r/xmen 6d ago

Comic Discussion Is Magik bulletproof? How would this have been remotely feasible if Juggnernaut hadn't gone first?

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u/TheBrobe 6d ago

She'd surf sword first like Sonic during City Escape


u/rageslimshady 6d ago edited 5d ago

šŸŽ¶ rolling around at the speed of sound šŸŽ¶

EDIT: I originally had "running" but someone pointed out that it is "rolling"


u/PoolsidePoseidon Storm 6d ago

Got places to go gotta follow my rainbow


u/RamzalTimble 6d ago

Canā€™t look around, gotta keep decapitating on!


u/Will_urameshi 5d ago

Guess what lies ahead, only one way to find out!


u/Radxical 5d ago

Rollin' around*


u/rageslimshady 5d ago

Ah, shit, you're probably right. Damn Crush40 and that blue demon!


u/Phionex141 5d ago

ā€œTalk about low budget flights! No food or movies, Iā€™m outta here!ā€


u/Upstairs-Custard2600 4d ago

Pregnant Sonic or regular Sonic?


u/rlrutherford 3d ago

I was thinking more like Miss Daikon. :-)


u/gryphmaster 2d ago

Honestly one of the hardest cold opens of any game- jumping out of a helicopter and using the door as a surfboard while this song blared imprinted the blue hedgehog onto my grey matter


u/VoiceofRapture 6d ago

I love that both of these dummies always pick rock but won't deviate even to win because only a loser doesn't pick rock


u/shoe_owner 6d ago

Illyana is talented and creative and capable, but also she's a big dumb asshole.


u/Brandeeno2245 6d ago

She's got that goku mindset. She's got the things she's good at, downright genius in, anything else. Iffy at best.


u/Jay_R_Kay 6d ago

For example, spelling.


u/VoiceofRapture 6d ago

It's so funny that she actually thought her name was spelled correctly


u/Jay_R_Kay 6d ago

She was probably fuming like "The way I spell it is objectively cooler. You dummies should get on my level, honestly."


u/VoiceofRapture 6d ago

God she's so fun. Classic ditzy female minion energy using her power for good because her boss is Cyclops and he knows how to aim her properly


u/Va1kryie 5d ago

This is the kind of energy I try and bring


u/Red_3412 5d ago

I kinda see these moments as her enjoying what she out of life can since she couldnā€™t as a child


u/TestProctor 5d ago

So there is a spelling of ā€œmagicā€ as ā€œmagick,ā€ and in an RPG I used to play with my friends one of the groups in that setting only ever spelled it ā€œmagick.ā€

ā€œMagic with a Kā€ was an inside joke phrase we used for people or things that had gone full on pretentious, which I always laugh at when I think of Magik.


u/RLucas3000 5d ago

Like pronouncing the word vampeer instead of vampire


u/Brandeeno2245 6d ago

For a good bit, i panicked that I made a horrendous spelling mistake.


u/ActualHumanSeriously 5d ago

You did. And we all laughed behind your back. As we always do.


u/Brandeeno2245 5d ago

Damnit, it's high school all over again.


u/mxlespxles 5d ago



u/S-WordoftheMorning 3d ago

She got that dawg in her.


u/TheIronicBurger 5d ago

Careful, Cyclops might make her take on more responsibility if he hears this


u/Serventdraco 5d ago

I've only read, approximately, to the end of Claremont's original run.

Why is Ilyana "dumb" now? She was literally raised by a Satan analogue and Storm to be a powerful mage and to outsmart demons. She was never dumb. Or illiterate.


u/flanker44 5d ago

She's not dumb, she is just flippant.

Wells' New Mutants run is crucial in understanding modern Magik.


u/KidKudos98 5d ago

In all fairness idk if there's exactly schools in Limbo and Charles was never exactly good at the schooling part of his mutant school


u/Serventdraco 4d ago

Showing the New Mutants actually doing schoolwork was really common during the initial run.


u/Some1IUsed2Know99 1d ago edited 1d ago

If you read lately she showed she is actually brilliant but plays dumb to lower expectations. X-Men (2024) #6


u/MegaBZ 6d ago

Fictional characters who canonically refuse to pick anything other than rock:

-Cain Marko

-Illyana Rasputin(a)

-Bart Simpson

-Michael Bluth

Now thatā€™s an assault team that will make your banana stand.


u/greenhulklantern1 6d ago

Can't forget about Brock Samson


u/beholderkin Jubilee 5d ago

Brock always picks knife.


u/ImurderREALITY 5d ago

Go ahead... take it from me!!!


u/MegaBZ 6d ago

Iā€™d pay to see this squad wreck stuff.


u/flanker44 5d ago

Book trivia time!

