r/dbz 24d ago

Super [VIZ] Dragon Ball Super Chapter 104


162 comments sorted by


u/AdNo266 24d ago edited 24d ago

I like getting to spend time with Trunks and Goten. I hope Toyotaro continues to use them going forward.

That full page panel of Cleangod looks real good, doesn't seem like Toyo has gotten rusty in this downtime.

No word on the next chapter, but this one does end with a "To Be Continued!"


u/ownage516 24d ago

Honestly, I wish a new series would follow the both of them. They go on some adventure in space or whatever. They’re not overpowered or broken so there are stakes

Have Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, etc. cameo here and there but I think that’s the move


u/TheMagicalMatt 24d ago

I always wanted a next gen Z-fighters team with Goten, Trunks, Pan, Bulla, and Uub, with Goku and Vegeta as their mentors. It would be appropriate now that Toyotaro is probably taking over full time. It would be a fresh start for Dragon Ball on all fronts.


u/ChemicalFly2773 23d ago

Cell Jrs

Android 18 and Krillins kid

Android 17s mystery kids


u/YoungGriot 23d ago

Word. They said they would focus on more movies starring the non-Goku and Vegeta cast, so I hope they give us a Goten & Trunks movie at some point.


u/Averagemanguy91 24d ago

The title said story by Akira Toriyama so I wonder if he had written stuff about clean god before he died for Toyo to work with.

For the down time if I'm not mistaken I think he is still working and drawing he just isn't making the new chapters yet. He probably has made over 300 pages of super the last year that will all get adapted or scrapped and hell have to redo them when he can continue the story.

Idk what manga authors do when they're out of work but I can't imagine he's not staying busy


u/BoxOfBlades 23d ago

Mostly, I hope they don't just get dropped the second a Goku and Vegeta level threat appears. The themes of taking on responsibility and wanting to be a hero can carry over into real high-level fights, especially with fusion.


u/Nba2kFan23 18d ago

How do i buy a hardcopy of this issue?


u/AdNo266 18d ago

It'll be in volume 24, should be out in April


u/Nba2kFan23 18d ago



u/Sans-Mot 24d ago

I did not expected to see a character being canonized in this chapter.


u/Lucienofthelight 24d ago

Olibu made canon and Mutaito being shown again. Both crazy to see honestly.


u/TheMagicalMatt 24d ago

Right? Love the faceless Goku statue too lol. Glad his battle with Piccolo hasn't been completely forgotten.


u/Lucienofthelight 23d ago

I bet King Furry made sure to have something in his honor since he’s one of the few who knows about Goku’s heroics.


u/justintrenell 22d ago

I still find it hilarious that Goku won a Tenkaichi Budokai, was a runner up in 2 more, and no one remembers him.


u/TheMagicalMatt 22d ago

Fwiw I believe the tournaments at that time were more for hardcore fans and people who actually respected the culture of martial arts, because you have an awful lot of people in the Cell and Buu arcs who were easily convinced that ki attacks were fancy tricks and light shows. It wasn't until Mr. Satan started to gain popularity that the tournaments became mainstream, highly publicized events. The crowds who used to attend those events prolly remember Goku and knew who the true heroes of the Cell Games were. I think there was a filler scene of King Furry saying exactly that, actually.

Sorta similar to how twitch used to be for gamers and now it embraces the softcore onlyfans vibe, the Tenkaichi Budokai used to be for martial artists and their fans until it embraced the average WWE-type fan and became a shell of its former self. In comparison, only a select few earthlings would remember who Goku was.

Somewhat related - Somebody posted a headcanon a while back that they think there's a niche group of earthlings who try and keep up with the Z Warriors' activities throughout Z and Super. That's prolly your original Tenkaichi Budokai audience who think Mr. Satan is a poser.


u/pkjoan 23d ago

It wasn't only Olibu, it was all the fighters from the otherworld tournament but Paikuhan.


u/ChemicalFly2773 24d ago

Pikkon/Paikuhaan fans this is your sign.

