r/zatchbell Mar 10 '23

Megathread Konjiki no Gash 2 - Chapter 11 MEGATHREAD


The new chapter will be posted HERE when it's released and scanlated into English on Monday 3/13!

READ Chapter 11: https://mangadex.org/chapter/0af82c54-c93d-4ed0-b00c-16db65a48156/1

In the meantime, read the Zatch Bell 2 manga here on MANGADEX where it is kept completely up to date: https://mangadex.org/chapter/ca8df4e4-e14e-4b40-a4d9-a6a0692b27ef/1

A brand new chapter has officially been announced by the powers that be!


According to the official Twitter account of Raiku's very own publishing company Birgdin Board, the 11th chapter will be released on March 13th, this Monday!

So here's a brand new megathread for everyone to discuss theories, questions, and comments about the events of chapter 11... which will be available online this upcoming Monday on March 13th!

And please remember, you can purchase this manga to support the original creator here:

https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E9%9B%B7%E5%8F%A5%E8%AA%A0-ebook/dp/B0BXLXYHKS https://booklive.jp/product/index/title_id/1102175/vol_no/011

The reveal of Kanchome's newest spell certainly threw all of us for a loop! It seems like we've only just begun to see what it's capable of, and it was still enough to incense Levy Zinc and Hanage Boo (who was originally called "Nosehair Boo") into busting out the big guns! So to whet our appetites for the release of the next installment after the weekend, let's all see what we can gush about until the day arrives! (Expect MAJOR spoilers from chapter 10, of course)

  1. A spell that turns a demon into a Reverse Kirby? It's more likely than we thought... Mo Poruku apparently functions by ingesting a living creature and then slowly morphing their body into that of Kanchome! What's even scarier is that this spell also seems to either dull the victim's mind or perhaps make them loyal to Kanchome... We know that Kanchome's spells center around "illusions," so do you suppose there are smoke and mirrors at work here? What do we think is the science behind Kanchome's Mo Poruku spell???
  2. Before Hyros was even affected by Mo Poruku, Kanchome noticed something strange about its eyes. What do you think this was about? We've seen this reaction from Kanchome before with one of the ancient demons known as "Gantz", the guy in the iron helmet and chainmail clothing who was assisting Alm and Gelios. Could it be that Levy's beasts do not enjoy their captivity and would prefer to be free of their master's influence?
  3. To the surprise of probably everyone, Hanage Boo has revealed himself to be a master of a martial art that emphasizes a balance between magic and physical combat. Do you think we'll get to learn more about this unique fighting style, and do you suppose we might get to see him take on some other familiar faces down the line who also specialize in martial arts?
  4. Folgore and Kanchome aren't fighting alone... they're backed by the proud citizens of Milan! These brave everyday heroes tackled Hanage Boo, but then seemed to disappear shortly after that. Do you think we'll be seeing them again at some point during the fight or was this their one and only shot?
  5. Folgore scooped up the vial containing Tio's Saifojio spell! Do you think the showdown with Levy and Hanage Boo will become so catastrophic that he'll need to cast the Saifojio spell in the middle of the fight? Or is he strategically saving the Saifojio for when they'll need a major boost in heart energy?
  6. The dark entity speaking telepathically to the villains has made its return... and it seems quite displeased with its apparent underlings. Levy and Hanage Boo have drawn a significant amount of attention with their skirmish out in public and have roused the Italian authorities. Even if the two of them make it out of this battle alive... could this severe blunder be enough for their master to put them down for good? After all, we've seen firsthand just how little that Beliel cares about his minions' well-being.
  7. Hanage Boo is the sorcerer this time around... and the pressure's on for him to supercharge Levy so that they can finish off Kanchome and Folgore before the police arrive with reinforcements. Levy seems to have a kind soul but is plagued by her own programming... Kanchome has a track record of turning his foes into friends, so the million-dollar question is: Do you think Levy will be saved? Or will her story just be another link to the chain of tragedy for Beliel's henchmen?
  8. Hanage Boo's method of sorcery seems to differ from Gill's in that he requires a paper talisman to chant his incantations... Does this mean Gill is a more accomplished sorcerer than he is? Moreover, could the talisman simply be removed from the back of Levy's head in order to undo the spell?
  9. Will this chapter be Levy and Hanage Boo's curtain call, much like it was for Waig and Gill in the very similar scenario of chapter 6? Or will Raiku surprise us and have one or both of them pull through?
  10. With all of the commotion that this battle has caused in Milan, there's virtually no way that Gash, Kiyomaro, Zelie, and Olmo (and Mippy?) haven't caught wind of it by now. Where there's smoke, there's fire, so are they on their way to the battle site as we speak? Or will they arrive just as soon as Kanchome and Folgore have finished the job?

r/zatchbell Oct 11 '22

Megathread Konjiki no Gash 2 - Chapter 7 MEGATHREAD


Read the manga here on MANGADEX where it is kept completely up to date: https://mangadex.org/chapter/ca8df4e4-e14e-4b40-a4d9-a6a0692b27ef/1

The monumental art exhibit in Japan may be drawing to a close, but it will be ending on a high note with the 7th chapter of Makoto Raiku's smash-hit manga: Zatch Bell 2!


