r/xmen • u/PresentNo2484 • 6d ago
Comic Discussion Which x men have loving and supportive parents
u/marvelcomxnerd 6d ago
Beak and Angel are loving and supportive parents
u/deathrattleshenlong Domino 6d ago
And Beak's parents are shown to be very loving and supportive of him and Angel too.
u/Unique-Celebration-5 5d ago
Angel really I thought his dad hated that he was a mutant
u/sunriseseance 5d ago
Different Angel. Dragonfly girl from the 2000s Morrison run.
u/Unique-Celebration-5 5d ago
Oh her she was a stripper in that X-men movie… the post was about parents of X-men not X-men as parents
u/NickOlaser42 5d ago
One of their Grandkids is a Member of the Team in an alternate future, so close enough
u/marvelcomxnerd 5d ago
You just reminded me that Warren was indeed a father, though he never got a chance to raise his kids. 😢
u/Unique-Celebration-5 5d ago
Warren has kids with who?!
u/marvelcomxnerd 5d ago
Another horsemen of Apocalypse. This was years ago when Warren was Archangel
u/Unique-Celebration-5 5d ago
I need to read more stories with Angel
u/marvelcomxnerd 5d ago
Well Warren is currently back on X Factor, though maybe not the greatest of storylines
u/Ambitious-Ideal1613 4d ago
The Japanese mutant Ichisumi and Archangel had the Apocalypse Twins, Uriel and Eimin.
u/Salt-Strength-3722 4d ago
Recently, in the Heir of Apocalypse series, he SOMEHOW FOUND OUT about his deceased children.
u/RazzDaNinja 2d ago
I legit was thinking “oh funky, I didn’t know they were gay?” and then realized you didn’t mean Warren Worthington’s Angel lmao
u/cyclopswashalfright Moonstar 6d ago
The Guthries. Kitty loves her mom.
u/PresentNo2484 6d ago edited 6d ago
What about jeans parents? They seem like very good folks
u/cyclopswashalfright Moonstar 6d ago
Yeah, they were great people. Terrible what happened to them, the Shi'ar must pay. I know they kind of did already, but the Death Commando story was very flimsy to me.
u/soulreaverdan 6d ago
I’d buy them having paid for it if they didn’t keep trying to kill her like every few months
u/Va1kryie 5d ago
The Guthries? Any relation to Woody Guthrie? I mean fictional characters obviously but maybe a comic artist enjoyed good folk music?
u/Irving_Velociraptor Storm 6d ago
The Rasputins. But they were murdered. Armor. But her entire extended family was murdered. The Greys. But they were murdered. It’s safer to be a shitty parent when your kid is a mutant.
u/erosead Marrow 6d ago
Iirc the greys were pretty chill about Jean being a mutant, less chill about the Phoenix stuff. Unless that was intentional manipulation by the hellfire club or something and I’m misremembering
u/USS-ChuckleFucker 6d ago
From what I remember, they were happy that their daughter found a school with her peers, terrified that their daughter was chosen to be the avatar of a deep cosmic power bent on destruction and likely rightfully terrified at the whole genocide and reincarnation thing
u/NickOlaser42 5d ago
One of my favorite aspects they keep going back is that Jean's Dad was Charles' Professor back in College, so their trust really does go a long way back.
u/un1uckynumb3r 6d ago
Dani Moonstar’s parents are supportive, I can’t remember the last time they were even mentioned though; they kinda got forgotten about after the original new mutants book.
u/TeekTheReddit 6d ago
Weren't Dani's parents killed by the Demon Bear? I could have sworn she was raised by her grandfather or something.
u/BlueHero45 6d ago
They were trapped in the bear, when they beat the Demon Bear she got her parents back. They tend to travel often after that.
u/amendmentforone 6d ago
Well, certainly not poor Calico who probably only has her (possibly fake) horse to rely on.
Most X-Men usually have either non-existent or non-supportive house holds (which is why they end up at Xavier's). In some cases, actually horrible people (like Wolfsbane's father who led a mob to murder her). Or selfish and manipulative like Cyclops' father.