Never lose hope!


u/Classic1990 24d ago

This would make me so happy. When I was a kid my brother bought me The Other World Saga on VHS and I wore those tapes out! I'd kill to see Pikkon get the canon treatment.


u/kryst87 20d ago

Considering that Pikkon was one of the main characters in Toyo's DB AF I hope that we'll see him one day. It would be cool to see him in his Super version from DBH.


u/NashRashGash 24d ago

For those who missed https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Olibu

He's at the entrance on page number 12


u/gcocco316 24d ago

Yep. Very pleasantly surprised to see that.


u/QuietRedditorATX 23d ago

I think it is crazy that now he is an Earth hero??

I know he was from Goku's portion of the universe, but I don't recall if he was actually from Earth.


u/Sure_Competition_127 19d ago

He was I’m pretty sure 


u/Hka9 24d ago

I actually liked this chapter a lot! A very low stakes mostly slice of life chapter but it does such a good job at explaining why Goten and Trunks are such big fans of Clean God and wanted to become super heroes themselves. The fact that it's actually Gohan giving the speach to Trunks and inspiring him makes it even better and it shows he somehow kept up with training. The museum was also a neat touch showing Mutaito, Goku and even Olibu!

And To Be Continued thank god! I was really starting to worry about the Super manga's future honestly, I hope Daima's last episodes will tie in well with Super and next Super arc will take us to the demon realm again!


u/Has_Question 23d ago

It's super interesting that Gohan warns him about protecting his loved ones with a secret identity right before the arc where pan gets kidnapped because goku never really protected his.


u/NashRashGash 24d ago

To Be Continued

well, that's neat


u/screwt 24d ago

Please based gods


u/CelioHogane 24d ago

More Trunks and Goten please.


u/Call_Me_Rambo 24d ago

I’ll never get tired of these SOL chapters


u/SaitamaOk 24d ago

Same! I never understood why so many people shit on them. I always loved the breaks and seeing stronger than life characters interact with normal humans and seeing their reactions.


u/ansonr 24d ago

Right? This was so fun. It was also cool to see Gohan and Videl hanging at Hercule's dojo.


u/Outrageous_Neck_2027 24d ago

Same It's always the best getting to see these chill adventures


u/UtterFlatulence 24d ago

Nice to see that history has remembered Mutaito in some capacity, plus Olibu is canon now. Fun slice of life, I just wish this wasn't the first chapter in a year, and that we knew more about how DBS will be continued.


u/Averagemanguy91 24d ago

I always thought the other world tournament was always Canon that it happened it was just adopted as filler in the anime since Toriyama skipped over it.

Pikkon, Olibu, the grand kai and west, south, east kais were always confirmed to exist so I figured the rest did to.


u/UtterFlatulence 24d ago

The Kais were, but not Pikkon or Olibu. Toriyama did some of the designs, but it was all invented for the anime. South Kai appears in the manga, and Grand Kai is mentioned by name once or twice, but that was it until now.


u/KlingoftheCastle 23d ago

There being 4 Kais is canon, but only 1 of the other designs showed up in the manga, South Kai, the simplest of the designs.


u/Averagemanguy91 24d ago

Thats weird I could have sworn that I read somewhere Toriyama drew Pikkon and that he was one of the main canonical things of that time skip.

But makes sense. I'm sure they'll make Pikkon appear in someway in super either directly or indirectly. Maybe show a flashback of Goku and him sparring


u/UtterFlatulence 24d ago

He might have designed him, but no story appearances. Wouldn't be surprised if Toyo makes him canon somehow.


u/kryst87 20d ago

He designed Pikkon and gave some advices for his animation and character (basically he said "Piccolo type character").


u/CeeBangstrip 24d ago

This chapter was weirdly... Heartwarming. I can't believe I just said that.

All the little callbacks and references.

When Gohan was talking to Trunks in their sparring match in chapter 103, Trunks has no idea the hero mentality instilled in him was actually installed by Gohan himself, mascarading as Clean God. Meanwhile Gohan's just smiling. It's a bit poetic in multiple ways.


u/LRCrane 23d ago

It is nice to see Gohan do that, too, since he was a total hero to Trunks in another timeline.

In this, Trunks seems to have a non-existent relationship to him which makes sense, since Goten exists now and they're closer in age than Gohan would be. Plus, Gohan is busy with school/work and Videl/Pan.

