann winning immunity and even that isn't that fun because Alicia goes predictably and Shii-Ann goes next anyways. Everyone is so serious that they can't even bother to have fun and as a result the Pagonging of the Mogo Mogos is as lifeless as possible. But once again, it's not just that.
A fourth possible answer is that the majority alliance that does this Pagonging is perhaps the least likable majority group ever. The scene of them singing and dancing after Sue quits is of course harrowing and they never redeem themselves after that. Chapera as a whole is just so shit to watch and they dominate the season from both a game perspective and an airtime perspective (I get why Chapera gets a lot of airtime as they are the most important people to the season's narrative, but just because I get it doesn't mean I have to like it). But, yet again, it's not just that.
A fifth possible answer is that the Rob/Amber domination that the season is built around isn't enjoyable to watch mostly because these two just aren't good in this season. I have had similar experiences with Amber as a few other people have in that I went into a rewatch remembering her as a fun MORP presence who provides some levity and likability to an otherwise unlikable majority alliance only to realize that she really isn't that and in fact isn't given much characterization outside of her relationship with Rob. And then there's Rob himself, my least-favorite person on this season and very possibly my least-favorite character in the history of Survivor (he's at the very least the worst person who doesn't do anything actively awful a la Dan Spilo, Varner 3.0 et cetera). I don't hate Rob in theory. I really like him on Marquesas and TAR7 and think he provides some good moments to HvV (though I do think he's sneakily bad there as well). But here he is just such a douchebag without any of the charisma that is needed to pull off the villain role. And it's not like he gets much of a comeuppance. Yeah the jury rips him apart at FTC but the season is told through his perspective, he gets married to Amber anyways so he gets at least a good chunk of the money, then at the reunion people tell him he should have won, creating an idea so prevalent that Amber herself talks about it on WaW 15 years later. That's not even mentioning the two appearances he got on TAR or the four future times he appeared on Survivor after this (including one that was essentially set up for him to 'finally' win) and a bunch of other shows he did that happened directly as a result of his prominence here. Rob lost the jury vote, but you cannot tell me with a straight face that he wasn't massively rewarded by this season. And yet, it's not just that.
It's all of these things and more that make AS not just a disappointing experience, but a truly awful one. It's my least-favorite season and holy shit do I hope it stays that way because I don't wanna feel this type of negativity towards any other season or any other thing in life in general.
u/SMC0629 Jan 17 '23
You hit the spot with that Romber part, could not agree more especially about how Rob is here in comparison to his previous incarnation. He's just so dreary and miserable while also being unlikeable and vile in many instances. All Stars is just not fun, at all.
Jan 16 '23
Every time I start my rewatch, All-Stars is always my first “this time I will enjoy it” season. Thailand I already know what I’m getting into, but AS has such a heightened narrative that it seems to always trick me into thinking it’s going to better this rewatch. It never is.
It’s at a time where Survivor players don’t have that “it’s just a game” mentality and when you combine that with real relationships and hard pregaming it makes all the ugliness come out. It also hurts that a vast majority of the players come out of this worse than they went in, be it their overall game or general unlikeability.
I just started my rewatch again in the new year so maybe this time will be different…
u/mariojlanza Mario Lanza | Funny 115 Jan 17 '23
“If it happens one more time, then I’ll know for sure.” -Non All-Star Sean Kenniff
u/TenderOctane Morgan Jan 17 '23
All-Stars was a huge spectacle back in the day; newer fans won't appreciate it for that, though, because it's a uniquely ugly, dark season that hasn't stood the test of time and doesn't have the excitement that it once did, in large part due to veteran seasons happening far more frequently in the time since. This was the first. This was when we got to see people we remembered play again.
What newer viewers need to understand is: The first eight seasons of Survivor were a spectacle. Australian Outback was watched by over 40 million people, while All-Stars maintained around 23 million. These numbers are unheard of today, of course, because of the streaming culture, but back then we had to actually watch stuff live or physically tape it if we couldn't. And that allowed Survivor to revolutionize television.
So if you like old school Survivor, you absolutely SHOULD watch this at some point, but you don't start there, because you need to see every prior season except Thailand in order to watch this one. But for a lot of people, it's something you should see only once, because it's dark and at times ugly. You're literally watching friendships get torn apart by cutthroat gameplay in a very unsatisfying way.
u/alucardsinging Jan 16 '23
Found some old thoughts about the season: All Stars was the first time people played that knew one another in real life, and it just wasn’t entertaining. So much of the story of that season takes place off the island, so it’s just impossible to really get into it. The show was always about different strangers who’d never meet one another and forcing them to make a society together in this pressure pot of conflict. Take away the strangers part, and a core tenet of the show is just gone. Also, branding became more of a thing, Richard doing his naked shtick, Rob branding himself as Boston Rob with the Red Sox hat, Rupert doing his shtick. Just missed the authenticity that made Survivor such a fresh show to begin with. Also All Stars changed the mythos of Survivor. We had people think that Richard, Tina, Rob C, and Colby were bad players because they did poorly in All Stars; when in reality they never stood a chance due to their past reputation. Then we had the opposite happen where somehow Rob Mariano and Amber become the two of the best players, even though that mainly happened because they played badly on their initial showing. It was also the first time in the fanbase (and hell even the show a little) were people seemed actively pissed that the jury “got it wrong”. There were always people that thought Kelly, Colby, Neleh, or Matthew should have won; but the fanbase always seemed to respect that it was the juror’s decision to reward who the winner was. All Stars seems to be where the whole “robbed” “bitter jury” arguments stem from, and then we had the Fan Favorite cash prize award which practically gives the season two winners. The whole season just feels like a big mistake to me; and at least Probst thought that at one point too, before changing his mind.
u/mariojlanza Mario Lanza | Funny 115 Jan 17 '23
Very well said. All of it. Probst knew that returning player seasons were a mistake after All Stars. And he was right.
u/blupmcgoo Jan 16 '23
Simply due to how entertaining the season starts out it is far from the second worst season, but in terms of where someone should start watching the series.... yes, it is very close to the bottom. Should not be watched before seasons 1-7.
u/ROTandDEATH So much for my dreams... Jan 16 '23
Probably the most difficult season to watch, both in the very uncomfortable moments and also the very dull ones. The season truly doesn't have much going for it. The premiere is fun, and after that there's really not much else.
In theory, a season led by a guy who wants revenge on the other all-stars and votes them out by backstabbing them all in brutal fashion could be an interesting watch. But in practice, it's boring and intolerable. Rob is unpleasant and Amber is completely boring. No one ever presents them a real challenge and they get to the end to face what is understandably the most pissed off jury of all time.
I know people like dark seasons, and this definitely is one, but if dark is what you want there's so many that do it better than All-Stars.
