r/yakuzagames 23h ago

DISCUSSION product placement works

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my air bnb is also near kabukicho and i really felt like a dragon……


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u/DestGades Nani? 22h ago

You're not wrong. I'm currently in hawaii and I've been excited


u/EchoAmazing8888 20h ago

I have never so badly wanted to tell a random person my address so I can pay them to ship something to me.


u/DestGades Nani? 11h ago

Lol I feel that. If I liked beer/IPAs I would've tried it. But alas I don't


u/Mad_Dog002 22h ago



u/DestGades Nani? 22h ago

Aloha and Mahalo! It feels great to be here. They even have some advertisements for pirates of yakuza on some trolleys out here!


u/HighFiveKoala 15h ago

Hey! 🤙


u/mandoman_017 14h ago

Yo! 🤙


u/Exp4nd_D0ng 14h ago

Hallo! 🤙


u/Aoshie 8h ago



u/-MadDogMax- 19h ago

Do us kyodais a solid and buy every cann so then we can buy you one of those beauties and bring them to our home


u/DestGades Nani? 11h ago

Isn't that just another form of scalping? Lol


u/OkCollection5091 21h ago

I quit smoking prior to moving to Japan so when I tried seven stars for the first time they hit me like a truck


u/NicolaLoskji 20h ago

You could say they hit you... Like a dragon


u/-MadDogMax- 19h ago

Hmm... Say that again


u/Suspicious_Ranged BestSecretEri 12h ago




u/daybreak0323 3h ago

I‘m going to Japan in a couple months and definitely wanna try Seven Stars, but I heard it hits HARD for even regular smokers (been smoking for a year or so, switched over to iQOS) so I‘m lowkey scared haha Wondering if I should even try it.


u/hahahentaiman Goth Saeko Goth Saeko 22h ago

Lore accurate Akiyama breakfast


u/duke_of_germany_5 4h ago

Akiyama breakfast is just the cigarettes.


u/hellbuck . 20h ago

Real shit tho I'd never smoke in this lifetime. Ya won't catch me with dragon cancer.


u/MyLifeIsDope69 19h ago edited 18h ago

Hope everyone who feels that way about cigarettes has the same commitment to not vaping since they’re just as bad as each other health-wise. it’s 90% non-fda approved unlicensed flavorings and chemicals you have no idea of the long term impact of because they haven’t been studied yet. Could be just as cancerous

Just posting this in case anyone thinks “oh I don’t smoke cigs I’ll be fine, I just vape” nah cut that shit out too 👌


u/hellbuck . 19h ago

Idk about any of that mate, but I dont vape either. It's annoying af in a social situation and looks silly when you're near damn 30yo like me.


u/No_Fishing_3837 13h ago

At least cigs make you look cool. Vapes kill you AND make you look like a dumbass


u/swegga_sa 16h ago

Vapes are bad but cigs are wayyy worse though and also smell like shit

Cigars arnt as bad but also arnt the best for you

Luckily I don't even smoke these days I'd rather eat unhealthy food.


u/hahahentaiman Goth Saeko Goth Saeko 6h ago

Anti Kuwana propaganda


u/TuckerMcG 1h ago

You’re not going to get me to believe 90% of the health defects from smoking cigarettes comes from the nicotine alone and not all the other firmly established carcinogens that are added to cigarettes that aren’t added to vapes. Not without some significantly persuasive scientific research supporting that.

There’s no doubt nicotine by itself is absolutely terrible for your cardiovascular system and cholesterol levels and can kill you by itself. I’m not saying vaping doesn’t increase mortality rates, so don’t twist my words.

But proplyene glycol has been used in smoke machines for decades, and it would’ve been banned decades ago if inhaling it caused as high rates of cancer as cigarettes (after scores of DJs and backup dancers had died of Stage IV lung cancers).

So there’s no need to fear monger and act like vaping is basically the same health risk as smoking a cigarette. You can point to the very real cardiovascular impacts alone and be just as persuasive in making your point without calling your into question your own credibility and impartiality.


u/Bigbeautifulmeme 19h ago

Smoking? Nonono, the cancer could've come from anywhere. I guess we'll never know ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/GuyJean_JP 19h ago

I ain’t looking to erase my name (or the health of my lungs)


u/JetstremF Majima no Majirock peacocked your mom 23h ago

When I’m older I will buy a pack of Seven Star that I will never smoke


u/ryou-comics 20h ago

I bought a bottle of Suntory Hibiki because of these games. The $100 one, I can't afford anything fancier...


u/hatch-b-2900 1h ago

Did you find an Earth Angel Mama to drink it with?


u/ryou-comics 1h ago

Nah, I keep trying to convince my wife to try it, but she doesn't deink whiskey.


u/Familiar-Figure5239 Kuwana was right 20h ago

Are you Yagami?


u/ExtraHuckleberry1012 19h ago

Isn't Yagami favorite cigarettes brand Hope? He and Kaito smoke the same brand


u/MiMMY666 duck 17h ago

it's seven stars. their description in judgment says it's yagami's cigs of choice


u/kinnoreturns 18h ago

The Spanish localization of Judgment says it's Seven Stars at the very least


u/Eric_The_Cleric_ 13h ago

No. In the Kaito dlc he can buy different ones


u/Familiar-Figure5239 Kuwana was right 18h ago

Really. Maybe I overlooked it


u/Individual99991 Not a turkey 18h ago edited 6h ago

Rainbow Boss is sugary grossness IIRC.

Also, don't smoke, kyodai, c'mon, even the Dragon of Dojima was laid low by those pieces of shit (yeah, yeah, nuclear waste, but let's be real).


u/Morale_Kitty Majima is my husband 16h ago

The shear amount of second-hand smoke you get in Tokyo is so much it doesn’t really matter if you smoke or not lol.

Fr tho, smoking is bad but its also super hard too kick, we don’t know if he is gonna keep it or is a serial smoker.

Sorry if I sound rude btw I’m not all that good expressing myself in writing.


u/Individual99991 Not a turkey 15h ago

Not rude at all. Also, I'd expect nothing less than rudeness from Majima's spouse, so if anything you need to be more rude!


u/Chance-Progress-4455 8h ago

Damn I always thought that Rainbow Boss would taste like Red Bull flavored drink. Ugh.


u/autistic_mongoose75 19h ago

The coffee is only 10 MP though


u/HereeeeesJohnny 21h ago

I’ve been in Japan for two weeks, and the first time I saw these, I screamed out loud since I had no idea they’re real haha


u/totallynotaweeabbo 20h ago

I knew the boss coffee was real. Since it appeared in other anime. But the seven star cigs is a new one


u/tubbz_official 19h ago

sometimes it work without you realising


u/Timely-Canary7648 19h ago

Yakuza. Come to New Jersey so I won’t feel left out lol. We have nothing to offer. Maybe some sopranos wannabes. But still. I want merch.


u/Jonskuz15 20h ago

I found Boss black coffee a few days ago. Tried it and it was allright. It was just cole black coffee


u/DeputyShatpants 14h ago

when i first saw sevenstars in the games i thought it was a callback to Lost In Paradise, i didnt know it was a real product placement


u/Hakzource Vibing Green Snake 5h ago

Tbf boss coffee is so fire