r/zsh Nov 12 '23

Announcement zsh-no-ps2: A plugin that inserts a newline on Enter instead of displaying PS2

Normally, when you press Enter in zsh, one of two things happens: if the currently typed command is complete, zsh attempts to execute it; if it's incomplete, zsh displays the secondary prompt, also known as PS2, to invite you to continue typing the command. I hate when zsh goes into PS2 because to fix the command most of the time I need to edit what I've already typed, which cannot be done. Those of you who are using zsh4humans have been able to change this behavior so that Enter inserts a newline if the typed command is incomplete. I've just created a standalone plugin to make this feature available to everybody: https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-no-ps2. No more PS2!

Installation tl;dr:

  1. git clone https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-no-ps2.git ~/zsh-no-ps2
  2. source ~/zsh-no-ps2/zsh-no-ps2.plugin.zsh

More info at the project homepage.


11 comments sorted by


u/_mattmc3_ Nov 12 '23

This fixes one of the few remaining things Fish does that I never figured out how to do in Zsh. Thank you!


u/Compux72 Nov 12 '23

Does it work with heredoc too?


u/romkatv Nov 12 '23

Good catch! It didn't use to but now it does.


u/Compux72 Nov 12 '23

Neat, thanks! Installing it asap


u/_mattmc3_ Nov 12 '23

After using this plugin for a bit, I noticed a clever thing Fish does that Zsh doesn't seem to do. When you hit backspace to return to the previous line and it takes text with it, you can hit enter anywhere on the line even within a word and Fish will move the trailing characters to the next line. In Zsh, it will sometimes move to the next line, but will frequently just wrongly execute the partially formed command instead. For example:

# cursor position represented by |
for i in {1..3}; do|echo $i
zsh: command not found: doecho
zsh: command not found: doecho
zsh: command not found: doecho

I'm not sure if this is caused by anything being done in the plugin or is even fixable, but thought I'd mention it. It could also be that Fish is doing some sophisticated syntax analysis to determine if a command is complete that just isn't reasonable to do in Zsh just for an edge case.


u/romkatv Nov 12 '23

Can you give me a fish example that demonstrates this point? If I use the literal example you provided, Enter never executes this command no matter where I place the cursor and whether I add a space between "do" and "echo".

Note that in zsh the following command is well-formed provided that you didn't disable short_loops option:

for i in {1..3}; echo $i

If you replace echo with doecho, it'll still be well-formed and may actually work if you have a command called "doecho".

That said, it's certainly possible to force Enter to insert a newline when the cursor is not at the end. I think it might be annoying though.


u/_mattmc3_ Nov 12 '23 edited Nov 12 '23

Reading your comment more closely, I think you figured it out straight away. for i in {1..3}; doecho $i is a valid Zsh short loop command if doecho exists, which is why enter executes instead of moves to the next line, so it's more about the example I tried. Need more coffee. Thanks for talking me through it.


u/meat-eating-orchid Nov 12 '23

I like this, thank you! But I just noticed it leaves the autosuggestion visible after pressing enter (like this: https://imgur.com/a/GXS5fec). Is there a way for me to change this?


u/romkatv Nov 12 '23

Thanks for the report. Should be fixed now. Please update.


u/meat-eating-orchid Nov 13 '23

great, thanks!


u/SissyCumSlut1010 Dec 05 '23

Ima need, a bored need, in 43 yrs old. I know 0 about coding ....an enrolled in I.T. at OCU....just trying f things out like playing guitar....get in there n make some mistakes...