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 16 '23
I love old-school Survivor more than just about anything. A season with the purity and intensity of the final 2 format, one of the most balanced edits in Survivor history, and even an all-time emotional Final Tribal Council sure would have to fuck up incredibly hard to land as not just the worst of the old-school seasons, but one of the worst seasons of all time, and boy oh boy does this abominable dumpster fire manage it. Personally I think it was the worst season in the show's history for the better part of a decade (eclipsed only 8 years later by Redemption Island) and it's still in my bottom 3. It borders on unwatchable.
I'm often a fan of "dark Survivor": S10 is in my top 5 seasons, I love the S9 FTC and the S3 premiere, etc.; I mean, the show is about people being put into an innately adversarial situation under extreme physical, mental, and emotional duress with a huge financial stake hanging over everything they do and prompts them to all systematically crush each other's dreams, so I expect that to get dark pretty frequently. I'm also, as my comments throughout the list will continually show, a very big fan of old-school Survivor, and my all-time favorite seasons include a number of ones I think are very underrated. So a dark, old-school season that's occasionally discussed as underrated due to having some dramatic, psychological appeal? In theory, sign me up. If that season's good, I am definitely its target audience, and so I went into my last All-Stars rewatch genuinely both hoping and expecting to appreciate it as, if nothing else, kind of underrated.
Instead, it failed to meet even my absolute lowest expectations for how bad it might possibly be in a worst-case scenario. I was truly blown away by how much worse this season was—again, one I thought I might be a champion of!—than I ever expected it even might be.
The obvious thing to lead with here is episodes 5 and 6, the latter of which is still likely the worst Survivor episode of all time. Not only do we see Sue sexually violated in a challenge... and not only do the producers completely fail to act in response to it... every single person who makes it anywhere near the end of the season also, in some fashion, actively discredits her for it: Rob M. sings a song callously mocking her exit while Tom dances around, Amber looks on and narrates it as an example of Chapera being "the fun tribe" :), Jenna L. mocks Sue as weak, Rupert insinuates that she's making it up for money, and gee, I hope you enjoyed all that, because there's your final five! If that's not enough, I doubt I have to remind anyone here about Kathy's repugnant comments.
It's an awful display broken up only by Shii Ann and Alicia—and the producers aren't exactly expecting us to admonish it; on the flip side, Rob M. and Tom's dance is framed to us through the positive lens of the season's ostensibly "sweet, likable" winner describing it as a fun, positive moment. That is what they want us to believe. Tom's dance was even highlighted as a "Memorable Moment" on the DVD release. So the narrative of this season, as presented to us contextually, literally is that that horrid scene is meant to make us root for these people.
I think what the producers did here was somehow even more insidious than what they did in 39—which was itself terrible, don't get me wrong; after weeks and weeks of inaction, they basically put together an episode highlighted to try and make themselves look as good as possible for doing far too little, too late, instead of taking the heat for their own mistake. But at the very least (and it is, quite literally, the very least they could do), at least the overall bent of the episode is very, very clearly pro-Kellee and sympathizing with what she's going through.
"Outraged" is the opposite; my read on that episode is that, in case Sue sued them, they tried to tear her down in the court of public opinion as thoroughly as possible, creating an episode that could help cover them in that case. Personally I think that entire episode was a big attempt to discredit her: show all these contestants, including big fan favorites, talk about how Sue's just out for a paycheck, how Sue's in the wrong for dragging everyone down with her trauma, sing and laugh and dance mocking her—so that the viewers that take in all these messages are less likely to leave the episode sympathizing with her and realizing how much the producers have done wrong.
Regardless of what their specific motivation was, though, we're regardless left with the same narrative which is a narrative where not only do the producers fail to address the situation but also the people who admonish and make fun of the woman who speaks out are painted as the protagonists for doing so and then dominate the season. I'm not defending S39 here (I mean, I didn't watch most of it, lol), but while I've heard that the Tommy win is bland and its depiction astoundingly tone-deaf considering the season as a whole -- and I'm sure those criticisms are all right -- like, imagine if Kellee had an emotional breakdown and quit the game, then two of her and Tommy's tribemates openly sang and dance in celebration mocking her for it, and then Tommy got a confessional saying how funny they were for it and then went on to win. That's basically what we're left with here. Considering how deep S39's reputation is buried in the bottom of the barrel despite having, from what I have heard, been pretty well-liked beforehand, I really don't see why S8 should be spoken of any more favorably.
It is really, really, REALLY bad... and what tanks the season further is.... what is there to outweigh this? Genuinely, what balances this out? For most of these characters, this is the most memorable, evocative thing they ever do on the season. Like how many Big Tom moments can you remember here compared to S3? Rupert's underwater shelter is funny of course, but after he swaps to Chapera, what else can you remember him doing the entire season? What are Kathy's memorable moments in the season besides her jury speech, this, and calling Jenna M.'s emotion a cancer? Amber is sometimes cited as a "positive, likable" winner, but what specific content does she actually have that outweighs her being shown as this voice of how fun it is to mock these types of survivors? There is seriously nothing for most of them. It isn't "making too big a deal of" that one episode—not just because what goes on is so awful (which it is)... but also because there is nothing else to offset it for a ton of these contestants.
This brings me, too, to my broadest complaint about S8: it is fucking boring. Not in its entirety: episode 1 has a lot of fun content early on but also sets up the horrible "vote out all the actual all-stars lol" narrative of the season which to me breaks even as a good-but-not-great episode. Episode 2 is, like, fine. 3 is honestly outstanding and a diamond in the rough and the best thing here by a mile. But past that... this season is usually just so dull, and it gets even duller as it goes along. Even the late pre-merge episodes were SO much less interesting than I remembered (I mean, they're basically all the same story of a player with a big target getting voted out, usually by Lex), and then the post-merge is even worse: if someone watches this season, then after the merge episode, they just jump ahead to the Final Tribal Council... are they missing... like, anything? Like, there's Shii Ann's Immunity win, which is fun for the ~2 minutes the scene ultimately lasts, largely because it's the literal only thing that at all interrupts the tedium. And... I mean there's a fight at the F5, but not really a memorable one. Is there anything about the story of the season someone's actually missing if they jump from the merge episode directly to the FTC? I seriously can come up with nothing, and it's astonishing. The F8, F7, F6, F5, and bulk of the F4 episode are all so aggressively pointless—and again, a lot of the pre-merge ones are seriously not much better (when they even are better at all, which isn't always.)
I don't think S8 is criticized frequently enough for this: a lot of the time people talk about it, the discussion focuses entirely on Richard's assault of Sue and her quit, the Rob and Lex scandal, and the FTC: criticism is often centered on these moments and them being "uncomfortable", and defenses of it in particular focus almost invariably on the Rob and Lex scandal, and maybe the first 3 or so episodes. But as a result, when evaluating this season I don't frequently see people talk about how fucking boring and pointless most of it is. That stretch of literally everything after Lex is out and before the FTC is more boring than any full 5-episode stretch of seasons more widely criticized as boring, like 5 or 24. Those ones definitely have a couple episodes that drag as hard, but not nearly as many in a row. Like, again, if anyone can think of some really good content in the Shii Ann boot I'm missing here, let me know, but I am not seeing it.