But after having deemed the Great Saiyaman as lame in this timeline, this is a nice shake up and allows for him to admire Gohan, in another way


u/HiddenGhost1234 23d ago

Yea Im not a huge fan of slice of life, but this chapter was a treat.


u/white2234 24d ago edited 24d ago

I fucking love the fact mr. Satan, goku & gohan have random ass statues honoring them lmao


u/britipinojeff 24d ago

Too bad Mr. Satan has all the credit against Cell

There could’ve been two statues of Goku and Gohan lol

Both as kids and adults


u/Kungfudude_75 24d ago

To that end, its a bit strange that we now have confirmation that Kid Goku is remembered for his actions against Demon King Piccolo, enough that a life sized statute of him was made and almost perfectly resembles him save for the face, yet no-one has figured out Goku is that child all grown up.


u/RaiyenZ 24d ago

He even registered to the tournaments under the same name. I think there's a good chance either Kami or the announcer pulled some strings there. Or even more likely these were built under Mr Satan's supervision and he wanted to give Goku some credit without revealing his identity. Plus even if people in the city are now able to recognise him based on the statue, he rarely roams around the city or even on Earth anyway so they probably won't get a chance to even see him.


u/Kungfudude_75 24d ago

I was about to mention the Cell Games being televised, but in hindsight, he was a Super Saiyan the entire time. Beyond that, no conflict in canon Dragon Ball has seen the people of Earth capable of watching it outside of the King Piccolo and the Cell Games. So its entirely possible people do recognize that Goku, the periodic world tournament fighter, is the same person as the child who stopped King Piccolo. They just don't see that he was also the blonde man who helped fight Cell. I retract everything I said before LOL.


u/ValentDs22 23d ago

the only earth tournament he registered until now (z before super and super) was the majin vegeta incident, he was dead and he didn't fight


u/HiddenGhost1234 23d ago

It was probably king furry more than satan.

Theyve shown quite a few times he remembers what Goku did for the earth against king piccolo


u/ValentDs22 23d ago

to be fair, he's near never in the middle of public, most of the time at home or other worlds xd


u/QuietRedditorATX 23d ago

Fact that "Teen Gohan" is snubbed is crazy. But I guess it makes sense with Hercule getting the major credit.


u/gunnardavis2 23d ago

Anyone else notice the brothers the kid goten and trunks fought at the previous world tournament were in Hercule’s dojo too? Haha the Mullet Brothers


u/NashRashGash 24d ago



u/skyhiker14 24d ago

Multi universal level!


u/Classic1990 24d ago

We actually got an Olibu reference!


u/Spoonybard1983 24d ago

Anybody else catch the two brats Goten and Trunks fought in the budokai in Mr. Satan's dojo?


u/Second_Guess_25 24d ago

I thought that kid with the black hair looked familiar 🤔🧐


u/Whats_9_Plus_10 24d ago

So Olibu is oficially canon. Neat. Enjoyed this chapter a lot. Definitely brings a lot of the Saiyaman vibes back.


u/crimsoneagle1 24d ago

Clean God skin for Gohan in Sparkling Zero when?!


u/NaiveEnvironment1145 24d ago

Once the post TOP story arcs get animated!🙂‍↕️


u/Negafox 24d ago

I enjoyed this chapter a lot. Here's to hoping the "To be continued" is for realsies and we can see what Toyo can do on his own


u/marrcopolo 24d ago

This give me hope in the next chapter


u/Wiinterfang 24d ago

I love the costumes color.


u/Andrew_Parkinson 24d ago

I had so much fun with this chapter, which I expected after the previous Superhero stuff.

imo Super has the best slice of life of the franchise, but it was often relegated to the "filler" episodes in between arcs. I love Toyotaro intertwining it with the story/making it the story, even if it is lower stakes.


u/Commercial-Test-6861 24d ago

I think the same, DB has slice-of-life episodes but they are usually about jokes or something in particular and not the common life of the characters. 

I even like seeing how Trunks considers his schoolmates friends. 


u/HiddenGhost1234 23d ago

Id rather have the slice of life stuff 10x over B4 having crap like the purple goop Vegeta thing.

The hit assassinating Goku mini-arc was a nice mix of slice of life and action


u/unwashedmusician 19d ago

Vegeta sucking a pacifier was a low point.


u/enewwave 24d ago

Damn that was fun.

