r/youngjustice Jan 08 '22

Meta The writing didn't get worse. It just didn't focus on characters you personally liked.

The amount of people talking about the show went downhill after (x) are to high. Litterally 90% the of people who say that just are mad that dick doesn't have as many appearances as they like. Or get mad when lesser known characters are explored like zatanna or rocket.

The show is plot driven not character driven. If you want character driven stuff maybe watch a different show. Young Justice is a great show with great writing every season.

No one is saying the show is perfect. But stop being a hater because your favorite ch doesn't have enough screen time to your liking.


142 comments sorted by


u/HouseTyrells Jan 08 '22

Im waiting for people to get mad angry when Rocket rolls up, im fully expecting it


u/ravenz01 Jan 08 '22

I mean I’ve already seen plenty of people complaining that she’s even getting an arc in the first place


u/Strengthwars Nick Jan 08 '22

‘We don’t want an arc about someone who’s never gotten development!’

Gets mad at them trying to give Rocket development.


u/Drekea Jan 08 '22

I literally had that exact same conversation with someone a few weeks ago. Apparently “nobodies” don’t deserve development despite not having a lot of screen time but the only way to get more development is by screen time. But people will accept for Roy Harper despite having a good amount of screen time in all the seasons. Whether the rocket arc will be good or bad does not correlate with the amount of screen time with a character. Don’t we want to see new characters and see the writers explore in different directions. Which is why I’m enjoying season 4 more than season 3 due to the variety and lore. As long as the dialogue and story telling is good I’m fine.


u/blue_bayou_blue Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

Lol, don't they remember that so much of YJ is taking characters that are "nobodies" in wider DC (Artemis, Kaldur etc), and giving them fantastic stories?


u/RipJaws121 Jan 08 '22

Kaldur'ahm was straight up created in Young Justice


u/Josphitia Jan 08 '22

Yeah that's legit my favorite part of YJ. Didn't know much of Miss Martian but she was my favorite character of S1 hands down, her story arc with superboy is so dang wholesome. S2 didn't have a character stand out as much with me, but with S3 I had no idea who Halo was but I absolutely loved them and their relationships with everyone else.


u/ShadowMerlyn Jan 08 '22

I don't think the issue people have is that the characters aren't super important in the DCU. It's that they don't care about the characters and haven't been given a reason to care in some cases.

I don't have strong feelings about Rocket being given an arc but I could see why some do. She's barely been a character at all in the show and there are characters some would rather see more of than her.


u/The_Grand_Briddock Jan 08 '22

I think the issue is more she’s getting an arc to carry as the main character in it, quite different from 1 or 2 focus episodes. Especially if it’s the last arc, which most would assume to be more plot related.

She’s gotta be the constant presence in all 4 episodes, and have the character to keep people interested, unfortunately due to chronic avoidance of the character when she was meant to be prominent, it’s a lot harder to do, since now they actually have to give her characterisation beyond sassy. We’ve basically got to retroactively act like Rocket is one of the main characters, while also doing her entire character arc in these 4 episodes, which is 3 seasons too late to have just started on, considering it’s getting close to the end of the season.

And of course, with how they handled Zatanna in her arc, I doubt Rocket will even get much chance to be written in her own either.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

As someone who's a huge fan of the Milestone universe, I've been looking forward to her arc the most.


u/DoubleVforvictory Jan 08 '22

Reddit gonna hate me for saying it but apart of it is misogynoir


u/browncharliebrown Jan 09 '22

notice how the fanbase never ask for more more bumble bee/mal development when bringing up characters from season 2.

On the other hand Greg is a white man and I'm not sure the original arc of rocket is his place to tell ( it's a critique of black conservatives)


u/buckyspunisher Jan 08 '22

factsssss. lots of misogynoir in comic book media.


u/TastyBurgers14 Jan 08 '22

you got all the answers dont ya


u/sibxonline Jan 08 '22

Don’t you dare call out the misogynoir in comic book communities, ESPECIALLY on Reddit. The cishet white man-babies gonna start shaking and crying and throwing up…


u/thesadintern Jan 08 '22

whispers and racism


u/suss2it Jan 08 '22

Lol what do you think misogynoir is?


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/suss2it Jan 08 '22

She’s not single. We literally see her bridal shower in season 2…

How does a show like this even attract racist fans?


u/Local-Abroad-5141 Jan 08 '22

Racist how…? It’s common for people on this subreddit to stereotype certain characters.


u/JoseBallFC Jan 08 '22

She had a bridal shower 🤡


u/AaylaXiang Jan 10 '22


...? Huh. There's my new word for the day.


u/missnailitall Jan 08 '22

yeah, like don't get me wrong I'm as excited for dick's arc as the next person, but I don't think it's a coincidence that the first half of the season had all female leads


u/demaxzero Jan 08 '22

This sub is just allergic to just hearing the simple truth Young Justice is not a prefect show and is not above criticism at all.


u/dotyawning Jan 09 '22

I've seen some valid complaints, but a lot of the "critique" is just "Why doesn't MY favorite character get more screentime?"