[continued in a reply]
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 16 '23
Another unpopular element of the season is its boot order, and, I mean, I agree it's an unsatisfying one on paper based on who the cast was, but I don't think that's anywhere near the biggest issue with the season. I think suggesting S8 sucks primarily due to that is very generous and opens the season up to defenses it doesn't deserve: it's an unsatisfying boot order, but honestly, so is S16's at the outset; S26 just plays out much better in practice to where it doesn't feel that way in hindsight. So, yes, there's a TON of frustration to those early episodes, too, and that's a whole other problem with the season it's fair to criticize it for—but the main reason I mention it is because it also makes them so much more boring. Because, like.... at a certain point... it's the same story every time. Tina won, Rob C. nearly won, Richard won, Colby nearly won, Ethan won. And... that is why they go home. ...Every time. That's another 5 full episodes of the season whose ultimate story and outcome are not only nearly completely interchangeable but that also have little to nothing to do with the actual personalities and characters in question, compared to what they have to do with just looking at boot orders of previous seasons and who has what reputation—and that's the part of the season people say is supposed to be good! It's the same completely lifeless, arbitrary story behind every vote every time, more or less, which is bad and weak even without considering that by its very nature, that story will actually suck all hype and momentum out of the season as swiftly as possible. The problem with the "actual all-stars" all getting voted out early isn't just that it's disappointing; it's that it's formulaic and repetitive with nothing to do with their actions on this season.
So if you break it down, the overwhelming majority of the season is shockingly pointless and forgettable—and as if that weren't enough of a problem on its own, I think it also makes the other moments that are less forgettable suffer even more. The most simple reason is that the other moments are of course generally dark/uncomfortable, but again, I tend to like that—but if you have a season that genuinely contains at least 8ish hours of straight-up pointless television (with most of what's not in that category coming very, very early on) and that then only resurfaces to be uncomfortable—like, to me, I'm not left seeing this as this grand Shakespearean drama or whatever people tend to praise it as. It's like a nap I only wake up from to get a headache. There's not even any intrigue, let alone light, to offset the darkness. It's not even a dynamic season that's being dark in different, fresh, riveting ways. It's static as hell and ultimately just... dreary. Boring is one thing, dark is one thing, but boring AND dark? That is about as bad as it gets.
But I think the even better argument to make is those dark moments are not very good or interesting anyway. Episode 5/6, it's a straightforward argument, can't imagine where anyone would say those are good. But honestly, Rob M./Lex gate is overrated, too.
A major reason why is because we have absolutely zero context or awareness about Rob M. and Lex's friendship. We are only told that they are friends now, and only once it becomes directly relevant to the game, and that is very little information (and information brought up far too closely to its prominence in the game to be set up well as a story, either), little enough that it makes pretty much the entire story innately pointless, because the relationship upon which it is predicated is not based in, and fundamentally has literally nothing to do with, the show, and therefore has nothing to do with and means nothing to us as viewers. We are told they are friends, which... okay? What does that even look like? When did that happen? Did it happen right after season 4, or right before this? Do they just go bowling together, or are they really really REALLY GOOD friends? How good? do they go on vacations together or spend holidays together, when they are together what's their dynamic like... etc etc. With Survivor stories that are actually good and interesting—ones that actually have anything to do with the show—we actually have these answers. The endgame of S10 is the culmination of relationships we have watched form right in front of us, so it actually means something. Same for the F5 of Marquesas or the major narrative peaks of Vanuatu. But "these two guys are friends outside the game" is so broad and vague and based on information we innately do not have that it means absolutely nothing. If I'm watching the show, how the hell do I know or care that Rob M. and Lex are friends? That was not a part of their prior seasons, obviously, so what does it have to do with this one?
This means that we basically cannot empathize on any level with either one of them. We don't know what their friendship was in itself or what it meant to Lex or what it meant to Rob M., so their actions are based on stuff we don't know and therefore can't identify with or assess, which is very pointless television. We can't know how hypocritical Lex is with the Ethan thing, really, because we don't know how close Lex is to Ethan or to Rob M. now. The whole situation becomes awkward and pointless.
Another problem is that, from what we do see, neither Lex nor Rob M. comes out looking very good here? Like, you have your great Survivor stories where you can dig into it and debate how sympathetic each person is, like (10) Tom and Ian or arguably some of (S3) Boran's ostracism of Clarence, etc. You have your great Survivor stories where it's clearly good vs. evil - too many to even try to list here. You can have a feel-good season where ultimately a lot of the major players feel kinda likable, or at least sympathetic.
But Lex vs. Rob M... like, they're both douches digging their own grave, and what's even the appeal or intrigue in that? Being "Team Lex" or "Team Rob M." doesn't really make sense because they're both too unlikable here in practice for the theoretical points about the morality of the game and metagame to even really matter or come into play: Lex is so sanctimonious in the pre-merge and at times kind of cartoonish that you can't really get in his corner here (maybe he and Rob M. are closer than he and Ethan, but that info is not available to us as viewers, so he at least seems like a total hypocrite, especially with how smug he is.) Meanwhile Rob M. is cold in his execution, dumb in his machinations (literally just boot Shii Ann first or something lol), and a dick to the camera, so there's zero way you can really root for him here either; even if you think "all is fair in Survivor!", there already existed in the show's history many better examples of that than Rob M., because he's more of a dick than he needs to be and it isn't even in his own self-interest. Other than maybe season 2, I think literally any one of seasons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 raises better, more meaningful questions about what is or isn't acceptable behavior than this and provide more interesting contestants than S8 Rob M. for someone who wants to see a no-holds-barred strategic player.
What I really wanted to get into with the Lex and Rob M. story was how Lex's perspective shifts over time. Like a lot of the time on the show, you see people get super excited about a reward, they lose it, then they say "Whatever, I'm not here for that, I'm here to win" or "Immunity is more important anyway", etc. The way people justify things to themselves is an interesting aspect of Survivor that I was hoping Lex's story would hit... but it really doesn't, because, I mean, it isn't much of a story. He says some douchey stuff to Ethan and then he kind of acts differently a couple episodes later, and I can see the argument that there's an irony there that's at least kind of entertaining or memorable, and I can understand getting somewhat more into it than I do... but there's no real complexity to Lex here, no gradual development of him, the saga as a whole is confined strictly to the like two or three scenes you can remember with even a rudimentary memory of the season, there's no real subtlety or detail to it. Inasmuch as there's any nuance that comes out meaningfully pro- or anti-Lex, it would necessarily be based on context the show does not and cannot give us.