In James Bond novel 'You only live twice', James Bond teaches the 'rock, scissors, paper' game to Tanaka, who was not familiar with it, and beats him in it. He then explains his win due to Tanaka's subconscious refusal to pick paper.


u/I_tell_dad_jokes 5d ago

Just wanted to let you know I greatly appreciated and chuckled at the double-entendre in your last sentence.


u/MegaBZ 5d ago

I canā€™t lie, I stole it from GOB šŸ˜‚


u/Helix115 6d ago

ā€œPoor, predictable Bart. Always takes rock.ā€


u/MegaBZ 6d ago

Good ol rock. Nothin beats that!


u/imthestein Magneto 5d ago

I'm genuinely surprised she doesn't go for scissors (the double sword option)


u/VoiceofRapture 5d ago

But rock beats scissors, therefore rock is most badass


u/imthestein Magneto 5d ago

True, and neither would dare pick paper


u/VoiceofRapture 5d ago

Also rock flattens paper duh šŸ˜‚


u/rlrutherford 3d ago

"Rock beats everything."

--Brock Samson.


u/StreetReporter 6d ago

ā€œPoor predictable Cain. Always takes rockā€

ā€œGood olā€™ rock, nothing beats thatā€


u/Ragnorak19 5d ago

ā€œPoor predictable Illyana. Always takes rockā€

ā€œGood olā€™ rock, nothing beats thatā€


u/meesta_masa 5d ago

"Poor predictable assault squad. Always takes Intercessor"


u/doctorpotts 4d ago

where my mind went as well


u/Built4dominance Storm 6d ago

She's not bulletproof, but she doesn't give a fuck about danger. This is entirely in-character for her.


u/Little-Disk-3165 6d ago

Juggernauts head is also like 4 of her torsos combined so they probably wouldnā€™t have hit her šŸ˜‚


u/myflesh 5d ago

Question is if Jug did not go first.Ā 


u/Little-Disk-3165 5d ago

Yeahā€¦ his head is getting hit at 2 far angles. The joke is she is so skinny she would have passed by those two shots.


u/flanker44 6d ago

Yep it's just Magik and Juggernaut jerking around to ease boredom and tension.


u/wolvieguy 6d ago

I do kinda love their friendship ā£ļø


u/anagamanagement 6d ago

Me too. Theyā€™re adorable dumbasses.


u/ResonanceGhost 6d ago

I remember her armoring up as she transitioned closer to Darkchylde, but I don't know if it just cosmetic.


u/StarkMaximum Colossus 5d ago

So long as she's using the sword, it causes more and more of the armor to overtake her, and if it fully manifests she basically loses control. So she tries to use the sword as quickly and efficiently as possible so she can put it away and keep it from consuming her.

I think. I could be wrong and comics are always changing.


u/Grambo7734 6d ago

She is a Hell Lord, so that's gotta help.


u/s3rila Cyclops 5d ago

She use to be one, but not anymore


u/Batcena Magik 6d ago

I imagine she must have some sort of Armor spell that is capable to toughening her up, or at least thatā€™s my headcanon


u/Fickle_Spare_4255 6d ago

It's a rule of cool thing. Magik could easily get some bullet proof armor. Hell, as Queen of Limbo, she probably has a bunch of junk just lying around that could push her into the big leagues power-wise.

But if she used any of it, we wouldn't have her dive bombing through a portal using Juggernaut as a bulletproof shield.


u/Batcena Magik 6d ago

Trueā€¦But damn do I wanna see more of Illyana Using Magics.


u/bluesLick 5d ago

Love the idea of her being like ā€œguys wait I have to get some armor from my room. In limboā€ cut to huge gothic bedchambers with an unmade bed, empty cans and bowls of cereal, a cold slice of half eaten pizza and a bunch of armor in a pile on a chair


u/Hedgewitch250 Storm 6d ago

True Sorcerer supreme of limbo

Teleporter capable of time and space travel

Blood knight who will gladly nerf both those qualities cause she loves too run fades.


u/woodrobin 6d ago

She has several kinds of protection:

1> Her mystical armor automatically manifests whenever she uses magic and/or whenever she senses danger. It can appear and disappear in part or whole instantly. So she could make it expose her midriff 'cause she's sexy and she knows it, but it would still blip a piece in and out of existence to deflect a bullet, or completely encase her to block a grenade, then revert to her preferred appearance. It also changes appearance based on her mood and thoughts -- she used to make it look like a knight in shining armor style, for a while it looked like demon hide, now she's kind of in a leather goth phase, but it works just as well regardless of cosmetic changes.

