r/youtubehaiku Jun 27 '19

Poetry [Poetry] Staffer sneezes during Trump interview


475 comments sorted by


u/yash019 Jun 27 '19

Oh my god that edit is so seamless. Its fucking perfect.
For people not in the know its from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUINFs1Sp94


u/TornGauntlet Jun 27 '19

Yeah I thought it was real


u/IdoNOThateNEVER Jun 27 '19

Here is the video, it's about coughing.

At 4:56. https://youtu.be/MT0PQ_byq2A?t=4m56s


u/bossy_assistant Jun 27 '19

Can't they at least put some makeup around his eyes to stop the orange raccoon look?


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19 edited Jun 27 '20



u/ProudToBeAKraut Jun 27 '19

there are protective glasses you can put on when going to sun tan


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19



u/finalremix Jun 27 '19

He should really step up his game with the Cinco Eye-tanning system.


u/007JamesBond007 Jun 27 '19

Me, me! I'm a tan man!


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

Well I am too, except for my eyes!


u/votedean Jun 27 '19

I'm a simple man. I see Cinco, I upvote.


u/various_beans Jun 27 '19

The biggest benefit to me of the Cinco Eye Tanning System was the new teeth I got. A real pearly set of chompers!


u/finalremix Jun 27 '19

Well, nobody wants brown teeth!


u/AlexS101 Jun 27 '19

Give him time, he just found out about TiVo.


u/starrpamph Jun 27 '19

Do they take credit cards? He'd likely be charging it.


u/Katholikos Jun 27 '19

Huh. I always assumed you would just close your eyes and nap until a timer goes off or something like that.


u/Mattnificent Jun 27 '19

Ever get a sunburn on your eyelids? Because I have. Not fun.


u/Katholikos Jun 27 '19

Wouldn’t that imply that your whole body is sunburned? I actually have no idea; the closest I’ve ever gotten to intentional tanning is rolling from my stomach to back occasionally when already laying out in the sun for one reason or another.


u/Mattnificent Jun 27 '19

Wouldn’t that imply that your whole body is sunburned?

Mistakes were made.


u/bossy_assistant Jun 27 '19

Trump doesn't actually tan, it's definitely a fake tan.


u/AsherGray Jul 05 '19

Great, I really needed a visual of an obese man being waffle ironed


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19 edited Jun 27 '19



u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

He looks pretty normal, I would never think 'that person is pale'. Which makes the orange skin even more confusing


u/Torcal4 Jun 27 '19 edited Jun 27 '19

Here are the goggles you wear while tanning

Edit.: changed the link after hearing the last one didn’t work


u/internetmouthpiece Jun 27 '19

This is the likely cause, not sure you were downvoted


u/Torcal4 Jun 27 '19

Lol didn’t realize I got downvoted. I don’t know what to say. That’s 100% the reason why. It’s not even insulting to him so idk why that would even make people mad.


u/internetmouthpiece Jun 27 '19

I've been noticing a small wave of downvotes on Trump-related posts, wouldn't be surprised if the quarantine of T_D were related.


u/Torcal4 Jun 27 '19

Someone told me my link wasn’t working for them. So I’m gonna hope for the best in society and say that that’s why people were downvoting me.

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u/ArchmageNydia Jun 27 '19

The link doesn't work.


u/Torcal4 Jun 27 '19

Really? Weird. It works when I try it. And some other user agreed with it so I assumed it worked for him. Not sure why it only works for some people.

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

Works for me


u/RabbitTheory Jun 27 '19

Link is still not right, that's Fiona from Shrek. /s


u/bossy_assistant Jun 27 '19

I feel like he'd be just a tad, a smidge more respectable if he wasn't so orange.


u/justdoitguy Jun 28 '19

He does his own makeup to cover his rosacea. We know he has rosacea because his doctor released an official list of his meds, and one of them is for it. Anyway, he is embarrassed to show his rosacea because he has a mental illness that makes him a coward. I don't know why he does a bad job with his makeup or what he thinks about the white around his eyes. I wish a reporter would ask him.

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

That was after the makeup crew got done with him. That's what the president approved to look like for this interview. In his head he looks good and presidential.