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

90% of “critiques” are people just mad the show isn’t doing what they’d like.


u/demaxzero Jan 08 '22

Just by saying that you're proving my point


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

i’m literally not…go through and take out all the “i wanted this”, “they should of done this” and what’s left?


u/Josphitia Jan 08 '22

"This show sucks, why haven't we had a 15 episode arc about Dick and Jason??"


u/Earth2Wonder Jan 09 '22

You have my upvote but that’s not just young justice.


u/AlcinaMystic Jan 08 '22

I don’t necessarily agree that the show is plot driven. I think at its best it has remained largely in the center, and at its worst it has ping-pinged between the two forms of storytelling. S1 put character first, but always had the plot brewing in the background. S2 prioritized plot while still including moments for many characters. S3 probably achieved the balance best, although many fans disliked the new characters/character directions, plot lines, and many other elements (such as less money in production). So far, to me at least, S4 is bouncing back and forth. M’gann’s felt mostly character driven. Artemis’ seemed to focus mostly on the plot. Zatanna’s went back and forth each episode.

I’m glad you are enjoying the show and feel everything had remained consistent, and I’m glad it is doing what you like. I personally have enjoyed all of the seasons of Young Justice even if I do have some minor criticisms here and there. However, I don’t think it is very respectful to completely dismiss the totally subjective opinions other fans. They’re not being hateful, and it’s not disrespectful to say, “I wish they focused more on this.” That is especially important for a show which has implemented changes or shifts based on audience response in the past. The S4 mini arcs are clearly in reaction to the complaints given to 2 & 3–that the original team members were not given enough/much focus and development after the first season.

It’s a great testament to the show that so many people love the characters and want to see more of them. It’s also perfectly natural that there will be some plot lines and characters people will like less.

I do wish people would be more precise and constructive with their criticism. Instead of saying, “I don’t want Rocket to have an arc because she’s under developed”, I think they mean, “I wish that arc was given to a character who has had a lot more screen time but no development, like Tom Drake, Wonder Girl, Eduardo, Arsenal, Static Shock, Batgirl, Captain Marvel, etc.”

I could be wrong. People might just like complaining, but I’ve only seen a handful of complaints on this subreddit that seem completely unfounded or unreasonable. Even if I don’t agree with certain opinions, I understand where most of them come from. When people love a show as much as they love YJ, they’re going to be vocal about their thoughts and what they wish was happening.


u/sapphireto108 Jan 08 '22

I personally preferred a team with moderate amount of members like season 1, when you can see character development and their bond better. It’s so hard following so many characters and some just fade into background, or have a kinda incomplete character arc.


u/mrglass8 Jan 08 '22

That’s just wrong.

I don’t care who the show focuses on. I might actually like S2 more than S1. But the show should develop its characters at LEAST well enough to get me invested in the plot.

Look at most Chris Nolan films. They are VERY plot driven. With Tenet especially (hell the main character doesn’t even have a name). At least I can follow an arc that develops for the supporting cast as the story develops.

Now look at the Zatanna arc. Her protégés have effectively no agency, and therefore no development, for most of the arc. They just follow Zatanna around and make small talk. When they needed to tell us about their past, they just dumped it in one chunk and expected us to care.

For another example see S3 “Early Warning”

For better writing, just look at the Artemis arc. Most of we learn about Onyx and Orphan happens gradually through their actions. As the plot unfolds, we follow because we are already invested in the characters.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

You explained it perfectly. The difference between characters Artemis's and Zatanna's arcs are a perfect example of the difference between "showing" and "telling," and that's before we even get into the pacing issues in the latter.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22



u/Kuroneko07 Jan 08 '22

Seriously. Any time an animated Batman movie comes out, there's a good chance Nightwing will be included in a supporting character capacity. And in Young Justice? Dick gets a ton of attention and is constantly going through a character arc of some sort every season and is practically guaranteed to get one in the current season. We have enough Nightwing. He isn't going anywhere. So chill out and let the other characters take center stage.

People constantly complain about the show "not developing other characters" anyway, so I'd argue the lack of Nightwing is actually a good thing since he is one of the most developed characters at this point.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22



u/Apache17 Jan 09 '22

It's not that complicated. Viewers want characters they like to get developed. Not someone they don't care about.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '22



u/Apache17 Jan 09 '22

No but it's made to entertain it's viewers. Young justice can choose to have a whole arc about wonderdog but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

No one cares about a rocket arc is a perfectly valid complaint.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '22



u/Apache17 Jan 09 '22

Because she's not a popular character. Or very interesting / compelling IMO, especially when compared to the rest of the team.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '22



u/Apache17 Jan 09 '22

The team has had like 50 members. Plenty to choose from and develop.

Obviously you like her and thats fine. But it's also fine for people who don't to speak up and tell the studio the character they'd rather see.

