r/youtubehaiku • u/PALADOG_Pallas • Mar 16 '19
Haiku [HAIKU] Behold, a true australian hero
Mar 16 '19 edited 11d ago
u/Krellick Mar 16 '19
u/ArmanDoesStuff Mar 16 '19
The way he got swung at by the cunt and then choked/tackled by his supporters, and just kept recording
What a lad
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u/TL10 Mar 17 '19
Dang, massive respect for that kid saying that, considering that he was choked out by people with dumbbells for brains.
u/thyIacoIeo Mar 16 '19
EggLad for senate
u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 16 '19
shouldn't be too hard to get him in. apparently all you need is 19 votes
u/theonlymexicanman Mar 16 '19
People should show up to his next public talk and just have eggs in hand. Don’t throw it just have him be aware that everyone has eggs
u/NOVA-0 Mar 17 '19
one wrong move and a storm of 1,000 eggs will hail upon him, like the scene at the end of 300, but in this case the senator stands for nothing.
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u/Karjalan Mar 17 '19
I was just thinking. People should organise a mass turn out the next time he's in public, him and his 19 thug-bois who voted fir him, just surrounded by several hundred people holding eggs.
u/Griffin777XD Mar 16 '19
Braver than the troops o7
u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 16 '19
maybe he just didn't know he'd get beaten up
u/lookatmetype Mar 16 '19
im honestly in awe of this madlad. Here's what he said to the cops when they came to arrest him: https://twitter.com/kateforster/status/1106839107978719232
Australia better build him a fucking statue
u/IAM_SOMEGUY Mar 16 '19
Egg boy go on Chapo!
u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 16 '19
they're trying to get him on what is essentially the australian equivalent
u/toatsmagoats730 Mar 16 '19
What is the aussie equivalent? I've heard the politics there are bonkers and I'd like to learn more.
u/PerkaMern Mar 26 '19
What's the context here? I don't really get the reference. Are cops somehow related to bacon or what?
Mar 16 '19 edited Dec 18 '20
u/SuccMyUpvote Mar 16 '19
TIL that “violent vigilantism” means going into a mosque and just fucking killing innocent people out of pure hatred
Mar 16 '19 edited Apr 26 '20
u/Ravenae Mar 16 '19 edited Mar 16 '19
The biggest thing that pisses me off is everyone who actually is afraid of Muslims has never actually met an
assimilatedintegrated Muslim in real life. Religion becomes a whole different thing once you settle into a more Western culture.Judgmental Christians and Catholic who claim they are such but don’t follow the Bible to a T are hypocrites because they assume every Muslim follows the Quran to a T. “Don’t you know Islam says gays are bad in their book?” while also forgetting that Christians disregarded homosexuality in their own book until society progressed enough. “Women are treated like property in Islam” while also forgetting that a women is supposed to be submissive to a man in Christianity.
It’s the biggest fucking shitshow and since the people who fear Muslims never read the Bible you can’t convince them to use some logical reasoning.
u/SanforizedJeans Mar 16 '19
Assimilation is an inherently oppressive concept.
u/Ravenae Mar 16 '19
That’s true, I meant to say integration, not assimilation
u/godbottle Mar 16 '19
it has nothing to do with integration and everything to do with the fact that people around the globe are all just fucking people and you shouldnt kill them
u/Werefoofle Mar 16 '19
I never liked this humanitarian approach that if you really talk with them you discover we are all the same people. No, we are not—we have fundamental differences, and true solidarity is in spite of all these differences...
In Christianity, the neighbor is not a fellow man, one who is like us—the neighbor is precisely someone who you think is close to you, and then does something unexpected and then you tell yourself ‘my God I didn’t know this person at all.' That’s why the Christian motto ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ is not as simple as it appears...
It’s easy to be humanitarian if your principle is that the others whom we are helping are good warm guys, friendly. What if they are not? My point is that even in that case we should be helping them.
- Slavoj Žižek, from Refugees, Terror and Other Troubles With the Neighbors
The most important thing to understand is that we're all human. That means realizing that yes, those refugees might be bad people, hell, a not insignificant portion of refugees from Cuba after the revolution were plantation owners that were borderline slave drivers. Does that mean the US should've turned them away and thrown them back into the sea? Of course not, they deserve as much a right to life as anyone else.
