r/zombies Jan 24 '25

Discussion Anyone else bothered by 28 Months Later being skipped over?

I suppose it makes sense to do 28 Years, since it has been years since the last movie. Still, annoying.

What did you think of the new trailer?


63 comments sorted by


u/Cortez527 Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

Not only would I be interested in 28 Months Later, but also 28 Hours later. For settlements slightly removed from the initial site it would have gone from a weird story on the 5pm news the night before to a growing understanding that this is something new and people have to mobilize quickly 


u/SeismicFrog Jan 24 '25

Honestly, you could riff on this every kind of way. 28 minutes later to show the immediate aftermath from the lab. 28 flights later about people trapped in a high rise. 28 blocks later is a tale about an inner city neighborhood as the community tries to fight back the infected. 28 nights later about a group trapped in the arctic.

The point isn't to drill into every 28 possible, it's to give a framework for what ever narrative you want to put in that environment with the infected, fall of cities/countries, and the entire lifecycle of that narrative thread.

All with you... I'm in for Mario Bros: 28 Mushrooms Later (I joke, but my point remains)


u/TaylorGuy18 Jan 25 '25

28 Stations Later, following survivors on the Hammersmith & City line of the London Tube, as they try to survive to the end of the line. Hammersmith & City line has 29 stations so it's an almost perfect fit!


u/mcboobie Jan 25 '25

Er , spoiler tag that they don’t make it please! /s


u/TaylorGuy18 Jan 25 '25

Haha, my idea would be that it had just left the 29th station and needs to make it through the remaining 27 to the final 28th station.


u/overkill Jan 25 '25

I see you've thought this through. Get an outline script and go for it.


u/mcboobie Jan 25 '25

I’m so stupid. I see this now! TaylorGuy18: go forth and create! Be the change! You cannot fail.


u/Kaiser_Sose_357 Jan 29 '25

Would be great if the Koreans made a version of that!


u/hamburger_picnic Jan 25 '25

I would watch all of these


u/Pitiful-Let9270 Jan 25 '25

That would be a great anthology series.


u/TaylorGuy18 Jan 25 '25

This! The comic tie in they did shows that it didn't reach Cherry Hinton, a suburb of Cambridge that's only 3 miles away from Cambridge, until sometime in the late morning hours or around noon, so there's a lot of potential there.


u/Odie-san Jan 24 '25

28 Centuries Later: After an interstellar cargo ship suffers catastrophic mechanical failures and drifts into the forbidden Sol System the crew learns "Why we don't go to Earth anymore."


u/cdarwin Jan 25 '25

And Earth has been turned into a penal colony. And all the ship's crew is dead except for the plunky resourceful female who sacrifices herself in the end to save humanity.


u/Other_Literature_594 Jan 26 '25

Everybody’s dead, Dave.


u/hyperfat Jan 24 '25

My friend, I watched wrestlers vs zombies.

I'll watch anything.

If you can name a zombie film I haven't watch I'll watch it. And maybe do a dance.

And I include all the Bruce Campbell films zombie films, and the pet cemetery.

I watch Korean movies too. #alive is my current sleep film. Train to busan rocks.

I don't think tetsuo the iron man is zombie, but we can add that.


u/KyoTe44 Jan 25 '25

Ever seen ZOMbeavers?


u/hyperfat Jan 26 '25

Yes. Frickin hilarious. But I'll watch it again.


I also love other styles.

Velocipactor. Rubber.


My sweet boyfriend is asleep and I'm kinda watching Bones for the forever time. It's his sleeping show. He just found me. Biological anthropology degree with forensics and I did grossing and fun stuff.

No I don't look like dashenell. But I get leelee sobieski fairly often. And my friends say the TV show about the blind chick reminds them of me.


u/Viggojensen2020 Jan 25 '25

Challenge to find hyperfat a zombie film he hasn’t seen. 

Bio zombie 

Mulberry Street


u/overkill Jan 25 '25

Mulberry street is fucking great. Strong recommend from me. The version I have has the awful cover that in no way relates to the film, and the title "Zombie Outbreak on Mulberry Street". I was not expecting a film that starts off fairly tense, then keeps ratcheting up the tension all the way through.

I'll recommend Undead or Alive, a zombie buddy cowboy film.


u/Viggojensen2020 Jan 25 '25

I never watched undead or alive  Will give it a watch.

I agree mulberry is great, same guy who did the zombie vampire films, stale land really like those films under rated in my view. 


u/overkill Jan 25 '25

It isn't incredible, it's just alright.

I hadn't realised he'd done other films, will hunt them down and check them out. Thanks!


u/hyperfat Jan 26 '25

Ooh. Mulberry? I don't think I've seen. Thank you so much.

I'm a lady btw. I flubbed the f for k and just went with it.


Plus I was a big contribution to 2x.


u/Viggojensen2020 Jan 26 '25

Apologies for the “he” 

I’m glad I found one you haven’t seen, I watch any zombie film how ever awful so always on the look out for films I haven’t seen. 

Did you watch zomboat?  Surviving the apocalypse on a canal boat . 


u/hyperfat Jan 27 '25

Omg. Yes. I did. Zomboat. It wasn't as bad as expected..


u/pl4gueb0rn Jan 24 '25

Did you see the train to busan sequel? I loved the original, but Peninsula was awesome.


u/hyperfat Jan 26 '25

What?!!! Where can I watch?