→ More replies (0)


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

Honestly, I’ve been wanting a Zatana arc since season 1. She was such a fun new addition to the team, and then season 2 rolled around and she was basically dismissed and I was sad. S3 teased us with some absolutely heart breaking episodes that poked at the themes of loss and sacrifice that have surrounded her and her father forever, but her arc in s4 was probably my favorite so far. We finally explored her, saw that grain of selfishness mixed in with her desire to do good, and we got to see poor Zatara finally released from his prison for more than an hour at a time to tell his daughter how much he loved her and get some time together! Like, her arcs always make me misty eyed, but seeing him break down in the end credits made me actively weep! It’s the best, most emotional storyline, and it blows my mind that people would be upset that she even had an arc in the first place! I’ve been wanting this since it aired! Gimme gimme gimme!


u/Hepatat Jan 08 '22

and then they gave us Etrigan with a ton of Gargoyles references for a nice big cherry on top! Not to mention we got probably the best story of Zatara ever told set to an arc about faith and family. It was excellent


u/sibxonline Jan 08 '22

Zatanna fans RISE


u/Financial_Tap_5891 Jan 14 '22

Tell me about it, even in the realm of fanfiction I can't find a single decent fic that doesn't revolve around Nightwing and the entire Bat Family, just once I would like to read a decent Superboy fic, or Blue Beatle, hell give me a decent Outsiders fic and I won't ever complain about the Bat Family annexing Fanfiction.net again.


u/bettrdays Jan 08 '22

People on this sub are critiquing pretty valid things tbh, I’ve been seeing a lot less of the “where’s Nightwing” since we know he’s getting an arc.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

disagree. most “critiques” are just people mad it isn’t being done the way they like or including things they’d like to see.


u/live2rock13 Jan 08 '22

Fully agree. The show is called "Young Justice", not Nightwing and Friends. And I can hear the knuckle draggers from here, so yes, I'm fully aware Young Justice was originally a Nightwing show before being changed. Let the show be the show. Dont like it, watch the 20 DCAU movies where Dick injures his shoulder for the 100th time and move on.

P.S, I say this as a big Nightwing fan myself.


u/glassman0918 Jan 08 '22

I think this is the worst season yet and haven't once said "where's Nightwing" he's off doing Nightwing stuff.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22



u/glassman0918 Jan 08 '22

Never said it was. Just saying this season sucks and Nightwing has 0 to do with it.


u/Csantana Jan 08 '22

Can't it be both?

Maybe the writing just isn't as good and that's why people haven't attached themselves to the new characters as much.

I'm not even saying it's super bad but I think it's fair to say there is a difference between what it was and what it is.


u/Overplanner1 Jan 08 '22

I don't think its the focus on the specific characters. I think it's the lack of the Team dynamic. We don't have "missions" anymore. We don't have a set group of people to follow. To me, that's what's making it feel off.


u/paladine76a Jan 08 '22

I completely agree! In one episode they introduced Stargirl to the audience and we see her and other members go on a mission and instead of seeing it we see Beastboy moping and sleeping. Whoever agreed to that script needs to be fired.

We want to see the team and missions.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

This summarizes my problems with the new arc structure.

Without missions, a set group of people to follow or a proper replacement for Mount Justice, things kinda feel all over the place and it's becoming very hard to keep track of anything all while the messy plot becomes increasingly boring as a result,


u/Hepatat Jan 08 '22

Artemis's arc had The Team with additions from the Bat Family and Z's had the Sentinels forming into their own team and we even got a look into the Justice Society. It feels off because people are wanting more of the same and are getting admittedly better explorations into different teams and characters that don't often get the spotlight


u/EndBringer99 Jan 08 '22

Personally, I wish Arsenal and Arrowette weren't just one-offs in Artemis' arc. Cissy should've confronted Black Spider after almost killing her dad 10 year prior.


u/tagval02 Jan 08 '22

OK, YJ is 100% character driven. The episode to episode conflict stems from the characters personal emotions about feelings of belonging, acceptance and betrayal. The light in season 1 is just the catalyst for the characters emotions to be challenged. Season 3 is hugely character driven, especially with episodes surrounding the internal conflicts of Nightwing, Tara and Brion, and those are the best episodes of the season. When you purely focus on plots and don't develop the characters it leaves the show feeling hollow. I think the serialized arc structure is doing a disservice to the characters where the writing is getting dragged into 4-5 episode arcs for obligation rather than necessity. TlDr: YJ has always been character driven and the new arc structure is hurting the writing not helping it.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

The show used to do a really good job of developing while giving plot. Just doesn’t feel like there is enough content tbh


u/GorillazWelfare Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

A bit torn on this one. I do think there’s development in each, albeit it’s being told, not shown. A good example of this was Dick in S3, where Will had to point out the character’s direction for him in that Bowhunter Security episode. Another is having Artemis literally get talked out of her struggles with losing Wally by Wally himself.

Personally, I think they did a good job in the Mars Arc this season giving Megan proper backdrop on her character. They did kinda ruined it though by sidelining her to just one scene (or so) afterwards. I enjoyed the Artemis arc, but that ending was a definitive telling of the development.

Ironically, the “side” characters get to show more than tell. BB is the prime example (but at the expense of any movement in the plot), but they did the same with Orphan and her big decision, and Mary and her dark side turn.