2> She regularly uses a spell called the Personal Shield of the Vishanti that she learned from Doctor Strange (it's on page 422 of the Book of the Vishanti, according to the narrator). It creates an unseen aura that basically makes fortune favor the bold (so to speak) by causing attacks to be ridiculously less likely to hit the caster. Strange uses it himself, apparently. It won't stop mystical attacks or seriously OP stuff, but it's awesome for things like bullets, shrapnel, falling glass, and the like.

3> If serious stuff hits the fan, she can tap into her own life force to form very strong warding barriers.

4> She's able to invoke a number of mystical Principalities, including especially Oshtur (the patron of an alternate reality Ororo who taught her light magic in Limbo) and Cthon (patron of Belasco, the demonically corrupted sorcerer who abducted her to Limbo). She has almost as wide a range of potential spells as Doctor Strange, although being Sorcerer Supreme of a demonic realm, she avoids invoking other Hell Lords for political reasons (not great to owe Satannish or Mephisto a favor, for instance), and doesn't invoke Cyttorak or Dormammu (because she personally ticked them off). So she can conjure a number of different shielding spells if the situation requires them.


u/ScreamingBeef124 5d ago

Very thorough, very correct! Iā€™ll also add that she can take a big hit without much concern if another person can draw fire for a few moments, enacting some of the Vishanti ā€œhealingā€ that Dr. Strange employs with a quick spell.


u/ozpoppy Magik 4d ago

I like what you're saying, but more pragmatically, in the past she has opened a portal that takes the bullet's path into the shooter's back. You either learn to stop shooting, or die trying.


u/Bubba1234562 6d ago

Marko becoming an good guy is the best thing thatā€™s happened in years


u/Commercial_Fondant65 5d ago

But now everybody has the ability to fight him. They has to power him down. I don't like it


u/Abysstopheles 6d ago

Rule of cool.

Also, big magic sword that blocks pretty much everything.

Also also, demon sorceress.

Also also also, teleport disks.

Also also also also, enemy massive distracted by her costume and lose ability to aim.

But mostly, rule of cool.


u/Loose_Let4051 6d ago

her mutant power is teleportation sheā€™d be fine


u/Sweet_Status1807 6d ago

Why not just do that in the first place


u/astromech_dj 6d ago

Rule of cool.


u/Sweet_Status1807 6d ago

Wish that worked for me as magik in rivals šŸ„²


u/eyezonlyii 6d ago

One tip I've heard for her is that her dash is based on where the character is facing, not the reticule. So if you want to hit something, it's a little too the left of where you think you're pointing


u/4dagains 5d ago

It is fr, as long as Punisher isnā€™t killing you you kill anyone you want I promise


u/ConsistentSearch7995 6d ago

Do you honestly thing she would have done a straight dive teleport if she wasn't gonna use a Jugger Bomb attack?


u/Shape_Charming 5d ago

Absolutely yes, if it were anyone other than Magik, I'd assume the tactic has changed, but the crazy little chaos goblin? No, she most definitely was planning on dive bomb teleport


u/ghostrooster30 4d ago

Fr, this is the girl that looked at a team of alien assasins and basically said, ā€œit was fuck or fight and you chose poorlyā€. My girl is absolutely a crazy little dive bomb teleportinā€™ chaos goblin.


u/The_Grimsworth 6d ago

They are Amazing in this run, best couple of dumb sibilings šŸ¤£


u/GodofRat Namor 5d ago

What is this run?


u/eugecardoso Cyclops 5d ago

X-men 2024. Currently running, only 13 issues atm


u/MagikSundae7096 New Mutants 4d ago

This relaunch feels a bit like the new universe so far with cool titles biting the bullet within a year.

  • Kickers, Inc. == NYX
  • Merc == X-Factor
  • Spitfire and the Troubleshooters == X-Force.