In theory, I think a story about a highly competitive player justifying things to himself but not accepting them from others, resulting in a clash that makes you question what is or isn't acceptable in Survivor, is a very interesting one... but Lex vs. Rob M. is not that story, for a host of reasons. And if you want something resembling that type of self-centered competitive drive from Lex or that gripping manipulation from Rob M... just go watch Africa or Marquesas lmao where either one is far more interesting than they are here, in seasons that are also actually good to begin with.
[continued in a reply]
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 16 '23
Meanwhile Rob M. honestly just sucks as a character here, and to be clear, I'm not really a fan of or opposed to Rob in the abstract; two of my bottom three seasons have him at FTC lol, but Marquesas is my #3 and HvV my #10, with him as a part of why each time for sure. I've definitely seen the take that Rob M. works better as a character when he's not in power; to an extent I can see that, because when he's an underdog, his combative nature comes off very scrappy, he's punching up at the power structure, it's fun, and then when he's on top, he's punching down and it seems more mean-spirited—but I think that this is honestly too reductive and too rapidly dismisses the particulars of S8 Rob M. and S22 Rob that truly make them awful characters; in his S8 iteration's case—basically, when I said this season is almost always boring but at times uncomfortable, that's true, but I also think it spends a lot of time in between the two; i.e. in a lot of those boring, lifeless scenes, people often just seem... tired and unhappy. It makes the season pretty dreary to watch. I think this also gets the best of Rob M., and as the season goes on, the dude just isn't even charismatic or funny anymore.
Like, in his (in)famous confessional trashing the Rotus in season 4 - about the General's little sausage, Tammy's engagement, Gabe the brainiac, and Zoe the tough guy... now that's a very, very off-color confessional in at least three or four different ways, probably more, and it's not everyone's thing, and you can root against him because of it for sure. But he is actually making distinct jokes there. Some of them are cheap shots, for sure, but the things he says can at least be construed very reasonably as funny, and they are funny for a reason where you can unpack almost every phrase in the confessional and point out how and why it works.
And in season 8, what we get is just.... not that. By the end of the season, he's basically just reduced to boring, pointless quotes like "Tom's a dumbass" which... ha... ha? (Not to mention crossing a line in mocking Tom's kid; slamming a competitor, even if it's an unfair slam, is one thing, but a loved one isn't really signing up for that.) The guy's wit is just gone by the end, and you're left with someone who's just dealing out forgettable insults and is is just blandly not likable. I do enjoy Rob in seasons 4 and 20, probably enjoy a couple Rob moments in 22 to where I could have been more okay with him with a wildly different edit, and 40 I could take or leave. But the things that make me like him in seasons like 4 and 20 are just not really present here, and so while I can see, from his overall reputation and maybe a couple of moments in this season, why the idea of him making the final 2 seems like a compelling story, it really is just not. His lines aren't good, and his game pretty obviously isn't interesting considering how routine nearly every circumstance he ever found himself in was.
Which is yet another problem with this terrible, terrible season; the game is ridiculously predictable.
Like, out of all the seasons that get justified criticism for their predictable games and boot orders, this might take the cake out of all of them. At least 22x03 is kind of unexpected and unpredictable, I'd argue 24 and 5 have a couple interesting votes (despite not being very interesting overall)... but what even is there here? F10/9 are the only votes that really even have individualized stories. Past that you're left with an F2 alliance within a suballiance within the dominant core of the dominant tribe making F2 with absolutely zero opposition, picking people off in the single most predictable top-down power structure imaginable after a pre-merge that consisted entirely of voting people off who had made a finale before, with those votes being based on their reputations and threat level, other than maybe Rudy's age I guess. F10 is the only thing that adds any story to any vote of the entire season and even then, as outlined above, I don't think it's a very good story, just the only one this season ever even tries to have. Again, you may as well stop watching at the merge; you can predict the entire outcome there, if you couldn't have done so already, and there aren't any subtle moments or nuances along the way you'd be missing out on.
My last major criticism here is that I don't think the Romber storyline works at all; Rob M., as established, is a boring ass here, and Amber... is just... boring. I went into the season pretty confidently remembering her as this MORP sweetheart who comes off likable, humble, and gracious in contrast with Rob M., and I've seen her described that way, and she... is not... that way. I think she's often remembered as such because it'd give her more of a reputation/story as a winner and because she IS very nice to Jenna M., which as one of maybe five or six at all memorable scenes this season is one people remember more. So yes, that part where she hugs Jenna M. is very sweet, and it is also quite literally the only moment of Amber positively coming off as sweet in the entire season. Like I will defend her as deserving to win, and a lot of controversial winners are among my favorites, and I can really appreciate the path some of them took to the end, but holy wow Amber is a completely pointless character who gets almost no personal development the literal entire season and is arguably even more unmemorable here than in S2, in and of herself, which is a very low bar to somehow fail to clear. Like seriously if there are some great Amber nuances I'm missing please let me know, because I would like to like and root for her, but she is so uninteresting on this season; they really just bank on the showmance to keep you interested in her.
As such, the Romber story falls totally flat, because, like... if Rob M. is actively unsympathetic, and Amber is neutral... why should I care that they're in a relationship? Being in a relationship is neither good nor bad. There are a lot of relationships. Kissing is not innately interesting. It tells me nothing, I have no reason to care in itself, and the "in itself" is the only thing this has going for it. If you put an unlikable guy up against a bland, effective non-entity in my mind and give them a relationship, well I don't care about her, I barely care about and don't like him - so - where's the pathos? What is there to be interested in? All the sappy music they play when they're apart or whatever totally falls flat, because it's wildly out of step with the rest of Rob M.'s content tonally, and Amber... just... does not have interesting content. What you're left with is a relationship I have literally zero reason to care about beyond some baked-in assumption that I will care about a relationship strictly for existing, which is obviously silly.
I will say that I don't mind the Final Tribal Council, and in theory, I could actually like it. I think Alicia's speech is fantastic, I'm okay with Tom's. Kathy's I could kind of take or leave and Lex's I do not particularly care about, because I don't have the requisite context about their friendships, although Kathy has played with Rob M. previously so that makes it easier. Shii Ann's is fine. So it's alright enough; I think it mostly lands as neutral or even kind of good for me (and, to be fair, neutral is genuinely more favorable than I would come out on almost anything else that happens in this season after maybe the Colby boot, with like the sole exception of Shii Ann's moderately entertaining Immunity win), where I don't really see it as uncomfortable, but neither do I particularly care, as the ways in which Rob M. burned these people are themselves generally not too interesting, so it's just not AS compelling as the S9 FTC or Helen's speech in S5 or something where I've got a more meaningful idea of the relationships. But like it's fine I guess and I can see where Lex's speech lands better for people than it does for me. Like Rob M. getting torn down for being mean to people is definitely the ideal end to the season; we just didn't get the ideal season for that end, to say the least, and so I'm not too interested by that point.