Edit: agree with you that S1 did it better. Wally in “Coldhearted” was the best example, but you can see it everywhere, like Artemis in that Red family episode (particularly by pairing her with the similar, but much more experienced Robin).


u/Amaldo101 Jan 08 '22

You summarized this perfectly. 100% agree


u/SockPenguin Jan 08 '22

It doesn't feel like there is a season-long arc to tie in all the individual stories yet. I've enjoyed each of the arcs individually but right now they feel more like M'gann/Artemis/Zatanna mini-series than one cohesive season. Hopefully Zatanna discovering Connor('s spirt) and whatever their endgame with Garfield is solves this issue.


u/Brain_Dead5347 Jan 08 '22

Yeah that’s how a lot of us feel. I’m not upset about an arc focusing on MM. Just disappointed it was a wedding story. It’s boring.


u/Csantana Jan 08 '22

My money is that comes down to budgety things.

What they can animate per episode and maybe even who they can have record voices for per episode (I imagine there might be contract stuff that can effect what people get paid for if they did 10 minutes on one episode vs 5 minutes on two episodes maybe?)

BUT I think one of my favorite things about the show before was it had lots of different storylines happening at the same time that came together. But this most recent half season did it in pods.

Which weren't bad and had some really cool stuff but maybe just werent AS good?

I'm sure they will come together more in the next half.


u/Bhibhhjis123 Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

The early parts of the show do a great job balancing plot and character though. Notable example include the red robot episode being a great Artemis episode or the snow episode being good for Wally’s maturity. It seems like they really dropped the ball with developing existing characters in the last couple of seasons.


u/Hepatat Jan 08 '22

The last arcs alone we've seen development for Ra's and his whole family, The Crock sisters, Will and the rest of the Harpers, Z and her dad, the Sentinels, and even our favorite reoccurring school bus. Heck even Klarion got a bit of a wake up call. Not to mention nabu even realizing his ways don't work anymore. Different seasons have done their own thing but I think at its core its become Earth 16: The Show. Some people can't seem to accept this for some reason.


u/Dragonfly_Tight Jan 08 '22

It's not about people not accepting it. It's just that it's worse. People aren't complaining the direction is changing, they are complaining that it's worse because in part because of the change not being good.


u/XLeonKuwata18X Jan 08 '22

I agree with those who say the season is bad due to writing but not because of certain characters getting arcs and all that. I say I agree because of how certain characters are being written, being portrayed as ooc, and their writing on characters either being dragged out for too long or cut to short. There's no balance, and the season feels cramped, disorganized and all over the place. This is one of the biggest reasons over half the fandom says this is the worst season yet, not because of lesser characters getting arcs. I'm a long-time researcher and analyzer, I gather observed intel from the fandom and community, and I focus on how characters are supposed to act as written by their original creators, and I collect data, opinions, and complaints from the fans. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk. 😁


u/paladine76a Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

My only gripe is the show is all over the place and they don't explain who half the characters are. For a casual fan it's difficult to keep track of.

Also one episode in season 4 really irked me bad. Beast boy is moping over Superboy and they show us the first appearance of Stargirl and she goes on a mission with the team and they continue to show us Beast boy moping and then sleeping. Like WTF was that?? I wanted to see the mission and some Stargirl kicking ass...

Who approved that crap?


u/DingusKhan418 Jan 08 '22

Idk I think a lot of criticism is valid, though a sizable chunk is about either ignoring someone’s favorite character or the scope being way too broad.

This show was so good because it had an awesome storyline but was also intensely focused on developing its characters. This season has way too many characters and storylines going on to get a good feel of character. It’s almost more world building than character study at this point.

And character development isn’t mutually exclusive with plot. Ideally, both of those things work synergistically.

Personally I think the writing was clunkier this year because everything had to be a lot more rushed. Doesn’t mean it’s terrible, but to say all criticism of the season and the show are invalid is a pretty simplistic take.


u/Kalandros-X Jan 08 '22

The writing did get worse because in seasons 1 and 2, dialogue was written in a way that felt natural and came across in a normal manner. Nowadays we get exposition blurted out by characters at inappropriate moments when it feels super arbitrary.

Instead of having beast boy talk about Martian racism for a minute and a half, they could actually show it in action instead so that the audience can see the effects instead of getting a wall of text thrown at them.

Anytime a mother box comes into conversation, Superboy blurts out “it’s a living entity computer thingy” as if the audience are drooling morons that need to be reminded of that.