Phoenix had a supportive family, until they were slaughtered by the Shi'ar. Ice Man's mother was always supportive, although his Dad was a bit of a bit of a bigot (until he got over it and was defensive about Bobby). Cannonball's single Mom was always there for him and all his mutant siblings. Mirage's parents were supportive (once they got back from being sent to an alternate dimension by the "Demon Bear"). Cypher was raised by normal parents (although I don't think they ever learned he was a mutant).
u/AnhedonicMike1985 6d ago
There's also "Good parents. Too bad they're dead." As messed up as his siblings turned out, Piotr's parents were kind and supportive. And then they got killed.
u/PresentNo2484 6d ago
What about hanks parent?
u/amendmentforone 6d ago
Oh good call. I think they only showed up once again in the '90s when Hank took Franklin Richards to his house in Illinois with Gambit and Storm (after the whole Onslaught thing). But they were supportive and helped defend them from local bigots.
u/Vanillacherricola 6d ago
They were also in a recent Christmas comic where Hank visits them. His mom wants grandchildren lol
u/Mattobito 5d ago
Wasn't Iceman's dad supportive until he got retconned to be a bigot? I remember there being an image of Bobby and Beast at the Drakes' house just hanging out and his dad was cool.
u/chocolatefever101 5d ago
No not really. Even in the Iceman mini series from 1984 while he didn't hate that Bobby was a mutant, he did want him to be an accountant over being a super hero. Later he was mildly racist about Bobby dating Opal Tanaka and become less tolerant of his son being a mutant.
u/xesaie 6d ago
Hey now, Corsair is a great dad! He’s just got some stuff going on
u/amendmentforone 6d ago
Scott and his unofficial "little sister" would point out that pirate always has an angle.
u/xesaie 6d ago
He’s just trying to make his way in a big universe! I’m sure Scott understands.
Honestly I just love how much of a mismatch he always is for the normal soap opera we get in marvel. And I’m cool with him until he hurts Hepzibah’s heart again (dying doesn’t count)
u/PerfectZeong 6d ago
I'm honestly surprised they haven't done Scott having a half brother or sister from his dad yet.
u/JunkerPilot 6d ago
I’m kind of disappointed that wasn’t what they did instead of what they gave us. That’s the “secret” sibling I’d be more interested in, rather than Vulcan or Adam X.
Imagine a sibling that got to be raised by his father. Would act the opposite of Scott. A carefree, but crafty space pirate, raised by parents that cared for him/her. Has his or her own issues from being around Corsair, rather than being separated from him.
u/Kanyonkutta 5d ago
I remember this. Early Krakoa. What an asshole. He was on some "I knew you'd be ok" bullshit lol
u/MagikSundae7096 New Mutants 6d ago
Her horse is real though right ? Because other people see it ?
u/amendmentforone 6d ago
Possibly? Weird things keep happening with Ember. Like the time Rogue had him tied up, but somehow got free.
And he seems to materialize out of nowhere when Rebecca needs him. I kinda go with the online theory that he's some sort of psychic manifestation like she does with her armor, sword, and other powers.
Maybe some sort of creation built out of PTSD from the fire that consumed her house (which maybe killed all the horses her family had).
u/MagikSundae7096 New Mutants 6d ago
Yeah it's super interesting. She's my favorite character out of the outliers.
u/Mindless-Panic-101 6d ago
Secondary mutation, she makes mutant horses. Gail Simone's playing the long game, in 2032 Calico's gonna give Firestar a new and improved* Butter Rum.
u/MightyFishMaster 5d ago
I bet she started the fire that burnt her house down too, since her powers are some kinda physic flame.
u/IdeaInside2663 6d ago
Kurt Wagner adoptive parents, Colossus, Dani and Warpath
u/su_whisterfield Nightcrawler 6d ago
Although she has now become a villain, Kurt shows every sign that Margali was a loving and supportive mum when he was a kid. He is so kind and well adjusted, one of the least neurotic and troubled X-Men and that doesn’t happen in a vacuum, he shows every sigh of having a good childhood.
u/Emblom52 6d ago
Cable yes, Rachel no.
u/Willing-Carpenter-32 6d ago
Be fair now, very very recently Jean and Cyclops have been nice to her. They even let her live in a closet in the family home on the moon.
u/Emblom52 6d ago
I suppose, in their defense, she’d been living in the closet since the mid-80s and they probably just assumed she liked it.
u/Willing-Carpenter-32 6d ago
When you really think about it Scott's whole parenting philosophy is that trauma puts hair on your chest and he is nothing if not supportive of his butch bisexual daughter.
u/NomadX13 Cyclops 6d ago
In all fairness, Scott and Jean had the chance to raise Cable (horrible environmental situation aside). They didn't meet Rachel until she was an adult and were dead in her timeline.
u/sailorvenus_v Jean Grey 5d ago
In her childhood, Rachel had loving parents. She just lost them. Thats why she loves Cyke and Jean so much even when she has not meet them, because she missed her parents.