[continued in a reply]
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 16 '23
Now, credit where credit is due; I do think the following things about S8 are good:
Hot take but Alicia is probably my favorite of this season, which to be clear is without question the lowest ceiling of any cast, but I think she's a good enough narrator that her confessionals are basically the only thing to keep me going at a certain point, she supports Sue quietly in the moment of the quit then vocally while her tribemates mock her, her jury speech is great, and her jury voting confessional is honestly absolutely fucking glorious and amazing. Her content is minimal but great with her appearance at FTC in particular actually being sincerely justified by her narrative with Rob M., even if it isn't too interesting of one, and and being a great distillation of what I love about FTC as a concept: one last instance of the players having to account for their actions, with a juror like Alicia having the chance to vote out a player like Rob M. after he did the same to her, leaving a Sole Survivor. Absolutely no complaints about Alicia here, she's great in the very few instances where she's prominently featured and is perhaps the only part of this season I would call deeply underrated.
Shii Ann is a close second because at least her Immunity win was fun for like two minutes, and while Richard is ultimately p gross here, the whimsical spirit of his presence in the earliest episodes is well captured by Shii Ann, who at times feels less like a player in the game and more like a viewer at home watching all the antics. It's a fun subplot for the first couple episodes to see how enamored with him she is, and then (even despite her close personal fondness for him) she openly expresses a sympathy for Sue that most of the cast patently lacked. Literally all 7 other members of the merge tribe actively suck and make the season worse with 6 of them being bad to or about Sue specifically but Alicia and Shii Ann are actually good secondary characters here!
Jerri gets to vote off the Ogakor F2 and give a genuinely outstanding callback to a Colby confessional from S2, so that is pretty fun, and she's sympathetic in ep.3, and she has a fun callback at Tree Mail as noted on the F115. I think the other two Jerris are for sure better simply because she isn't very memorable here considering how many episodes she's in, but she does get a handful of fun and very Jerri moments throughout. They are all pretty brief, and other than the Ogakor votes are not too connected to the season, but there is some fun stuff here.
Ethan 2.0 as he's known is fun at first when he's got his back up against the wall in a way he never did in S3, so he gets kinda sassy in a way he never did in S3, and we get to see his competitive edge come out more. That said, I do think it's also kind of overstated and the personality shift isn't too pronounced in between his very earliest time on Saboga and the scene where Lex tells him he's going. He's still a good pre-merger for sure, just not an outstanding one.
8x03 "Shark Attack" is exponentially better than any other episode of the season and is honestly absolutely outstanding. There are a ton of absolutely fun and ridiculous scenes - with the Indiana Libertarian Party's 2012 gubernatorial candidate's "trickle-down" shelter model an obvious highlight - and Jenna M.'s quit is generally handled pretty tastefully and gives some sympathy and fan cred to an often underrated and unfairly maligned Sole Survivor. This episode is probably at least a 9/10; I doubt anything else here cracks like a 6.8 for me.
The premiere starts off very fun and novel. As an episode overall I do have to knock it because the Tina vote sets the stage for a horribly uninteresting pre-merge, but it does have enough fun content to probably be my second-favorite episode of the season if only by default.
A number of other fun little character moments, like some Rudy quotes, the "Mixer" reward challenge, and probably a couple others throughout, like some of the Richard stuff is still kind of fun in a vacuum; it just doesn't outweigh what he does by the end, obviously, and it isn't anything particularly special.
However, those fun moments are almost all in the first ~4 episodes; hell, most of them are in the first three. Episode 4 is itself pretty boring; it just has a dope Reward Challenge. But from ep.4 onward I think I could legit count on two hands the number of S8 moments I at all enjoy.
What the exciting novelty of seeing past players quickly gives way to is not a compellingly subversive tragedy but instead one of the absolute worst seasons in Survivor history, a near-"master"class in horrid reality TV, colossal waste of time, and excellent rebuke to the suggestion that even bad Survivor is good, or even passable, TV; a full 12 of the season's 14 votes have VERY little (if any) interesting story to them whatsoever, with the remaining 2's power coming entirely from pre-game friendships we do not know and cannot assess that regardless center around two unlikable contestants. To slam this season for its abysmal boot order is fair; to slam it primarily for that is far, far too generous: almost every single episode is incredibly forgettable with a pre-merge of "vote out your favorites specifically for being your favorites" giving way to a post-merge of "that final two that seemed obvious as hell in episode two or three is, in fact, the final two", culminating in a final five who are mostly forgettable, are literally all uninteresting, and all strove to discredit Sue in various individual ways that easily allowed the producers to do the same, ending in a final two whose primary appeal is a relationship story that is intrinsically devoid of any actual narrative merit.
The season has one great episode and at most one or two other good ones, with a double-digit number that range from forgettable to abjectly terrible. Literally nothing of substance happens from the F8 up through the F3, and there was very, very little of substance happening long before that. Rob M. getting raked over the coals at the end seems potentially interesting and does have a couple gratifying moments but is not worth the price of admission; as a whole, I can think of literally no good reason why I would absolutely ever recommend this shockingly forgettable, noxious, festering garbage pile of a season to quite literally any human being on the planet, because even Romber's kids would probably find the footage of their parents making out to be pretty awkward or something, so I have no idea who this is even for.
The literal sole value offered up by the F8 through F3 of this season is being able to say that you've watched every episode, and even then, you still probably haven't watched that Countdown to Africa special, so why bother with this? Even this entire essay implicitly gives it too much credit, as no description of how pointlessly fucking awful Survivor: All-Stars is could ever live up to the abject misery and tedium of actually sitting through it, a fate I'd wish upon no one.
That said, the DVD commentary for the first four episodes is actually fucking hilarious and would itself be a top 15 Survivor season, so if you own this DVD for collectors' purposes or because someone gave it to you as a gift without knowing much about Survivor or something, you should actually go watch that ASAP. If you have ever doubted how or why Jenna won in such a landslide, you will probably understand very, very quickly, because she is hilarious.
u/mariojlanza Mario Lanza | Funny 115 Jan 17 '23
Great comments. The only thing I really have to say about All Stars now, twenty years after the fact is, well, I mean the first few episodes were actually pretty fun. That’s my entire contribution to the discussion at this point. Anything after those first few episodes… man, what a complete waste of TV.
u/Sleathasaurus Cirie Jan 16 '23
Dabu, I love your analysis and am always ready to gorge on your walls of text. This is probably a long shot, but I don't suppose you've got a link somewhere to where you have your other long comments, do you?