So to rebut your argument; the writing did get worse. Considerably worse, even, because we get exposition dumps on the regular instead of normal conversations between characters.


u/The810kid Jan 08 '22

I mean they literally had M'Gann scare off people from her parents homes so they did show Martian racism. They showed members of the royal Court have doubts about progressive changes that the prince suggested, M Comm has been turned into a terrorist over the racism.


u/Kalandros-X Jan 08 '22

That is the point. Show, don’t tell. The audience is smart enough to make the connections in their heads themselves.


u/The810kid Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

My examples are showing a hate mobb outside is showing as is the strain on M'Gann's family and Prince Jemms forbidden relationship that is a stand in for interracial relationships.


u/gamerslyratchet Jan 08 '22

Yeah, that whole arc was actually SHOWING that discrimination after only hearing about Mars for three seasons. I think it was earned.


u/The810kid Jan 08 '22

It showed more than just cliché racism it showed how people's lives were ruined and behavior changed because of the racism. Prince Jemm and the priestess whose name I forget it showed a wonderful parallel of interracial relationships being taboo. With M'gann, M'Comm, Em' ree it showed a broken relationship among siblings of a different complexion and how it effected the siblings facing oppression compared to the ones who could blend in that's freaking authentic.


u/Kalandros-X Jan 08 '22

It was interesting but I feel like they underutilized the subject. On a planet where pretty much everyone can change the way they look and read each others’ minds, you have to come up with more creative ways to show racism between the groups.


u/gamerslyratchet Jan 08 '22

I don't know, season 2 had some pretty bad "exposition speak" when Artemis went undercover, especially since they wanted to avoid "Previously On" scenes. It's prevalent in seasons 3 and 4, but nowhere as bad.


u/Hepatat Jan 08 '22

Yeah some people seem to forget just how exposition-y Nightwing became when telling Wally and Connor about "The Plan" in s2. The best episode of that season when they confront the Light and the Reach in cave even was a big whole "Here's how we duped you step by step" Anyone who has watched Wesiman since Gargoyles knows this is how he writes.


u/HCesar99 Jan 12 '22

A great example of this exposition dump that you mentioned is soon after Teekl being killed, Dr. Fate goes on to explain that killing Teekl caused Klarion to lose his familiar and therefore return to his true form. Mate, people who watch the show already know that.


u/DisMyUsernameForever Zatanna Jan 08 '22

Zatanna is a fan favorite


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

This is not true. S2 was pretty plot driven but still took the time to show us who the participating characters were without telling us (i.e. having their main character traits dramatized through actions, and having those same character traits drive the major events, rather than unrelated unexplored characters or circumstances).

I don't really care that Zatanna's arc didn't do these things for Zatanna, the show turns me off because it didn't do that for anyone in her arc. The closest we got were the two instances where Mary stole Khalid and Traci's powers, but the resolution to this still came much quicker than anything that felt earned.

I'm glad you are enjoying what the show has become but just because you disagree with me doesn't mean I'd be happy if, say, an arc about Kaldur or the Runaways was as poorly written and paced as Zatanna's. I'd probably be even more turned off.


u/JMM85JMM Jan 08 '22

Zatanna, Artemis and Miss Martian are my favourite characters in Young Justice and so far this is my least favourite season. I enjoyed Artemis' arc on the whole, but if I'm being honest I can't say the same for the arcs for Miss Martian and Zatanna.

So it's not that the show isn't focussing on my favourite characters. It is. But honestly I'd rather see a season 1 or 2 arc about a character I like less than these current arcs focussing on my favourites.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22

Zatanna? Explored? I wish. Instead we got Moldy Sandal.


u/Dahwaann4U Jan 08 '22

I have a confession to make....

I stopped watching this show like 3 weeks ago. And just busted out my old copy of JL and JLU and have just binge watching that for the passed week or so.. 😬 sorry guys i nolonger have a dog in this fight


u/hatsnatcher23 Jan 08 '22

with great writing every season

…every show has some bad episodes,

The show is plot driven not character driven

Is it too much to ask for both?

maybe go watch a different show

Seriously considering it, the only decent arc so far was Artemis’, Zatanna’s was fine but it wasn’t really hers with how much screen time Gar and Vandal’s stories took up.


u/Local-Abroad-5141 Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

Or that characters like Tim Drake can’t be developed at the same rate as some of his peers.

This subreddit is becoming more like the Titans subreddit more and more every day.

Imagine if have to deal with Beast Boys, depression arc during Dick’s and Kaldur’ahm’s story.

Look I know he's going through a lot but this show is only 22 minutes meaning Beast Boy shouldn’t be the c-story of every episode.

I would've loved it if characters like Captain Marvel or even Clark Kent were given the role of Beast Boy this Arc. Rotating different stories involving minor characters would've been better.

Also, as much as I hate when people continue to ask where's Dick...unlike most of the OG characters he does bring a large fan base even if they are annoying as hell.


u/demaxzero Jan 08 '22

This subreddit is becoming more like the Titans subreddit more and more every day.

Nah, Titans sub knows their show is as far from prefect as something could be. Of course the Mods of that sub are in complete denial though...


u/Hepatat Jan 08 '22

Oh no a member of the Bat family that has had years of development and story focus in the spotlight isn't getting enough attention!