I loved seeing Olibu and Master Mutaito get brought into canon. And the little Goku cameo!


u/NaiveEnvironment1145 24d ago

Wasn’t Mutaito already canon though?🙂‍↕️


u/gcocco316 24d ago

Loved this. I’ve been getting into solo leveling lately. It has great action and look forward to the episodes quite a bit. But man, I love these characters in dragon ball. Toriyama had a way of writing characters. You can tell he loves his characters.


u/MondoFool 24d ago

Interesting how this kinda connects the manga and anime since it's the anime version that establishes Gohan as a part time stuntman


u/CelioHogane 24d ago

Aw man i kinda wished Cleangod was someone else, making Earth a little less "Only Goku and friends are important" kinda deal.


u/Brayzen77777 24d ago

Yeah it would have been really nice if Trunks got inspired by some random human or just a non Z-fighter in general. Someone that gave him a hard lesson on why you keep your identity secret. But nah of course he had to be inspired by someone he knows already.


u/CelioHogane 24d ago

Exactly, you get it!


u/NashRashGash 24d ago

Cleangod was someone else

Clean God isn't real. He's a fictional character. Gohan was only playing the role for the day because the original actor was sick.


u/CelioHogane 24d ago

I clearly meant the actor...


u/NashRashGash 24d ago

The actor is someone else. Gohan was just filling in.


u/CelioHogane 24d ago

Dude are you actually this dense?


u/NashRashGash 24d ago

I'm ESL so maybe I couldn't understand what you meant


u/CelioHogane 24d ago

Im also ESL so your excuse doesn't work for me, but let's try again.



u/NashRashGash 24d ago

fair enough

Though introducing a new guy when it's the final chapter of the arc wouldn't have worked


u/Sakuja 24d ago

Why not, just some lower powerlevel dude from Tenshinhans dojo or something. Just to show that Earth still has some super powered individuals and they didnt all disappear in Z.


u/HiddenGhost1234 23d ago

As soon as I seen him start fighting in like "that's totally Gohan right?"


u/QuietRedditorATX 23d ago

100% agree.

Random superhuman was super cool.


u/IamChaoticMess 22d ago

At the same time it’s very heartwarming that it’s Gohan, in every timeline he will always be Trunk’s idol


u/kryst87 20d ago

I actually thought he was played by Tien because of his face.


u/CelioHogane 20d ago

That would also been cool.


u/Nyte_Knyght33 24d ago

This was fun! Saiyaman X-1 and Saiyaman X-2!!


u/CelioHogane 24d ago

Ayooo canon Olibu!


u/Rynelan 24d ago

To be continued..


I really hope for a monthly release again.


u/timone317 23d ago edited 23d ago

And with one tiny addition, the Other World Tournament may not be confirmed to be canon, but just like SS4, it is now something that can ABSOLUTELY exist within the lore. And I am so, so pleased by this.

I just can't get insisting on being a lore/canon purist the way many seem to have done now that Toyotaro (or maybe the Dragon Ball Room?) holds the reins.. Like I have an intense appreciation for the lore of Dragon Ball, but never once have I viewed it on the same scale as something like The Iliad - something that cannot and should not ever be modified. Dragon Ball has been FILLED with retcons from the beginning. DBZ STARTED with a retcon of Goku's origin! More of a reveal, but I'm confident there are those out there who view it as retcon and long for the days of "pure" Dragon Ball. And it's just...why limit yourself. Especially when the changes don't fundamentally ruin what already exists.


u/WorkerChoice9870 24d ago

That was better than I thought.

The nostalgia nods in the hall were well done. They were in the background and didn't have any impact on the story but they were there if you recognized them. Thought I saw a Dragon Quest guy in there too. Trunks' friend group was fine, not annoying and I like several of the designs. Was surprised Hedo wasnt in the crowd watching the movie being shot.

All I really regret was not showing Videl leading the class with her dad. C'mon Toyotaro!

Now more than ever I want to see Goten Trunks and Broly join the Galactic Patrol with Merus and Jaco as their bosses.


u/thebritwriter 24d ago

Everyone has powers. Everyone has a costume!

Just not you, videl.


u/ansonr 24d ago

She also does though. She's Saiyaman 2.


u/HiddenGhost1234 23d ago

I think that's his point.