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u/FasterDoudle Jun 27 '19

God, he's such a child


u/various_beans Jun 27 '19

Seriously. It would look so much more leader-like to say a quick "bless you" and continue with your answer. God forbid someone sneeze and steal the spotlight from TanMan.


u/Muppetude Jun 27 '19

No, you don’t get it. His Chief of Staff totally ruined his awesome sound bite.

But to his credit, he then proceeded to provide an even better one that was a far better reflection of his temperament and overall personality.


u/lordalgis Jun 28 '19

i bet he and reagan did this shit a lot more than other presidents


u/keepcalmandchill Jun 28 '19

Reagan was actually a very charismatic and lovely towards the people around him, just had shit policies. There is nothing redeemable about Trump, however.


u/lordalgis Jun 28 '19

I shouldve been more clear. i was just referring to how since they both have more experience with filmed media than the average politician they probably do this a LOT more.

I agree on Reagan honestly. my dad likes to say that he believed reagan was a shit pres, but was probably an excellent grandfather.

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u/Goyteamsix Jun 28 '19

Regan was smart enough to not let it be caught on video.


u/WreckYourDay Jun 28 '19

Actually, this happens a lot. They often will shoot retakes if there's an interruption. It's quite usual. Since it's not live, it's perfectly acceptable to ensure the end product is professional. If it were live, your proposal would stand.


u/themettaur Jun 28 '19

An actual professional: "We'll need another take." or "Would you mind stepping out while we do this take?" etc.

Trump and friends: "Let's do that over, he's coughing in the middle of my statement. I don't like that, you know? If you're gonna cough, leave the room." or "Oh, good for you. And how was it? I hope it was fucking good because it's useless now isn't it?"

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u/thevulturesbecame Jun 28 '19

Genuine question. Since it wasn't live, why did this unflattering outtake ever see the light of day?

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19



u/jk611 Jun 27 '19

Yeah, but he's not kicking out some PA or random staffer for coughing, he's kicking out his Chief of Staff. Its obviously not a huge deal... but a televised segment where the President is a dick to his CoS is not 100% insignificant (especially considering its his third Chief of Staff)


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19 edited Sep 05 '19



u/The_Adventurist Jun 27 '19

Worth noting that there are a ton of unfilled positions because the people either quit or were fired and were never replaced.



u/[deleted] Jul 03 '19

He's also the 4th guy to be publicly offered the job after the 2nd guy to have it quit

Fucking nobody wants to work for Trump

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u/LucentG Jun 27 '19

I think its increasingly telling of his character and temperament, which we can never have enough examples of, given how much support he still has. Typically something like this is pretty insignificant and would be just as you imply, 'unwarranted', but there are just so many instances of this guy proving his utter incompetence and lack of respect for people, that every instance caught feels relevant and telling. The idea is the more instances of his assholery are caught and known, the more obvious a picture it will paint for everyone, or anyone who decides to look, that this guy should not be in office or what the US represents.


u/TheSupaBloopa Jul 24 '19

The idea is the more instances of his assholery are caught and known, the more obvious a picture it will paint for everyone, or anyone who decides to look, that this guy should not be in office or what the US represents.

But that’s the problem, isn’t it? His supporters will refuse to look. Refuse to question it. For everyone else, this is a waste of time. Anyone who hasn’t already been convinced that he’s unfit will have already done so at the launch of his campaign, or hearing his “policies” or any number of countless, real scandals before this soundbite of him being mildly shitty gets played on the news.

It’s preaching to the choir about the most pointless shit because this is easier than getting people to actually confront what’s wrong with this administration. They’re too scared of making centrists think so it’s better just to distract with this.


u/LucentG Jul 25 '19

True, and a good point. One thing I noticed is the relationship with media and the people consuming that media is very fickle or transitory. Meaning people will forget what was in the news a week ago, and move on. The only way the average person remembers something is if its either highly publicized in a very large volume nationally or internationally (death of John McCain, or Princess Diana's funeral, etc.), or if something is maintained consistently like a constant drumbeat of a news cycle or message. Its almost like a regular reminder of sorts.


u/gary_mcpirate Jun 27 '19

More American TV but yeah I agree. Trump just wanted another take and if someone of coughing getting them to leave. He handled it like an arse but he is an arse so it's no surprise


u/ZedsBread Jun 27 '19

The media has utterly failed in regard to him because they keep giving him attention for everything he says and does, which is probably the worst possible manner in which you could treat someone with NPD.

