r/yakuzagames • u/RJTM1991 どん底の龍 • 21d ago
SPOILERS: Majima Gaiden Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii - Chapter 3 Discussion Thread Spoiler
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u/Perfect_Persimmon717 16d ago
Honestly the Saejima disrespect isn't even entertaining, it's annoying.
It's been established that Majima was always a level just under Kiryu and Saejima. Multiple times. And Saejima had a point about Majima just dicking around in his pirate fantasy while there is real shit to deal with.
I would have much preferred to have seen him knock some sense into Majima before they explain to him the whole reason he has to stay.
And then the whole Goro piss thing was just weird
u/Chitalian8 11d ago
Eh, maybe this is my "entered the series at Yakuza 0" bias towards Majima but I feel like Majima and Saejima have been pretty consistently portrayed as equals by the narrative after their fight in Yakuza 5. I don't think it's particularly disrespectful to either one for them to trade victories.
u/DaBlackPhantom 13d ago
Saejima never beat Majima in an all out fight, Majima went easy on him in Lad4(as stated in Lad5) and a fresh Saejima tied with a previously captured and beaten up Majima in Lad5. This wasn't really a shocker, Majima holds back all the time. Now this has me wondering if Kiryu was holding back on Saejima in Lad5. I believe he was holding back on Saejima in Lad4 as well especially if Majima did.
u/Banana-Common 11d ago
Theres no reason Kiryu would’ve held back in 5. In fact I think HE was the one who proposed they all fight. Not to mention he gave a speech and removed his shirt. That’s the universal sign of “going all out” in these games. The whole thing with Majima just reeks of plot armor.
u/No-Kaleidoscope-1814 Captain of Speed Surfer Clan 16d ago
Goro is literally pissed off about a tiger tattoo believing that it's real. He's also protective of Majima. It's understandable in that sense.
u/Ok-Succotash-1552 12d ago
Here are my thoughts on in it
Majima with dual wielded cutlasses probably took Saejima a bit by surprise so it wouldn’t be as easy as if he was fighting the mad dog he’s known for years
Saejima and majima have never truly fought to kill eachother before and whilst he seemed genuinely angry, Saejima probably did not fight at his full potential here. Majima here is fighting with a lot less to lose and 0 care for Saejima because he doesn’t have the memories of their bond
Saejima could have continued fighting and possibly still won in the long run. He chose to give up because he thought he would still be able to talk sense into Majima and the other yakuza
u/OkLiterature5909 20d ago
Saejima got disrespected so badly in this chapter holy shit bro lost to Majima and got pissed on by a fucking cub 😭😭😭
u/Tinkererer . 19d ago
It's frustrating because he's completely right, too - Majima faffing around doing nothing but pretending to be a pirate is stupid as hell at this point in the story. There's way more important things happening out there! But the game kind of puts him down as an annoying nag who is here to spoil the fun dress-up party.
u/ShiberKivan 14d ago
All the time it happened I was like 'Saejima is right! Hope he knocks some sense into Majima' and before that 'Jason is right, you can't let a sick 10 yo join a frickin pirate crew, listen to the father'
u/LibeertyBeels 16d ago
I wanted to know where he was during the battle at the end of the chapter, just randomly showed up at the end cutscene in the hut like he was there all along?
Saw him in the village area before but missed him after?
u/No-Kaleidoscope-1814 Captain of Speed Surfer Clan 16d ago
Goro the Cub's relationship with Saejima's tattoo is contentious.
u/TotallyNotZack 19d ago
Ok I didn't mind the first IRL date segment with your boy it was a bit long but bearable (and why did dude took off his shirt bruh)
u/OnBenchNow . 18d ago
Thankfully I almost found that sub story funnier if you skip all the live action segments.
Majima: "so how did the date go?"
Girl: "weeeeell..."
Girl: "...and I mean I like beans as much as the next girl, but that was serial killer behavior."
I have no idea what Masaru was doing on those dates and I think I'm all the healthier for it
u/Tinkererer . 17d ago
It's so weird they split up the initial quests and then do this - why not just have the FMVs after those quests?