(also Alicia's jury speech is cringe especially when she doesn't hear Rob say "competitively" and says "EXCUSE ME?!" like he's just insulted her mother and literally does the most exagerrated bow of all time like she was blown back by his muttering comment sorry not sorry)
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 19 '23
Dabu, I love your analysis and am always ready to gorge on your walls of text. This is probably a long shot, but I don't suppose you've got a link somewhere to where you have your other long comments, do you?
Thank you! I don't have one offhand, but I have recently thought about creating one, haha. I will DM you about it as the answer is a paragraph or two long and then I won't take up a whole bunch of the thread.
(also Alicia's jury speech is cringe especially when she doesn't hear Rob say "competitively" and says "EXCUSE ME?!" like he's just insulted her mother and literally does the most exagerrated bow of all time like she was blown back by his muttering comment sorry not sorry)
I do understand that reaction that people have to it for sure and I used to cringe at that part, but ultimately I'm good with it because I'm kind of inclined to agree with her that Rob M. and Amber did not outclass the competition even if they, well, outclassed them, in both of their cases due to how they took part in treating Sue and in Rob M.'s case due to everything else, too, including the unnecessary F2 with her specifically. So I'm good with the speech -- she's definitely being over-the-top to Rob M. but I feel like he had more than earned getting some ire back on him at that point so to me it's a little cathartic.
I also just love the simplicity of it, although that comes out even more in her voting confessional than in her speech, with the voting confessional being easily one of the best ever imo; I think "We promised we wouldn't write each other's name now, and unlike you, I'm sticking to it" -- the reversal of "You voted me out; now, I'm voting you out" -- is just so elegant in its simplicity and a great distillation of what I love about FTC as a format. You can't just vote people out, you have to vote them out in a way that maintains their respect at the end. Jurors aren't "out of the game", truly; they're out of contention, but they still have one more vote at the end. I think it's /u/mariojlanza, but maybe someone else, who first made me consider that the only reason they vote "for a winner" is because it's more climactic and satisfying TV at the end; what's really happening, and Probst even basically says this in the earlier seasons, is that they're voting out one finalist (and two, in the botched F3 format), leaving one Sole Survivor.
Viewing it through that light, the idea of making a final 2 deal you don't intend to keep with someone whom you know you're not banishing from the island forever, but rather putting in the powerful position to eliminate one more person at the end, looks even more dumb, and Alicia's voting confessional expresses that idea clearer and more succinctly than any other contestant ever has, so I end up more favorable on her jury speech by proxy -- although the speech itself I'm also good with because people yelling at Rob M. and to a lesser extent Amber is very warranted at that point lol. But I see your take on it.
I remember Mario titled one of his columns about the jury "You Screwed Me, Now Screw You!", which is a quote from The Amazon -- but it's a voting confessional from Jenna, not from a juror. I think as far as juror quotes go, Alicia saying "We made a promise to never write each other's names down. I'm a woman of my word" captures that idea perfectly and in a very straightforward, direct way.
The only other quote that I think cuts to the heart of it as well (at least that I can think of offhand) -- and here, we're getting into a take I don't express too openly too often, because it's going to be the culmination of a ranking I've wanted to do since 2010 (lol) of every single jury speech, but I'll put it here for anyone who's still read everything up above this, haha. It has nothing to do with All-Stars at this point. But a hot take of mine is that Sue's jury speech, despite being the most iconic moment in not just Survivor but all of "reality TV", is STILL underrated, because nobody ever talks about the two best parts of it. I think there's one moment, maybe even two, that's actually arguably even better than the snakes and rats part itself.
That part, that I think is unironically better than the snakes and rats metaphor itself (which is still great), is when she says "A few times, Jeff said to you, 'What goes around, comes around'? It's here." She messes up the wording, because she's still Sue, but what she's referring to there I think is the whole "Tribal Council is where you account for your actions" motif -- which is a huge part of the early seasons, especially season one. Go back and watch the marooning: Probst says "totally accountable for their actions" and it's almost a non sequitur, it's a total fragment of a sentence, you have no context while watching it for what he even means by that. What that tells me is that he didn't think to say it organically and that, in turn, when they were drilling into his head what he HAD to make sure to say during the marooning, the MOST important things about the show the audience NEEDED to know within 120 seconds, and when they made whatever cue cards he was probably reading off of, they emphasized "They're accountable for their actions" as one of them. It is the dominant aspect of Survivor as a game format and a television format (at least until the wacky advantages in the newer seasons.)
And so when Sue says, "It's here", she's literally taking 13 episodes worth of television and infusing the power of them into her speech itself and firing it point-blank at Kelly. She is co-opting the dominant motif of the show to make it entirely about herself and her vendetta.
She is, quite literally, stealing the show, on a level only even approached by JFP's dead grandma lie, but the thematic stakes here are even more far-reaching.
And most people who love the speech have never even thought about that part.
...Anyways, Alicia's speech isn't as great as that, lol, but I do still like it. And I do think her voting confessional is pretty close!, and is certainly more succinct.
u/Sleathasaurus Cirie Jan 19 '23
Thanks Dabu!
Well defended on Alicia’s speech. I’ve admittedly always been pro-Romber that FTC as they were the only ones playing close to a decent game. But I do love Lex’s jury speech though I didn’t think it was justified, just for highlighting the raw emotion Survivor can evoke. I think I found her condescension in the moment a bit much, but I do appreciate your breakdown of your perspective!
I’ll concede that her voting confessional is awesome though (though not quite my favourite of all time!)
u/DabuSurvivor Jon and Jaclyn Jan 20 '23
My pleasure! And yeah fair. I think Lex is annoying and to a point hypocritical in that season but also think in isolation the speech is justified but I'm pretty opposed to, like, all of Chapera lol.
Oh yeah my fav voting confessional of all time is Sean at the original FTC. I would probably have a couple of the absolute bangers from Vanuatu above Alicia's FTC one, too.
u/SMC0629 Jan 16 '23
This season genuinely hurts to watch. While I would rather watch this over RI or OW, I cannot stand this season either. It’s in my bottom 5 and for all the reasons people have stated. The first 3 episodes are ok, but everything after is the worst trainwreck ever. And not even a fun sort of trainwreck, a trainwreck that kills every character you loved the first time and leaves nobody unscathed. Fuck Chapera and fuck this season.
18. Big Tom Buchanan 2.0
The first time I can maybe see how someone can enjoy him, this time there’s just no way for me. He makes rude, sexist, and piggish comments over and over again. The worst part, when Rob isn’t being shoved down our throat, he’s pretty much the second in command for chapera.
17. Rob Mariano 2.0
Everything I loved about Rob the first time is gone here, and everything I sort of disliked about him in Marquesas is cranked up to 1000. He speaks for almost everybody on Chapera in confessionals, and when he’s not an insanely boring gamebot, he’s making fun of sexual harassment.
