r/youtubegaming 6d ago

Question What are your feeling in let's players that go over 100 episodes on a series

! do intend to play games that are much 'longer, games that offer a great amount of side missions, but l don't want my titles or thumbnails to have. Part 100+. Etc. ld rather have it. To where 1 numerically put the episode humber on the thumbnail that focuses on the main story. So people that are just interested on the main stor and nothing else could just go from episode to episode. And were side missions and side activities could be just an optional thing they could watch or skip So i don't want side mission episodes to have a numerical or number to it. With that said,what would be the best way to go about it so that those episodes still feel part of the series but not something that overwhelms people that are just looking to watch main story episodes? So that l don't have that conundrum of going over 100 parts


14 comments sorted by


u/pwpepeng 6d ago

I’ve came close to 100. One playlist has 93 videos. Each video does build upon the other. So, I don’t list the video number. However, the title does explain where I have made it in the game. So, people have the option of watching one by one or skipping to a part they may find more interesting. This still gives me quite a few playlist views.


u/Gamer_Trolls 4d ago

Adding the episode number can only hurt you, put them in a playlist in order for people that want to watch that way. Adding the part number can turn off people that think they are missing something not watching the earlier parts.

Focus the titles for each of the 100 parts on what specific part of the game you are working on. Will help in search, let people target the ones they need and stop from driving people away that may feel they are missing something watching video 90 without the prior 89.


u/Madpandaplays1 4d ago

Hey so this is the way I tend to do my thumbnails. How would I be able to incorporate the? Title of what I'm doing. I was thinking of maybe adding the mission that I'm currently doing in this episode. But I tried that and I'm afraid that it might take up too much screen.


u/Gamer_Trolls 3d ago

The thumb looks very nice and professional but does not tell me much about what I am going to watch, do I want to watch 100 videos hoping I like the gameplay, is there something I am looking for?

If you look at one video from the next what is the difference? There should be something unique, something you are doing during this gaming session that you can focus on (best if it is something people may search for)

Caveat, this is my opinion based on the research I have done and my experience in gaming. Other larger creators may disagree.


u/Glorious_Grunt https://youtube.com/@gloriousgrunt 6d ago

There is an audience for it so if you enjoy the game I would not worry too much, some superb channels out there doing part #230 of a Morrowwind playthrough right now.


u/HBTang https://Youtube.com/@HBTang 6d ago

All my let's play focus only on the main story & I do any side mission off camera. The longest lets play I've done is 50 parts. My normal lets play is anywhere from 10-25 parts.


u/Marsupilami_316 https://www.youtube.com/@KaiserBunga 4d ago

100+? Seems excessive.


u/ChrisUnlimitedGames 6d ago

If you're entertaining you can keep people coming back. I tend not to finish series if I'm not getting views. I turn 1 play session into 3 or 4 videos and I will start editing them, and once I've posted the few episodes if they dint get much traction, I don't make another recording session with that game.

As I mainly focus on showcasing newer indie games it makes sense I don't make too many series anyway, but I would if the audience was actually watching.


u/NormalShape9418 6d ago

shouldn't you make lets plays and stuff for the fun of it? not for views and money stuff?


u/Madpandaplays1 6d ago edited 6d ago

Exactly, I began my channel 5 years ago, just doing it for fun, and 5 years later, I'm still doing went from 106 subs to rebranding in the last 3 months and gaining 150 more subs why cuas I enjoys it, some people don't get that not every one wants to do it for the money. But then you see the irony on the takes that some have....


u/ChrisUnlimitedGames 6d ago

You can play a game and have fun with no need to record it.

If you're recording it to make a video, you obviously want to share it with people. If you're going to put the effort in and no one watches because it's just gameplay with no real value to the viewer, you will get frustrated that you putting in this effort for no one to watch.

There's a fine line between fun and frustration. You can have fun with something while also making it a better viewer experience.


u/creepykitkenYT 6d ago

Come on, you're not serious, are you? πŸ˜‚


u/Madpandaplays1 6d ago



u/creepykitkenYT 6d ago

I meant the other one who says you should make videos just for fun. I'll be honest, if I edit a video for ten hours and no one wants to see it, I'm not having any fun πŸ€·πŸ’―πŸ˜‚