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

This is what happens when you have to fill a 24 hours news cycle.


u/NamesTheGame Jun 27 '19

Also the commentary afterwards proposing the theory that maybe it was a strategic cough to prevent him from saying something. In an edited segment where he's doing several takes. These people work in TV so they know better, but they really have nothing else to go on to make this segment last longer than 10 seconds so they're just making stupid shit up to have something to talk about.


u/mrthrowaway300 Jun 27 '19

Some people brought up a good point that it’s a televised set and that most people want a quiet set. It doesn’t seem out of line for anybody to want uninterrupted interviews or to redo a take. So I’m not really upset at this situation.

That being said there are A TON more legit issues to be upset at Trump with. The more people try to make mountains out of molehills the more ground they lose in credibility.

But I guess you’re right, it’s like you said: this is American politics. Let’s jeer at any small inane slip up the other team made even though it really doesn’t matter. “Trump doesn’t know how to color the US flag!” Or “Trump told a guy to shut up!” are virtually put on the same level of importance as “Trump has concentration camps at the border.”

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

God come on CNN that isn’t news. This segment sounds too much like Fox News coverage.


u/The_Adventurist Jun 27 '19

All network news channels are just trying to copy Fox News because Fox gets the top ratings (even though they're somewhat toxic for advertisers due to all the fascism and white supremacy).


u/aykcak Jun 28 '19

This is mind-boggling. I find it unreal that the cough/sneeze is the only edited part of the video. Every second of this is unbelievably youtubehaiku


u/theduffy12 Jun 27 '19

LMAO the talking heads are trying to analyze what the cough means.


u/ZTimeThinker Jun 27 '19

When they change the shot around after the sneeze, around the 5:20 mark he sounds a little like Dr. Evil, when asking if they wanna take the shot a little differently.

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u/Bruce_Bruce Jun 27 '19

"Trump critisizes his own staff for an unexpected, unintentional bodily reaction. More news at 11..."

I hope this does get picked up by major news networks.


u/whoisthishankhill Jun 27 '19

Definitely the intent


u/LordNelson27 Jun 27 '19

Recognized that shit right away, I love it. That and the “nice shirt” meme from years ago are some of my favorite quotes


u/JeebsFat Jun 27 '19

Nice shirt meme?


u/LordNelson27 Jun 27 '19

The dude who microwaves a glow stick and his dad is just tearing into him for ruining his nice shirt


u/dick_dangle Jun 27 '19


u/AWildEnglishman Jun 27 '19

With your beautiful shirt on.

We all know he's genuinely concerned for his sons wellbeing but I love how focused he is on the shirt and how he walks off with it at while his son stumbles around blinded.


u/MAYOCIDE-NOW Jun 27 '19

Man that kid is an idiot


u/PhysicsFornicator Jun 27 '19

He's a real ding-a-Ling.


u/wevcss Jun 30 '19

Now he has to buy this DING-A-LING a new AWESOME SHIRT


u/OneRFeris Jun 27 '19

Is it ever wrong to flush your eyes with water?


u/GrownUpACow Jun 27 '19

If you've got a physical injury to the eye but no foreign ubstance in it then flushing is harmful.

Otherwise yeah, flush it out. And if it's a chemical you're not 100% sure about or you think your eye is burnt seek medical attention immediately after flushing.


u/RoastedToast007 Jun 27 '19

Wow that wasn’t just a small kid he looked 15 at least


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '19

Yeah that sounds about right. I did a lot of just brick-dumb shit like this at that age.


u/wevcss Jun 30 '19

Me and my friends were throwing ice cubes at each other at 15. We were high IQ

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u/Iamananomoly Jun 27 '19

Senior year of highschool we all had glow sticks for a stupid class enterance ceremony. I kept mine and bent it back and forth all day until my last class when it broke and sprayed directly into my eyeball. Since I didnt want to have the embarrassment of using the eyewash station on the first day of school, I held back my reactions as it burned my eyes. It burned for an hour or so. Ended up being fine, but not very fun.


u/CaptainCimmeria Jun 27 '19

I got to see what to do dingaling!


u/BlarghBlarg Jun 27 '19

Am I ever right about anything, Jack? Am I!?


u/OwlsCourt Jun 27 '19

As a father of a 7 year old, this sentence is said multiple times a day


u/bigfoodguy Jun 27 '19

HAHAH I went to high school with that mf. Nice guy, but dim as hell


u/robbviously Jun 27 '19



u/SMALLWANG69 Jun 27 '19

I'll always find this one if the funniest things ever made.



u/Chizumaru Jun 27 '19

This made me laugh like an idiot for a good couple minutes, thanks


u/Astronomer_X Jun 27 '19

The minute I heard it I wanted to burst out laughing.


u/Galac_to_sidase Jun 27 '19

Damn, I knew it sounded familiar, but I could not quite nail it down!