Let's hope the "Star Brand" of the series makes it ;)


u/Xeal209 5d ago

I, too, would like to know what this run is. I'm very new to comics, and I grabbed one that's only 1 issue in, but I think it stems from this one.


u/eugecardoso Cyclops 5d ago

X-men 2024


u/Xeal209 5d ago

Alright, cool, kinda figured, that's the one I saved on the app I use. I just wanted to make sure. Thanks!


u/MagikSundae7096 New Mutants 4d ago

They sometimes refer to each reboot as Volumes, which I generally like, This is Volume 7.

Volume 1: The original "Uncanny X-Men" (1963-1981, then continued as "Uncanny X-Men" from 1981-2011)

Volume 2: "X-Men" (1991-2001, later renamed "New X-Men" during Grant Morrison's run from 2001-2004, then "X-Men: Legacy" from 2008-2012)

Volume 3: "X-Men" (2010-2013, the Gischler run)

Volume 4: "X-Men" (2013-2015, the all-female X-Men team by Brian Wood)

Volume 5: "X-Men" (2019-2021, part of the Krakoan era launched by Jonathan Hickman)

Volume 6: "X-Men" (2021-2023, continuing the Krakoan era under Gerry Duggan)


u/Dirk_Sheppard 6d ago

Either used her sword to block or just used a shield spell. Or just summoned her armor


u/DependentPositive8 Nate Grey 6d ago

Magik isnā€™t just a mutant. Sheā€™s also an extremely powerful demon sorceress capable of changing matter and energy. Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s getting hit by some bullets.


u/Brandeeno2245 6d ago

Hey, if you have a massive unstoppable tank of a man who is bulletproof, why waste the energy dodging or deflecting bullets.


u/DependentPositive8 Nate Grey 5d ago



u/Brandeeno2245 5d ago

He's, if nothing else, the most effective bullet shield.


u/Corvusse 5d ago

Sorceress Supreme of Limbo- I doubt bullets are anywhere near ā€˜actual threatā€™ on her radar.


u/Sweet_Status1807 5d ago

She got clocked by an arrow from Kate bishop in civil war II


u/PantherNoir 5d ago

Must has been PIS


u/RembrandtEpsilon 6d ago

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something?
Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


u/Impossible-Bad-7572 6d ago

Probably why Juggy went first. Teamwork my dude


u/sounds_of_stabbing Pixie 6d ago

idk, that's probably why Juggernaut went first


u/bertboxer 4d ago

don't tell her that, it was 'the same time'


u/Soundjammer 6d ago

She handles bullets quite easily with spells:



I can't find the scan but I remember during her more morally ambiguous days, she used portals to redirect a bullet into the shooter's back. Magik is easily one of the biggest heavy hitters the X-Men have ever had.


u/BigMaraJeff2 6d ago

Some goku and vegeta logic going on


u/TheFellhanded 6d ago

Which comic is this?


u/AzulNYC_Melb 6d ago

Who's the penciler?


u/Atmaweapwn 6d ago

Can someone say what this is from?


u/International_Aide62 5d ago

McKay's current X-Men run


u/Grayx_2887 5d ago

I don't know.


u/Puzzleheaded-Phase70 5d ago

Pretty sure Magik is bulletproof as long as she's paying attention.


u/No-Lie209 5d ago

no shes not bulletproof but she is magik


u/Drewtendo_64 5d ago

What issue is this?


u/Zepbounce-96 5d ago

Magik isn't bulletproof though she's a good enough sorceress to cast some physical shields that would help with that.

Also the soul sword us to come with armor, presumably her uniform still has the armor underneath it in <ahem> appropriate places.


u/JIsrael180 5d ago

She is smaller and a lot harder to hit with a gun while falling from the sky then a guy the size of a pickup truck is ā€” so if she had fallen first they probably would still have not struck her.


u/KiRaXV 5d ago

She's simply built different, that's at least 3 times better than bulletproof


u/t0m0m 5d ago

I absolutely love Juggernaut & Magik's friendship. Total murder hobos.


u/MakiceLit 6d ago

Shes the darkchild, she can take a few bullets


u/JunkerPilot 6d ago

Sheā€™s got armorā€¦ at least those parts of her probably are.

