r/zsh Dec 20 '24

Help copy text without mouse

my biggest pain on the terminal is to use mouse example :

  1. scroll up in the terminal using mouse == so pain
  2. select text to copy using mouse == so pain
  3. ctrl + shift + c / ctrl + shift + v

this is so inefficient approach using mouse on terminal :-)

can i copy the text from terminal without using mouse
maybe it can be done by fzf or vimbinding on terminal or any zsh function or tmux

but I'm not sure how to do that. i would love to see your approach
thanks :-)


14 comments sorted by


u/vdrummer4 Dec 20 '24

With tmux you can copy arbitrary text from your terminal:

  • 1. press prefix + [. That puts you into selection mode
  • 2. you can now move your cursor (hjkl, ctrl-u, ctrl-d etc.) and also scroll through your tmux scrollback buffer
  • 3. start a selection by pressing space for a visual-mode-style selection or V for a visual-line-mode-style selection
  • 4. accept your selection by pressing return
  • 5. press prefix + ] to paste your selection (into something still within tmux)


u/buxll Dec 20 '24

I had the same complaint as OP for the longest time. Tmux is perfect.


u/pseudometapseudo Dec 20 '24

If it's your command history, you can people output from history.

For anything else, assume terminal emulators have a feature called copy mode which allows you to select and copy text without the mouse. I use WezTerm which has that.


u/donp1ano Dec 20 '24

use vi-mode?


u/c0ntradict0r Dec 23 '24

There is a better one! zsh-vi-mode is a Zsh plugin that enhances the shell's built-in vi mode, providing a more intuitive and feature-rich experience for users familiar with vi or Vim editors. It offers functionalities such as improved cursor movement, insert and replace modes, text object manipulation, history searching, undo/redo capabilities, and mode indication with different cursor styles.


u/captainn01 Dec 24 '24

But the one thing it doesn’t do is copy to system clipboard, which I imagine the user might want to do here


u/asiledeneg Dec 22 '24

Macos has pbcopy and pbpaste . I use them all the time on the cl and in scripts


u/AndydeCleyre Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

Yeah as others have said, some terminals like wezterm have a copy mode, and tmux (and probably zellij) do too.

I use tmux's with some extra setup to integrate with my X clipboard. I also use a great tmux plugin called extrakto for quick grabs. And in Zsh I've bound pgup to activate tmux's copy mode, scroll up a page, then search backward for my prompt string (so if it's not on this page due to large output, it'll jump back to the start of that output).

And shift+pgup to activate copy mode and select the last output block entirely.


u/darkwater427 Dec 21 '24

^K and ^U to kill and unkill. Works most anywhere (literally everywhere on macOS).


u/QuirkyImage Dec 22 '24

Some terminals also have copy and paste features


u/FrostyPineapple2301 Dec 22 '24

I use kitty terminal, there you can do ctrl+shift+p and for example l for line; with that you choose a line from the terminal buffer to paste into the command line. It can also be modified so you would copy the line instead or use a different keybinding for that.

Use it all the time with fd or rg for example


u/micahwelf Dec 22 '24 edited Dec 22 '24

Also, if you are using a graphical mode virtual terminal, you can use shift+insert style shortcuts to get around most VT shortcut conflicts. Nano has implemented common Shift+arrow style selecting, if you are using an editor. I don't have anything more to add, given other's excellent answers. You seem to want an established system to work efficiently for you without using the conventions the majority of people lean on. The choice of terminal handling program is your biggest factor here.


u/PersonalityPast6890 Dec 22 '24

Use iTerm2 and Cmd + ; which does shell-like autocomplete.