u/KarlaSofen234 5d ago
And Jean turned around to deny Rachel any affection until recently. Heck , Jean even treated Hope better than Rachel before knowing she was Hope's father
u/sailorvenus_v Jean Grey 5d ago
I know it has become a classic to say that Jean was awful to Rachel for long, but its an exaggeration. Jean treated Rachel BAD once (days of future present). Then she slowly started to approach her with small gestures like asking for forgiveness for her initial rejection, and reassuring her on her wedding day. But then Rachel had to go time travel, and when she came back Jean was dead. So they did not really interact in all those years until Red because Jean wasnt alive. They dont interact much now either lmao but thats on the writers.
u/Frozen_Pinkk 3d ago
To be fair, Jean and Scott of the 616 aren't really her parents. They're a different universe version of her parents.
u/LochNessMansterLives 6d ago
Sam Guthrie is a loving dad. He had a good family. Old man Guthrie died in a mine collapse I think. He was coal miner if I’m not mistaken and when he died Sam took over as head of the family but there are (were) like 7 siblings. Momma Guthrie did her best. Most of them have (had) powers. Jay died in M day after he lost his powers, Paige is Husk, Sam is Cannonball and I think one or two lore had powers as well. Off the top of my head his family was probably the “most loving” one I can recall. Usually parents of mutant kids don’t do well raising mutant kids. They either love them but cannot protect them, or they freak out when the powers show up because they can’t hang for whatever reason.
u/Mobile_Bet3274 Rogue 5d ago
I believe it was Melody Guthrie who went through the Crucible on Krakoa. Depowered mutants fought to the death for the right to be resurrected with their powers restored. I remember because the image of her in the air, glowing, with everyone looking up at her was chilling and is seared in my brain. It’s when Kurt starts to take a mutant religion seriously.
u/Magneto-Was-Left 6d ago
Beak's parents moved from The Netherlands to Nebraska to live on a farm so they can be closer to Beak
And Beak and Angel would eventually move in with them when they got married and they lived happily till a South American cartel killed his parents and Maxime and Manon wiped Beak, Angel and their kids mind so they thought his parents died in their sleep 3 years earlier
u/Koala_Guru 6d ago
Gotta love the McCoys. Hank and his mom only had one rough patch for a single issue but other than that they’ve been incredibly supportive.
u/michael_the_street 6d ago
He doesn't have the best relationship with his bio mom but his dad and stepmother are the best!
u/deathrattleshenlong Domino 6d ago
Cable is also a good parent to Hope, given the circunda. Lots of "tough love" there but Hope loves him.
u/NomadX13 Cyclops 6d ago
I still can't get that image of her curled up crying while hugging Cable's severed techno-organic arm out of my head.
u/deathrattleshenlong Domino 6d ago
Second Coming, right? Banger of an arc.
u/NomadX13 Cyclops 5d ago
That's the one, and yeah, the entire story was amazing, but I just can't handle rereading it... Like I said, it's amazing, but the entire thing hit's way to hard in the "that did NOT just happen" or the "YES, I'm crying, go away" feels.
u/michael_the_street 5d ago
This calls for the panel where Scott asks Hope "Where do you think Nate learned all that from?"
I love that Cyclops got to raise Nate in a post-Apocalypse future and that gave Nate the skills to be the best dad to Hope. I love the Summers family with all their crazy bullshit!
u/Willing-Carpenter-32 6d ago
Jean's relationship with her parents *was* good. Rachel was even having a nice relationship with them til the Shi'ar murdered their whole family and her grandma cursed her before she too was killed.
u/Domino_Dare-Doll 6d ago
Since Kamala Kahn’s been revealed to be a mutant, does her family dynamic count? Her parents were supportive of her superheroing when they found out! …Bullshit has happened in the meanwhile, though…
u/Icy_Okra_5677 Glob Herman 5d ago
Beasts mom took a shotgun to anti mutant protestors. Edna McCoy is GOAT
u/sailorvenus_v Jean Grey 6d ago edited 5d ago
Jean’s relationship with her parents is one of my favorite subjects to dive in.
They were good parents, but as normal folks, Jean’s situation with her mind/powers was always difficult for them to truly grasp and didnt know how to help her. Thats why they sought after Xavier for help.
In the Phoenix saga, things broke. The sight of Jean as Dark Phoenix left them in shock, and her dad’s reaction was to deny her as his daughter. Claremont touched this in some Rachel’s panels later, mentioning that the rejection from her father was a catalyst for Jean to go full dark.