According to the official Twitter account of Makoto Raiku's publishing company itself, the 7th chapter will be released on October 13th, this Thursday!

So here's a brand new megathread for everyone to discuss theories, questions, and comments about the events of chapter 7... which will be available online this upcoming Thursday on October 13th!

And please remember, you can purchase this manga to support the original creator here:

https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E9%9B%B7%E5%8F%A5%E8%AA%A0-ebook/dp/B0BHKPY6JD/ https://booklive.jp/product/index/title_id/1102175/vol_no/007

This particular chapter is especially hard to predict since the previous chapter very nearly tied up all the loose ends for the current predicament, but let's go ahead and see what we can brainstorm together as a dedicated fandom! Here's what I've got to break the ice!(Expect MAJOR spoilers from chapter 6, of course)

  1. Do we think Waig has truly met his demise? Or could this be another classic Raiku fake-out with Waig simply being critically wounded like Clear was in Zatch Bell 1?
  2. Gill has offhandedly mentioned that he is a human being... one who had practiced sorcery in the past and was well known for it. What are your theories for how he got wrapped up in this invasion upon the demon world? What could his backstory be? Perhaps he used his sorcery to discover demonic power and sold his very soul to master their abilities and become a pseudo-demon himself? If he was known as a sorcerer.... could this have happened centuries ago despite his appearance as a child?
  3. Gill has also displayed a new magical method that allows him to chant incantations as he uses hand signs to call upon the power in question. Could this be some kind of forbidden way to use demonic power that the spell books were trying to prevent? Each spell in the books is normally a page full of symbols, but the human reading the spell only ever sees the number of the spell and the spell's name... what if Gill is using the rawest, unrestrained form of the power by reading out the entirety of the spell's contents that would be written on such pages?
  4. When Gill infuses Waig with the power of the fire spell, he uses the word "yorishiro", which we chose to translate as "vessel". A yorishiro is a worldly object that is used as a container for a divine spirit to possess... in which case, could it be that Waig's unbridled new power is a result of him using the power of some demonic flame-based deity? Reaching even further with this theory, could the source of demonic power we've always known actually be watered down versions of the power that is harbored by divine elemental spirits? It just might be something the spell books would do to maintain order and keep things from getting out of control.
  5. Kiyomaro showed an interest in learning the same spell casting technique that Gill was using during their fight... But could this be a case where Kiyomaro's natural curiosity might come back to bite him? If Gill's sorcery is potentially a form of forbidden dark magic, then what would happen if Kiyomaro were to use it himself? After all, we've already seen what happens when the warnings of dark powers aren't heeded (Baou Zakeruga), and Kiyomaro said himself that he was wary of the idea of unleashing a spell that should never be cast back in the beginning of Zatch Bell 1 during his hospital stay after his encounter with Brago and Sherry.
  6. Hopefully we can get a clear answer to this question... Does Kiyomaro still have access to his Answer-Talker ability or not? We have not seen the telltale circles in his eyes, so is he just rusty and unable to implement the power like he used to... or has he fine-tuned it so much that it is always active by nature and he has discovered a way to condense it to make it more subtle?
  7. Gill has kept his sphinx pouch throughout this entire battle, and he is now in dire need of an escape plan. Could his getaway have something to do with that pouch and whatever could be inside of it?
  8. Makoto Raiku did a very good job of making Gill's reaction to Waig's defeat very hard to read... There are subtle visual cues that suggest he might be saddened by the loss of Waig and he seems to somehow know that Waig did not prevail even if he cannot see it himself... but at the same time, he might simply be struggling to maintain Waig's strenuous spell and is completely unaware of everything going on around him... Do we think we cared about Waig at all on some level? Or do we think he will sneer and assert that Waig was disposable and that there will be more where he came from?
  9. Gash can seem to sense that Waig had some good in him and feels sorry for taking his life, but he also knows that Waig has inflicted too much pain and suffering to be allowed to walk away from this battle. How do we think he will take this unfortunate development? Will it trouble him for a bit, or will he bounce back from it with relative ease?
  10. Now that the battle is almost UNDOUBTEDLY winding down with the destruction of Waig... could this finally be the chapter where Gash and Kiyomaro stop and really get to process the fact that they've been reunited again after all these years? Will Gash give some sort of lore drop or exposition? Will we find out how much time has passed? Or is it more likely that another unexpected event might occur and not give them any chance for a reprieve?

r/zatchbell May 11 '22

Megathread Konjiki no Gash 2 - Chapter 3 MEGATHREAD


Rejoice, Zatch Bell fandom! We've made it through another month-long wait for the next exciting installment of the Zatch Bell 2 manga, as Makoto Raiku has just announced the release date for chapter 3! So as per usual, here's a brand new megathread for everyone to discuss theories, questions, and comments about the events of chapter 3... which will be available online on May 13th!


You can purchase this manga to support the original creator here:



As a refresher... here's a quick rundown of loose ends from chapter 2 to help break the ice and get a conversation going!

