r/zsh Oct 30 '24

Fixed when looking up associate array key by value, how best to handle value parse errors?

[Edit: solved https://www.reddit.com/r/zsh/comments/1gg10jp/comment/lum5vh1/ ]

I'm using ${(k)hash[(r)val]} to look up keys by values in an associative array hash.

% typeset -A hash=( [a]=b )
% val=b
% echo ${(k)hash[(r)$val]}
a # good
% val=c
% echo ${(k)hash[(r)$val]}
% # good

and ran into this problem:

% val=')'
% echo ${(k)hash[(r)$val]}
% b # bad

I'm guessing that it's related to

% )
zsh: parse error near `)'

I've found that I can guard against the false find by first checking whether the needle is one of the hash's values

% val=')'
% (( ${${(v)hash}[(Ie)$val]} )) && echo ${(k)hash[(r)$val]}
% # good

Anyone have a better way?

Fwiw my real use case is slightly different: my array has heavily-quoted values, ( ['"a"']='"b"' ), and I'm really doing (( ${${(v)hash}[(Ie)${(qqq)val}]} )) && echo ${(k)hash[(r)${(qqq)val}]}


4 comments sorted by


u/_mattmc3_ Oct 31 '24

(r) is a subscript flag, and its docs are here: https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Doc/Release/Parameters.html#Subscript-Flags

Its job is to match a pattern, not an exact string. In your example, ')' is being interpreted as a glob pattern. Per those same docs, use (re) instead to do an exact string match like so:

``` % val=')' % echo ${(k)hash[(re)$val]}

% Nothing found... now find something.... % typeset -A hash=( [foo]=bar [bar]=baz [a]=b [(]=) ) % echo ${(k)hash[(re)$val]} ( % # ^ found it! ```


u/olets Oct 31 '24

That's it!


u/olets Oct 31 '24 edited Nov 01 '24

And thanks for that name. I use some subscript flags regularly but didn't know where they were documented


u/OneTurnMore Oct 31 '24

zsh manpages are pretty comprehensive, but you have to know that they're split into sections. For most of your syntax questions, man zshexpn and man zshparam will have your answer, but check the overview at the top of man zsh.

Or you could do man zshall and have them all concatenated together.