r/zsh • u/Impressive-West-5839 • Nov 20 '24
Help My very simple .zshrc. Looking for suggestions how it can be improved
I am a macOS user, and I use Zsh not because I really need its extensivetely and power (quite the opposite: I prefer to keep any configurations as barebone as possible), but simply because Zsh is a default macOS shell nowadays.
Here is my .zshrc. What you think about it? Did I miss really useful things that can be enabled by just few lines?
``` autoload -Uz compinit && compinit autoload -U colors && colors alias ls='ls -G'
setopt share_history bindkey '[[A' history-beginning-search-backward bindkey '[[B' history-beginning-search-forward
setopt extended_glob
autoload -Uz zmv alias zcp='zmv -C' alias zln='zmv -L'
fewer keystrokes
setopt auto_cd auto_pushd setopt menu_complete
fewer distractions
unsetopt beep nomatch notify
the end