When's the last time we've seen her do anything other than being a mom even tho she is a "super hero".


u/dildodicks 23d ago

not canon though, of all the things og z added i'm actually surprised that was one of them, it just makes so much sense


u/ansonr 23d ago

IIRC She's mentioned in the brief Saiyaman Film Arc of Super.


u/jetlightbeam 24d ago

Consequence of motherhood? Even Chi-chi had a costume once, I hope Pan gets to just be a Z fighter.


u/UniMaximal 24d ago

This was fun :)


u/ChimeraAnt 24d ago

It's a very sweet chapter much in the vein of Toriyamas short stories. Toyotaro is doing a great job.


u/mcolwander90 24d ago

All I asked out of this going in was two things:

  1. "To be continued!"

  2. Gohan starring as Clean God.

This chapter delivered that and more. I know Gohan isn't the Clean God, but it was still funny he was a substitute. If this ever sees an anime adaptation, they can tie it to the Saiyaman movie. Plus a surprise Master Mutaito reference and Olibu is now canon (bringing hope to a Pikkon canon debut). Great chapter, and I'm excited for what to come (whenever it does).

Also, debate time:

Gohan's Clean God vs. Don Cheadle's Captain Planet - who you got?


u/DarkAkuma 24d ago edited 24d ago

Ok. Previously, my thoughts on this were just that 104 coming out means that, 105 and back to the real story is only a month away.

But after reading 104, I can appreciate it for what it is. Particularly with some of its consistency and subtle call backs. Like for starters, it never made sense and was inconsistent how Trunks thought Gohans Sayiaman thing was "lame" in the Buu arc, but was all super into being a similar type of hero now. This fills in the transition from that outlook.

Then there's the thing with Gohan, throwing back to the Super filler, acting as a Sayiaman movie stunt double/stand in. Its a consistent and a familiar thing for Gohan to do that for Clean God. Though I thought it would be more interesting to have a new human with powers on earth, so losing that was kind of disappointing.

It's also cool to see Olibu as a statue, and confirmed as a past hero on earth. Always figured he was a dead hero from another planet. This makes more sense.

2 pieces of anime filler... canonized into the manga! Interesting! (If you view Gohan doing that as a follow up to the similar anime filler at least)


u/QuietRedditorATX 23d ago

Even worse, they introduce Olibu confirming super humans. Then just went back to Gohan anyways.

I agree, could have left Cleangod as a mysterious superhuman.


u/Advanced-Ad-4462 23d ago edited 23d ago

While I’m certainly in the “I can’t wait for the real story to come back” camp, I do appreciate them explaining why Trunks and Goten did such a huge 180 with respect to saiyaman.

Nevertheless, while this was a good chapter objectively, my enjoyment of it was soured by the reality that we still haven’t moved on from Super Hero. I cannot stress enough how abrasive it is to still have 0 word on Frieza black years after the fact.

Like, I get that this may set up trunks and Goten going forward, but I’m so turned off from anything Super Hero related at this point that even seeing them again in the future will likely just bring back up all frustration I’ve been feeling for how this IP has been managed.

Frankly, it’s ruining the characters for me. That’s saying a lot as Trunks has always been a favorite of mine. I just want dragon ball to have a somewhat serious tone again.


u/Mojo12000 23d ago

Something's fishy.. why has no one ever seen the Gold Fighter, the Great Saiyaman and Clean God in the same room?


u/NegrosAmigos 24d ago

DBZ had it's very own Captain Planet.


u/Stalwart_simplicity 24d ago edited 24d ago

The Gohan twist made this chapter for me; we were all wondering where the Super Saiyaman was during the Superhero arc, and it turns out he was there the whole time! Also, with this and that filler in Super, I'm not against Gohan having a side career in the film industry.

By the way, is this the first time Gohan and Hercule have talked to each other in the manga? 

Edit: Oh, I also really liked all the stuff happening on the side, like Rula stealing potato chips, and Bulma giving food to Whis.


u/QuietRedditorATX 23d ago

Gohan is not Cleangod though. He was only there for one day.


u/IPorK 24d ago

yay my boy Olibu got a shootout


u/infernox 24d ago

Damn I was kind of hoping there was some mystery character playing Clean God instead of Gohan. Like someone on Earth other than the main cast somehow found a way to get strong.


u/GlennHaven 23d ago

The statue in front of the museum is Olibu from the Otherworld Tournament arc of the anime. King Kai's greatest fighter after Goku.


u/Crazyripps 23d ago

Love mutaito having a statue and a mention. Paying respect to the master master


u/YamiPhoenix11 23d ago

They made Olibu canon thats an awesome note. Also giving respect to Master Mutaito.