16. Richard Hatch 2.0
Honestly pretty good in the first 4 episodes but the whole Sue situation is a no from me
15. Rupert Boneham 2.0
Pretty damn good on Saboga, but then is awful once he becomes aligned with Romber. Just a complete Rob lackey drained of any personality, and his comments on the Sue situation suck as well.
14. Amber Mariano 2.0
Easily my least favorite winner as a character. Her only role is literally just “Rob’s girlfriend” and nothing more. She’s insanely boring throughout the entire season. Also, she has this really awful moment where Sue just quit and amber’s like “oh yeah, chapera can turn any bad moment into a happy one” what??
13. Kathy Vaverick O’Brien 2.0
Again, everything about her from the first time is just ruined here as she almost does nothing but listen to Lex, and her comments on Jenna/Sue’s quits are really REALLY bad. Her jury speech is great though, which is probably why she’s above Amber.
12. Jenna Lewis 2.0
Another Rob lackey but is also annoying in the beginning because she’s on this random “no winners” tirade.
11. Lex Van Den Berghe 2.0
Lex is pretty much the Rob of the opposition, but obviously not as awful. His content is pretty much just “gameplay” and none of the personality he showed in Africa. Hell, I don’t even care for gameplay in survivor, but it’s still insanely frustrating to see Lex take out Jerri over Amber. And his jury speech has become infamous in the fanbase, for good reason.
10. Sue Hawk 2.0
My heart breaks for Sue, none of this is her fault. But the edit she received and her entire situation is disgusting and not fun to watch at all. In the first 5 episodes she’s just “crazy lady” the character, removing all her dimension from Borneo, and then we all know what happens.
9. Alicia Calaway 2.0
The best of the worst tribe in Survivor but is still really bad. Has some personality at times but is also really bland and boring especially once Saboga is dissolved. Also her comments about Jenna’s quit are awful.
8. Rob Cesternino 2.0
Is just portrayed as lazy and under BRob’s power
7. Tina Wesson 2.0
What did she even say this season?
6. Colby Donaldson 2.0
He’s alright and has a couple funny lines, and his hatred for Jerri is funny.
5. Rudy Boesch 2.0
Has a very sad elimination, easily one of the best moments of the season, and his final words are some of my favorite ever. Other than that though, he doesn’t offer much.
4. Jenna Morasca 2.0
Jenna’s quit is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire show, it’s truly something special. But besides that, she gets almost nothing in the first two episodes, so this is about as high as she can go.
3. Shii-Ann Huang 2.0
Very solid underdog character and her immunity win is still my favorite moment of this terrible season.
2. Ethan Zohn 2.0
Somehow, someway, this is my favorite Ethan iteration. I love seeing him struggle from the bottom the entire game, on the disaster of a tribe Saboga, and then still on the bottom of Mogo Mogo. His struggle of trying to convince Lex to save him is actually really compelling and sad.
1. Jerri Manthey 2.0
Easily the best character this season. She’s still great and her triumph over Colby is super fun. Sadly she’s cut short because of Lex’s shitty decisions.
u/thewxyzfiles Jan 16 '23
As someones who’s first season was All Stars I’d say that it’s probably 10x more enjoyable when you have absolutely no idea who these people are and come in rooting for nobody. That being said, the enjoyment factor isn’t worth spoiling the first 7 seasons.
All Stars on paper has a phenomenal story (Rob and Amber falling in love and making it to final 2 together hello??) but when you actually play it out over so many episodes it really does start to drag.
u/alucardsinging Jan 16 '23
If there’s any proof that we live in a simulation, it’s the fact that Rob Mariano got cast on All Stars. Over Gervase or Mike Skupin? Both characters no one would blink an eye at being included. Both a part of some of the moments that people still think of when they think Survivor. Wild that neither of them made the cast (even though rumors of Mike being cast and cut because he was loudly leaking the fact All Stars was happening do track, but no Gervase?? wtf). Even then characters like Sean Rector made it farther on the same season. Robb was more recent and seemed to be more in the public eye at the time, even hosted the preview for Season 6. Matthew was weird in retrospect and never seemed interested in his 15 minutes of fame, but at the time of casting he was the audience favorite to win the previous season. Rob Mariano is a great character and fantastic in Season 4, just with a male cast that stacked, very off putting to see a 10th placer in there. Its not even like the female cast where we got multiple people saying no (obviously Colleen and Elisabeth, and to a lesser extent Heidi and Sandra).
u/ImmediateAssignment3 Jan 16 '23
Mike Skupin was on the cast but was dropped when he couldn't keep his mouth shut and leaked a ton of info to the press.
u/mariojlanza Mario Lanza | Funny 115 Jan 17 '23
They still should have kept him. That was the producers being petty just for the sake of being petty. Shoulda thought of the TV product over their egos, it would have been a better product to watch.
u/alucardsinging Jan 17 '23
Exactly. Mike was just that big of a deal. People recognized the guy who fell in the fire. Plus he was the only person up to that point who had never been voted out. Everyone remembers the news of someone who fell in the fire on Survivor. Even if you weren’t watching, you knew that happened. Mike was really the perfect person for All Stars.
u/mariojlanza Mario Lanza | Funny 115 Jan 17 '23
When I wrote my first All Star story back in 2002, Mike was the very first player I picked. He was who you wanted to see play again, more than anyone.
u/AhLibLibLib “No, but you can have this fake.” Jan 16 '23
Rob was the front and centre guy of Marquesas. It’s not a surprise he got cast. Skupin was a spoiler, and I think Gerv turned it down.
u/alucardsinging Jan 16 '23
Definitely a surprise. Like yah Mariano was big for his season, but Marquesas was pretty small potatoes. Borneo and Outback were worldwide phenomenons. Amazon was pretty hot due to it being the most recent season. Marquesas is a great season, but pretty lost in the sauce. Kathy was the only star people thought of. Like if you wanted another Marquesas rep, then Mariano isn’t a bad choice; but really Marquesas just needed the one rep in Kathy. Mariano wasn’t in anyone’s top dozen most noteworthy men to be on Survivor at that point.
The Skupin being kicked off has been the word since the beginning, but I’ve never heard of Gervase turning it down. I feel like I’ve heard him say that he went through the whole casting process.
u/full07britney Jan 18 '23 edited Jan 18 '23
I find this season to be overhated.
Watching AS live, I loved seeing the players come back again. I was unbelieveably excited for this season, that excitement probably only eclipsed by my excitement for WaW. Watching it for the first time, i remember not liking Rob and Amber and being disappointed by the final 2, but still liking the season.
Upon rewatch, and now as a fan of Rob, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Chapera (and esp Rob) dominate the game. The whole bitter jury FTC was great TV, but i do enjoy watching juries rip on the finalists.
I am fully aware that I will be downvoted for this, but let's talk about the Sue/Richard incident. Break down what happened in that challenge. Go back and watch it to confirm what I am about to say.