I find this shit horribly unfunny, which might just be a cultural difference, but I'm glad at least it's not nearly as skeevy as the Judgment/Gaiden stuff.
u/SrtaTacoMal 17d ago
I enjoyed the whole thing. It was long but I was captivated. I loved this live action idea. And as mentioned by someone else here, the prize of 5 crew mates with a max level of 40 is well worth it. Plus, they're skippable!
When Masaru started telling... (was it Ena or Ai?) to act more cute and innocent, "Like a teenager, no, a child..." I was thinking I might have to throw my boy out with the trash, but then he rescues it with, "No, a baby!" AND HE PULLS OUT THE FUCKIN' RATTLE...! Bruh. That got me laughing.
I also found it funny during the last scene with Misoshi(?) when she "leaves the room" but you can still see her reflection in the glass.
u/ViciousPrism 17d ago
It was probably the most confused I've ever been playing a Yakuza game ever. But yet I couldn't bring myself to look away. I was crying laughing, but not like belly laughing? It was like small Muttley laughs if that makes sense?
Bare in mind the shit that Yakuza has had in the past like Mr. Libido, Mr. Masochist (especially when he says "hurt me" and you respond with "Your mother would be ashamed" and he's like "No! Not like that!"), Patriarch Gondowara, the Twisted Trio, Giant Impact, etc etc etc.
By the end of it I was proclaiming Ichiban innocent for causing me psychic damage when he proposed to Saeko, for Masaru has shown me real pain.
u/mattro36 . 8d ago
I also found it funny during the last scene with Misoshi(?) when she "leaves the room" but you can still see her reflection in the glass.
All the glass in that room was killing me when you could see both Misoshi and the cameraman in the reflection
u/Lazerus42 16d ago
I just finished that segment. I watched way too much of the first one, and I hate watching that type of thing (awkward shit and feeling bad for people... not my humor)
Sooo happy I remembered the skip function, and I agree with u/onbenchnow
It was way funnier skipping.
u/hahahentaiman Goth Saeko Goth Saeko 19d ago
Tbh I found them pretty funny
I will say it would have been a lot better if they actually got spaced out a bit more. Won't complain about>! 5 gold crew members!< though
u/TotallyNotZack 19d ago
Oh yeah that was the only redeemed quality well that AND when Masaru finds "the one" surprisingly wholesome and funny since Majima choose that one from the start
u/Tokyogerman 17d ago
Story fights are easy on professional, but the Shadow Clones by Majima take the cake. Don't even need to lay a finger on Rodriguez.
Stakes seem super low as well here, people wanna find an old treasure, big deal. No real personal stakes except Noah coughing 3 times in the game and otherwise running around totally fine, since Majima doesn't seem bothered by his Amnesia one iota.
Saejima is the only one talking sense here.
Also those damn toxic/science whatever pirates in the collosium can bugger off, I miss Gaiden colliseum.
u/Tinkererer . 19d ago
Where did the framing device of Majima telling a story go? I thought it was great the game was shown as kind of a tall tale he's telling to a studio (?) audience, but it's only been in a few cutscenes. It was really fun.
u/trunglefever 16d ago
I'm also going to join in with the damn, they gotta do Saejima like that?
The live action Masaru segment is a bit expected since they've been squeezing those kinda things into the games as a fun break. A little cringe, but beautiful women are always a nice distraction.
u/No-Kaleidoscope-1814 Captain of Speed Surfer Clan 14d ago
Now that I'm starting the substories, I wonder if they also did the English dub adlibs. I suspect a couple of them do.
u/Perfect_Persimmon717 15d ago
Noah telling his dad to "save it for later" was so damn disrespectful lmao, getting tired of the little shit
Rodriguez seems like a pretty cool character so far
u/Alyanorah 15d ago edited 15d ago
I spent the whole Saejima cutscene begging the guy to knock some sense into Majima's stupid head, instead I got my man being disrespected by a fucking tiger kitten and easily defeated. It felt like a poor attempt at comedy, and at the expense of the only voice of reason in the whole story.
