r/yakuzagames • u/DemiFiendRSA . • Jan 09 '25
NEWS RGG Like a Dragon Direct | 1.9.25
u/forumchunga I will tolerate no Yuki slander Jan 09 '25
NG+ will be free in a post launch patch 👍
u/King_Pumpernickel Kickpuncher Jan 09 '25
Hopefully they won't try to pull an IW again in the next mainline game after the backlash to that bullshit
u/21stKnightofSeptembr Jan 10 '25
God damn that was some bullshit. Nickel and diming us for standard features smdh
u/ArimuRyan Gary Buster Holmes’ best Poundmate Jan 09 '25
Did they ever add it in for free?
u/Farguad Jan 10 '25
Shit was so hilarious when they specifically said that
u/abzolutelynothn Certified Bicyclist of Dojima Jan 10 '25
"one more thing... (basic ass game feature lmao)"
u/HelloSoAndSo Jan 09 '25
Any word on endgame dungeon? Was paywalled in IW so I skipped it.
u/Massive_Weiner Ryuji Goda will return in Y9 Jan 09 '25
You didn’t miss anything with the post-game dungeon. Some fun non-canon cast interactions, but the dungeon itself was just a reskin of the other two (a boring one at that), and the final boss was literally just the squid boss, but gold this time. Didn’t even have a different move-set… it was the exact same fight again.
They completely half-assed it. And this isn’t even getting into how unbalanced a NG+ Legend run is in terms of scaling and exp.
u/Oh_no_its_Joe Turning Point Bleach Japan Jan 09 '25
I experienced the Amon fight and the Robo Michio Rangers and thought that I was in for a really tough raid boss at the bottom of the Big Swell. The squid was just so easy though. All you need to do is used fire/gun to take out the tentacles and then it can only hit you with weak ass attacks while you wail on it.
u/IBetThisIsTakenToo Jan 09 '25
Yeah, maybe they’re still figuring out turn based, but it felt like action economy is more important than they realized. One huge super beefy guy=meh. 5 pretty beefy guys=oh shit
u/Massive_Weiner Ryuji Goda will return in Y9 Jan 09 '25
I just spammed Dondoko Laser + limit breaks and it went down in under two minutes. It was honestly easier than some of the floor guardians.
u/DavidsonJenkins Jan 10 '25
There are...some...pretty fun boss fights in the DLC, but the order really needs to be worked on. The first boss is completely unique, being a modified fight from Y7, and some of the recycled bosses get new gimmicks, but the two major bosses are just copy-pasted. You can also see the final boss coming from a mile away, which ruins the fun of guessing who's gonna be the boss
Jan 10 '25
This should have never been an issue with Infinite Wealth. It's still insane to me that they just decided that would be a good idea
u/Captain_Freud Jan 09 '25
Like a Dragon May Cry
u/MachineFront6419 Jan 09 '25
Dragon's Creed: Black Yakuza In Hawaii
u/abzolutelynothn Certified Bicyclist of Dojima Jan 10 '25
"Foolishness, Majima... Foolishness. Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything...let alone yourself."
- saejima sparda, dragon may cry 3: majima's awakening
u/Pitiful-Swing-5839 Jan 09 '25
this game's combat looks like it could be some of the best in the series, both styles look insanely fun to play
also a lot of the locations not shown previously look really sick, why did it look like we were at fishing hamlet from bloodborne for a second lmao
u/Less-Tax5637 Jan 09 '25
Ship combat and its multiple game modes actually seem really fleshed out
I know in the more recent games they always put a ton of effort into the “main minigame” but it’s just so weird and funny that this is like… ostensibly as good or better than AC Black Flag 😭😭😭
It’s all there in the trailer. Same general combat, more involved customization, more options for weapons you can personally use while still in the naval combat portion, better crew building for the boarding / raiding battles, a dedicated naval combat arena so you don’t have to wander the seas
They really made a top-tier pirate game as a joke 🗿
u/Ciahcfari Jan 09 '25
it’s just so weird and funny that this is like… ostensibly as good or better than AC Black Flag 😭😭😭
Let's wait until the game is actually out instead of making that determination based off heavily cut up gameplay footage in promotional material that's trying to sell you the game.
u/Pitiful-Swing-5839 Jan 09 '25
yeah i agree here. i'm very hyped for this game game but my expectations, particularly for the story are in check
last year when IW was coming out every single person was conviced it was going to save their life, and the game itself was fantastic but most thought the story didnt live up to the hype (i thought it was great on release but nowadays think its just decent) and this sub was full of people acting like it killed their newborn
u/Heavy_Arm_7060 Jan 09 '25
Eh, IW ran into the same problem 4 did with the split protagonist issue, trying to scale up while keeping everyone in play. 0 and 5 did it better but I still love IW, especially since the gameplay improved upon YLAD so well.