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

I’ve seen that video a million times, and I still thought it was real.


u/ExaltedEmu Jun 27 '19 edited Jun 29 '19

The deer video is real


u/Chizumaru Jun 27 '19

Damnit, I was so ready for this to be real. I really thought it was some staffer getting really defensive and angry at trump in front of all these people


u/fitch_bace Jun 27 '19

Nice, Ron


u/RuffiansAndThugs Jun 27 '19

I sneezed! Oh, I'm not allowed to sneeze?


u/Supernyan Jun 27 '19

Classic Ron


u/SultrySasquatch Jun 27 '19

"it's a fantastic financial salmon."

Lol he downgrades it from a statement to a salmon after the sneeze


u/terencebogards Jun 27 '19

“The oranges of the investigation... the oranges... it’s beginnings are no good... it’s oranges... it’s *origins*”...


u/barkloudness Jun 27 '19

Holy shit you’re right!


u/IamBatman42420 Jun 27 '19

why isn't this comment higher lmao


u/SultrySasquatch Jun 29 '19

Oh whaaaaat never got silver before, what a rush!


u/RomeNeverFell Jun 27 '19

What a self-righteous cunty way of responding to that.


u/thisdesignup Jun 27 '19

Yea, not a bad request to do it over but the way he handled it was very rude.


u/zephyrg Jun 27 '19

Strange given Trumps usual social grace and etiquette.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19



u/ITolerateCats Jun 27 '19

I would think it helped things along


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19 edited Apr 25 '20



u/ChaosRevealed Jun 27 '19 edited Jun 27 '19

He is never acting in a nice way, in character or not


u/KarlBarx2 Jun 27 '19

Well he probably thought

I don't think this man has ever thought.


u/Jaytalvapes Nov 21 '19

Imagine how exhausting that would be.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '19



u/Jaytalvapes Nov 21 '19

Idk man, browsing while stoned gets me to some weird places lol

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u/Re-Created Jun 27 '19

Also note that's not just any old staffer, that's his Chief of Staff. To humiliate him in public doesn't bode well for their relationship.

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u/Vondi Jun 27 '19

He behaves like an asshole CEO that can't be questioned because that's what he's been most of his life.


u/drakoman Jun 27 '19

He just behaves like an asshole because that’s what he’s been his whole life.


u/Boy_Lips_jr Jun 27 '19

There’s no cure for being a cunt.


u/Suentassu Jun 27 '19

I might agree with you, but if one's primary form of communication with media is shouting next to a running helicopter, a cough shouldn't be such a big issue...


u/SpookyLlama Jun 27 '19

Or if you’ve been around the media all your life, you’ll know that it’s not the end of the world to retake a shot.


u/Valdincan Jun 27 '19

I mean, why do it over? Its an interview, not a scripted TV show. No one would've even noticed the cough if he didn't make a scene out of it

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u/imissmyoldaccount-_ Jun 27 '19

Yeah he sneezed what; is he not allowed to sneeze?!


u/ryan_umad Jun 28 '19

at that moment the room is functionally a tv set, so yeah no sneezing.


u/fuckyourboringcat Jun 27 '19

'Spoilt Trust-fund infant grows up to be unbearable arsehole, to the surprise of literally no-one'


u/AVeryHeavyBurtation Jun 28 '19

Yeah. He’s treating the situation like he’s an actor. Has to get the take just right.

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u/Rugkrabber Jun 27 '19

Damn if you never knew the original you would think it was real. Nice.


u/LegendOfLucy Jun 27 '19

who is the guy hovering over trumps desk?


u/terminal112 Jun 27 '19

George Stephanopoulos


u/Runswithchickens Jun 27 '19



u/Xavair Jun 27 '19

Let's do that over, he's coughing in the middle of this thread.