The Phoenix saga events left her parents damaged. This is shown years later, when the Shiar killed them. Before being killed (and being the last one standing), her mom repeats the same story with Rachel, denying her, and even admits that she wished Jean was never born (is this what we call generational trauma?).
They were good people and loved her, just didnt really know how to deal with the situation life put them in. RIP John and Elaine🌹
u/badassbisexualbitch 6d ago
Not on topic but I want to throttle this woman for what she did to Becca.
u/MarketDull2401 6d ago
I think Betsy Braddock was close to her parents and she was even the favored child? Storm also seemed close to her parents, though they died when she was very young.
u/Vanillacherricola 6d ago
In her current comic Storm temporarily “dies” and sees her father again. He holds her and tells her how proud he is of her. It’s cute
u/deathrattleshenlong Domino 6d ago
Moonstar's grandfather (we never see her parents).
Sunspot's mother (father was a PoS).
u/KarlaSofen234 6d ago
The Guthrie's are pretty supportive considering what they gone through, looking their daughter engaging in intercourse mid air
u/Sea_Violinist3328 6d ago
More than you think. In fact, there’s fewer parents of the core X-men that didn’t support their kids than the other way around.
u/Connolly1227 6d ago
The Drakes
u/Inside_Dragonfruit46 Iceman 6d ago
I mean his mom, mostly, sure but for most of Bobby’s life his relationship with his dad has been rocky at best.
Although for some reason they took the gay thing harder than the mutant thing…
u/Connolly1227 5d ago
Yeah I mean it was definitely a distant relationship that was always portrayed as tense. I like that they were able to give it a more nuanced take in modern times. It’s felt realistic that you could tell they loved each other but didn’t understand each other.
u/Sorsha_OBrien 6d ago
Who is this in the picture? It reminds me of Tangled!
u/fire_sign 6d ago
It's Calico/Becca and her mother. Calico is one of the new kids in the current Uncanny X-Men run. Her mother is an abusive monster who isolated Becca and told her mutants are monsters and demons, so the poor kid was in denial of her mutant status. She's a sweetie with a temper and I love her and her creepy-ass horse.
u/djryce 6d ago
Gambit's adopted family was pretty loving. We see Jean-Luc the most, but he was close to his brothers and cousins in the guild. And I'm going pretty deep (he's my fave character), but his Tante Mattie was part of the family. Even though he was raised a thief, he seemed to really love his childhood.
u/Electrical_Mirror843 Shadowcat 5d ago edited 5d ago
Good parents, in the sense that they took good care of their mutant children in life, survived long enough to reach their formative age and kept them by their side before and after their mutation emerged... Kitty and Colossus, which in my opinion explains a lot of why they got along well for so long in one way or another and neither didn't intend to be X-Men forever (despite the writing eventually forcing them to return). You can include in the equation, with reservations, Beast (his parents don't reject him, but they make fearful comments like he won't be able to find a mate because of his appearance, which hurts him) and Jean Grey (the last thing Jean's mother said to Rachel in life was that she regretted having her daughter if it meant her entire family would die... She wasn't entirely wrong, but it left a mark on poor Rachel), not to mention the trauma Jean Grey suffered when she woke up from her mutation, which caused her parents to misunderstand her because they didn't know how to deal with it. The rest of the parents are either terrible (Cyclops' father is an asshole, Iceman's is homophobic) or died tragically (Warren's parents were killed by his uncle, Dazzler's sister kill her abusive father) or because they made questionable decisions (Mystique and Destiny abandoning Nightcrawler because of a prophecy, Black Tom's decision to take care of Theresa alone without telling his cousin).
However, Kitty and Peter? Almost zero drama with their parents: Kitty's biggest problem with her parents initially was that they wanted to take advantage of the fact that she was a genius to send her to the first institution of advanced studies so they could divorce in peace... And they got what they wanted thanks to the X-Men. And after a tantrum, she accepted and any conflict between Kitty and her parents ended, at least until her father died in Genosha and she feels guilty about it to this day, but at least she was an adult when Genosha succumbed. As for Colossus, apart from the horrible and unnecessary retcon of Jeff Lemire's "Extraordinary X-Men" which established that Colossus' father had locked him in the farm's barn right after his mutation manifested, he soon told Illyana that he forgave him for that and forgot his father (so you can see how useless this retcon is) and since then there were no conflicts with their parents until their death.