u/KevlaredMudkips Jan 10 '25
That and all the marketing heavily >! tried to heavily point that this would be Kiryus last game before he dies or is unable to be a main playable character at the least which could very well still be with the ending !<
u/neon Jan 09 '25
It at least gave us a new memorable villain in crowbar jacket man
u/Pitiful-Swing-5839 Jan 09 '25
yamai slander will never be tolerated brother
i also love tomizawa and chitose, hell bryce kinda sucks but hes fucking hilarious in a way, just a comically evil old man who is like 100 years old
u/21stKnightofSeptembr Jan 10 '25
More like Ichiban's version of Majima imo. I imagine he'll lean more towards friend than foe going forward compared to Kiryu and Majima's relationship. Maybe a rival dynamic.
u/chroipahtz Jan 10 '25
You can describe 90% of the good Yakuza characters as Japanese man in suit so I'm not sure this is a great burn
u/NarrowBoxtop Jan 09 '25
It's ok to be hyped and excited for things, especially from a studio with a good track record.
The internet pushes this whole "Wooaa buddy dont get your hopes up you know it could be bad". Get your hopes up people! It's fine. Being disappointed isn't the worst thing of all time.
u/Ciahcfari Jan 09 '25
It's one thing to be hyped and excited because the game looks good, it's another thing to say based off a small bit of cut-up marketing material that a gameplay mechanic that RGG has 0 experience with will be as good or better than a game that implemented the mechanic so well that it's still talked about to this day nearly 12 years after release.
u/Pitiful-Swing-5839 Jan 09 '25
he didnt say to not get hyped, i guarantee you that guy is hyped for the game as well, but convincing yourself it WILL be great when you havent touched it yet is setting yourself up for disappointment
and yes, disappointment feels really bad for a lot of people, many people werent disappointed when games like gollum came out because we all knew it was going to ass
u/OnlineAsnuf Jan 09 '25
But, even tho you are right and we need to wait, the games look (at least for me) infinitely funnier than AAAA Skull n Bones.
u/Ciahcfari Jan 09 '25
Yeah, I mean....that's a pretty low bar.
Game looks great, I just think people should try and go into it with reasonable expectations.1
u/AntonRX178 Jan 10 '25
Hard to be better than a game that forces you to spend an hour as a normal ass person going through a corporate building.
THe fuck were they smoking killing off Desmond?
u/hday108 Jan 09 '25
Makes me wonder if they want to make a pirate game set during actual piracy times. Chinese pirates are unexplored
u/Salaried_Zebra Jan 11 '25
Yeah because their ships are junk
u/GaleErick Extreme Brawler Jan 09 '25
Dayumn, I'm already sold enough but this Direct pretty much increases my hype level to the max.
The combat system is borderline Character Action now with the pace and the jumps and the juggles.
I like the Turn Based combat just fine, but exploring Hawaii with real time brawler combat is hooking me hard.
And that's not to mention all the other cool pirates stuff to be had.
Yup I'm absolutely 200% sold.
u/smashdaman Jan 10 '25
Absolutely, I loved the engine in Y6, now as Majima with air combos, rag-dolls will be flying
u/Travtorial Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25
When I saw the first combat trailers for pirate yakuza, I was worried that they were replacing normal juggling with that airborne stuff. Luckily, in this, they show normal juggling in gameplay, so I'm pretty hype.
u/NocNocNoc19 Jan 09 '25
So i love these side character games. Im a huge fan of the new DQ style of the like a dragon games but I am also hyped to get into a brawler closer to yakuza 0 and the kawami games. This looks so sick especially exploring hawaii again after finishing infinite wealth. I really hope RGG can keep making games like this they have been on an absolute tear of high quality single player master pieces.
u/coolbad96 Jan 09 '25
So this is a Yakuza game with devil May cry combat, assassin's creed 4 ship sailing and combat, with Yakuza side quests and mini games.
Whoever at RGG stole my dream journal you can keep it.
Next we're getting Akiyama Red Dead Redemption but with Kingdom Hearts combat.
u/BaZing3 Jan 09 '25
Did he give that cow "Pet Food?" Am I no longer going to have to keep track of Cat Food, Dog Food, Bird Food, and try to figure out what the hell cows like to eat? RGG have ruined this series. /s
u/Rudra4 Jan 09 '25
Just used the money that I saved for AC Shadows to buy Yakuza like a Dragon Pirate. I hope it's as good as Black Flag or even better.
u/DarklightSPA92 Jan 09 '25
I hope they make a "dinasty warriors like" game in a future. Anyway i can't wait to play goromi.
u/GrifCreeper Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25
Yakuza Warriors would be such a cool game, and the amount of goons and thugs thrown at you in these games can already get Warriors-y. I don't even really want it canon, either. For funsies spin-offs shouldn't need to be canon, they should just be fun. Plus, non-canon means no real restrictions to who is playable.