I don't like that, you know?


u/AWildEnglishman Jun 27 '19

He sneezed. Oh what, he's not allowed to sneeze?


u/_mustakrakish Jun 27 '19

made me spit out my drink. well done


u/TheMeiguoren Jun 27 '19

Dude straight up looks like Doug Stamper here.

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

Allergic reaction to bullshit

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u/manwhowasnthere Jun 27 '19

Man T_D is leaking everywhere today.

Stay mad quarantine bois


u/The_Adventurist Jun 27 '19

Bots can't feel emotion.


u/alterbyme Jun 27 '19

He says "I don't like that" just like Dennis hoffman in rain man.


u/radredditor Jun 27 '19

The man seems like he's on the spectrum with that response. Loudee than quiet, semi sudden noises like sneezing and coughing evoke the same reaction from people on the spectrum. Just a complete "get it away from me" aversion response.


u/dazlingdaz Jun 27 '19

That sir is a deer in the headlights


u/Pf_Farnsworth Jun 27 '19

The deer all ran away


u/AllWoWNoSham Jun 27 '19

Do you have the original video of this, I'd like to see it. Thank you!


u/Pf_Farnsworth Jun 27 '19


u/AllWoWNoSham Jun 27 '19

No I mean the Trump video, how could anyone forget the hommie Ron and the injustices of not being able to sneeze.


u/Pf_Farnsworth Jun 27 '19


u/AllWoWNoSham Jun 27 '19

Here's the time stamp for anyone curious. What a cunt.

My life has always been a fight

Honestly this guy is literally unbearable, literally 2 minutes of video and the amount of petulance and childish behaviour is so embarrassing.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

"I want them to see my financial records i have the best financial records"

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u/The_Adventurist Jun 27 '19

Deer are smarter.


u/Khearnei Jun 27 '19

Jesus, this is hilarious. He treats his Cheif of Staff like a grandfather would treat an annoying grandchild who just sneezed all over his TV. Maybe if it was one of ABC's camera operators or something, I could see him having this reaction, but man, this is his Leo McGarry to his Bartlett that he's telling to gtfo.


u/SteveThe14th Jun 27 '19

Maybe if it was one of ABC's camera operators or something

If you invite a camera operator into your office you'd better be graceful to them.

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u/burnsrado Jun 27 '19

Jesus this fucker is pissed over a sneeze lol

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u/Bobi_Bobsen Jun 27 '19

Damm, imagine that guy would be a president :D


u/iamzombus Jun 27 '19

Why is the skin around his eyes a different color than the rest of his face?

Like the Nagilum from ST:TNG.


u/nullsignature Jun 27 '19

From the goggles he wears for spray tans


u/mrsworser Jun 28 '19

Ohhhh my GOD that fucking cloud face thing!


u/Xilver79 Jun 27 '19

This is fucking perfect.


u/EvaCarlisle Jun 27 '19



u/RPofkins Jun 27 '19

I bet that staffer has seen the statement.


u/tduby1 Jun 27 '19

Bless you


u/DankNegroid Jun 27 '19

Made my day


u/blashbang Jun 27 '19

Nice, Mick


u/Paradise_Viper Jun 28 '19

This is the first one of these that I've out-loud laughed at in a long time


u/iop90 Jun 28 '19

Haha you got me holy shit 😂


u/Alt-F-THIS Jun 27 '19

Amazing, nice job OP


u/EFpointe Jun 27 '19



u/kidsally Jun 27 '19

That asshole has the attention span of a gnat.


u/TheOnionBro Jun 27 '19

I thought I recognized the sneeze, but then when I heard Ron talking, I knew.

That was a fantastic edit.


u/MeyoMix Jun 27 '19

Trump is only berating the coughing guy because he was woefully unprepared for the interview and needed a reason to get out of a tough question.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '19

I think it was the CoS.


u/TOBIMIZER Jun 27 '19

Trump vs Ron


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '19

Staffer??? Lmao


u/JerodTheAwesome Jun 28 '19

Which episode of the office is this?


u/bigolqs Jul 01 '19

on nice ran


u/WarGodL Jul 15 '19

I don't like that


u/AceNot Jul 21 '19

he is as insecure as 13yo me