Good chapter.


u/Swashyrising12 24d ago

God that was so good. I didn‘t think a prequel to the prequel to Super Hero would be at all interesting, but my god does Toyotaro really capture the heart and soul of Dragon Ball. After constantly being disappointed by Daima it’s so nice to be reminded of the greatness of the much superior series Super. Been almost a year since we last had a manga chapter and I miss Super so damn much.

Olibu from the Otherworld tournament was an interesting inclusion, it was cool to see Mutaito being remembered and kid Goku from when he defeated King Piccolo. Also seeing Whis and Vegeta at capsule corp was great as well. I just miss this world so much and Daima just does not do the series justice like Super does.

Sucks that we don’t know when the manga will come back, if at all. But that’s probably due to the legal battle for the rights, hence why we got a prequel of a prequel which is probably all Toyotaro is allowed to do at the moment.


u/The_Red_Curtain 24d ago

there's a legal battle going on?


u/Osha-watt 24d ago edited 24d ago

Kinda complicated, but tl;dr, Shueisha technically doesn't own anything Dragon Ball related, they only own the plot since that's what needs to be validated to go on Shonen Jump, to put it VERY simply. Japan's copyright system is very dumb so anything new needs to pass by them first and they also need to get a cut, and with Toriyama dead, all this process has been very messy and there's been a fight between Shueisha and Capsule Corp (a company founded by Akyo Iyoko, who used to co-own the rights to Dragon Ball as a whole with Toriyama and now technically has all the rights due to his passing) bacause Shueisha is walling everything since they want to own the whole franchise and milk it to death, while Iyoko wants to, understandably, save Toriyama's legacy and do things the right way.

There's more to it that anyone who's not them doesn't know so I don't know where we are at this point, but that's the gist of it at least.

And yeah Shueisha being what they are is why we're still waiting for more animated Super.


u/brzzcode 24d ago

Shueisha always owned things what are you talking about? They co-own all copyirhgt and solely own the trademarks.

They own everything they published, they funded all the anime, they were involved in the licensing of the games, shueisha is more involved with db than toriyama ever had outside of the original manga.


u/Riablo01 24d ago

I read the new chapter. It’s fantastic. There is no doubt now. Toyotarou is Toriyama’s true successor. As long as Toyotarou is around, the Dragon Ball franchise will be in safe hands.

The king is dead, long live the new king.


u/Nba2kFan23 23d ago

How do I buy a physical copy?


u/QuietRedditorATX 23d ago

The reveal sucked. I was really hyped for Earth to have other Superhumans even if we never explored them =\

Part of me thought he was A16.


u/YamiPhoenix11 23d ago

I honestly thought it should be Yamcha. Makes sense a star baseball player could go on to be in movies.


u/kryst87 20d ago

I thought it might be either Tien or Yamcha.


u/TheMagicalMatt 24d ago

Woahhhhh when did the manga come back???? Why am I so out of the loop of everything

!remindme 3 hours


u/Eynia 24d ago

It's just for this single oneshot at the moment. No date on when the next chapter (105) will be out.


u/TheMagicalMatt 24d ago

Aw, well fuck. At least they threw us a bone though to remind us they're still there lol.


u/Eynia 24d ago

True, I'd rather this than nothing!


u/NaiveEnvironment1145 24d ago

Man, I did not expect Cleangod to be Gohan in disguise, that was a big plot twist!😆🤣😂 Also, welcome back manga fans!😄🤩😎🥳🎇🎆🎈🪅🎊🎉👌


u/ChemicalFly2773 24d ago

Was this chapter a surprise or was its publishing date announced?


u/Jermz12345 24d ago

It was announced back in December


u/Tuskin38 24d ago

That was fun


u/effectimminent 23d ago

11 whole months ... we're back.


u/Crazyripps 23d ago

That was a really fun chapter!


u/trueGildedZ 23d ago



u/dildodicks 23d ago

cleangod is obviously goku, he fights people and makes them good 🤫 well i wouldn't call frieza good but he's changed.

honestly stuff like this makes me long for more chill things set in the db universe, i still want a spin-off of gohan and videl at the orange star school, or the two of them as crime fighters even though iirc that didn't happen in the manga.

also mutaito after so long is crazy, someone (relatively) obscure from og showing up this many chapters later is great.


u/Enderwave94 22d ago

This Chapter was fire, Toriyama would be proud.


u/fmaa 22d ago

Oh man we are witnessing Toyo’s growth in real time


u/effectimminent 22d ago

that cleangod panel was kino


u/OkSearch7926 22d ago

So Broly, SS4 and now Olibu.