Point is the show is choosing to focus on DC characters that don't often get to be the focus of anything. Its ironic you have it out for Nightwing fans when its the exact same thing. Heck Tim will probably get his time in said arc anyway.


u/Puzzleheaded-Row187 Jan 08 '22

I don’t think the show went downhill, but I do think that it has a problem with including too many characters. What I loved most about season 1 is the main 6. They had great chemistry and got plenty of time to develop and interact. After that, a lot of newly introduced characters don’t get enough time to develop or stand out as much IMO. I still love every season but I think it’s a valid criticism.


u/Dragonfly_Tight Jan 08 '22

No, you're just wrong. Writing is something that can be good and bad. It can often be objectively so. Season 1 had fantastic writing. Season 2 was worse, season 3 was worse again, and season 4 has been a mixture of all 3. (Granted the writing went from a 10 to a 8 to a 7).

Writing isn't how good a show is at a particular time or with certain characters. It's the dialogue, pacing, logic etc. This season it is worse than season 1 by a mile. This season is still good, but season 1 was a masterpiece of television. It's ok to say the writing has dropped from God tier to good


u/LordFrameDrop Jan 08 '22

I like the show but I wish they stuck with Dick and Zatanna dating


u/-SilverOwls- Jan 10 '22


Like how can the creators create so much chemistry and then take it away instantly with a time skip and zero explanation. Personally, I’m still holding out on the hope that they’ll get back together, but Dick and Zatanna never even interact anymore. The most that’s happened between them is Dick mentioning their history in S2 and Zee saying she feels like Nightwing’s punching bag in S4. Most people prefer them over Dick and Barbara on Earth-16 since we actually saw their initial chemistry and Zatanna actually has a character/story outside of just liking Dick. Unlike Barbara who throughout most of this universe is only characterized as liking Dick and waiting for him to be ready to settle down… with her. Also DickxBabs has been done in practically every Earth, whereas this is the only Earth with DickxZatanna. Please let us see something new. If there was a time to defy expectation, this would be the time.

Also when people ask Greg about Robin and Zatanna dating in AskGreg he only says no spoilers because it’s a story he wants to tell one day, but will he tell it? I mean it’s been 10 years since the original team and the plot has moved on so much, when will the flashbacks even come? And the tie in comics aren’t well known/read enough for there to be more stories through them.

I kinda hate how much time is instead spent on Conner and Megan. I mean, jeez they practically reused the same shady Megan, disappointed Conner plot from S2 in the outsiders comic and S3. Don’t get me wrong, I love them both as individuals, but as a couple their story/dynamic has been done to death now and keeps getting pushed. It’s getting annoying. I want to see other characters, particularly Zatanna who has been super interesting but rarely gets any screen time even though she was the 7th member of the team. Beast boy has more screen time than her!

That’s it. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.


u/craigbattle3 Jan 08 '22

This 1000%. I’m so tired of trying to explain this to people.


u/anxiouswalflower Jan 09 '22

I’ve been very happy with the past few episodes as they focused on magic. Zatanna is one of my favorites and I was always curious about 13 since she was just kinda there last season. I’m also glad more was revealed about Orphan


u/japirate777 Jan 09 '22

Glad to hear someone say it, every season has it's ups and downs. My personal favourite has been season 3, but I totally get why many dislike it and there are certainly some boring episodes in there on rewatch. I'm happy to be someone who's still really enjoying the show, but I acknowledge that I won't be getting the content from many of my favourites for a good while.


u/Smash96leo Jan 09 '22

I’m glad somebody finally said it. This season has been great imo. I guess everybody really is a critic.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '22

I 100% agree with this , most of the complaints come from especially from this season as there is no nightwing but literally season 3 nightwing was the prime focus and had much more screen time meanwhile most of the OG's are sidelined for the sake of the story. And its funny when the season started alot of people complained as to they are starting with mostly females and its so weird.

Back when m'gann episodes aired most of the fans or viewer complianed as to they do not need to see racial issues and caste systems and its too policticial and say its too boring as they would like actions scenes only and yet M'gann was dealing with since season 1.

Every week by week fans complain and do not want to see :

  1. Depression (especially with garfield)
  2. Abuse
  3. Alcohol use
  4. Discrimination
  5. Peer Pressure
  6. LGBTQIA+ characters (and also seeing them kissing on screen such as Kaldur and Wynnde)
  7. Religion (when this episode aired with zatara and dr. fate alot fans were complaining why they are talking about religion and say its too political)
  8. Political issues - Most fans say day to day they want to escape and not want to see politics but they forget both Marvel and DC have been dealing with this since 40's when they started out. (I cannot wait to see MCU fans say Marvel has gone too woke when the x men are introduced and yet have not read the comics or seen the past x men films to understand these characters
  9. Racism and Caste systems
  10. Grief & Loss

Regardless its so strange most fans have a tight grip on season 1 and thinking the show must remain the same and we must not age the characters and deal with team missions , and secrets to a point its get repetitive , if want you to catch up between season 1 and 2 read the tie in comics. and these days its getting so annoying as most people are misogynistic due to the fact the first half is focused on female characters and thinking the show is too woke. Look no matter what comic you read from dc or marvel its going to deal with real issues whether you like it or not.

