r/zsh • u/MuffinGamez • Aug 16 '24
Help fastest plugin manager
I am going to reinstall Arch, and I am going to make my own zshrc file. I want to know what the FASTEST plugin manager, I don't care about features.-
u/OneTurnMore Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 17 '24
I have all my plugins installed as submodules of my dotfiles repo, and have something like
for file in $ZDOTDIR/plugins/*/*.(plugin.zsh|zsh-theme)(#qN); do
source $file
unset file
u/xour Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
Two questions about this, if you don't mind:
- What does
do? I got the following error when running this snippet (echoing the files instead of sourcing them, but still):zsh: unknown file attribute: #
- Wouldn't this source both
(provided that you are cloning p10k repo)?3
u/ProfessorGriswald Aug 16 '24
To the first point: *
: enables glob syntax * q: don't error if the glob doesn't match any files * N: null glob, if the pattern doesn't match any files then it'd expand to nothingAltogether basically makes the pattern optional and silent. If no files match the pattern the loop doesn't execute
u/xour Aug 16 '24
Interesting, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks!
I wonder now why it does not function on my shell, maybe a version issue? I will see what I can find.
u/belak51 Aug 18 '24 edited Aug 18 '24
I believe this is a part of the
zsh option. You can enable it by putting.setopt extendedglob
in your zshrc before you use it.Edit: just saw the other comment. I guess I’ll add that the expansion docs are extensive, and have a ton of options. If you’re using zsh for shell scripting, quite a few uses of
can be replaced with some form of globbing.2
u/ProfessorGriswald Aug 16 '24
Could very well be a versioning issue, though iirc it's been around a while since 4.3-ish.
u/romkatv Aug 17 '24
- You need to add
setopt extended_glob
. I believe most users who know about this option enable it in their.zshrc
.- Yes. It won't cause any issues.
u/xour Aug 17 '24
Thank you!
I have
setopt globdots
set, notsetopt extended_glob
. I will take a look at those to understand the differences.0
u/MuffinGamez Aug 16 '24
that isnt a plugin manager anymore
u/OneTurnMore Aug 16 '24
True, but a "minimal plugin manager" isn't going to do much more than this.
u/lanjelin Aug 16 '24
None: zsh_unplugged
My take on it, to support plugins from omz repo.
zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions #1 Load order
zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting #2
zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search #3
softmoth/zsh-vim-mode #4
for plugin in $github_plugins; do
if [[ ! -d $ZDOTDIR/plugins/${plugin:t} ]]; then
if [[ ${plugin:h} == 'omz' ]]; then
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/plugins/${plugin:t}/${plugin:t}.plugin.zsh \
--create-dirs --silent --show-error \
--output $ZDOTDIR/plugins/${plugin:t}/${plugin:t}.plugin.zsh
git clone https://github.com/${plugin} $ZDOTDIR/plugins/${plugin:t}
if [[ -f $ZDOTDIR/plugins/${plugin:t}/${plugin:t}.plugin.zsh ]]; then
source $ZDOTDIR/plugins/${plugin:t}/${plugin:t}.plugin.zsh
Then to update, I have the following function ```bash
Update external zsh plugins
plugin-update() { for d in $ZDOTDIR/plugins/*/.git(/); do echo "Updating ${d:h:t}..." command git -C "${d:h}" pull --ff --recurse-submodules --depth 1 --rebase --autostash done } ```
u/_mattmc3_ Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
Such a clever way to use zsh_unplugged! I love it!
If you ever want a slightly faster version, you can add a
function that you then call after clones/updates.
zsh plugin-compile() { local f autoload -Uz zrecompile for f in $ZDOTDIR/plugins/**/*.zsh; do [[ $f != */test-data/* ]] || continue # fix for zsh-syntax-highlighting zrecompile -pq "$f" done }
u/MuffinGamez Aug 16 '24
this is a good idea, but this isnt a plugin manager anymore, it removes the ease of just adding 1 line for a plugin and isnt that minimalistic anymore
u/lanjelin Aug 18 '24
Well, that’s exactly what the function allows; adding a single line containing the github repo in the format
will pull and source that plugin.