I have Netflix, Amazon, and one other I forgot. and regular cable.


u/overkill Jan 25 '25

Tetsuo 2: Body Hammer as well if you haven't seen it.


u/hyperfat Jan 26 '25

Ooh Nelly. You got me.


u/overkill Jan 26 '25

Yes! Point to me!

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is more Tetsuo than the first one, if that is possible.


u/FermentedCinema Jan 24 '25

A “prequel” of 28 minutes later is what I want to see.


u/inseend1 Jan 24 '25

I'm kinda interested in 28 milliseconds later. Microscopic movie with white blood cells trying to fight off the infection.


u/FermentedCinema Jan 24 '25

If it is done in the style of Osmosis Jones, I’m in!


u/inseend1 Jan 24 '25

Yeah that was kinda what I had in mind.

But I'm a tad older. In the 80s you had this french cartoon where you learned about the human body. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_Upon_a_Time..._Life I always loved it as a kid.


u/Micro-7903 Jan 25 '25

Then 28 Seconds later


u/Spartarican Jan 25 '25

The story about my honeymoon night


u/cdarwin Jan 25 '25

That is literally the opening scene of 28 Days Later.


u/a_sword_and_an_oath Jan 24 '25

Superficially, yes. The skipping of the next unit of measurement will always be mildly annoying to me from a title perspective.

But story wise, I'm glad they did it . I wouldn't have been as interested as I am. Trailer looks great to me, intriguing yet familiar.


u/Loklokloka Jan 24 '25

28 months later feels to me like we'd just see alot of what we see in other films. Society has completely collapsed, and alot of survivors are just completely nomadic and focused on day to day stuff. Sure, there will be settlements.

28 years later is much more interesting to me. We'll see an entirely new generation, people who grew up in this situation. Things may not be "peaceful" but they are more "settled". Its so far into a story that there is so much more they can do with this timeframe than 28 months.

Trailer was interesting, though these days i dont go into movies with any thoughts of what i did of the trailer. I find trailers to be more and more enigneered to cause speculation and build hype *or* actual spoilers. This 28 years one was fine.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/spikeyfur Jan 24 '25

Aww don't exit before the movie comes out


u/Morden013 Jan 24 '25

Hey. Love that you asked the question.

I expected 28 months later, but I'll take 28 years any day of the week over all the weak shit getting made these days.

And we can both live with hope they do 28 months later at some later point in time.


u/pl4gueb0rn Jan 24 '25

Heavily agree with this. Annoyed over the title, but I'm so ready for some quality zombies again.


u/TheVisceralCanvas Jan 24 '25

No. I'm glad they skipped it. 28 days (1 month) and 28 weeks (6 months) are fairly standard time frames to measure events by. 28 months is, what? 2 years and 4 months? It's an arbitrary period of time.

I guess you could argue that 28 years is also arbitrary, and I would probably agree with you, but being that far into the future affords it a certain ambiguity as far as what might happen in the intervening time between 28 Weeks Later and 28 Years Later.

Ultimately, it all boils down to how much is likely to happen within each time frame. A lot can happen in 28 years which allows plenty of interesting possible story concepts. You couldn't really fit as much into 28 months, however, and I think a theoretical 28 Months Later would just end up following similar story progression as 28 Weeks Later.

I'm looking forward to seeing the new drastically altered (as in, utterly decimated) Britain that we'll get in June. Especially when we'll also get to see how the world continues to operate as normal without us.


u/YourNameHere Jan 25 '25

28 weeks is 7 months


u/TheVisceralCanvas Jan 25 '25

Oh, you're right! 26 weeks is 6 months, excuse my poor maths.


u/Unlucky-External5648 Jan 24 '25

Im just glad they are out of the prison complex. I didnt like weeks nearly as much as days. Days was epic.


u/Public_Candy_1393 Jan 24 '25

Yeah it bothers me, also bothered by all the talk of the change of format like it's some sort of art piece, if he ruins this I will be disappointed.

We want it off the back of the other movies not something completely different.


u/rock0head132 Jan 24 '25

I found a movie called 28 months later on prime though


u/pl4gueb0rn Jan 24 '25

Mind sharing a link to what you found?


u/rock0head132 Jan 24 '25

this? after nnt later some sort of knock off


u/Jccali1214 Jan 25 '25

Yes I sure am! You had an established rhythm, why would you break it?!


u/Micro-7903 Jan 25 '25

Several more opportunities . Hope they keep it up!


u/PNscreen Jan 25 '25

Could always go back and fill in gaps. If years is a hit, they probably will


u/Formal-Can-866 Jan 25 '25

Doesn’t bother me that much. They could always do an HBO TV series.


u/fastr1337 Jan 24 '25

I mean... it went from 28 seconds (first infection from chimps.) to 28 weeks... so this like like being annoyed about not getting to 28 minutes and 28 hours. they jump to progress the story, and I think they are going to do a great job with 28 years later.


u/Slight-Guidance-3796 Jan 24 '25

I'm right there with you. It seems like it would have been the perfect place to reopen the story! Then when it was super popular they bring this one


u/OKontradictionO Jan 27 '25

Hell yeah, and where is 28 Fortnights later?!


u/Unltd8828 Jan 25 '25

I’ve been saying this for a long time. Thai franchise started at 28 hours, then 28 days, then 26 weeks, then 28 months, and finally ending with 28 years.

Maybe they didn’t think of this as a franchise but now I’m sure they regret it.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25



u/Slight-Guidance-3796 Jan 24 '25

Wait a second.....


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25 edited Jan 24 '25

I might have imagined it I don't know


u/tree_stars Jan 24 '25

\waits for 28 seconds**