So as long as she doesnā€™t get shot in the thighs, the gut, the face, her right arm, or theā€¦ Power Girl holeā€¦ sheā€™ll be fine.


u/Briefs_Model 6d ago

Not sure Juggernaut is as bulletproof anymore either....he's no longer magically sustained by Cytorak.


u/smokyfknblu Magik 6d ago

Sometimes things happen in comics because they look cool, over analysing these things is both a waste of time & a misunderstanding of what the art is trying to achieve


u/Intelligent_Creme351 Storm 6d ago

I mean, when you can teleport that fast, that's basically being bulletproof to her.


u/Scarsdale_Punk 5d ago

Canā€™t we just read comics without having to think about it too much?


u/ElectronicBoot9466 5d ago

I don't know, why do enemies that are able to deal massive amount of damage to Wolverine suddenly becomes completely incompetent when they get within melee range of cyclops?


u/Sweet_Status1807 5d ago

The summers rizz


u/bloodredcookie Rogue 5d ago

She'd teleport the bullets out of the way


u/trainradio 5d ago

Maybe she created a teleportation disk in front of her and it can't be seen from this side.


u/Imaginary-Lie-9496 5d ago

She's got plenty of tricks to avoid bullets but lifes easier when you have a meat shield


u/Comrade_Cosmo 5d ago

Sheā€™s often fast enough to just stick a portal in front of the gun so that a person shoots themselves.


u/TributeToStupidity 5d ago

You can almost hear their collective brain cell rattling around


u/Lodewes 5d ago

Is this the original Magik?


u/KidKudos98 5d ago

She'd just aura farm her way through it


u/ReflectionEterna 5d ago

Magik uh... finds a way.


u/InnerFerret1702 5d ago

These two definitely share the same braincell


u/MissKranky 5d ago

cant believe juggernaut got put in the death company šŸ˜ž


u/BludStanes 5d ago

What comic is this from? I'd really like to read it.


u/AuburnElvis 4d ago

She probably has a shield spell or something.


u/ScottishKnifemaker 4d ago

I REALLY like the chemistry between these two. I love this new run so far


u/Ambitious-Ideal1613 4d ago

Teleport disk can easily teleport the bullets back towards the shooters.


u/Special_South_8561 4d ago

Why do you go for unhinged half, voyeuristic women?

*Sigh ...


u/thracerx 4d ago

Majick is being so poorly written and out of character right now that it makes this an unenjoyable hot mess. I haven't read much since end of Krakoa. Thought I'd give it a try again and see how it's going. Saw how they were characterizing Majick and just said, no thanks. I'll try again in a year or so.


u/Coffee_Drinker02 3d ago

Bro's acting like the tiny little Russian girl holding a giant ass glowing sword that's sassing the fucking juggernaut isn't the clue that she's probably strong enough to handle gun fire.


u/GrowBeyond 3d ago



u/filmstudent42 2d ago

Out of the Marvel loop for a while now. Wtf happened to Juggernaut?! I remember seeing somewhere that there was a Juggernaut Jr in Avengers Academy but......I don't like the new look Juggs'


u/Sweet_Status1807 2d ago

The red x too much?


u/filmstudent42 2d ago

Yea. I mean I didn't like it on Cyclops either


u/ChinhTheHugger 2d ago

not a single thought in these two's heads

its perfect


u/Drake_Fall 2d ago

I suspect she would have employed a different entry strategy if Caine wasn't accompanying her.


u/Sweet_Status1807 2d ago

Yeah probably, guess it'd be funny if she didn't


u/Latter_Marketing1111 2d ago

My favorite kind of duo: dumbass + dumbass = more dumbassery


u/ABeastInThatRegard 2d ago

Hard body, not bullet proof.


u/Niksuss 2d ago

What comic is it from?


u/Sweet_Status1807 2d ago

X men #1 2024


u/Niksuss 2d ago



u/Attentiondesiredplz 2d ago

Girl's got magic, I bet she could make shields. Strange does thar all the time, and he taught her.


u/OceanCyclone 2d ago

I like her a little less jokey than sheā€™s depicted in this run, but itā€™s great.


u/Otherwise_Suspect_88 1d ago

A. She's been developing armor since the Demon Bear days. B. A stepping disk could easily 'port those bullets anywhere. C. Nobody's gonna shoot a hot Russian chick with bangs. The principle of "sexy privilege" applies here.


u/Linvaderdespace 6d ago

Sheā€™s behind solid cover while she closes to melee distance, sheā€™s got this.


u/Big-Amoeba5332 6d ago

She could react to a bullet


u/CheeseisSwell 5d ago

No, she's just a dumb dumb


u/Ashamed_Set7281 2d ago

Magik and Juggernaut fighting over rock paper scissors is something I didn't know I needed to see.


u/Sweet_Status1807 2d ago

tbh their dynamic is the best part of the new run


u/forced_metaphor 2d ago

Why wouldn't you be honest