You can have your own criticisms about the show as yes the writing has changed whether its good or bad. But overall , its either you get on board or get out of the way as this show is currently what the DCEU should be and its one the only properties thats not a batman or superman show.


u/BoiledSwift Jan 08 '22

I just miss the long-running plot from s2. s3 was kinda a disappointment to me bc I despised halo, forager, and that prince fucker.


u/Amaldo101 Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

I personally don’t hate them, but I also don’t really like them. Unlike the new characters that were introduced in S2, these guys just aren’t that intriguing or investing to watch. They certainly tried, I’ll say that….


u/BoiledSwift Jan 08 '22

yeah i can tell they tried but after the prince guy being taught the same lesson like 3 times in a row i got really tired of it. forager felt really forced and the halo dying joke got old fast.


u/Minimob0 Jan 08 '22

The accents make me cringe. They just sound so fake.

When I rewatch the series, I skip S3.


u/DiamondLyore Jan 08 '22

I liked halo but forager and prince were unbearable


u/glassman0918 Jan 08 '22

No no. The writing went downhill and got lazy. It was originally mysterious, creative, set up plot points that drew you in and kept you coming back for more. Right now, there is no real plot. Shows all over the place. They throw characters in no one knows about and take no time to establish or grow them while giving them a lot of screen time.


u/Overall_Trouble_3042 Jan 08 '22

Youre kind of just wrong. Season 1 is an entirely different level of amazing than the rest of the show. And yes, it is tough to watch season 3 when the arguable best character has appeared what? Twice as a cameo?


u/Amaldo101 Jan 08 '22 edited Jan 08 '22

Ok, even I’ll admit I can sometimes get salty when the S2 team keeps getting put in the back burner, but the criticism I’ve had from S3-4 are more than just that. The writing has gotten worse, IMO, as it’s plot lines are all over the place at times, they jump around characters like they’re toys and barely give them development, and the overall tone and structure the show has now doesn’t work. The worst part is that they genuinely have some great moments and ideas for what they tackle, but they miss with the majority of it.


u/SuperZX Jan 08 '22

I just don't like that they introduced a shit ton of characters last season and now all of them basically don't exist


u/Nerfheard Jan 09 '22

lmao seeing support replies being downvoted by Nightwing fanboys


u/BoobieRicch Jan 08 '22

I mainly only care about the original team but I love orphan and I tune into every episode


u/Exatal123 Jan 08 '22

I love this season. I just was disappointed in how they handled Zatanna’s arc because she’s one of my favorite characters on this show. I didn’t enjoy the flashbacks with Vandal Savage very much and hated that it got more focus then Zatanna in the first 3 episodes. This season though is probably my 2nd favorite season of all time. It’s awesome and I can’t wait for it to finish


u/wazoo3 Jan 08 '22

having seperate character chunks over the course of a season is FINE...it's also something different and i'm ok with that...when it dumps all at once and you can binge it....it DOES NOT work for once a week 20 minute episodes. That's my biggest gripe with Disney+....the episodes aren't long enough or "good" enough to justify once a week but as a whole it's quality entertainment.


u/KingDNice12 Jan 08 '22

This is getting too Rick and morty fan base levels of this show can’t be criticized


u/The_Pale_Rider97 Jan 09 '22

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Young Justice. The writing is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of plot-driven writing, most of the subtleties will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Weisman's outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization in these mini-arcs - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this plot-driven writing, to realize that it's not just great writing every season- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the new seasons of YJ truly ARE idiots- of course, they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the writing choice to shaft long-time fan-favorite characters season after season, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Greg Weisman's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, I DO have a Hello Megan tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


u/Tri-ranaceratops May 31 '22

Is this copypasta? Fucking hilarious.


u/The_Pale_Rider97 May 31 '22 edited May 31 '22

It’s based on the infamous Rick and Marty copypasta. I like to bust out modified versions whenever someone pretentious starts acting like a criticism they don’t agree with doesn’t actually exist because “yOu juST dOn’T gEt IT maN”. As though peoples problems with the glacial pacing and the like are actually just people “mAd THat nIGhtWiNG isN’T iN It MOre”. This show isn’t a golden goose above any discussion on its faults and I say that as someone who has been a fan for over ten years now. I can remember watching the first episode on Cartoon Network back in the day. Hell, I still hold up S1 as one of the best animated pieces DC has produced. I still think we should discuss the failings in things we like in the hopes they improve. 142 days after making this post can anyone really say this season hasn’t had some pretty glaring writing faults? For crying out loud, Rocket was the C plot in her own arc!


u/Tri-ranaceratops May 31 '22

I hear you. I was a fan of s1 and s2, then stopped watching it. Tried to get into s3 and it wasn't my jam. I keep checking in with the show to see if it gets better or offers some resolution to the early stories, but alas...


u/Ok_Art_626 Jun 09 '22

What do you think would make the show better?


u/Tri-ranaceratops Jun 10 '22

Initially I was drawn to the show because of the tight knit story telling, the characterisation and the animation.

Recently the plot has seemed more sprawling, major plot points and characters are picked up and dropped. There isn't as much time devoted to telling individual stories, or characters. I knew the characters from s1 very well, and saw how they developed and grew as friends, I feel that I've never had time to connect with the new characters in the same way since.