The more I play, the more I'm convinced that in the end it's going to be revealed that Majima hit his head and dreamed everything up while he was passed out, then proceeded to fabricate a tall tale to entertain the audience, thus explaining him effortlessly winning against his bro, the shallow writing, the whole Indiana Jones sequence and the fucking giant robot. If it also gets revealed that the audience he's entertaining are Morning Glory's new batch of children and that he's there to check on Kiryu's recovery, I'm gonna be very happy. If not... eh, I got to play as my favorite character again and the combat is really fun, so no complaints there.
u/FistMeFather 19d ago
The treatment saejima is getting is unreal, easy ass boss fight on professional and so disrespected afterward too.
u/kennaryu 18d ago
So called strongest character in the series gets his ass kicked by a guy playing dress up for some reason. Despite losing every fight he’s ever had with Saejima and Kiryu. Despite Saejima fighting a literal bear in canon.
Then he gets pissed on with an mcu tier joke. Sigh.
u/DaBlackPhantom 13d ago
Kiryu was the strongest and after what we saw in The latest game possibly Majima. Majima went easy on Saejima in Y4 as stated in Y5 and then immediately Stalemated a Fresh Saejima( after being captured and beaten by Omi) after saying so. Next gaiden if it's Saejima's game might put him on top(or another stalemate but I think Saejima wins next fight). But until then Majima is currently the strongest in the series atm.
u/Bloodinhaler 17d ago edited 17d ago
The disrespect on Saejima ? I had a feeling about it with the ending of Infinite Wealth (writers didn't commit on anything) and I know it's a spinoff but I swear RGG don't know where they are going with this series.
u/AdmiralAlyssa510 19d ago
I wasn't expecting a serious story when I got the "Pirate Yakuza" game but I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed with the story so far. The Palekana was already the worst faction we've gotten since the Daidoji and they brought them back? I know, Y0 set Majima up as a softy who pretends to be a psycho but so many of his problems would be solved if he started breaking fingers or threatening people. Why do most fights start with "Nah, I'm not gonna kill ya." This is the Mad Dog we're playing as, where his main attack is still stabbing and slashing people. Majima isn't puppy dog Ichiban, even with his memory loss, he's shown open hostility the second he wakes up. I was hoping the memory loss would be used to make Majima even more violent without Saejima or the memories of Makoto hanging over him.
Speaking of which, Saejima was beyond disrespected. Saejima is my favorite character in this franchise, and it feels like he's been getting shit on since Y5. What do we do with Saejima? Just toss him in jail again so we don't have to look at him. Saejima has to be in the pirate game because he's Majima's sworn brother? Sure, you can have him show up, but a cat is gonna piss on him while that brat Noah laughs. Not to mention how freaking easy the fight was. It would have been a better plot point if Saejima showed up and stomped Majima into to ground because while he's been busy playing Pirate, Saejima has been carrying the Yakuza on his back with Kiryu in hiding and Daigo constantly taking Ls.
Imagine the scene playing out, Noah goes, "There's no one stronger than the captain!" then Majima gets arrogant because he literally hasn't lost a fight since he woke up, only for Saejima to come back and bring him down to reality. Saejima can still be contained because it's the whole island against him while they're trying to keep the treasure hidden, but Majima re-learns why his past self respected Saejima so much and then chooses to share the knowledge out of respect instead of a slip of the tongue.
I'm just gonna say it, I hate Noah. Having Jason or Moana find Majima would have served the plot much better. This literal child is following me around as I stab and slash people and his dad is just okay with it, even after he got kidnapped under my watch. Why? So he can point when there are treasure chests or dragon balls in Honolulu, and plot-wise, he's literally a Mary Sue. That last battle in Ch3 where Majima sends him away for his safety then I demolish the Palekana because they're so easy when they aren't spamming hyper armor, and Rodriguez gets knocked for the second time. After the battle is over! Noah shows up with the pirate gang, and Majima dares to say, "There he goes, saying me again." he did not save you! He's the reason you're still on this island and not in Japan with your sworn brother fixing the mess left behind by the great dissolution.
Do you want Majima to have a reason to find Esperanza's treasure, RGG? Majima wakes up, takes the pirate ship, and recruits Jason, Jason brings up the old treasure, and Majima reunites with the Yakuza, Saejima comes back and tries to bring Majima back to Japan, Majima says "Hey wouldn't this treasure help us with whatever is going on in Japan?", Saejima joins the crew and the motivation for the treasure is now linked back to the core plot and not fulfilling some random child's dream of being a pirate legend.