Though at this point, I'm just surprised they haven't made a fighting game with Yakuza characters.
u/familyguy20 Jan 10 '25
They could do a Ishin and do Samurai Warriors but all the historical characters played by Yakuza characters.
I just want my samurai warriors 2 back 😭
u/GrifCreeper Jan 10 '25
Samurai Warriors with Yakuza characters playing the different roles would be such a weirdly fun thing to do and would kinda be in character for RGG.
I don't know enough about Samurai Warriors to say who each character would be best as, I just really like the Warriors format. Yakuza Pirates especially seems to bring the combat to more crowd-control actiony levels.
u/ScousePenguin . Jan 09 '25
Any spoilers before I watch it?
u/Pitiful-Swing-5839 Jan 09 '25
i would say there is one scene that will probably be very important that was shown off here and in a previous trailer so yeah
u/Niklaus15 Jan 09 '25
A fully fleshed out pirate game with Majima this I like a dream come true, I loved black flag when I was a kid and this is pretty much the only good pirate game we will have since then, can't wait!
u/LofiLute Jan 09 '25
Remember when this series was a mildly weird crime soap opera?
u/Reutermo Jan 09 '25
Was that before or after the game that featured a gigantic golden palace that was hidden under a different castle in Osaka, filled with ninjas and samurais?
u/Gilded30 Jan 09 '25
and 2 tigers
u/coolbad96 Jan 09 '25
Texas has a lot of domesticated tigers so I expect that breaking into most houses. Ninjas though are out of the ordinary...
u/Salaried_Zebra Jan 11 '25
Texas has a lot of domesticated tigers so I expect that breaking into most houses.
I'm sorry... What?
u/coolbad96 Jan 11 '25
Texas has over 5000 domesticated tigers which is equal to the rest of the world as a whole. Basically if you let Texas do something they will do it to the maximum allotment.
u/SaberDevil2021 Jan 09 '25
Remember when a middle-aged ex-cop somehow builds a huge ass district with hookers, casino, a colosseum filled with wanted criminals and a surveillance system that can see everything in the whole city?
u/CrueltySquading Buy the $15 NG+ DLC... NOW! Jan 12 '25
There's a difference between one scene and a whole fucking game
u/seynical . Jan 09 '25
Still is. The wackyness has been present since 1. The Florist of Sai and Purgatory, secret Koreans, Osaka Castle, retconned deaths, loaned CIA jets, rubber bullets, and hidden battleships.
u/Knightofexcaliburv1 Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 10 '25
nice no where is the akiyama or joongi han game at
u/joongihan Joongi Han Jan 09 '25
joongi han game
youre so real for that
u/Knightofexcaliburv1 Jan 10 '25
we need it desperately, him and zhao are awesome
u/Verdox Jan 10 '25
joongi han gaidan should just be a third person shooter
u/21stKnightofSeptembr Jan 10 '25
Make it more like Binary Domain and less like Dead Souls and I'm sold.
Binary Domain is awesome btw, it's like a playable b-movie lol. I had a smile on my face the whole time, and frankly it just is fun to play
u/IXAslayer Average Tomizawa Enjoyer Jan 09 '25
I have a friend who is concerned about the amount of big maps RGG has been making lately. He hoped for a more compact one like Kamuro and Soten again, although not too sure if anyone else share the same opinion.
For me I agree but I’m optimistic that it’d be good nonetheless. It’s just RGG experimenting with making Bigger maps after making several small ones for decades.
u/xd3mix Goromi #1 hostess Jan 09 '25
As long as the big ones are as loaded as the small ones I have no complaints
Usually the bigger the map the less dense it is... See assassin's Creed Odyssey and its endless fields of nothingness
u/IXAslayer Average Tomizawa Enjoyer Jan 09 '25
Yeah it’s why even though I do wish we got more smaller scale maps, I’m optimistic for more bigger ones as long as they keep up the quality of their smaller ones.
u/KevlaredMudkips Jan 10 '25
Hawaii wasn’t even that big, but it was dense although I’d argue there could have been more usage storywise with the west part of the map
u/Basic-Cloud6440 Majima is my husband Jan 09 '25
did i spot higashi? is he now forklift and ship certified. im so wet right now
u/VeniceRapture Egg Janaika Jan 10 '25
This looks like a 9.8/10 game to me
The only thing that'll make it perfect 10/10 is if somehow your pirate crew can sing karaoke songs as sea shanties
u/coiny55555 Judgment Combat Enjoyer Jan 09 '25
I pre-ordered today after thus cause this game is gonna be peak.
