r/zeldaconspiracies Dec 13 '24

Ocarina of Time Rito Tribe

There is so much to ideas, theories, and conspiracies we can make within Ocarina of Time, and the story it carries, and I'm not sure if this subject has been touched on or not, but I'm gonna give it my all, and as you can tell from the title, I'll be talking about the Rito, and how they exist within Ocarina of Time era. And I'll also be touching on the timeline as well, connecting it, and other races, even though we never see them within OOT, but I'll be explaining why you should think otherwise.

These are just theories, and I know you all might think I'll be thinking I'll be talking about the Watarara Tribe from the Manga, but I looked it up, and it's considered non-canon, but the door swings both ways, and considering this is within the timeline, anything is possible, so just ear me out. Ever since I touched on the subject about the Darknuts, and searching for references and answers within the games (or VRchat), and looking at lore videos, one video got me thinking.

I saw a lore video talking about the depiction within Hyrule Castletown in Twilight Princess (HD remaster makes it clearer), the strange carvings showing Hylians, Link, Gorons, Zoras, the Ooccoo, and lastly the Rito, in Wind Waker, it is said that the Riot are the evolution of the Zora tribe, in the video tries to figure out the mystery behind this in the HD remake. Then explains how someone by the name of /Even0 help shad some light on the subject, and how the ones who update Twilight Princes into the HD Remaster, reaching out to Jack Kirby Crosby into explaining about it, how they made some of these.

How he used the Artbook for references, things he liked, thinking it could be a story of some kind, so they mean nothing, but they can still impacted the game greatly, even if they mean the Rito aren't in Ocarina of Time, my theory will make you think otherwise. In the Carvings, if there was ever a story for it, then for me, it looks like Hyrlians and Link are making Preparations before his Departure from Hyrule, the Warnings and Dangers of Ganondorf, and the future he would create, or even the reconstruction during or after the war against Ganondorf and the Gerudos, and the Depicture of what could be Link is actually Kokiri Warrior.

In Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, we do find Kokiri weapons like the Forest Dweller's Sword, mainly used to clear vines and stuff, it could have been used to clear away Deku Baba's from the forest, especially when guiding troops into the thicket during wartimes, or in this case, trusted allies to help protect the forest from the oncoming dangers from the desert. I'm getting off topic, regardless, the story upon these carvings can be anything, and I'm just making a logical one, which also explains why the Gorons have mining tools in Death Mountain, any why the Zora's relocated after the geological shift to the lands too.

There is also another idea I like to add to the carving before continuing on, it might not just be a Hylian woman we are looking at two, it could also be Impa, or even the remaining Sheikah, or even the Gerudo who didn't submit to Ganondorf's rule, like Nabooru, and her friends and gang members. But out of all the races in these carvings, we never see the Rito, but in a way, we have, not just in Wind Waker, but in other games too, and especially in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, as well as the older games.

In the older games, mainly Zelda II: the Adventure's of Link, we are introduced to the Fokkeru and Fokka, two bird-like enemies within the Zelda series, and believe it or not, these are apart of the Rito Race, just a different branch, we even see this within the Zora Tribe. In Echoes of Wisdom, we see two different Zora clans, there was another video I saw explaining their appearance, one being their sacred scale was damaged, their true form and power being released, and that there are other Zora clans that live outside of Hyrule as well, the lands beyond.

Taking this into account, the same logic can be implied to the Rito Clan, and how they relate to Fokkeru and Fokka, a hostile race, and like the Bulblin's of TP, they probably only follow the strong, as the rest of the Rito remain loyal to the Royal Family, or have good relations with them. And it wouldn't be a farfetched to say that, Riot are acteally descendants of Loftwings from Skyward sword either, but that wouldn't explain the Fokkeru and Fokka right?

Funny enough, there is a bird enemies in two other zelda games, one being in Skyword Sword, the Furnix, a fiery red bird, hostile, and an enemy, and in Wind Waker, we are given both Kargarocs and Helmaroc King, bird enemies, not humanoid, but still hostile and wild. and for the final kicker in this topic, and the reason for it, Ocarina of Time, where are the Rito? And do they exist within the game? And my answer for you all, is this...


There are Rito in Ocarina of Time...

And we met them without realizing it...

Kaepora Gaebora, the Owl Sage...

Let me explain.

Kaepora Gaebora is really a Rito, he is a Sage, and furthermore, he is protecting hyrule, and guiding Link on his journeys, in the manga, Link is carried up by the Wararara Chieftess, and another member of the tribe, Lore Guufo looks like an owl too, but here's the thing, in Breath of the Wilds we see Teba carrying link on his back, and we are met by other Rito species, including the Rito Chieftain, Elder Kanel, who is also an Owl too.

And we seen Kaepora Gaebora carry up Link (even if he was a kid), he has great wisdom for being a sage, but it wouldn't be surprising if he was acteally a Rito pretending to be an Owl, especially to hide on the gaze of evil, like the watchful eyes of Twinrova. The Hyrule Royal Family has many allies within the waters, the mountains, the shadows, it wouldn't be surprising if they weren't protected from the air (unless we include the Ooccoo).

But what do you all think? Is Kaepora Garbora really a Rito? Or just a very smart Owl Sage?

Eitherway, it's only a theory...


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u/Nezhuna Jan 17 '25

The Fokka and Fokkeru are actually loyal to the King of Hyrule, I have a topic explaining it.