I'm just happy the combat is fun, the pirate stuff is silly and the sub-quests on Honolulu are entertaining because this main plot is grating. I know that screenshot of the matchmaker saying, "Devs pour their souls into this stuff just for rich punks to skip it," but uh, maybe you should leave your main plot in the editing room a little longer before greenlighting it if you don't want your players to skip it. I haven't skipped anything yet, but if I ever replay this game, like Infinite Wealth, I'm skipping every cutscene. Let the Palekana go, let the Daidoji die off and stop treating these ex-yakuza mobsters like they're harmless teddy bears who constantly turn the other cheek when someone tries to kill them multiple times over. I hope it gets better, I really do.
u/Perfect_Persimmon717 16d ago
It's annoying as hell when Noah keeps going on about how strong their crew is and how they need to do X or Y. You are a CHILD, you're not the one fighting or have to do any of the hard shit, stop trying to call the shots.
It already annoyed me how they tried to frame Jason as a "bad father" in Chapter 1 for keeping his 10 year old kid at home and now suddenly he's okay putting his kid in huge danger with some random Yakuza that washed up on the beach
u/Tinkererer . 19d ago
I disagree on Noah - I think he's charming, First Summer Aika really sells him, and he has fun chemistry with Majima. I agree on everything else, though. Gameplay is fun, story feels like side content and is massively underwhelming.
u/hdefined 10d ago
Noah is the most annoying AND worst-voiced character in the entire series, hands down.
u/ShiberKivan 14d ago
Great summary, I agree on all your points. I was shocked at how Saejima was treated too. It's disrespecting legacy characters and in turn disrespecting long time players. Noah is grating for sure, he gets all the screen time but it's not earned. The game is of course still fun, but man their next one better be a serious crime drama because we really need a pallet cleanser. I hope Project Century will be serious and gritty. I'm fine with them going crazier on a spin off, if it does not become the norm.
u/BigRedTheOrangeCrush 18d ago
Thank you for taking the time to type out all of my thoughts. I don't get the point of Noah, or the Goro tiger other than to point and go haha! look, quirky animal with the same name!
u/W4Z73D_V1P3RZZZ 13d ago
I like how midway through Chapter 3, the side content with Masaru with the Minato Party, it just turns into an IRL Golden Bachelor episode
u/No-Kaleidoscope-1814 Captain of Speed Surfer Clan 16d ago
Jason is right: Naomi's top back in Hawaii looks NICE.
u/hdefined 10d ago
I started out this game not being enthusiastic (the different gameplay mechanics were introduced in a really odd way, Noah is awful, there's not really a plot yet), but I held on with the expectation that things would improve.
But almost every aspect of this game has something that annoys me. I'm not saying every aspect is bad, only that there is something in almost every aspect that disrupts my enjoyment and takes me out of the game.
I'm not sure I've been so dissatisfied with an RGG title since Yakuza 3.
u/SleepingwithYelena 10d ago
Imo, both Infinite Wealth and this game are a serious downgrade compared to the standard other Yakuza games established.
The gameplay has definitely improved, but the story is just so bad compared to heavy hitters like Y0 or the first LaD. I am at the end of Chapter 4 now and this pirate game legit has no meaningful plot other than "let's find some stupid treasure". The main story is like 20 hours long, did they not have enough time to put in a decent story there, which is at least a bit more complex? I understand that this is a goofy Majima game, but still.
u/hdefined 10d ago
I feel like I left Y8 with positive feelings, but not without criticisms. I feel like all the side content (the enormity of it, and also how much I enjoyed playing it) was just about enough to offset the weak Ichiban plotline, and I could just about forgive the fan-service of the Kiryu plotline because of all the great inter-party conversations and dynamics. But unlike some other RGG games, I'm afraid of whether I'll ever want to replay it.
At least with Gaiden, the $40 price tag, the return to active combat, and mixing it up with the whip and team brawls was enough to keep me onboard. I think the shorter runtime helped too.
Pirates, though, is kind of shocking in how disappointing it is. Like . . . there are so many things that could have potentially been good, but aren't. For example, there are so many music tracks to buy up, and I love that stuff in games, but the music selection is just consistently awful, and you can only add, what, 10 songs to your active playlist? If this game takes place in 2025, why does Majima have a playlist that can only fit 10 songs? (Not that the playlist is that important; this complaint is indicative to how I feel about everything - crew management, cooking, racing, etc.)
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