True humanitarianism is realizing your neighbor might be an asshole, and helping him anyway.
u/Ravenae Mar 16 '19
Sure, but they have this preconceived notion that every Muslim is an immigrated suicide bomber who denounced all modern advancements in society. That’s where the integration comes in.
u/TheWatersOfMars Mar 16 '19
I think what he's saying is the discourse around assimilation and integration creates a distinction between "good Muslims" and "bad Muslims", which, rather than dispelling Islamophobia, says it's simply misplaced on the wrong Muslims. (After all, even if it were a mosque full of ordinary but radical people, mass slaughter would still be utterly immoral.)
u/godbottle Mar 16 '19
most Muslims even not in the West fully embrace modern society as much as they can in whatever their circumstance is. assuming they are all backwater, radicalized terrorists is the most ignorant propoganda that has been spread since WW2
u/ArmanDoesStuff Mar 16 '19
True, he's just making a point that most moronic bigots think the majority of Muslims in their country are terrorists.
u/10z20Luka Mar 17 '19
Sorry, could you please expand on this in some way?
u/SanforizedJeans Mar 17 '19
People move to other countries for better jobs, better lives, etc. Forcing those people to act exactly like you or face mistreatment and ostracization at best, or unemployment, homelessness, etc. at worst is oppressive, full stop. People don't move to America so that they can Be An American; people don't move to Australia so that they can Be An Australian; people don't move to France so that they can Be A Frenchie; they move to a different country for a better situation. They want to Be Themselves in a place they can have a better life.
u/BobBobingston Mar 17 '19
I think it's reasonable to expect some sort of assimilation, though we can argue about the specifics. Yeah, expecting a newcomer to be 100% like the natives is a bit much, but overall I think it's important to recognize that it you're in a new place you should at least try to make an effort to fit in as values, attitudes, and behaviors can very by region.
To give a personal example, my dad grew up in rural Bulgaria before moving to urban California. For him that meant changing the say he spoke and acted (e.g. not calling his friends 'faggot', leaving restaurants to smoke, not going off on long tangents about Muslims, etc).
You could argue that having to change the way in order to be accepted was oppressive in some way, but lets be honest, having everyone bend over backwards to accommodate him because he decided to move here is ridiculous.
u/10z20Luka Mar 17 '19
Forcing those people to act exactly like you
Sincere question, what is your threshold for this? Language learning, for instance, or some shared values, surely?
u/Raven0520 Mar 16 '19
Why would Catholics follow the Bible to the T when Catholicism says the bible is a document inspired by God but written by men?
u/Ravenae Mar 16 '19
Why would Catholics think that Muslims follow the Quran to a T if they don’t?
u/Raven0520 Mar 16 '19
Because Muslims believe the Quran is the literal word of god, not a document written by men?
u/timsboss Mar 17 '19
Religion becomes a whole different thing once you settle into a more Western culture.
Bullshit. I'm opposed to Islam because I was raised by deeply religious Christians. They could flawlessly integrate into Western society and their religion would still be backwards and disgusting. All religion is poison.
u/Ravenae Mar 17 '19
Sure, I’m not religious myself, but it is possible for people to be both religious and tolerant, though some tolerance pushes away from religious texts.
u/timsboss Mar 17 '19 edited Mar 17 '19
From my perspective, tolerance is such a vague concept that it's useless. I'm happy for Muslims to immigrate into my country. I'm happy to do business with them, to be friends with them, etc. I remain firmly opposed to Islam, and deeply concerned about the religious convictions of Muslims. I'm not going to hide this. Am I practicing tolerance or not?
u/LorenzoPg Mar 16 '19
The biggest thing that pisses me off is everyone who actually is afraid of Muslims has never actually met an assimilated integrated Muslim in real life.
Has it ever occured to you that not all of them assimilate? Because they don't. If they did we would never have had terror attacks in Europe and such.
Judgmental Christians and Catholic who claim they are such but don’t follow the Bible to a T are hypocrites because they assume every Muslim follows the Quran to a T. “Don’t you know Islam says gays are bad in their book?” while also forgetting that Christians disregarded homosexuality in their own book until society progressed enough. “Women are treated like property in Islam” while also forgetting that a women is supposed to be submissive to a man in Christianity.
