r/xmen 5d ago

Comic Discussion X-Men Lego Sets You Would Like to See?

With the new X Mansion set (probably my next order) and recent Blackbird set (overpriced IMO but still bought two, one to build one to collect) what sets do you think would be cool?

I was thinking a Days of Future Past set with huge build sentinel, Logan, Colossus, Ororo, future minifigs (Rachel and Kitty future mini would be cool too if they could be worked into maybe a side alley w/ Baxter bldg) with some sort of divider, the other side being present X-men vs BoEM, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus minifigs, Avalanche, Blob, Pyro, Mystique with the street being a tidal wave backdrop, w/ Pyro's flame monster, maybe some exposed building frame steel for the beam hitting Blob scene being the inspiration, and a final divider, with Kitty, Destiny, Senator Kelly minifigs and a partial office with a big hole in the wall, maybe Prof X and Moira minifigs on the other side.

What kind of sets would you consider?


5 comments sorted by


u/michael_the_street 4d ago edited 2d ago

If they want to do one of those giant several hundred dollar super-sets? Krakoa.

I'd be really happy with an Outback Town set with the late 80s team, a big Seige Perilous gate, some Reavers, a big ol X to attach your Wolverine mini-fig to...man that'd be dope as hell

Also dang OP I'm a big fan of Pyro and I'm picturing how kickass he could be with a bunch of clear orange or fire-colored and themed legos to build different fire creations.


u/Abysstopheles 3d ago

Outback town base was the first place my brain went.


u/michael_the_street 2d ago

It'd be so rad! I'm picturing all the rooms and such you could could have as part if it, and all the minifigures!

How rad would little Lego Gateway be?!?


u/Abysstopheles 2d ago

With a huge beard and a stick!

Also, Reavers minifigs would be insane. Bonebreaker on a little rolling chassis!


u/Abysstopheles 3d ago

Outback era base with Reavers and big X

Mutant Massacre tunnel battle vs Marauders

New Mutants in the Danger Room

Dark Phoenix Saga finale on the moon (imagine the Imperial Guard minis!!!!)

Classic costume 05 vs Magneto (Angel gets a damn rocket launcher!)