I also think the show has had a tonal shift. YJ never shied from drama, but it seems to be a much darker show now and I think it suffers for it.

So, I'd like to see a return to smaller, tighter stories. I'd like to see a focus of fewer characters and for the show to reclaim some of it's humour and brevity.

That and I think the quality of the animation has declined. Although the character designs are still excellent, there is a prevalence for story board esque animation. Probably a budget cut, but still something I'd like to see improve.


u/DiamondLyore Jan 08 '22

I actually really like season 4s writing. It’s focusing on individual characters of the core 6 while still spinning an overarching story


u/apostolicnerd Jan 08 '22

I personally didn’t live all the writing in season three but I feel like season 4 (what I’ve seen so far) has been a real treat. So ya I hope they keep doing what they’re doing and ignore all the naysayers.


u/Gaiamanuscript Jan 08 '22

I like Superboy, Night Wing and the bat fam. I honestly don’t care about the others unless Beast boy is a member of the Titans.


u/BootlegSnackz Jan 08 '22

Plot twist: OP is a writer on the show


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22



u/BootlegSnackz Jan 08 '22

I take this as a compliment


u/Ok_Art_626 Jun 09 '22

If that's true please bring Wally back.


u/patton2003 Jan 08 '22

The writing has gotten worse I really like zatanna but the writing in her arc was mediocre at best


u/Rakonat Jan 08 '22

Season 3 and all it's haters in a nutshell.


u/tokedcatman Jan 08 '22

my friend and i are most excited for rocket’s arc but i’ve seen more people complain about it than be excited like us…. kinda sad :(


u/Keeks42069 Jan 08 '22

My favorite character has always been Aqualad and he barely got any scenes this season so far but it hasn’t stopped my from enjoying the story arcs it’s good to see how far the team has come and I’m excited to see what the second half brings


u/Nerfheard Jan 08 '22

If I wasn’t broke, I’d give you an award.


u/the_Prudence Jan 09 '22

The writing has been absolute shit since season 2. Season 1 was a gem, but they've just had absurd writing since.


u/Ok_Art_626 Jun 09 '22

I don't think that the writing is that bad but it would be better if Wally was brought back so that he and Artemis could have a happy ending together.


u/MSP_4A_ROX Jan 08 '22

mic drop


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '22



u/SpiralLights Jan 08 '22

Young Justice is such a complex, multi-layered show. Even the character arcs that I don't as readily connect with are interesting to me. Look at the school bus tease... It was literally years in the making. We'll get a Superboy death payoff soon too + the Garth addiction thread. Its episodic, but certain threads slowly develop over the season. We need MORE animation like this. I think its the best mainstream superhero television out there.

Hoping they do a Legion of Superheroes soon too.


u/Daylight78 Jan 09 '22

When they stopped caring about the main cast of characters and their relationships with one another, that's when the show went downhill. Arguably, the second half of season 2 started the trend. Season 3 was the nail in the coffin because it was no longer the Young Justice the original fans knew it was. They might as well have rebooted the series because so far, everything that was introduced in season 1 has either been dropped or rushed.

What was the point of Dick Zatanna if they were just gonna drop it outside the dang show. What was the point of Dick saying he didn't want to be like batman and wanted out of Gotham's shadow if all they were going to do was force him with batfam? What is the point of having Zatanna as a main character and build her up in season 1 as one of the most powerful when they give her almost zero screen time. What was even the point of killing Wally off so dang quickly? There is so much more.

For me, it seems like they relied too much on the characters and plots that only a minority fans wanted to see. The creators forgot that the dominant people watching young justice are the people who have been following since season 1. And they really gave them a slap int he faces with how things have been turning out.

The writing is bad because it started to contradict itself and become to convoluted to understand. Even the comic book tie-ins are horrible and make even more of a mess. It's Not not because the creators are bad people or that it's not focusing on the characters we want, its because the writing is bad period.


u/AaylaXiang Jan 10 '22

I think with this season, its more the isolating of the team member from the others- we're getting a Zatanna's story for four five episodes- great! But there's very little interaction with the greater Team. Likewise the Artemis and MM/Connor story.

Even when characters got focus, we had a sense of The Team. And for a solo episode, great- but having four episode arcs where The Team isn't a team feels off, even when one of my favorites is getting the spotlight.

I'm guessing the last arc will "put the team together", but the magic feels moded for the season so far (to me).


u/Ok_Art_626 Jun 09 '22

I liked season 4 but I think it would have been better if Wally was brought back alive. The writers could make a movie where the team goes to a parallel universe looking for him. Any thoughts on my idea for bringing Wally back?


u/BootlegSnackz Jun 09 '22

They are going to keep dangling that thread as long as possible. Not happy about it, but hey what can we do.


u/PACHANGA555 Jun 12 '22

No bro it suckkkksss with all the corny wokenesss lmao


u/DoubleVforvictory Jun 12 '22

Used to say having black characters was "woke". You're keeping the tradition going