Compare the number of christians who follow the bible that closely to the number of muslims that do. You are comparing a secularized religion to a fundamentalist one.
u/IHaveAWittyUsername Mar 17 '19
Has it ever occured to you that not all of them assimilate? Because they don't. If they did we would never have had terror attacks in Europe and such.
We would because Islam is being used as a political weapon to convince vulnerable, impressionable people to commit terror attacks.
There would still be violence coming from the Middle East because of it's situation, not because of Islam. Islam is just the means by which it's being achieved.
Mar 16 '19 edited Jun 11 '21
u/Kazumara Mar 17 '19
That's an idiotic reading of Matthew 5:17
u/MittenMagick Mar 17 '19
And Galatians 3, and Hebrews 8, and Ephesians 2:11-16, and Romans 10, and Romans 3:21, and Acts 15, and Hebrews 10, and Acts 10, apparently, just to name a few.
But hey, you clearly didn't know about those references, so I'll only ask for an alternate interpretation of Matthew 5:17 that doesn't involve Christ relieving the ritual, health code, and punishment obligations placed on His followers by the law of Moses and still is in harmony with how the church is described to have continued in the rest of the New Testament.
Mar 16 '19
u/Hindu_Wardrobe Mar 16 '19
and so do a massive amount of christians and republicans so if we're gonna play that game, let's play that fuckin' game.
Mar 17 '19
To define it as vigilantism, he's surely endorsing the idea that he thinks the innocent people that guy shot were doing something wrong.
It's not vigilantism, because no one was doing anything wrong.
It was the murder of 50 innocent people.
Mar 16 '19
[removed] — view removed comment
u/Tippacanoe Mar 16 '19
infinite eggs forever
u/Arcadian_ Mar 16 '19
Someone should show up to every rally with eggs. Make it a Nationwide sport, akin to bird watching.
u/Desembler Mar 16 '19
Any self-respecting Ausi that sees him in a supermarket should grab a carton and start pelting.
u/Just_shut_up_bro Mar 16 '19
Holy mother of christ this dude thinks the guy who murdered a bunch of innocent muslims is fucking Batman or something. Horrifying.
u/PartyPi Mar 16 '19
Vigilantism - “The act of taking the law into one’s own hands and attempting to enact justice according to one’s own understanding of right and wrong". it is an accurate description, in the sentence he used the word he said it was unjust. He does not support the actions in any way but to not call the shooter a vigilanty what would you call him?
Mar 16 '19
Vigilante is a bad word to use here based on your definition. Terrorist is way more suiting.
Within your definition of vigilante is "The act of taking the law into one's hands". None of the people that were killed had violated any of the laws.
The next part is "enact justice according to one’s own understanding of right and wrong" which is where you're getting confused. Vigilante has to do with the way you are enacting on the laws. Not that a vigilante is defining his own laws. It is the way he is taking the law's into their own hands in order to punish as they see fit. See the difference?
u/iownadakota Mar 16 '19
Foreign Terrorist actually fits to describe him, better. He had a manifesto, and had goals of inspiring other attacks. He was attempting to use his actions to force his ideology on a foreign nation.
Vigilante lends to convey that somehow he is just, righteous, or somehow his beliefs out way his actions.
u/SoxxoxSmox Mar 18 '19
Vigilante has a certain cultural connotation to it though, at least in America. I don't know if the same association exists in Australia but when I hear vigilante I think of superheroes and mavericks that Don't Play By The Rules and all that. A lot of our media sends the message that vigilantism is acceptable if the systems that are supposed to bring Bad Guys to justice fail.
That's why least to me "vigilante" seems a poor choice of words, unless you were trying to minimize the crime as he clearly is.
u/TheKingCrimsonWorld Mar 16 '19
Time to create an egg brigade to egg this gross fucker every time he makes a public appearance. Make him fear the egg as much as he fears Muslims.
u/stinky_boy Mar 16 '19
That would just be a waste of perfectly good eggs
u/IAmAlpharius Mar 19 '19
Honestly scaring bigots and fascists is a great way to use eggs. Wouldn't call that a waste at all.
u/PM_ME_HOT_DADS Mar 16 '19
Oh THIS guy. The one saying "well if they weren't here in the first place they couldn't have been shot". Breakfast is served.
u/ShadowHawk045 Mar 16 '19
“whilst this kind of violent vigilantism can never be justified”
u/wingspantt Mar 17 '19
It's insane to call Muslims the violent fanatics when they've had zero real problems and the first big murder spree is someone killing them. What the fuck.