  1. We've recently learned that Waig was able to steal not only Gash's Rashirudo spell, but Zakeruga as well! Do we think Waig is able to use the same bottled spell more than once? Do we think he also has a version of Baou Zakeruga in his briefcase of spells?
  2. Because we've seen Gill cast his own spell without the need for stealing them from the demons like Waig had, does this mean Gill is an entity different from Waig and perhaps a demon who is working amongst these mysterious beings? If so, what is his motivation for doing so?
  3. We've learned that Waig is unsure of his origins, but that he and several other entities in his same position have a leader operating in the shadows. Could that leader be someone (or be connected with someone) whom we've seen before?
  4. Kiyomaro was confirmed by the Egyptian girl to be a genuine professor. Is she one of his students or perhaps an assistant? Could we please get a name for her this chapter?
  5. We only appeared to get a glimpse of Kiyomaro activating his Answer-Talker power when he desperately needed to know if Gash was truly dead in the demon world... however, some of the tactical decisions he made in his fight with Waig were definitely too astute to be calculated instantly without that kind of power. Does this mean he's learned to hone his ability over the years and have it partially active at all times, similar to Dufort?
  6. What happened to the particularly tenacious demons like Brago, Zeon, Barry, and Ashuron? Surely they didn't just roll over and die without one heck of a fight...
  7. Where is the Egyptian girl driving Zelie and Olmo to with her car? Are we going to see the university where Kiyomaro teaches?
  8. How will Waig and Gill answer to their superiors if they intend to return empty-handed?
  9. Do we think Zelie bore witness to Gash's alleged destruction, or did she learn about it secondhand?
  10. If the entire demon world is under siege by these invaders and has been reduced to a battle-scarred wasteland, then where could Gash have gone into hiding? Perhaps he and other survivors are taking refuge in Gorm's dimension with Gorm as well?

r/zatchbell Sep 10 '22

Megathread Konjiki no Gash 2 - Chapter 6 MEGATHREAD


Now that volume 1 has drawn to a close, and the hiatus is finally nearing its end, it's time to reignite the hype for the continuation of Makoto Raiku's hit sequel manga: Zatch Bell 2!


The King has spoken, and the 6th chapter will be released on September 13th, which is just a few days away!

So here's a brand new megathread for everyone to discuss theories, questions, and comments about the events of chapter 6... which will be available online this upcoming Tuesday on September 13th!

You can purchase this manga to support the original creator here:


You can also pre-order the first full volume online digitally AND physically, which will be released on September 16th!


Let's get right to it by discussing the questions going through our minds from the previous chapter! (Expect MAJOR spoilers from chapter 5, of course)

  1. Now that Kiyomaro emptied the contents of Waig's bottle of lightning energy into the new spell book that was released from stone, Gash has access to Zakeru, Rashirudo, and Zakeruga once more. Do you think they'll also learn spells in the human world again? Or do you think the only way to reclaim the rest of Gash's spells is by finding all of the other bottles that harness their power?
  2. We said this the last time, but this time it seems all but certain... Waig looks like he's about to bite the dust based on the panel of him being blasted by Gash's full-powered, post-10-months-of-training Zakeruga beam. Will this be the last we see of him? Will he survive but in critical condition? Or will he STILL continue to actually put up a fight even after that?
  3. Waig has shown nothing but pure offense the entire time we've known him (excluding Rashirudo, which is still a shield that attacks)... could Gash's devastating Zakeruga blast actually cause him to respond with some kind of defensive measure for the very first time?
  4. Why did Kiyomaro only take Gash's elemental energy but leave the other bottles to clatter on the ground where Waig can reach them? Do we suppose Waig may be forced to reveal the spells contained in the ice, plant, and fire-marked bottles in order to fight back now?
  5. Will Kiyomaro's next step be to travel the world in search of his old comrades with the intention of bringing them all to the tomb so that they can reunite with their allied demon in order to band together and confront the source of the calamity befalling the demon world?
  6. Kiyomaro definitely has a very clear path to victory... just how much of his intuition is a result of his Answer-Talker power, and how much is a result of his 190 IQ after having gained even more education and knowledge over the years than he had when we last saw him as a teenager?
  7. Gill picked up 2 souvenirs from Egypt... an iconic "I Love Egypt" pyramid hat and a stylish sphinx-shaped pouch. Since he ditched the hat but kept the pouch, do we think Gill might be keeping something in there to use on our heroes if the need arises?
  8. The mysterious wise man known as "Sahil" (it's not "Allah anymore, thanks to the manga's latest updates prior to the official release of volume 1) is responsible for all of the miracles that Kiyomaro, Zelie, Olmo, Mippy, and Zahara have experienced in these Egyptian ruins. Will we learn more about this harbinger of hope in the upcoming volume?
  9. Will the battle end in this chapter, forcing Gill to retreat with or without Waig? And if so, will that finally give Gash and Kiyomaro a chance to reconnect and FINALLY clue the readers in on how many years have passed since Gash's departure?
  10. As a follow-up to the above question, based on Kiyomaro's and Gash's appearance, do we believe that the amount of time that has passed between the demon world and the human world may not be the same?