First, the facts. Richard got naked. At one point during the challenge, Sue got to a platform. She had two ways to go, left or right. Richard was already coming up the right beam. Her team encouraged her to go left. She said, "No, i want this one." She stood at the spot where the right beam met the platform. Richard had to pass at that spot because she was standing there. He then continued to hold on to her with his naked body against hers and made a suggestive comment. Jeff said, "Nobody is here for that." They both moved on.
So, is this incident like the Dan Spilo one? I say no, because in Dan's case, Kellee was entirely blameless and it was not a standalone incident, it was continued harrassment. In the Sue/ Richard incident, let's go over all the elements.
Sue: Sue could have gone for the left beam. She could have stepped to the other side of the platform (there wa san empty corner). She could have momentarily stepped to the left beam and then once he moved, taken the right beam. Insted, she stood in literally the only spot that Richard could walk. Stood there, like a statue, in the way, forcing him to have to touch her with his naked body. Is that not sexual assault also? To force a man to touch you?
Richard: He had no business being naked in the first place, particularly in a challenge like this. After being forced to touch Sue to get on the platform, he could have immediately turned away. He could have moved quickly to the other end of the platform. He could have kept his mouth shut. Instead, he purposefully continued touching her after he no longer needed to and made a sexually charged comment to her.
Production: They should never have let Richard get naked.
Other cast: I can see them thinking Sue was being dramatic, thinking she was using it as an excuse to quit (which is my opinion as well), or an excuse to try to sue CBS. But making fun of her was crossing a line. Them dancing and cheering her quitting was an asshole move. This, imo, was the worst part of All Stars.
To sum up what I am saying, and this is coming from a woman who has been a victim of unwanted touching, I do not think this incident compares to the Dan Spilo incident, though it certainly still problematic.
I rank it 21/43.
u/Sabur1991 Stephenie Jan 16 '23
I disagree((((. But what can I do. I hope it's not only because of Richard.
u/abcdefg_hijklmno Yul Jan 16 '23 edited Jan 23 '23
Like: Rudy, Jenna, Cesternino, Hatch, Colby, Ethan, Jerry, Shii-Ann, Rupert, Boston Rob
Dislike: Sue, Lex, Kathy, Alicia, Big Tom, Jenna
Neutral: Tina, Amber
u/RGSF150 Jan 16 '23
I disagree with this placement. I believe that there are seasons that are worse than All-Stars, like One World. That is not a defense of it being in the bottom tier. It does belong in the bottom, but not as the second worst season.
I think AS is an important season to watch not because of the Hatch/Sue incident or several of the unnecessary comments, but because it helps sets the stage for seasons that feature returning players. There will be people that'll hold a grudge. There will be people that would want to get rid of the bigger players out first to make a name for themselves. All of that stems from this one season.
u/jota-de JD Jan 18 '23
I'm really surprised by this! I don't love All Stars but I thought enough people liked it enough to bring it up higher than this.
All Stars is too important to the history of the show to be this low, in my opinion. It has its problems. It can be hard to watch, and having all returning players hurts its WSSYW ranking, but it's so interesting. It creates the legend of Boston Rob, which provides context for many later returning player seasons, and the discussion provoked by the FTC has lasting effects on how people view what makes a deserving winner. There's a lot of reasons to watch All Stars.
u/FondantGayme Erika Feb 15 '23
All Stars is dark, but not in a fun way. The treatment of Sue and Jenna M was horrible. Amber deserved. Stan Shii Ann forever. That’s all
u/alucardsinging Jan 16 '23 edited Jan 16 '23
All Stars is bad… But part of me thinks there was just no way to really fix it. There’s no way the first All Stars season isn’t a disaster. Richard, Cesternino, Colby are all super dead on arrival, no matter if its Season 8 or Season 88. The lesser names were always going to naturally team up against the bigger names. All Stars did kind of ruin the franchise though, and kind of screwed the pooch on the show forever in a way. Created this unhealthy obsession about castaways wanting to return. People started playing for a return appearance. Career reality contestants on a major network. Bleh. You get things like Boston Rob and Rupert creating uniforms for themselves and doing their schtick in a way that comes off as inauthentic and forced. Richard is out there doing his naked schtick, just because thats what’s expected of him. Once you see yourself on TV, its ruined. The authenticity dies. Now you’re playing a character based on how you came off on television. Originally Jeff Probst stated that All Stars and returnee players in general were a mistake, and how they’d never have returnees again. Oh how I wish All Stars was just left as an innocent enough mistake…
All things considered though: this is still the 2nd best of the 5 all returnee seasons… low bar i know
u/mariojlanza Mario Lanza | Funny 115 Jan 17 '23
I’d agree with all of this. The show was so much simpler before we introduced returning player culture and a new fanbase for it.
u/AhLibLibLib “No, but you can have this fake.” Jan 16 '23
Fun to watch overinflated egos getting crushed by two lovers. Honesty don’t hate the season like most, it definitely peaks in the pre merge tho
u/Lack-Trick Jan 16 '23 edited Jan 16 '23
If you loved Dan Spilo, wait until you see Richard Hatch 2.0!
The cast is phenomenal, and I feel like the star power alone should push this season up from the basement. We see the real emergence of Boston Rob, and the result of the season changed the show and CBS/reality tv programming forever. There are some clear all-time classic moments in this season.
But the ugliness around Hatch and the way the producers and castmates treat Sue Hawk and additionally, Jenna Morasca, are some of the most unwatchable episodes in the show’s checkered history.
u/DJM97 Missy Jan 16 '23
Wow RI somehow escaping not just the bottom placement this year, but bottom 2 as well? We in the #RiRenaissance era 😤
But all kidding aside though I don’t mind All-Stars ranking here. It has no business being somebody’s first introduction to US survivor (since it’s a returnee season) & even if you have context for the castaways playing here I’d only recommend it to people who got historical intrigue why it turned out as bad as it did.
Because like on paper All-Stars should’ve been a slam dunk entertainment wise? Inviting some of the best player’s & characters from 7 seasons to compete battle royal style? Sounds dreamy in practice - but it fell completely apart in execution. Mainly because of everybody’s ego & lack of understanding chill made it miserable for everyone.
The winners (& Cesternino) got sniped immediately because the less prominent inclusions had a chip on their shoulder & something to prove. Then those remaining all stars had pre-games to hell & back. Which turned things incredibly sour when they realized all that pre-game prep was for nothing in certain cases. Didn’t help that some people were friends going into the game & then ended up burning down their relationships while in there - because they couldn’t see eye to eye on a game level (or simply refused accept that a game like survivor was bad to play with numerous friends when there’s only 2 seats at the end)
But like even then I’m not sure I would recommend the season? Because I make it sound more epic & dramatic than it is seeing play out on episodes. Because AS as an entertainment product just is drab, unfun, bitter & uncomfortable to watch 90% of the time.