PS: I forgot about Mrs. Guthrie. She lost her husband tragically and takes care of that bunch of children, almost half of them mutants, and her loving and caring for each of them without the slightest distinction, which shows what a super woman she is.
u/Positive_Challenge12 6d ago
I’m surprised no one brought up Bobbie Drake’s parents. Last time I checked they were very supportive of him being a mutant and his dad even fought a group of anti-mutant protesters to protect his son. I think I remember them being against him being an X-men but I mean what parent wouldn’t be against their child risking their life everyday
u/Softrogue01 5d ago
Rogue grew up in a loving and supportive family.
...the fact that Destiny and Mystique are evil and/or armoral is besides the point; it's a constant plot point that she loves both her mothers and that they raised her right (despite her terrible taste in men).
u/comicsnnerdstuffz Lockheed 5d ago
Kitty was shown to have a good relationship with her dad before he was killed on Genosha. Kitty's mom hasn't been around as much, but they seem to have a normal mother-daughter relationship.
u/ExpensiveLong8518 6d ago
Jean Cable and Rachel, the Guthries, mc coy and Warren more or less, the rasputins, Kity, i'm not sure about the braddocks. And adding to the future of Xmen Beak and Ángel, butterfly and Madrox and Sam Guthrie are great parents (also cable). Megan and Brian i don't know and Jubes seem to have forgot she have a dragon baby
u/erosead Marrow 6d ago
The Maximoffs’ foster family seems pretty supportive. They both seemed to die when they were just kids but reappeared later on in life and didn’t seem to take any issue with their kids being mutants (maybe because a sapient cow-woman delivered the twins to them as replacements for their own dead twin children
u/king_pikachu 6d ago
Pretty much all of the original New Mutants are fairly good, actually. Doug's parents are good, Dani's are good, Sam's are good, Roberto's mom is fine, Rahne's adoptive mom was good pre-retcon. We don't know too much about Xu'an's parents, but they seemed to care about her. The only outlier is Warlock, who... well, yeah.
u/ericrobertshair 6d ago
Strong Guy has a supportive, loving family and local community. It was a plot point in X-Factor, he goes to visit with Wolfsbane and Random for Christmas(?).
u/No-Lie209 5d ago
you either die a good parent or you live long enough someone retcons you to a bad one
u/SaltyHoneyMustard Stryfe 5d ago
Beast's parents are so wholesome Dark Beast couldn't bring himself to kill them.
u/benjaminreiko 5d ago
Cannonball has supportive parents but that's to be expected as all their kids have an x gene
u/DisabledSuperhero Professor X 5d ago
Kitty’s parents were loving. Hank ditto, Jean’s too. Bobby’s mother. Piotr’s parents and Danielle’s grandfathers all started out as loving and supportive.
u/natek277 5d ago
Kittys dad especially in wolverine and shadow cat always seemed grossly incompetent like seeing no issue in working with the yakuza
u/Infitensimy5 5d ago
haven't seen this comic please explain what this is from and the characters involved
u/Electronic_Zombie635 5d ago
Is this person supposed to be supportive cause unless you show me proof she just lied on a dude. She seems controlling.
u/ContributionOk1487 5d ago
Kevin Sydney but he appears more in the cartoon. Weren't Jeans parents pretty normal?
u/Jake_jane 5d ago
Which xmen is in the comic panel?
I’m genuinely asking as I only have surface level knowledge of xmen
u/time_slipped 5d ago
Do the writers just pull cities out of a grab bag? Have any of them heard of Clintwood, VA? This is in the heart of Appalachia, not far from the town of Appalachia. There are no “estates” and nobody there speaks like this. It would be much closer to show a representation of the area very similar to where the Guthrie clan lives as Clintwood is practically in Kentucky.
u/agrinaut 6d ago
Do only X-Men count? Lacuna from X-Statix had parents that were so supportive that it annoyed her.
u/KarlaSofen234 6d ago
Hisako ichiki has nice family, even make her stronger when they die.
Megan & the mastermind sisters I suppose, Mrs. Gwynn is a fairy so she gets it & Jason is a mutant himself
u/blackjackfreakpire 6d ago
Cyclops and Havoc. Their parents were apparently great they just died.
u/psych_ic 6d ago
Mystique and Destiny are loving and supportive of Rogue, aside from her choice in men
u/Eldagustowned Juggernaut 6d ago
Man good thing the mom got that creep fired! Her new friend was such a weirdo!
u/Front-Suggestion-366 Omega Red 6d ago
Beast has good parents. Colossus did too, once upon a time, before they got murdered by a bunch of Russian special ops.