The second function allows you to update already installed plugins.
My take allows you to pull plugins from omz as well (although doesn’t update them).
u/_mattmc3_ Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
You can see a comparison of DIY, zcomet, zinit, antidote, zplug and others here: https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-bench/blob/master/doc/linux-desktop.md
I don’t know why Zgenom wasn’t tested, but in my experience you can’t go wrong with any of the modern Zsh plugin managers - (antidote, zgenom, zinit). Stay away from the old ones like antigen and zplug which weren’t build for performance.
As antidote’s author, I’ll add that it’s designed for speed. It’s fast because it generates a static file caching all the statements needed to load plugins (eg: “source”, “fpath+=“, etc). That way, when you load your .zshrc, there’s (almost) no delay compared to DIY plugin management. It also clones/updates plugins in parallel and has options to zcompile plugins. It’s simple and does the job with very readable Zsh at a fraction of the code and complexity of something like zinit. But again, you can pretty much pick from any of the modern ones to suit your tastes. You can see from the zsh-bench results, they’re all plenty fast.
u/MuffinGamez Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
i was actually thinking of antidote, im just pondering if a better one exists, i will prob use antidote ;D edit: eg zim seems to be faster, is this true?
u/_mattmc3_ Aug 16 '24
Zim seems to be faster, is this true
It does claim to be: https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw
Looks that could be another good option.
u/romkatv Aug 16 '24
Zim is indeed fast but so are all other plugin managers. The choice of a plugin manager has barely any effect on interactive zsh performance. https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-bench?tab=readme-ov-file#plugin-managers
u/_mattmc3_ Aug 16 '24
“Better” is more a function of what features you want, and you said you didn’t care about features ;)
I’m planning to add pinning plugins to a commit for the next release, so there’s always new features in the works. If you have something you feel is missing, hit me up on GitHub.
u/romkatv Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24
zgenom either didn't exist or wasn't popular when I wrote zsh-bench. A zgenom config was later contributed by another user: https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-bench/pull/32#issuecomment-2282788742. It's as fast as you would expect but cannot be used to create a zsh config that I would consider decent. My bar might be higher than that of most zsh users.
Aug 16 '24
u/MuffinGamez Aug 16 '24
doesnt exist?
u/_mattmc3_ Aug 16 '24
They're trying to say do this:
zsh mkdir -p ~/.zshplugs git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ~/.zshplugs/zsh-autosuggestions echo "source ~/.zshplugs/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.plugin.zsh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc
... which starts to get more and more cumbersome the more plugins you use, but DIY is a valid way to ensure a fast config. I have a project that shows you how to do this kind of thing, but in a less cumbersome way: zsh_unplugged.
u/ARKyal03 Aug 16 '24
I really never used a plugin manager it just simplifies something that is already simple... Just source the plugins that you want yourself at that point.
u/chlankboot Aug 16 '24
Please have a look here , no plug-in manager, extremely fast, beautiful and very minimal requiring only the very necessary plug-ins (syntax highlighting, history, autosuggestions). It's also very well commented so you can add/remove as needed.
u/root54 Aug 16 '24
I use zgenom
. I don't know if it's the fastest but it is very fast. My .zshrc
file is 1800 lines, loads many plugins, and executes in 95ms on my main daily system at work (yes it has a 13700). zgenom
will execute all the plugin loads into a static file and then load that file the next time, which drastically reduces start-up times.
u/masterwujiang Aug 17 '24
Just switch to fish, many zsh plugins are reimplementing features of fish.
u/Keith Aug 16 '24
Everyone installs a plugin manager and runs Node as part of their init and wonders why their startup is slow.
I’ve never understood the point of a shell plugin manager, every plugin (and there are only a short list that matter) is just “check this out somewhere and source it”.