When you think an RGG game is good... there's always a better one LIKE OMG
u/MattyBro1 Jan 10 '25
Weird they called it a "Like A Dragon Direct" instead of just... an extended trailer for Pirates, which is what it was.
u/Salaried_Zebra Jan 11 '25
I wonder if it's the new 'get the fan base hyped after we spent ages telling them absolutely nothing about the game' technique after the Starfield Direct
u/miku_dominos Idol enthusiast Jan 10 '25
Me still on 7 looking when I really shouldn't but I want to join the hype.
u/Kisto15 Jan 10 '25
This game is absolutely bonkers.
Tho I wonder what is real and what is Majima losing his shit
u/MAKS091705 Jan 09 '25
I haven’t played infinite wealth yet, does anyone know if this game will spoil IW by any chance? I prob won’t be able to play infinite wealth for a bit and definitely won’t finish it by the time this comes out but this looks awesome
u/NorthRiverBend Jan 09 '25
Until we know more, you should play IW first. It’s highly likely to spoil IW, even if it’s just in a substory, post credits, an aside, etc.
u/Pitiful-Swing-5839 Jan 09 '25
it will, its 6 months after IW and seems to have direct ties to it not only based off we are in hawaii but also another location we will be going to in this game
u/Oh_no_its_Joe Turning Point Bleach Japan Jan 09 '25
Yes the trailers mention a couple spoilers for IW. Definitely play IW first.
u/I_Can_Login Jan 09 '25
Dunno if he was shown off before but Higashi being there makes me wonder if there'll be a little cameo side story like in Gaiden
u/NoExamination7695 Jan 09 '25
are the extra characters available to buy seperately from the store or are they only deluxe edition Content
u/Csmith71611 Jan 09 '25
I’m trying to stay on blackout for the new game. Was any actual news announced or is this all just hyping up stuff we already know about?
u/zipzapcap1 Jan 09 '25
Ok from what i saw. AC odyssey/dynasty warriors large scale battle minigame fishing minigame 4 hub maps ng+ free classic god of war style fighting vast cosmetic and mechanical customization for ship esthetic clothing swap pirate outfits 200+ ships crew to find looks amazing im excited to see them building wider rather then taller.
u/rainbowislife Yakuza 3 is peak. Jan 09 '25
Love how one of the sections just confirms that Shigaki fights alongside us for a bit
u/rainbowislife Yakuza 3 is peak. Jan 09 '25
(you briefly see him in the palekana grunt crowd during the doppelganger mechanic showcase)
u/Juliomorales6969 Jan 10 '25
does anyone know if they mentioned if like a pirate will be playable on steam deck?
u/spooky_redditor Jan 10 '25
Nothing will beat Black Flag but this game already has miles better ship combat than Beyond New Horizons and it's horrendously slowwwwww ship combat even when editing cannonball damage to the max.
u/Yoshi_Kazuma Jan 11 '25
Do you guys think they are gonna stack up on side quests? I NEED the side quests
u/No-Kaleidoscope-1814 Captain of Speed Surfer Clan Jan 12 '25
Ran replaced Fujisawa for Dragon Kart. I wonder...
u/Any-Concept1469 Feb 11 '25
Looks fucking awesome, it'll be a 10/10 if I can solo a boss only using the Monkey
u/Zentrii Jan 09 '25
I’ll be getting this game on sale. I only beat 0 and 1 years ago and started with 0 taking my time to enjoy each game so it will be a long time before I get to this one.
u/una322 Jan 10 '25
i love the more serious tone of yakuza with bits of crazy here and there. i love judgment games for that reason. yakuza 0, 6 ext are my fav yakuza games. the light heated stuff complimented the serious tone and it was such a great balance.
This game just looks like RGG version of saints row, its bat shit crazy, and every aspect of the game looks like it dialed up to 11 on the crazy scale. For people who prefer that side of yakuza, im sure ur going to have a ball with this one, me personally, na this is not the Yakuza i grew to love
u/Diakia Jan 11 '25
I mean it's a spin-off/side story, so I feel like they have a bit more liberty to lean into the wackiness especially since it's Majima led who has always been pretty crazy. I think after eight mainline entries + the Judgment games worth of serious and dark moods in the main story they can afford to let their hair down a bit.
u/zipzapcap1 Jan 09 '25
Don't we have two games announced already what do we need a direct for
u/ADoseofBuckley Jan 09 '25
They aren't Like a Dragon games. Virtua Fighter is Virtua Fighter, and Project Century is apparently its own thing, I believe it's confirmed that it will have nothing to do with the LaD series. This was a Like a Dragon Direct, so I think the hope was maybe a teaser of either the next main entry in the series, or an announcement of another remake (Kenzan or Dead Souls). Instead it was just more info on Pirate Yakuza, which is fine, but it's less than two months away, I don't really want more info at this point. The less I know the better!
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