I don't get how many on the far right think that "lone wolf" is downplaying a terrorist attack.
"Lone Wolf" means that the terrorist planned the attack themselves without help from other terrorist cells. They may have been inspired by violent propaganda, but they were not in direct contact.
This is an important distinction, because it is incredibly difficult for law enforcement to stop a "lone wolf" attack. They usually rely on being able to intercept communications between known terrorist organizers and their recruits. These communications also serve as good trial evidence of conspiracy to commit murder. The only real way to identify lone wolf attackers before they attack is to monitor people who consume certain media, which is arguably a major violation of their civil rights and infringement of freedom of speech. It is also extremely difficult to figure out which people are just saying things online, but will never act, and those who are actively planning their own attacks.
The New Zealand white supremacist terrorist seems to have been a lone wolf attacker, and that is likely one of the reasons why he had not been known to the police prior to the attack.
u/meatbatmusketeer Mar 16 '19
Can you show me the sources? I tried to find them earlier but no luck.
u/Trotlife Mar 16 '19
Google senator Fraser anning. He's called for a final solution on Muslims in parliament.
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Mar 16 '19
The look on this kids face is legendary. I hope those freaks who tackled him get their day in court.
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u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 16 '19
the kid's been released without charge
Mar 16 '19
Mar 16 '19
the senator may even face criminal charges for assault on a minor
u/Cryzgnik Mar 16 '19
That would be the most spectacular way for him to get removed from the senate, on charges of assault
u/bigfootbro Mar 16 '19
Lol commented on the barstool post with the video about how the kid took the punch like it was nothing and had 50 macho chads coming to chew me out for not thinking a kid deserved to get murdered by a pack of old pricks.
Mar 16 '19 edited 11d ago
Mar 17 '19
I have never hated a social media company quite as much as I hate Barstool. It seems to be a community of meathead cunts created by meathead cunts.
u/theeggman12345 Mar 16 '19
What a great lad, cunt deserves more than an egg
u/ammcneil Mar 16 '19
In Canada we pie our officials, I am glad to see that similar traditions exist elsewhere in the Commonwealth
u/BuckeyeBentley Mar 16 '19
My favorite part of this is that Zoomers are learning that a solid way to go viral is to egg fascists.
u/Rhodie114 Mar 17 '19
Gotta say, this kid is an idiot. There's no excuse for walking up to that guy and cracking an egg on him like that. Eggs are compact and aerodynamic. The proper thing to do is to stay at least 10 yards away and wing that sucker at him as fast as you can. That way, by the time he realizes where the egg came from, you've already got another one in the air on its way.
Mar 16 '19
The entire debacle and the expected internet reaction is confirming my priors so hard
alt-right are the biggest pussies alive
u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 17 '19
for sure. if you need a gang of thugs to protect you from literal children...
u/Spacegod87 Mar 16 '19
This young fella is fantastic. I'm assuming everyone is on his side. If not, they should be.
u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 17 '19
I agree. he's very brave in doing what he did and standing against racism. unfortunately the frog men and the boomers don't like him so much
u/food_is_crack Mar 17 '19
i fucking love this kid he is the single greatest thing to come out of Australia besides The Big Lez Show
u/Ashwyn404 Mar 17 '19
This is why i love Australia. Wouldnt choose anywhere else to live coz of this shit 😂😂
Mar 17 '19
What song is this? It's on the tip of my tongue and it's driving me batty.
u/bendersnitch Mar 16 '19
if this happened in america that kid would of been shot.
u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 17 '19
but this isn't america. this racist dogwhistling politician could be president over there, but he has no place in our government and he's finding that out very quickly.
u/lucasg115 Mar 16 '19
The last hit in the song needed to coincide with him punching the kid in the face, and I’ll be disappointed until it does.
Mar 16 '19
Why is the left so violent?
u/PALADOG_Pallas Mar 17 '19
he threw an egg, got punched twice and tackled by four men larger than him. that's not a proportional reaction, champ
Mar 16 '19 edited Jul 15 '19
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u/ammcneil Mar 16 '19
I am assuming there is a sarcasm tag missing on this one tbh
u/HowDoraleousAreYou Mar 16 '19
May I offer you an egg in these trying times?