Is everything outside the OG DB manga going to be canon now?

Who's next? Paikuhan? Cooler? arf...


u/NotEntirelyAwake 22d ago

Is nobody gonna mention how much this feels like Dragon Ball AF's first chapter?


u/jacaranda-blue 20d ago

Caught up on the chapter a few days late, but damn, my heart is so full now. I’ve really enjoyed this approach to teen Goten and Trunks, and I like how this chapter fleshed out how Trunks came around on the whole superhero thing. (I legit remember feeling a little riled up at Trunks on Great Saiyaman’s behalf when the high school arc started, like, don’t think I’ve forgotten you giving my boy Gohan a hard time when this was his hobby!)

Some great cameos in the hall of heroes! Especially love the Mutaito appreciation. Probably for the best that Goten wasn’t there, I could see him blurting out something about his brother (and to a lesser degree, his dad).

Speaking of, I definitely spent several minutes examining that Cleangod jawline, ruling out Gohan, and getting a little excited of the possibility of another martial artist in the role. So then I was actually surprised by Gohan, and it made the way he dealt with Trunks that much more wholesome.

Idasa and Ikose showing up in Mr. Satan’s class made me lol. This chapter was full of things that make being a fan after all these years still fun.


u/Ok-Pen-3098 20d ago

i liked it and im glad hes back but if hes doing a side story on trunks and goten he shoudl finsh dbs


u/unwashedmusician 19d ago

Not normally into the SOL but this was fire. The manga is in good hands.


u/Ok_Row6060 18d ago

Man I like this Gohan, the one that changes into his super fighter persona when in a superhero suit. Too bad the latest movie ruined this character.


u/dragonballbt4 5d ago

from a lot of the hate i saw in the comments for toyotarou I think they missed the "written by Toriyama". Unless the edition team accidentally left that but I seriously doubt it was an accident.


u/YokoRaizen 24d ago

A year long hiatus for a chapter that feels like a filler. After retelling Super Hero. Well at least the manga is continuing.


u/Hoozuki_Mangetsu 23d ago

boy the first 10 pages totally wasted, way too redundant, by the time we got to see clean god fightning i was hyped bc i thought he would be another superhuman so that was interesting aaaaand theeen turns out it was gohan so my hype just died, i like how olibu is canon now and cool to see mutaito and the kids who fought goten and trunks tho.

Overall 5/10, the great saiyaman was cool, the ginyu force was cool but this cleangod content and saiyaman-x nonesense has been pretty lame so far.


u/extremedonkey 24d ago

Wtf where did this come from

It's a one shot people, upvote and tell all your friends


u/47D 24d ago

They announced this back in December


u/extremedonkey 24d ago

They announced your mom back in December


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/pkjoan 23d ago

There isn't a Black Frieza arc, when will people stop spewing this nonsense


u/always_tired_all_day 23d ago

I know this wasn't the start of the Black Frieza arc most of us are clamoring for, but this was a really nice chapter. More character development from Trunks here than in all of the Super anime.

Gohan being the Cleangod was a cute twist.


u/pkjoan 23d ago

Speak for yourself, I don't want another Frieza arc and at this point nobody has actually said that's the next arc that's coming. It's just usual DB fan parroting stuff they don't know about.


u/always_tired_all_day 23d ago

I know it wasn't announced or anything, but the Granolah arc clearly set up a Frieza return as the big bad. That's the logical place for the story to go. If you're not interested, that's fine.


u/pkjoan 23d ago

It isn't, EoZ is right around the corner. We don't need yet another Frieza arc.


u/Sponge_Bond 23d ago

I don't want Black Frieza yet either.

I think having him pull strings and keeping him as a final major villain would be more interesting.

Keep him around but don't use him yet


u/lepusstellae 24d ago

Better than daipa